Daily Archives: March 7, 2016

  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Monday 23rd of September 2024 10:32 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Maybe you just think you have Bed Bugs? Call Us Now!

We understand that many people are searching for solutions to their bed bugs problem, and would rather talk to someone over the phone. Armed with some of the worlds leading bed bug resources and authorities to help, we are here with all your bed bug questions or concerns. We help you to evaluate problems, provide sound resources to all callers and point you in the direction of a qualified bed bug professional that can offer immediate help with your situation.

For over 6 years, the IBBRA Bed Bug Hotline has provided a sign of hope along with vital resources for thousands of people affected by bed bugs.

Our organization provides confidential, one-on-one support to each of our callers. We offer experienced advocates to speak to, a sympathetic and understanding ear, compassionate caring heart, essential education, and direct communication options to skilled professional resources for immediate relief.

Our growing database offers technically experienced bed bug elimination services, bed bug detection service providers, product resources and legal help.

We work to create awareness through community outreach programs, educational books, posters (in both English & Spanish), power points and sustained partnerships with bed bug professionals worldwide, all focused on eliminating your bed bug problem.

Today, our hotline is continuing to grow and provide these critical services to many.

Phone Support

Trained bed bug advocates are available to take your calls through our toll free hotline at 1-888-9-NOBEDBUGS (888-966-2332) or any of our service providers in your area. Just click on the map http://ibbra.org/service-providers and put in your zip code to find the nearest provider.

Compassionate and Confidential

Many times our callers are in tears and afraid to talk about it. Maybe youre are being shut out and not allowed to visit others because they know you have/had bed bugs. Maybe you are embarrassed or feel dirty. Some people feel they are going crazy. We can assure you that you are not, you are not alone and not the only one feeling these emotions. Dont be scared or ashamed of sharing this information with us, your secrets safe. Know that bed bugs can affect anyone at any time and has equally affected people of all lifestyles globally.

If you chose not to share your name or contact information that is fine with us, we will never expose you, use your name or contact anyone because of your problem. We will still give you the confidential and compassionate care and information you need and point you in the right direction.

By sharing your bed bug stories, trails and errors with us helps us to acknowledge more of what is necessary for the industry and helps us develop well-needed resources to fill these needs. Therefore, we thank you for your trust in us!

(All calls and chats are completely confidential unless you specifically ask us to share your information with other professionals for help with your problem).

Since bed bugs are still a mystery and misunderstood by most, the IBBRA provides support for anyone to call and get answers. Suspecting you have bed bugs or if you have found a bed bug, we recommend that you get immediate assistance from an experienced professional in your area, but if you are unsure and dont know which way to turn, the IBBRA can help answer your questions and direct you to the appropriate help that you need.

No matter what the circumstances or if any of the above applies to you, and you need immediate help, give us a call 888-966-2332 or visit our service provider map http://ibbra.org/service-providers

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Bed bugs are backand with a vengeance!

We all know what ants, fleas,flys, ticks, termites, mosquitoes, and cockroaches arebecausethey are common everyday pests but did you know that bed bugs are now being added to the list?

Dont let the Bed Bugs Bite is no longer the nursery rhymewe remember from years ago.

Why are bed bugs back after being gone for so long?

Begin with knowledge

Years ago DDT, Chlordaneand Lindane (now restricted chemicals) were used for elimination of bed bugs. We got a break for40-50 years until the late 90s where they started to rear their ugly heads once again in hotels, apartment complexes, businesses and homes throughout many countries.

As the years continue to pass, the numbers of new sightings and the severity of bed bug infestations are continuing to grow exponentially throughout the world. Because of this,worldwide education will have to be ongoing process until we all realize this is an insect we will be living with for a while.

Known for their elusive and hitchhiking behavior, until all living humans understand what they are, how to know if they have them, what to do if they have themand how to avoid them, they will continue to be the challenge they are today.

What are bed bugs?

Bed bugs, scientifically known as Cimex lectularius (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) are small insects that are flattened dorsally.Bed bugs have evolved as nest parasites from inhabiting the roosts of bats and nests of birds centuries ago.

Bed bugs feed upon warm blood, and we as humans are perfect hosts.

Because bed bugs have their exoskeleton on the outside of their body, growth is constrained by the rigidity of it and it must be shed in order to grow to the next stage of development. This shedding of the exoskeleton is called Ecdysis or molting. After molting, its translucent soft-body is exposed and within a couple of hours, the cuticle hardens and starts to darken. (A bed bug in any stage must take a blood meal in order to molt into the next stage successfully).

Life Cycle and Development

Thebed bughas five developmental life stages. Each immature life stage (called nymphs or instars) must take a blood meal in order to develop into the next life stage. This development process from an egg to an adult can take place in approximately 24 to 36 days at optimal temperatures (72 F) and regular blood meals.

After growing through five successful instar molts, the bed bug then becomes an adult. Adult bed bugs, both male and female, must also take regular blood meals for reproduction.

What do they look like?

It is very important to know what bed bugs look like compared to similar insects as the treatment options and costs are very different. Often people tend to mistake other bugs for a bed bug.

Adult Bed Bugs

The adult bed bugare easily be seen with the naked eye. They are reddish brown in color, and are approximately inch in length. Althoughthey canmove swiftly in horizontal and vertical positions, they dont fly and they dont jump.

Depending on their feeding status, bed bugs look very different. An unfed bed bug looks more like a flat disk but when after taking a blood meal they increase in size to approx. 3 to 4 times that of their original size. Fully fed, the bed bug takes on the shape of a torpedo with an elongated trunk bright in color. As digestion progresses the bed bug darkens in color and flattens out until the next blood meal.

Regardless of what you have read or unless you have exceptional eyesight or a magnifying glass, bed bug eggs are similar to the size of a poppy seed are not very visible to the human eye. The eggs are pearl white, translucent in color and display obvious eyespots of the nymph inside the egg when 5 days or older.

A female bed bug can lay a few hundred eggs in her lifetime of many months to around a year, but these are not deposited all at one time, (regular feeding and mating are required).Depending on temperature and conditions, these eggs can hatch anywhere from three [3] to ten [10] days or longer. The eggs are attached to surfaces by a sticky substance.

The youngest stage of life and the most challenging to see is the first instar nymph freshly hatched unless they are moving or have recently fed (bright red when full of blood). These newly hatched nymphs aretranslucent pearl whitish in color.


Although bites can be a strong indication of bed bugs it is not theway to accurately identify whether one has bed bugs or not and signs of them must be found.

Finding a live bed bug would be best but because of the bed bugs amazing ability to hide, you may not always find a live bed bug. As you do your inspection routine you will want to be looking for these other signs.


This sign of bed bugs is fecal (poop) dropping or stains. The larger the infestation, the greater amount of these will be found. These stains appear to be minute ink dots, (like from a black marker pen), can be found just about anywhere. Some materials are impervious to moisture and the dropping may bead up on the surface.


These are when the bed bug grows out of its skin and leaves the old one behind. They are normally a paper thin opaque duplication of the bed bug. Depending on how long youve had an infestation, you may find different sizes as each stage of growth to maturity is a little larger than the last.


Outside of bite marks people may find blood spots. These spots may be recognized as rusty spots on bedclothes, sheets, furniture and surrounding walls.


The next sign is a peculiar odor that can be from defecated blood and oxidized iron in blood, a sort of rusty smell. There are actually many bed bug infestation odors (and have been said to be like coriander, cilantro, citronella, and/or musty raspberries). Some of the odors are usually associated with higher numbers of bed bugs and longer infestations, and like any of the normal human smells and scents, if you reside in the room on a regular basis you may be use to the smell.

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How Big are Bed Bugs? – BEDBUGS.NET | The best source for …

By Admin, Posted May 2nd 2012

People who wake up with bed bug bites often assume that the insects causing them such discomfort must be considerably large. This, however, is not the case. Bed bugs in fact are smaller than mosquitos, even though many people find that bed bug bites are the more bothersome of the two.

The average bed bug is no larger than about one quarter of an inch in length, though of course the juveniles of the species will be quite a bit smaller. Bed bugs are also almost completely flat, which can make them difficult to spot. These figures, however, only relate to the size of the adult bed bug that has not yet fed. After feeding from the blood of a host, the bed bug will swell up a little bit, becoming bloated; at this point it can no longer be called flat at all. Its length does not change appreciably as a part of this bloating, however.

More precise measurements of adult bed bugs suggest that they range from 4-5 mm in terms of length. They are usually from 1.5 to 3 mm in width.

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How Big are Bed Bugs? - BEDBUGS.NET | The best source for ...

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Bed Bug Treatment in Arizona | Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Arizona Exterminating Co. provides a quality bed bug treatment service for Phoenix, Tucson, and other parts of Arizona. Through its multiple locations around the state, the company can offer its proven methods to all Arizona home owners and businesses.

Sleep tight and dont let the bed bugs bite remember that old saying? Bed bugs are elusive blood sucking parasites that mostly troubled wealthy people in medieval times because they had the warmest homes. But as the quality of homes improved during the 16th century bed bugs became a problem for people of all economic classes. Before World War II bed bugs were a common pest in U.S. households until the aggressive use of DDT nearly eliminated them. Unfortunately over 50 years later bed bugs have made a worldwide comeback due to globalization people are traveling more widely and in greater numbers than ever before.

The latest generations of these pests are highly resistant to conventional insecticide treatments, but with professional bed bug treatment their eggs can be completely eliminated in a short period of time without the use of chemicals. Single rooms or multiple areas can be treated with heat while the rest of the structure remains operational. Call or click to schedule a comprehensive bed bug inspection and learn more about Arizona Exterminatings chemical free heat treatment program.

Our bed bug treatment services are backed by an uncompromising goal towards quality and your satisfaction.

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Bed Bug Treatment in Arizona | Get Rid of Bed Bugs

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Houston Bed Bug Lawsuit – Brent Coon


Good night. Sleep tight. Dont let the bed bugs bite. Wake up bright In the morning light To do whats right With all your might. (author unknown)

While this poem has been passed along from generation to generation of kids being but to bed rather tongue in cheek, What has recently happened in a local apartment complex, and what is becoming a serious health issue nationally, is not a laughing matter.

Bed bugs, or Cimicids as they are known to in the scientific community, are rapidly increasing in population and pose a renewed serious health risk.

What is worst about bed bugs is that they specifically feed and prey on blood, and the most common Cimicids prey specifically and exclusively on HUMAN blood, hence the reason they are so often found nesting in human bedding. They tend to be nocturnal in nature, which makes the problem even worse, and often as a consequence go unnoticed and untreated for lengthy periods of time. Bed bugs are parasites, and generally immune to most commonly available pesticides. The result of an infestation are rashes, bites, and other disorders, mostly dermal in nature.

JAMA, one of the most notable and respected medical journals, published a health article just a few years ago and concluded that due to the restrictions on previously available and toxic pesticides, immune resistance and the control over their nature predators, such as roaches and spiders, that the bed bug population is rapidly rising across most developed countries again, including America.

These parasites can double in weight on a single feeding on human blood and sustain itself for months without biting again, making control even more difficult. While historically these problems were generally isolated to poor sanitary conditions, such as homeless shelters, barracks and other habitations with less than stellar cleanliness, the durability of these parasites and like of natural or man-made controls has seen them flourish again in hotels, motels, and other hospitality industry facilities.and even personal residences.

While bed bugs are a growing problem, you can fight back. If you have a potential problem with them in your home, contact a pesticide agency. If you have had a problem with them in a rental facility, apartment or hospitality setting such as a hotel, contact us. Nobody knows a pest better than a lawyer.

Recently, BCA was hired to represent two women in Houston who moved into an apartment that contained Bed Bugs.

On December 11, 2015 Brent Coon and Associates filed a lawsuit against BKR Memorial, LLC Individually and D/B/A Memorial Heights at Washington Apartments for money damages under the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Consumer Protection Act.

On January 13, 2015, Katelyn McClelland and Valerie Palmer executed a one year lease for an apartment at Memorial Heights at Washington Apartments (Memorial Hights) at 201 S Heights Blvd, Houston, Texas.

On their first night at the Memorial Heights apartments, Katelyn McClelland and Valerie Palmer were bitten numerous times by bed bugs, which required medical treatment. They immediately alerted property management Midway Properties of the infestation. Instead of contacting an exterminator and addressing the problem, Midway claimed that Ms. McClelland and Ms. Palmer were responsible for bringing the bed bugs into the apartment. The plaintiff's then personally paid for an exterminator inspector to investigate the bed bugs. The inspector found bed bugs, both living and dead along with shed exoskeletons around the apartment. The investigation concluded the bed bugs were in the apartment long before to Ms. McClelland and Ms. Palmer took residence in the apartment.

Ms. McClelland and Ms. Palmer suffered numerous bed bug bites which required medical attention. Ms. Palmar suffered over 55 bed bites alone. They both suffered an allergic reaction, in addition to having to receive treatment from a dermatologist to prevent permanent scarring. Ms. McClelland and Ms. Palmer incurred thousands of dollars in out of pocket medical expenses. Both also required to pay thousands of dollars in out of pocket expenses to replace the property that they had to leave behind because of the infestation as much of the property could not be saved and need to be replaced. Additionally, both women had to pay an exorbitant amount of money to have her clothes, furniture, electronics and other items specially cleaned and treated.

McClelland and Palmers prior property was also checked for bed bugs none were found. If there are no bed bugs at your old apartment, and lots of old dead bed bugs along with many more live bed bugs that are thriving in your new apartment there is no room for doubt as to where the bed bugs came from said Bob Schwartz of Brent Coon & Associates, the attorney representing both for McClelland and Palmer. Katelyn and Valerie are not trying to get rich here, they simply are trying to get compensated for their damages and suffering. Hopefully, the owners of the apartment will do the right thing

The bed bug lawsuit seeks compensation for economic damages, mental anguish damages and additional damages. The lawsuit was filed in the District Court of Harris County, Texas.

There was also a reports of a Bed Bug Lawsuit filed by a California couple who found bed bugs on their vacation in New York city. The couple traveled to the Astor on the Park Hotel on the Upper West Side in Manhattan for a dream vacation on New Year's Eve. They shot video of the bed bug infestation, which you can view below.

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Houston Bed Bug Lawsuit - Brent Coon

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