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  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Wednesday 18th of September 2024 03:53 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Types of Tiny Black Bugs Found in the Bed | eHow


Insects are one of the last things you want to encounter in your bed, but microscopic creatures are nevertheless present in mattresses of all kinds. No matter how clean you keep your sleeping quarters, you may be frustrated to find that these uninvited organisms continue to make themselves known. Parasitic bugs are often hard to spot and even more difficult to get rid of, but factual information on the tiny pests will go a long way toward prevention and eradication.

The common bedbug, an epidemic source of agony and turmoil around the world, is elusive during the day but active at night. These small insects feed off of human hosts, creating tiny swollen bumps where they bite. They like to hide in the nooks and crannies of mattresses and are often good at concealing themselves. Bedbugs are adept at adjusting to their host's environment. They are flat, wingless and may appear black in color though they are actually a deep brown. Tiny spots of human blood on a mattress may indicate the presence of feeding bedbugs in the vicinity.

Pet owners should take care to monitor their animals for fleas, since a furry carrier can quickly lead to a mattress infestation. Fleas can be easily spotted on the surface of the bed, because they're not concerned with burrowing inside of the mattress or box spring. Wash the sheets and all other bedding in a regular laundry cycle to get rid of fleas, and vacuum the mattress. This type of bug usually travels up to the mattress from the floor, where it dwells more comfortably. Treat the areas underneath and around the bed with flea-repellent products to keep them at bay, and make sure your pet is well-groomed and clean at all times.

Dust mites reside in house dust, and they provoke an allergic reaction in some people. These tiny bugs can not be spotted without a microscope. They are related to spiders, and they feed on human skin cells. Dust mites enjoy warmth and humidity, so bedding and mattresses provide the ideal environment for their growth. Allergic reaction, such as wheezing and a stuffy nose upon waking, is usually the only sign of dust mites. They are difficult to completely avoid, but washing your bedding regularly should minimize the problem. Avoid dust as often as you can, and treat your allergies with medication and home remedies.

Bedbugs have become widespread in many cities around the world, infesting the mattresses of the unsuspecting humans from which they feed. At the first sign of small, itchy, red bumps on your skin, check the crevices and lining of your mattress to locate the problem. Call in a professional consultant if needed. It's wise to throw away an infected mattress, as there is no ensuring that bedbugs won't resurface. Often, clothes and bedding must also be disposed of after an infestation in the home. While less insidious types of bugs will disappear with a simple washing or two, bedbugs are much more stubborn and annoying to human hosts.

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Types of Tiny Black Bugs Found in the Bed | eHow

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Professional Bed Bug Control Services | Rentokil

Small and stealthy, bed bugs are a source of great stress and worry for many homeowners and businesses. Bed bugs are on the rise in the United States. According to the National Pest Management Association, 1 in 5 people have had bed bugs in their home or know someone who has encountered bed bugs at home or in a hotel.

Rentokils bed bug control solutions are backed by global expertise and over 90 years solving peoples pest problems. From chemical-free heat treatments to our K9 bed bug inspections, Rentokil offers its customers the latest advances in bed bug treatments. Bed bugs cause psychological and physical harm by leaving itchy bites and spreading panic. For businesses, bed bugs can cripple an establishments reputation and result in a downturn in revenue.

Call Rentokil at 610-568-9032 or contact us online to speak with a bed bug expert whether youre experiencing an infestation or want to prevent potential bed bug problems.

Bed Bug Fact: Do bed bugs spread quickly? A female bed bug can lay 200-500 eggs in 3 months.

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Professional Bed Bug Control Services | Rentokil

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Bedbugs in New Jersey – How To Kill Bed Bugs

New Jersey pest control professionals have seen a huge increase of bedbug infestations over the past few years. New Jersey seems to be made for the spread of these parasites. No county in New Jersey is immune from bedbug infestations, because they are found pretty much everywhere. From Northern New Jersey, to the Jersey Shore, to Cape May.

We are many who are wondering why bedbugs are spreading so rapidly. According to experts Those with bedbug infestations unintentionally walk around with a few bedbugs in their pocketbooks, gym bags, and on their clothes. The bugs crawl around wherever the person happens to be. Office desks. Theater seats. Taxi cabs. If you happen to be near a person who has bedbugs on themselves or their belongings, the unwanted guest can easily transfer to you and your belongings. The bedbug is unknowingly carried into your home. Now, youre the next bedbug statistic. Bedbugs have no allegiance and readily move from one human host to the next."

Bedbugs are among the most repulsive of home-invading insects. Unlike cockroaches, termites, and ants, bedbugs feed exclusively on human blood. For those who have experienced a bedbug infestation, youll know its like a horror movie that wont end. Bedbugs, as their name suggests, like to hang out in our beds. The truth is, they seek any location where humans sleep or nap such as upholstered chairs, sofas, strollers, and cradles. If a bedbug infestation is suspected based on sudden bites or stained sheets, please contact a pest control expert immediately.

Bedbugs are masters of stealth and can hide in the smallest of cracks, even inside picture frames. With bedbugs exponential growth rates and each female capable of producing around a dozen eggs daily, without swift and decisive intervention, minor infestations can rapidly turn into major ones.

The bedbug wants human blood, nothing more, nothing less. These heat-seeking missiles locate and target us by our warmth and the carbon dioxide in our breath. They pierce the skin with a sucking stylus. Once bitten, a raised bump will appear, often accompanied by intense itching because of an allergic reaction from the proteins in the bedbugs saliva. As the bedbug infestation grows, hundreds of bites are possible during one early morning feeding session. Victims describe it as being eaten alive. Some are so severely infected with bites that hospitalization is required.

There have been many publicized infestations in New Jersey. New Jersey apartments, New Jersey hospitals, New Jersey rest homes, and New Jersey businesses have all had bed bug problems.

Now dont forget bedbugs and kids! For parents with schoolchildren, there should be a high level of vigilance. An infested student brought bedbugs into an Elementary School in Hamilton, New Jersey. This year, your child may bring something crawling and biting into the house, not counting their homework.

According to experts, People often waste valuable time trying to deal with these infestations on their own and their efforts are counter-productive. The bedbug population continues to increase and they become more dispersed. Modern bedbugs are immune to hardware-store-variety insecticides and setting off a cockroach bomb in the bedroom will only scatter them. The only successful resolution to bedbug infestation is a coordinated response by a licensed, professional pest control service. Otherwise, you wont get rid of them short of abandoning of your possessions and moving to another location. And even then, there is no guarantee that a few wont follow."

Cowleys Termite & Pest Services, has been helping Central Jersey homes and businesses deal with all of their pest infestation problems including bedbugs. For more information please call 866-9-COWLEY.

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Bedbugs in New Jersey - How To Kill Bed Bugs

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Bed Bugs by State: Bed Bug Law by State & in New York City …

NPMA has compiled state specific bed bug laws and rules into one document.Click here to review the information.In a nutshell, twenty three states have passed or enacted bed bug specific legislation orrule making, including Alabama, Arizona, California,Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

Many of the bed bug laws or rules are "legacy" statutes or regulations, ranging from 30 to 90 plus years old. The laws and rules focus on bed bug infestations in a variety of specific settings such as multifamily housing (Arizona, Florida, Maine, New York) vacation homes (South Dakota), trains (Illinois), hotels (Kansas, Nevada, Minnesota, Ohio, West Virginia), schools (New York) and migrant labor camps (Iowa). Laws in Arizona and Texas deem bed bugs a public health nuisance.

Arizona, Illinois, Maine, and New York bed bug laws (particularly vital to NYC) were passed or enacted since bed bug populations rebounded 10 plus years ago. Legislation on bed bugs is pending by state, with California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and North Carolina considering additional legislation.

This compilation of bed bug laws in the 50 states only includes those states that specifically include bed bug in their statutory or regulatory scheme. Liability imposed on landlords and tenants concerning bed bugs continue to vary from state to state regardless of whether bed bug laws have been implemented, this is due to the implied warranty of habitability. Inn keepers may also have a heightened duty depending on state law. Therefore this list is a reference point but not an exhaustive nor definitive list of how each state may handle a bed bug incident.

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Bed Bugs by State: Bed Bug Law by State & in New York City ...

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Hotel Obligations for Bed Bugs | USA Today

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Christopher Michael, Demand Media

Bedbugs can cause rash and allergic reactions. (Photo: SolomonPhotos/iStock/Getty Images )

From 2000 to 2013, the National Pest Management Association found a significant increase in bedbug infestations across the country. And while there are very few laws specifically addressing the bedbug epidemic, hotels have a responsibility to keep you safe under common law. But even the cleanest, most expensive hotels may have bedbugs. Your best bet is to educate and protect yourself.

No federal bedbug law exists, but some states have passed legislation concerning hotels and their obligations to keep you safe from these pests. Alabama, California, Kansas, Minnesota, Nevada, Ohio, South Dakota and West Virginia enforce some form of bedbug-specific law, but most of them lack teeth; merely setting down in writing that hotels must take cleanliness measures to prevent pests. Only Kansas, Nevada and West Virginia require hotels to stop using the room and exterminate the bedbugs before another guest stays the night.

Under common law, the hotel manager has a responsibility to use reasonable care to promote your safety as a guest. Bedbugs pose a well-known hazard to personal safety; bites can cause rash, allergic reactions and permanent scars. It is reasonable to expect hotel staff to clean, fumigate, disinfect and exterminate any known infestation of bedbugs. But common law does not require the hotel staff ensure your safety, only to take reasonable measures to promote it. If the infestation is new and unknown to the hotel manager, then the common law protection does not apply as long as the room is reasonably clean. It is unreasonable to expect hotel staff to know about an infestation before it starts.

The law can view bedbug bites and infestations as serious injuries, not unlike those suffered in a car crash. The bites themselves can have lasting psychological effects, cause embarrassing rashes, fierce itching and in some cases, permanent scarring. Gather evidence if you become the victim of hotel bedbugs, including pictures of the bedbugs and your bites. Contact the local health department, ask it to inspect your room and get a copy of the report. File a formal complaint with hotel management, getting the manager's name, phone number and email address. You may seek medical attention and get a record of your doctor's visit. Evidence can help you with civil litigation if your injuries are serious enough.

Look for signs of bedbugs in your room immediately after check-in. Look all around and under your mattress for small dots of rusty or reddish blood stains left by crushed bedbugs. Bedbug excrement appears as tiny black dots that may bleed into fabric like the point of a marker. Look for tiny, 1-millimeter eggs that are pale yellow in color, or look for the apple-seed-sized, reddish-brown bedbugs themselves. Bugs commonly hide in the seams of chairs and beds, between the folds of curtains, in electrical sockets, between cushions and even under tacks or loose screws. Bedbug bites produce a raised, red, swollen area with a dark-red center. Bites often come in clusters or make a line across the skin. If you see or feel any sign of bedbugs, leave the room and immediately notify hotel staff.

Bedbugs cling and hide inside clothing and luggage, where you can take them home to start a new infestation. If you come in contact with bedbugs at a hotel, ask for a garbage bag and tightly seal all of your belongings. Transfer all of your washable clothes to a different garbage bag outside of your home and take the clothes to the washer inside of the new bag. Wash the clothes on the hot cycle and dry the clothes on the highest temperature setting for at least 30 minutes to kill any bugs or eggs. Leave the rest of your belongings inside the garbage bag in the sun, where the internal temperature will reach 120 degrees or higher. Or you can place the garbage bag in a freezer overnight to kill the bedbugs. You may hire a pest-management professional to disinfect your non-washable items.

Christopher Michael began writing in 2010 for Break.com. He received a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Writing sports and travel articles helps support his professional baseball career, which has taken him to 49 states, five continents and four oceans.

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Hotel Obligations for Bed Bugs | USA Today

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