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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Essential Oils Fail at Killing Bed Bugs | WIRED

Slide: 1 / of 2 .

Caption: Female of the bed bug - Cimex lectularius. Scale : bug length ~ 5 mmGilles San Martin

Slide: 2 / of 2 .

Caption: Graph of products tested. Only the first two products significantly killed bed bugs--when sprayed directly on them. Singh et. al 2014

Consumers desperate to eradicatetiny domestic vampireshave created ahuge marketfor natural bed bug control. Salesarehigh, as are some of the claims; bogus bed bug products have prompted multipleFederal Trade Commission (FTC) actions for deceptive advertising.

Newresearch put11 over-the-counter bed bugspraysto the test to see if essential oils can do more than make your bedroom smell nice. The results were underwhelming.

Potential of Essential Oil-Based Pesticides and Detergents for Bed Bug Control. 2014. N. Singh, C Wang, & R. Cooper.J. Econ. Entomol. 107(6); DOI:

The products tested containedingredients foran aromatherapy overdose: cedar, cinnamon, geraniol, clove oil, peppermint, rosemary, lemon grass oil, citronella, and others. Additionalingredients were soap (sodium lauryl sulfate, a foaming agent commonly found in shampoo); salts (potassium sorbate); and 2-Phenethyl propionate, which occurs naturally in peanuts.

Most of the products failed a very simple test: if you sprayed the stuffdirectly on live bed bugs in a petri dish, would they die? Researchers measured bug deaths after 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 days to make sure they captured any lingeringeffects. Two conventional pesticides were included for comparison purposes in the tests:Temprid SCandDemand CS. There also were control bed bugs that got spritzed with water as a mock spray treatment.

Seven of the natural products tested did not manage to kill even(50%)of the bed bugs sprayed, measured by dead bugs 10 days later.

Only Temprid SCandEcoRaiderkilled 100% of the bugswhen applied directly. AlthoughTemprid SC, a synthetic pesticide, killed 100% of the bed bugs on the first day, only88% of bedbugs in the EcoRaider tests had died by the 5th day. None of the compounds tested acted as repellents to bed bugs in climb-up tests, where the bugs had to walk over a treated area.

Thesecond synthetic pesticide, Demand CS, performed poorly in these trials, probably because of resistance to pyrethroid insecticidesin the bed bugs tested. It did, however, do betterin residual tests; 14 days later Demand CSwas still killing on a level with EcoRaider and Temprid SC.

It Might Not Be the Essential Oils, Anyway

Perhaps the most interesting and confusing conclusion from this research is that essential oils are probablynotwhat killed thebed bugs. The same active ingredients inEcoRaider and Bed Bug Patrol were also in other products (Bed Bug Fix, Green Rest Easy, and Essentria, for example) thatwerent effective killers. What actually killed the bugs is likely something in the spray formulation.

Adjuvants, wetting agents, spreaders, stabilizers, defoamers, stickers, and solvents are all in these sprays, and might work in tandem with the essential oils by improving penetration into the insect, or slowing detoxification. Those formulations are generally proprietary and secret, so figuring out what works may take a while.

No, Mr. Bug, I Expect You to Die

If you see a bed bug and spray it with EcoRaider, it probably will kill the insect, based on this research. The problem is, you generally dont see bed bugs. Thats why they are so insidious. Bed bugs are remarkably tiny, flat, and fast. They can live inside the slot of a screw holding your bed-frame together. They mightlive inside electrical outlets near your bed, or behind photo frames. They can bide their time and wait; bed bugs can go for months without feeding. Its the bed bugs you cant see that you should worry about.

As someone whos written about bogus insecticide products for years, the dismal performance of green pest spraysisnt a shock.Bed bugs offerfertile ground for hucksters in the same way that serious medical conditions invite exploitation of the ill. Both topics involve a lot of anxiety and stress, dont have easy solutions, and people are willing to pay lots of money to find a solution.

Ecoexempt, the worst performer in these tests, sells for $84/gallon;Stop Bugging Meis $90/gallon.Over-the-counter insecticide foggers are not effective for bed bug control and are still sold widely for that purpose.

Natural pesticides qualify for exemption from the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). They dont actually have to provide efficacy data for registration.With an over-loaded regulatory systemand a low cost of development, manufacturers can roll out new products quickly, and rake in the profits.

Hopefully theFTC will follow up on this research with additional warnings to get some of these ineffective products off the market. Consumers usingthesesprays may justgive theirbed bugs alovely peppermint scent.

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Essential Oils Fail at Killing Bed Bugs | WIRED

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Brooklyn Bed Bug Registry Maps & Database Brooklyn Bed …


Any of the 2,500 insect species constituting the family Formicidae of the order Hymenoptera, to which the bee and the wasp also belong.

Ants are social insects. Therefore, spotting one ant unfortunately signifies there are many more to follow. Ants are not simply unsightly they can also be dangerous contaminates to food. Considering that you likely eat multiple meals a day in your home

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Babies are almost invisible. Adults can grow up to an 1/8 of an inch in length, are oval and flat in shape, and leave a musty odor compared to raspberries. If youre waking up with several bites or if you notice that the bite marks are in clusters or groups of three on your arm, leg, and back, its very likely you have bedbugs

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Nocturnal, omnivorous scavengers that mostly live in damp places. They may spread human disease by contaminating food, utensils, and countertops with disease organisms carried on their feet and bodies, or regurgitated with small quantities of partially digested food. Although associated with filth and unsanitary conditions, cockroaches can be found in the best-kept homes

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Most flea problems originate from an infested cat or dog. Once the pet has been treated, efforts should then focus on the indoor premises. Moderate to heavy infestations, however, will usually necessitate the application of a residual insecticide to carpets, baseboards, cracks and crevices, and other areas where fleas may be present

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It is often a carrier of such diseases as typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery, trachoma, and anthrax. The adult fly transmits disease by contaminating food with disease organisms it has picked up on its hairy legs or has ingested and then regurgitated. The taste-sensitive cells of the common house fly are located on its feet as well as on its mouthparts

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A females mouse can produce 8 to 13 pups every 45 days and can live out their lives in less than a year, but can survive longer if a food source is available. They are known to chew through walls made of wood and sheetrock, and tunnel through insulation to build their nests

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common name for any of about 2000 species of two-winged insects. When they bite, they inject some of their salivary fluid into the wound, causing swelling and irritation. Many inject infectious microorganisms and thus transmit such diseases as malaria, yellow fever, dengue, and filariasis

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Rats have extremely powerful teeth, with which they often gnaw through wooden planks to get at stores of food, and they have even been known to bite holes in lead pipes. They are extremely prolific, breeding 1 to 13 times a year and producing 1 to 22 young in a litter. Rats have an average lifespan of eight months to one year in the wild and two to three years in captivity.

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Contrary to popular belief, most spider bites are not dangerous to humans. Of the 40,000 species of spiders, only about 30 species produce bites that may cause illness. Spiders rarely attack humans unless they feel threatened, and if they do bite, the wound is rarely serious

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Termite, common name for numerous species of social insects that can damage wooden structures such as furniture or houses. Subterranean termites are extremely destructive, because they tunnel their way to wooden structures, into which they burrow to obtain food. Given enough time, termites will feed on the wood until nothing is left but a shell.

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All ticks are bloodsucking parasites. Their grasping forelegs allow them to climb on a host. They quickly find a protected spot on the hosts body, sink their mouthparts into the flesh, and begin to feed. When full, they drop off the host. In some species, adult males and some nymph stages do not feed

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Insects are often regarded as pests because some bite, sting, spread diseases, or compete with humans for crop plants. Nevertheless, without insects to pollinate flowers, the human race would soon run out of food because many of the crop plants that we rely on would not be able to reproduce. However, this doesnt mean you want to share your home with them

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See the rest here: Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, SI, NY bed bug

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Brooklyn Bed Bug Registry Maps & Database Brooklyn Bed ...

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The Best Bed Bug Exterminator Denver Colorado Has to Offer …

There is no denying that bed bugs are annoying pests, which are tremendously difficult to destroy. These nasty critters can thrive underneath your furniture and mattress. The homeowner will have a tremendously difficult time attempting to figure out precisely where the bugs originated. This further complicates the problem and will drive the homeowner into a tailspin.

Before attempting to discover a solution to your problem, it is essential to explore the potential source of the problem. How did the bed bugs enter your home? This can be tremendously difficult to tell, since the bugs can remain invisible, until theyre ready to infiltrate your home. The good news is that the best bed bug exterminator in Denver Colorado will be able to help you solve this mystery. Below, you will discover some of the potential ways for these creatures to infiltrate your home.

The biggest problem associated with bed bugs is the fact that a lot of individuals wont know their home is uninfected, until it is too late. Some will actually be bitten, before they can take corrective measures. With this in mind, you will need to know what to look for, in order to identify a problem. Below, you will find the most notable signs of a bed bug infestation, according to the best bed extermination company in Denver, Colorado.

A handful of extermination companies call Denver, Colorado home. However, our company is one of a kind and capable of achieving the tasks that others cannot. The best Bed Bug Exterminator in Denver, Colorado has helped countless families with their bed bug problem. During our venture, weve managed to satisfy and impress each of our clients and well be able to do the same for you! We have a knack for eliminating these bugs with a single treatment!

When it comes down to it, we are the best bed bug control company Denver has to offer. Were capable of ridding your home of bed bug and others bugs, as well. We use the latest technology and will be able to solve your problem, without complications or stress on your end. Below, you will find the benefits of doing business with our company.

At the end of the day, we believe that the pros outweigh the cons. Once you experience our service, you will feel the same. Were ready to help you reclaim your home and we can combat any type of pest, including ants, rats, critters, cockroaches, and bed bugs! When youre ready to return to a bed bug free life, you will want to give us a call right away and allow us to solve your problem!

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The Best Bed Bug Exterminator Denver Colorado Has to Offer ...

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Bed Bugs FAQs – Toronto Bed Bug Exterminators

What is a Bed Bugs? What do they look like?

An adult Bed Bug is about quarter of an inch in length, oval in shape (some are more elongated than others), with 6 legs, quite flat in height and reddish-brown in varying degrees of color.

A bed Bugs head is broadly attached to its wingless body. A Bed Bugs color ranges between shades of red and brown depending upon the timing and amount of its blood meal. The size, in terms of fatness or height, depends upon the size of the last feeding. A hungry Bed Bug looks almost paper thin while a fully fed Bed Bug would appear to have gained some height.

Size: You can see the adults the largest one approach to be nearly inches in length.

Behavior: Bed bugs crawl scurrying into dark, tight spaces to hide they move as fast as an ant. They cant jump or fly and you will never find them burrowing into your skin. If the insect you have found came out on its own accord at night when the lights were out, near the bed or a couch, it was probably a bed bug looking for a meal.

Bed bugs are not social insects like ants, so they dont need a colony. But while they group together in good hiding spots, loners could be hiding elsewhere.

A picture is worth a thousand words so click and enlarge this image to see Red-Brown Bed Bugs, Black feces and white eggs. Notice difference in sizes as they are at varying life stages.

Now you can imagine a small and transparent looking baby Bed Bug being born from among hundreds of these white long eggs that have been cemented onto the surfaces. This is a very high level of infestation that was not treated in time.

Temperature: Bed Bugs prefer warmer temperature like most other bugs. Adults Bed Bugs, nymphs and eggs can survive sustained hot and cold temperatures, as they will adjust in time.

Baby Bed Bugs are called Nymphs. These will grow to become adults in about 5 weeks. They are ready to feed on your blood soon after birth. The more they feed the better their chances of becoming adults and laying more eggs.

You see their black feces ! It is dark color fluid in the beginning. If excreted onto a fabric, it would sometimes burst out into the fibers and would get absorbed and would leave a dark mark. If it is left onto a non-absorbent surface, with time, it will loose moisture and become solid An extruding dot like mark. If smudged hard, it will leave a black streak. Skin sheds: Like many other insects, Bed Bugs go through five stages of growing up called molting.

They do not change their appearance (like butterfly does) when they complete each one of the 5 stages to adulthood.

They only loose their skin when they grow a new one. Hence, finding skin sheds is also a sign of having bed bugs.

Egg laying: The female Bed Bug can lay 5-7 eggs in one week.

Bed Bugs feed when people are sleeping or dozing off in couch and usually when it is dark. Bed Bugs would remain in cracks and crevices of the bed when they are not feeling hungry enough to venture out of these safe quarters.

Adults Bed Bugs, nymphs and eggs can survive sustained hot and cold temperatures, as they will adjust in time.

Bed Bugs can be brought into the cleanest of homes. But the clutter and mess near a bed and around a bedroom would make it harder from all of them to be found at the same time.

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Bed Bugs FAQs - Toronto Bed Bug Exterminators

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Bed Bugs Dead Bugs – Toronto Bed Bug Extermination DIY …

Heat em Dead without Sucking you Dry

Why Heat Kills Bed Bugs ?

Call 416-824-6009

Did you know that Bed Bugs and their eggs die at 45C/115F?

OurSPECIALIZEDHIGH TEMPERATUREBED BUG HEATING EQUIPMENT will the heat your room to up to 58C and penetrate all the nooks and crannies of your mattress, furniture, and clothing to kill all stages of a bed bugs life from egg to adult.

You can rest assured that after you rent our bed bug equipment, you will be sleeping tight tonight.

We are the only company in Toronto renting bed bug heater equipment for an organic remedy to your bed bug problem.

Heat remediation works. Feel free to call for more information.

It has been two months since Bed Bugs Dead Bugs came our house. We have not seen a single bug or bite since. We took advantage of weekend hydro rates and saved more money. Ram in Markham

For weeks after Bed Bugs Dead Bugs treatment my basement apartment, I worried about being bitten again. I am finally sleeping again. Adrienne was so helpful and friendly. It was nice not to have to evacuate like when the pest control companies sprayed. Alex in Etobicoke

We sprayed with pesticides twice and kept getting bitten. After one heat treatment, we found lots of dead bed bugs. Im confident my family is finally free. Metha in Burlington

2016 All Rights Reserved - Bed Bugs Dead Bugs

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Bed Bugs Dead Bugs - Toronto Bed Bug Extermination DIY ...

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