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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Home Remedies For Bed Bugs, Kill and Get Rid of Bed Bugs …

Are there home remedies for bed bugs that work? Bed bugs are the most difficult and annoying pests to eradicate. Generally it is safest and most effective to hire an experienced pest control professional for bedbug extermination, but it is also a bit expensive and beyond means for many people. Fortunately, there are natural, cheap and effective ways you can use to kill bed bugs in your home. Here is how to get rid of bed bugs at home; on mattresses, clothes and furniture.

Although bed bugs are annoying and a nuisance, they do not transmit diseases. They can easily be carried around via luggage, clothing, bedding and furniture. Initial hiding places of bed bugs are beds frames, head boards and mattresses. They however move to other surfaces and eventually spread to other rooms and apartments.

Bed bugs live sorely on blood and feed by piecing the skin and withdrawing blood. Most bed bug bites are painless but turn into itchy welts that can be mistaken with mosquito bites.

It is important to know that having bed bugs is not a sign of dirtiness. They have been known to strike even the most sparkling five star hotels. Bed bugs can infest anywhere from offices, stores, hotels, airplanes, movie theaters and gyms. They can hide in your luggage and personal belongings to hitch a ride back to your home.

Signs of bed bugs include, bug bites, blood stains on pillow cases and head boards. Bed bug skin and eggs can also be found on mattress edges.

Is it possible to get rid of bed bugs? If you live in an apartment or condominium, it is best to alert the property manager for coordinated bed bug control. When looking for how to kill bed bugs with home remedies, it is important to understand how bed bugs look like, their feeding habits and hiding places in order to effectively exterminate them. Bed bugs multiply very quickly, which means that spotting one bed bug is as crucial as having many of them.

When using home remedies for bed bugs, it is important to keep in mind that getting rid of bed bugs is not a one day affair, you need to be diligent, patient and work a little harder to permanently get rid of bed bugs in your home. To exterminate bed bugs, it is important to kill mature bed bugs, nymphs and their eggs. Here are effective home remedies for bed bugs;

Tea tree oil is one of the old home remedies for bed bugs and dust mites. It is a natural antibacterial that can be used to clean bedding, clothing and the entire home. There is however no scientific evidence to show that tea tree oil has anything with pesticide activity.

This remedy also masks the awful stench given off by the scent glands of bed bugs. Note that, it is not safe to use undiluted tea tree oil where you sleep- it can cause irritation and blistering. Tea tree oil is non-toxic and can be safely used to get rid of bed bugs at home.

Alcohol is the best way to get rid of bed bugs in different stages of their life cycle mature, nymphs and bed bug eggs. It also acts as a bed bug repellent. The only problem with this home remedy is the fact that alcohol dries up too quickly making it necessary for you to spray more than once to get rid the bugs permanently. There are different ways you can use alcohol as a quick fix for these pests. It is most commonly used in spray form to clean fabric, furniture, floorboards and other items.

Note that alcohol kills on contact and does not linger as it dries quickly. This acts as a temporary bed bug fix before pest control gets to you. DO NOT use kerosene or gasoline.

One of the old home remedies for bed bugs is to use baking soda on furniture and floor boards. Baking powder kills bed bugs through desiccation which means drying them out. Note that bed bugs are difficult to kill and may require several applications of baking powder.

Diatomaceous earth is the fossilized remains of aquatic organisms called diatoms. It is a home remedy that kills bed bugs mechanically. D.E acts as a desiccant that destroys the waxy shell of bed bugs and eventually killing them by dehydration. This remedy, does not kill bed bugs immediately or fast; it may take 7-17 days.

If applying large amounts of D.E, wear a dust mask to protect you from inhaling this substance.

Using bleach is one of the common home remedies for bed bug extermination

Remember to use color safe bleach for colored fabric.

Home treatment with heat simply entails increasing the level of heat in your home to a level that bed bugs cannot survive.

Placing garment and fabric out in the heat or under very hot temperatures has been proven to kill bed bugs fast. While using this treatment is safe, it is important to make sure that the heat is contained in the house and that you stay outdoors during this treatment. Here is how to treat bed bugs with heat:

You can also allow furniture to sit out in direct sunlight for at least 24 hours.

Exterminating bed bugs has been hindered by the development of new strains of pesticide resistant bugs. This has made many people turn to DIY homemade treatments which have been shown to be far more effective. Natural remedies for bed bugs are not necessarily effective but can be used to control bed bug infestation or even as a preventive measure. Studies have shown that some of these home remedies for bed bugs are more effective than others. Here is how to kill bed bugs naturally:

Bed bugs love to hide in dark places and come out only to feed. Cracks in the bed and walls make very good hide outs for bed bugs. Use plaster to repair cracks and remove any loose wallpaper and tighten light switch covers. Apply caulk to seal crevices in base boards, shelves and cabinet.

Getting rid of clutter and unused items reduces the places where bed bugs can hide. Put unused items in plastic papers and seal tightly for storage. This makes sure that any bed bugs on them are suffocated and not allowed to move to other places in the house. These items should only be brought back once the problem has been controlled and should be checked thoroughly before returning them.

Force bed bugs out of cracks by using a knife, sharp edge of a paper card or a blow dryer in low heat setting. Alternatively, you can use the sticky side of a duct tape to trap them and kill them. Make a sticky barrier with duct tape lengthwise to isolate bed and prevent bed bugs from crawling back. This method can be used during treatment or while you are at it figuring out what to do to get rid of bed bugs.

It is not necessary to get rid of furniture and mattresses at the first sign of bed bugs. Cleaning, spraying, heat treatment and enclosing are often adequate. Furniture and box springs should only be discarded if they cannot be covered and are heavily infested.

It is important to note that changing beds or mattresses before getting rid of bed bugs in the house does not help. This is why it is important to seek help from a professional to deal with a bed bug infestation. They have a way of telling how bad the infestation is.

To throw away items, wrap them in a plastic bag and secure them with a label that says infested with bed bugs

Vacuuming can be used effectively to reduce the number of bed bugs especially where there are clusters of them. This method is not entirely helpful but can be used alongside other home treatments for bed bugs. Use a strong suction and concentrate in areas with fabric and crevices.

When you are finished, remove the vacuum bag and seat it tightly. Place it in a plastic bag, seal then dispose it off in the trash can. If your vacuum cleaner does not have a removable bag, empty the contents into a plastic bag and seal. Remove the plastic container and wash in hot soapy water to kill remaining bags.

Steamers are excellent natural remedies for bed bugs. They are easy to use, chemical free and thoroughly clean the infested area. It is important to vacuum the area before steaming. It is also possible to use a vacuum cleaner and steamer in combination. Start steaming from the top of the room downwards to carpers and floorboards. Steam treatment can also be used in moldings, mattresses sofas, head boards and box springs.

In the same way, you can pour hot water along the head boards and horizontal springs of the bed to kill bed bugs and destroy their eggs.

After steaming allow adequate time for the steam to dry before returning the bedding and fabric. NEVER apply steam into electrical appliance or outlets.

Be careful not to scald or burn yourself when using heat treatments to kill bed bugs.

One way to repel bed bugs from your bed. This is because bed bugs do not like the smell of dryer sheets and they stay away. Simply use 8-10 scented dryer sheets between your mattress and box spring. Do the same on the top of your mattress- between the mattress and bed sheets. Dryer sheets can also be placed inside both pillow cases.

Most of these home remedies for bed bugs are not as effective if not used several times. Results vary from one person to another. Home remedies for bed bugs will reduce contact and spread to other rooms. A temporary reduction in bed bug bites can fool into thinking that bed bugs are gone. You should keep in mind that bed bugs are very difficult pests to get rid of and there is no magic to make them disappear in a go.

If you get rid of the adult bed bugs without eliminating the bed bugs eggs, they will hatch in no time and make your efforts futile. It is for this reason that it is recommended to seek the help of a professional or pest control depot to get rid of bed bugs. Bed bugs are nothing to be ashamed of and SHOULD NOT in any way associated with dirtiness. Home remedies for bed bugs should be used as a temporary measure while waiting for professional help from the pest control center.

Bed bugs can multiply quickly, so early detection is critical to help prevent an even larger infestation.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: When dusting using treatments such as D.E and baking powder, wear dust masks. People who are asthmatic should keep off dusted places. Keep children out of the house when spraying and dusting to eliminate bed bugs.

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Bed Bug Fact Sheet

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Home Remedies For Bed Bugs, Kill and Get Rid of Bed Bugs ...

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8 Kill Bed Bugs Home Remedies Natural Treatments & Cures …

Nights can become horrible with bed bugs. These parasites feed on human blood. You develop red, itchy and painful blisters when these parasites bite you. It is certainly harmful to sleep over the mattresses invaded with these irritating small pests. However, it is not a solution to change the mattresses. Instead, certain simple and cost effective home remedies can kill these parasites. Bed bugs develop due to one prominent cause i.e. hitchhiking. No other reasons can develop bed bugs in your house. Dirt cannot lead to automatic appearance of bed bugs. They need to be carried to a house via some means. Simple home remedies can kill these harmful pests easily.

Steam penetration is a very simple home remedy to kill bed bugs. This home remedy is influenced via the pest control method adopted by professional companies. Bed bugs cannot bear a temperature higher than a certain extent. Thus, it is a good option to penetrate hot steam (120 degrees and above) directly over your mattress. Bed bugs die due to such high temperatures.

This home remedy is so popular, since it can also kill the eggs of these bugs. However, this method stays effective as long as the number of bugs in your bed is not alarmingly high. If the bed bugs have already grown and reproduced in your bed to a large extent, all of them may not die using steam. There is always a fear that some may have survived. Thus, this home remedy is effective in the initial stages of invasion of your mattresses with bed bugs.

Turmeric is a foe of bed bugs. Rub turmeric powder over the complete mattress. Turmeric contains Curcumin. This agent is a very powerful anti-microbial agent that creates unfavorable conditions for the survival of bed bugs.This curtails the supply of oxygen within the mattresses. The bugs get trapped and they die due to insufficient oxygen supply. This may sound surprising, but is true. Turmeric powder is an effective home remedy to kill bed bugs.

As mentioned above, bed bugs cannot withstand high temperatures. If all the bugs do not die out of steaming, you should sun-soak your mattress throughout the day.More than 90 degree Fahrenheit temperature kills all the bed bugs.When you keep your mattress under the open sun, it heats up to greater temperatures than 90 degree Fahrenheit. This kills all the bed bugs completely. Thus, it is a very simple home remedy to kill bed bugs.

Peppermint oil offers an odor that causes allergy in the bed bugs. This common oil that is found in most of the houses forms an effective home remedy to get rid of bed bugs. Bed bugs cannot resist the smell of mint; hence, they die. Peppermints smell chokes the bed bugs and they are easily killed.

Certain other oils like that of lavender too kill bed bugs successfully. The odor of these oils is irresistible for these pests. However, you need to be sure of one thing while using these home remedies. You need to be sure that you or your family members are not allergic to the odor of any of these oils. If no, these are some of the best ways of killing bed bugs easily.

Diatomaceous Earth powder works very much the same way as turmeric does. It chokes the bed bugs and they die. Evenly spread this powder on your mattresses and leave it as it is for the complete day. All the bed bugs die. However, the one thing that you need to keep in mind is that this powder can kill bed bugs, but not their eggs.

Powder of lemongrass is an effective home remedy used to kill bed bugs and their eggs, both. Lemongrass oil increases the acidic level inside the bed bugs to an alarming extent. This results in their death. Their eggs too die via the use of lemongrass.These pests need optimum conditions in order to survive. They cannot withstand certain odors, acidic levels and excessive heat. Thus, lemongrass is an effective home remedy to get rid of bed bugs quickly.

As mentioned above, bed bugs cannot culture in acidic conditions. Isopropyl alcohol creates adverse and opposite conditions for bed bugs. This results in eventual death of these parasites. However, this is not an instantaneous process. You need to repeat this home remedy for 6 to 7 days in order to kill all the bed bugs.

Clove is a very common spice that can kill bed bugs. This home remedy is not that popular. However, it is an effective home remedy to kill bed bugs. The oil of this spice contains pungent smelling agents those are acidic in nature.This is due to the presence of Eugenol, which is an active ingredient of this seasoning. Eugenol is a chemical that offers acidic PH and odor to cloves. This ingredient is the real reason behind the death of bed bugs upon perpetual exposure of the mattresses to clove oil.All the home remedies listed above are hundred percent safe for human health.

They do not contain any such ingredients that can cause any kind of harm to human health. However, most of these home remedies are used for killing bed bugs, not their eggs. Though, some of the home remedies can kill the eggs of bed bugs as well. However, none of these are hundred percent bug eggs killing agents.Thus, your mattress can again develop bugs that can make sleeping a torture for you. Therefore, if your mattress is subjected to a huge number of these blood sucking parasites, it is advised to call professionals. These pest controllers take an aid of certain chemicals that kill pests all over the house.

However, less severe cases of bed bug invasion can be handled via the home remedies easily.Vacuum cleaners also form an effective home remedy for killing bed bugs. They pull the bed bugs out of the mattresses. Bugs get crushed due to the pressure created by vacuum cleaners. Zipping the mattress via a mattress cloth is an effective way of keeping the bugs away from your body. Some other popular and effective home remedies used for killing bed bugs are borax powder, garlic, red pepper and cinnamon.

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How to kill bed bugs without pesticides | Toxics | What …

To prevent bed bugs, keep clutter to a minimum. Bed bugs thrive in clothes, newspapers and piles of stuff in general.

And stay vigilant! Watch for signs within your apartment building, local libraries and hotels. You should also know what bed bugs look like, so that you can report them immediately before they spread.

Generally speaking, high heat or extreme cold kills bed bugs. Try these tips from my friend, Adria Vasil, author of Ecoholic, if you already have bed bugs:

Diatomaceous earth is also used to control silverfish, fleas and roaches in the home. Sprinkle a small amount along cracks and baseboards, or above the cupboards. Naturally occurring diatomaceous earth is made from crushed fossilized algae. This fine powder is like glass. It is so abrasive that it damages the protective outer shell of creepy crawlies. When that protective exoskeleton is pierced, insects dry up and die. Ask for it at your local garden store.

Kleen Green is an organic blend of enzymes specifically designed to remove and eliminate dirt, germs, bacteria, odours, and pests, including bed bugs, lice, scabies, crabs, fleas, mites and more, naturally. I've never used this product but it beats toxic pesticides, so it could be worth a try! It claims to be non-toxic, no-residue formula, non-flammable, hypoallergenic, rinseable and biodegradable.

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We Clean Bed Bugs, Canada

Free download How to Control Bed Bugs

We have Services available Day & Night. We work with your schedule.

If you are unsure you have a bed bug problem, our experts can help you.

We offer the best pricing in town and will beat any competitors price by 10%

Service available at an additional cost.

Only Heat Treatment kills Eggs. So theres no worry about them returning and biting you again.

Our heat treatment is eco-friendly. Safe with Kids and Pets. Helps with allergies and asthma by also killing allergens.

Service available at an additional cost.

We use the most advance equipment and techniques to get rid of bed bugs for good. Thats why we can offer a 1 Year Guarantee!*

Bed Bugs hide in cracks and crevices of any object surrounding the area where they feed. They are excellent hitchhiker and can easily hold to any objects. Not everybody react to bed bug bites which doesn't transmit disease but cause itchiness and anxiety at night. Which leads to fatigue and stress. One female can pond 5 eggs a day at different location. An egg take 7-12 days to hatch depending of ambient temperature. It will take 5 weeks for a new born to become an adult and reproduce. Eggs are resistant to chemical which forces bed bug extermination company to come back after they hatch to treat new born with bed bug spray. Heat kills the eggs and adult as long as a minimum temperature of 113 degrees Fahrenheit is maintained for 60 minutes. We use advanced technique to monitor and make sure we don't miss any hiding spot and kill everyone of them. We guarantee it!


*Certain condition apply for the guarantee. Call our representative Free at 587-990-3330

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We Clean Bed Bugs, Canada

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Bed bugs and Canadian Law Bed Bug SOS

Courtesy Market Place, this article resumes the basics of bed bugs and the Canadian law by province.

Responsibility for bedbug infestations and covering costs of extermination is often a battleground for tenants and landlords. Laws vary across Canada, and because bedbugs have just recently become an increasing problem many provinces and municipalities don't have legislation outlining who is responsible. In many regions, tenants must bring specific cases before a landlord-tenant arbitrator, and often, they hinge on proving who brought the bedbugs in. This tends to be a difficult process, because the initial source of bed bugs is often hard to prove.

Tenants and landlords can consult individuallocal or provincial landlord-tenant agenciesfor recommendations.

InNewfoundland and Labrador, landlords and tenants with bedbugs are advised to work out a resolution themselves. If a resolution can't be met, a mediation process may be conducted by a residential tenancy branch.

InNova Scotia, Halifax doesn't have clear-cut legislation for dealing with bedbugs. Responsibility for extermination falls upon the tenant if a landlord can prove a tenant brought the bugs in. The Halifax agency has found that landlords often foot the bill as it's difficult to prove there were no bugs before a tenant moves in. Tenants are advised to write a letter to a landlord asking to deal with the problem within a reasonable timeframe. If the landlord refuses, a hearing can be conducted in front of the officer of residential tenancies.

InPrince Edward Island, thedirector of residential propertydeals with individual cases of tenants with bedbugs.

New Brunswick'srental and consumer affairs departmentinvestigates cases for tenants with bedbugs, as the province doesn't have specific bedbug legislation. The department will order a landlord to pay if the tenants can prove they didn't bring the bedbugs with them when they moved.

InQuebec, Montreal tenants are often responsible for getting rid of bedbugs, unless they have proof they didn't bring them with a move. However, it's the landlord's responsibility to make sure the infestation doesn't spread.

Ontariolaws don't cover begbug infestations, but, like most other provinces, the landlord-tenant act states a landlord is responsible for keeping a dwelling safe and healthy, while the tenant must maintain "ordinary cleanliness". The landlord-tenant agency recommends landlords take action for bedbug infestations, as there is no by-law in place. In most cases, the agency has found most landlords are more than willing to foot the bill for exterminators as they don't want infestations to spread.

InManitoba, pest control falls under municipal by-laws or the province's public health act. Generally, landlords are required to get rid of pests such as rodents, cockroaches and bedbugs, while tenants must keep dwellings reasonably clean and uncluttered to keep infestations from spreading.

Alberta'spublic health act and housing regulationsrequire a landlord to provide a tenant with a healthy and habitable environment. A tenant with bedbugs is advised to report the dwelling to the regional health authority. Health inspectors will then assess the problem and in most cases order the landlord to take care of it.

Saskatchewan's landlord-tenant act doesn't specify who's responsible for dealing with bedbug infestations. Each case is brought before a hearing with an arbitrator. Often, if the tenant can prove the bugs were on the premises before they moved in, the arbitrator will order the landlord to pay for an exterminator.

InBritish Columbia, Vancouver's residential tenancy act states the landlord must provide a safe and healthy rental unit. While it doesn't specifically mention bedbugs, Vancouver'shealth by-lawstates that the landlord is responsible for treating bedbug infestations. Bedbugs are becoming a large problem in Vancouver. TheTenants Rights Action Coalitionis a place tenants can go for further information.

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Bed bugs and Canadian Law Bed Bug SOS

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