Daily Archives: January 8, 2017

  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Thursday 5th of September 2024 20:39 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 30000 Miles

We cannot vouch for the truthfulness of any report on this site. If you feel a location has been reported in error, or want to dispute a report, please contact us.

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What is a Beg Bug? | Bed Bug Pest Identification, Facts …

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What is a Beg Bug? | Bed Bug Pest Identification, Facts ...

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Know Where Bed Bugs Hide – BadBedBugs.com

As most of you know bed bugs were once on the down low but have now returned with vengeance or as some may say a bed bug epidemic is on the rise. With this ever growing problem it is key to learn what a bed bug is, where they hide and how to get ride of them and keep them gone for good.

To start with, Ive listed all the places on my bed bug checklist and if you find them, then read my page on how to use bed bug dust to exterminate them yourself.

Susan Smith-Durisek wrote a great and informative article for Kentucky Living. In her article she highlights many ways to minimize your contact with unwanted critters bed bugs. The main points that she covers include inspecting your mattress in a hotel room before settling in.

What should you look for? Rusty spots or actual bugs along the mattress seams and headboard. Also, one of the most important things to remember is never, ever pick up discarded furniture on the side of the road. You never know if there are bed bugs lurking in that free recliner chair and its wise to know this is one of the most common ways to pick up bed bugs and cause an infestation in your own home.

On BadBedBugs.com youll also find a FAQ section as well a checklist to use when traveling. Be sure to check out these sections if you have further questions on bed bugs. Youll also be able to share your own bed bug experiences while reading about other visitors experiences as well. If you have any tips not mentioned in this article, please feel free to share them with us below!

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Know Where Bed Bugs Hide - BadBedBugs.com

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Disney sued over bed bugs at the Grand Californian

Tom Bell | August 29, 2016

A San Leandro family is suing Disney over bed bugs bites they claimed to have received during a stay at Disneys Grand Californian Hotel and Spa in 2014.

In the lawsuit, Joseph and Danielle Jones claim that they and their three daughters suffered not only physical injuries, but emotional distress as well, and are seeking unspecified damages.

The Northern California family visited the Disneyland Resort in August of 2014, but soon one of their daughters begin complaining about bites on her face. According to the lawsuit, by the next day, the entire Jones family had insect bites on their bodies.

The family claims that hotel management referred them to the housekeeping department, where the manager suggested that it was probably mosquito bites.

Upon returning home, their conditions worsened and the family visited a local doctor, who confirmed that the bites were from bed bugs.

The suit was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court last week and alleges battery, negligence, fraudulent concealment, nuisance, and emotional distress.

Disney has not yet seen the lawsuit and has not commented.

Source: Orange County Register

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Disney sued over bed bugs at the Grand Californian

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Bed Bug Facts: Where Do Bed Bugs Come From?

What Are Bed Bugs? Bed Bug Facts Identification

Bedbugs are small, nocturnal, wingless insects belonging to the insect family of Cimicidae. They feed on humans and other warm blooded animals. They are an oval shape and are up to 4-5 mm long when fully grown. Adult bed bugs have a flattened body and their skin colour is either rust brown or a deeper red brown. Nymph bed bugs are clear or a yellowish colour and are generally 1-4mm long. Bed bugs have two antennae and six legs. Red more on what a bed bug looks like.

Bed bugs have been known to travel over 20 feet from hiding in order to feed butwill generally hide within 3-6 feet of their host.

Due to the flattened body of a bed bug they can easily hide in small places such as baseboards, cracks in floors, under carpets, behind loose wallpaper, bed frames, sofas, behind picture frames and many other places which makes them very difficult to detect. They tend to stay together and large infestations will give off a sweet but unpleasant smell.

Read more about the bed bug life stages

The combination of re-introduction, increased international travel and the fact that pest control professionals no longer use older pesticides (such as DDT, Chlordane and Lindane) means that bed bugs have been able to stage a resurgence and become a very serious pest in the 21st century. They have a unique ability to hide and due to their ability to spread, new inspection and control methods must be far more thorough and extensive than with many other pests.

Bed bugs are parasitic insects that live near their hosts. Since they feed on humans (their hosts) their habitats include houses, hotels or any property that we frequent. All they require is a protected area in close proximity to a feeding source. Bed bugs bite people when they are sleeping usually on exposed skin. When looking for a meal bed bugs can move very quickly to feed and then back into hiding after their meal. Unless you know specifically how to look for bed bugs these pests can be easily overlooked.

Bed bug bites can also go unnoticed, and are even often misdiagnosed, making detection that much more difficult.

Bed bugs do not cling to people but they can accidentally get caught up in our belongings (i.e. suitcase, purse, laptop bags). From there they can move from their current home into new ones in homes, hotels, offices, hospitals, or any other building as well as modes of transportation. Sanitation and cleanliness of a property is not an issue as bed bugs are notorious hitch hikers and can show up almost anywhere.

Even the cleanest of places can fall victim to bed bugs and once inside they spread rapidly. Bed bugs are great hitch hikers and easily travel from place to place in someones personal belongings or luggage.

Bed bugs do not pose any health risks from communicable diseases but their saliva does contain proteins that can leave itchy red welts on some people.

If you suspect bed bugs, or want to be proactive, look for live or dead bugs or the skins they can leave behind when they are molting. After feeding bed bugs will regularly leave behind small spots of reddish-black fecal matter on your bedding, mattress or box springs. They will lay their eggs (1/32 to 1/8 in size) in dark crevices near feeding areas. Learn more about bed bug signs in your home.

Bed bugs are not limited to any one particular kind of dwelling. They have been found in houses, multi-family dwellings, apartments, hotels, airplanes and hospitals. Sanitation or cleanliness is not an issue in where you can find bed bugs.

Bed bugs never really left. They are common in many nations around the world. We are seeing a resurgence in North America for several reasons including a reduced use of pesticides, the use of second hand furniture and increased international travel as bed bugs are notorious hitch hikers.

Bed bugs do not cling to people but they arenotorious hitch hikers andcan hide in our belongings (i.e. suitcase, purse, laptop bags). From there they can be introduced into a home, hotel, office, hospital, or any other building as well as modes of transportation. Sanitation is not a factor in whether or not you get bed bugs.

Once established, bed bugs tend to stay put but can spread due to any of the following;

QUESTION: True or false: bed bugs are only found in dirty places.

ANSWER: False. Cleanliness of a property is not an issue as bed bugs are notorious hitch hikers and can show up almost anywhere. Even the cleanest of places can fall victim to bed bugs and once inside they spread rapidly.

Schedule a Bed Bug Inspection

Want to learn more about bed bugs? Click one of the links below:

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Bed Bug Facts: Where Do Bed Bugs Come From?

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Bed Bug Treatment: Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Home

Get a Free Estimate Call Now or fill out the form below. REGIONAL PEST REPORT

Pest threat

Ants and mice are moving inside and wildlife may be looking for potential harbourage areas. Spiders are constructing egg sacs and mosquito activity is increasing. House fly activity can be expected. Commercial accounts will need to be aware of increased small fly activity. Nuisance wildlife, such as squirrels and chipmunks, will be much more noticeable.

Home Bed Bugs Bed Bug Treatment & Control

Although bed bugs dont pose any serious health concerns they do live and hide in the areas where we sleep. They are mostly found in bedding, mattresses, on headboards and in bed frames and box springs. Due to their size and nocturnal nature bed bugs can easily go undetected. Dark spots and small blood stains may indicate the presence of bed bugs. Bed bugs also give off a sweet musty odour and will often leave their eggs and molted skins near areas they have infested. Good housekeeping may not eliminate the problem. Even upscale hotels are not immune bed bugs can thrive in a spotlessly clean room. Bed Bug infestations are difficult to deal with, and success depends on the thoroughness of the preparation, treatment and the follow-up. One of the most important steps in effective bed bug control is the accurate identification of bed bugs presence before starting any treatments. Home remedies, available in stores, are not very effective getting rid of a bed bug infestation. If you do choose to use an over-the-counter insecticide, make sure to read the label closely and follow directions. Your best course of action is to immediately contact your local Orkin Canada branch as we have extensive experience dealing with bed bugs. Pest control professionals administer the most effective treatments. It is advised that anyone with a suspected bed bug infestation contact their local expert to arrange an inspection and consultation.

There is no way to prevent bed bugs entirely; however, experts agree that early detection is the best way to prevent them from establishing themselves. A bed bug dog is your best tool for early detection. To prevent bed bug infestations you need to be vigilant in examining your surroundings. When returning from a trip, or a night out check both your clothing and luggage. If you think you may have a bed bug infestation, contact a pest control professional. This is not a pest that can be controlled with do-it-yourself measures.

Bed bugs are small, nocturnal and very difficult to detect. They are also very rugged insects and that can live for up to a year without feeding. They can hide in cracks and crevices and in hard to find spots and can withstand a temperature from almost freezing up to 122 degrees Fahrenheit. All of these facts make treating bed bugs very difficult and should always be done by a professional pest control technician such as your local highly trained Orkin Canada Technician.

Short of inspecting your own or a guests luggage and belongings as they come in, there is no known way to completely prevent bed bugs from entering a property. And once they are inside, two bed bugs can lay up to ten eggs in one day. Thats why it is important to have any rooms with a bed bug problem treated immediately to prevent them from becoming a widespread infestation.

To address current infestations, Orkin Canada will provide an aggressive treatment strategy that includes a thorough inspection of areas of concern to locate harbourage sites, as well as treatment of both infested and potentially infested areas. Orkin Canada will also conduct a follow-up inspection to ensure that the treatment was effective.

The threat of bed bugs is always present but Orkin Canada is always ready. Armed with the best training in the industry plus over 100 years of experience and success Orkin professionals will provide training for your housekeeping and engineering staff on proactive bed bug measures. A favourite spot for bed bugs to hide is under the seams of box springs and mattresses. Orkin Canada will teach the housekeeping staff to inspect for bed bugs while servicing rooms and thus helping identifiy bed bugs in hotels rooms.

An effective bed bug control strategy must start with an inspection. A highly trained pest control professional, such as your local Orkin Canada technician, would start with a thorough inspection of all known and suspected spots where bed bugs might be hiding. Bed bugs are not pests that can be effectively controlled by do-it-yourself means. If bed bugs are detected your pest control professional will develop a customized treatment and control strategy with you that depends on the size of the infestation.

Rising complaints about these unwelcome guests are leading to red faces at the reception desks of hotels and an increase in the number of help calls. Even though they dont pose a health threat, bed bugs, which live off human blood, can take a nasty bite out of a hotels reputation and business.

Orkin Canada recommends that you follow A.I.M. for the best results, when dealing with bed bug infestations. Assess the Situation: Your Orkin Canada Technician performs a thorough inspection of your home to locate any current bed bug infestations. Implement a customized treatment plan: Every bed bug problem is different; so is every treatment. Your Orkin Canada Technician is an expert on the entomology and life cycle of bed bugs and uses the appropriate treatment to match the extent of your problem. To protect your family and pets, your technician uses integrated pest control methods safely applying products only when needed. Monitor Results: With our established Quality Assurance regimens we will document everything & follow-up. Bed bugs are extremely hardy. A return visit from your technician helps ensure the maximum effectiveness of your program. In addition, we offer protective mattress covers to help prevent future infestations. Schedule a Bed Bug Inspection Today! Want to learn more about bed bugs? Click one of the links below:

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Bed Bug Treatment: Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Home

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