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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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New Hampshire Passes Landlord Bed Bug Law – Colonial Pest …

New Hampshire Passes Landlord Bed Bug Law By Chris Williams on September 5, 2013.

As a result of legislation passed in June, New Hampshire residents who live in rental housing will soon have some direction and some recourse when it comes to living with bed bugs.

The new law takes effect January 1, 2014 and addresses the ongoing debate of who pays for bed bug treatment in a rental apartment. Presently, there is no specific law and no guidelines as to who is responsible when a bed bug infestation occurs. Landlords say that the tenants brought the bed bugs into the apartment, so they should pay for treatment. Tenants say they moved into an apartment that already had bed bugs, or the bed bugs came from next door, and the landlord has to fix the problem. They argue that their rental agreement provides for pest control and entitles them to a habitable dwelling. Landlords balk at having to provide control for bed bugs because bed bug control is more complicated and more expensive than control for other standard apartment pests. While the two sides argue, bed bugs move into other units in the building and soon, everyone has a problem.

The new law makes it clear that the landlord is responsible for resolving a bed bug problem, no matter who is responsible for causing it. Landlords will have a 7-day window to investigate a bed bug complaint and take reasonable measures to remediate the infestation. If landlords fail to address the situation, tenants can file court action to force their landlord to act. The landlord must pay for bed bug treatment, but the new law gives the landlord the right to bill the tenant for his costs if it is determined that the tenant is ultimately the one responsible for the infestation.

Seems like that takes us right back to square onehe said, she said. However, if the parties involved dont agree on responsibility, a court will decide by looking at which units first had bed bugs, whether bed bugs are in other areas of the building, whether the landlord attempted any control prior, and whether the tenant had bed bugs in their previous home, among other things.

For their part, tenants must allow landlords into their apartments to evaluate, inspect, and treat for bed bugs. They must follow instructions to prepare their apartment for treatment. If the bed bugs are deemed to be their responsibility, they must pay for the remediation. Failure to do any of these things can result in eviction.

The new law is not a perfect solution but it is a compromise agreed upon by a working group made up of landlords and tenants. The new law avoids the situation where the landlord is always the one paying for treatment, while assuring that treatment gets done before bed bugs spread throughout a building.

photo credit: Armed Forces Pest Management Board via photopin cc

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Bed Bugs Turn a Womans Life Upside Down

For over the past month Ive been dealing with bed bugs, when I realized I couldnt deal with it alone, I took it to my manager. Waited two weeks on just a response of when the company could come out and exterminate. They were trying to have me wait for 2 weeks longer. With demanding emails, I had them come within 6 days.

my boyfriend had to go out of town on tour to make a little extra cash. I had to prep for the extermination BY MYSELF.. put all my clothes and curtains and towels in the dryer, had to discard of any cardboard boxes or clutter. That took 9 hrs, up and down stairs with loads of clothing, was hallucinating seeing bugs out of the corner of my eye.. all this work top of little sleep due to bed bugs, I felt like I was gong t o have a nervous break down. The following day they came and sprayed, thought they said it was freezing spray, not sure.

Im still getting bit, they are suppose to do a second treatment, but I need it done sooner than that, and knowing the way management takes their sweet time, itll probably be longer. I dont know why they had me wait so long to spray, I dont know why they were so adamant on using that company, if they were booked, they should call another company. The stress has caused me another rash. I am unable to work, I model, HOW am I suppose to work when I look like I have a disease? I cant. I used my last bit of cash for dr apt and meds, gotta say this itching cream isnt helping the way the dr said it would.

I am at my wits end, I cry just about every other day, Ive thought about suicide. Just because I feel like I am beside myself, my bfs out of town, I have to wait for exterminators, dont think I can crash with friends. THEY DONT WANT IT. I cant afford a hotel, I woulda have my own exterminator come in, but they needed management confirmation. Im so screwed.

A friend of mine who has dealt with this says only a heating treatment works.. so I guess there is some thing where exterminators come in with a heating device?? I DUNNO, this is a problem nearly impossible to get rid of.. Im actually getting bit more now AFTER THEY SPRAYED, in the prep sheet, they said I may see more activity from the bugs, and pretty much dont complain until after the 2nd treatment. DOUBT THAT WILL KILL THEM.. Ive only seen a few bugs, they arent hiding on the bed. I have no idea where they are hiding.

Half my stuff is still in plastic bags my home is upside down. I think they may be hiding in between the cracks of the wooden floor? I am so so so tired. Im very fatigue, and thats a side effect, very depressed, very emotional. Right now I am contemplating wrapping trashing bags around me, so I can avoid getting bit. I know they go for the face and mouth, so also depending covering that with some material. HOW CRAZY IS THAT? but when your desperate what are you going to do?

today Ive called the department of health and left them a vm I need this taken care of asap.. Its ruining my life. This is no joke, this is a serious situation. NOT TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY.. If you dont solve the problem while its small, it can become a huge deal.. and these blood sucking bed bugs the hardest to get rid of. This infestation had caused me and my bf to fight, lose of work.. my sanity, my photo shoot gigs and importunity, Spent so much money on washing clothes And the bb sprays from the walgreens and rite aid stores THAT DO NOT WORK, but I hada try some thing while waiting for professionals to come in.

Today I sent a email to management, I want them to reduce my rent. After spending money and not being able to make money, or sleep or do any thing but sit here and sulk (been to weak to do anything) many people and drs say That I do not have to pay rent, this is a health code violation, and I am damn well going to try to get rent knocked off or I heard some thing about rights to breaking the lease? I dunno, gonna get my boyfriend entertainment lawyer and see what he can do hopefully the department of health can get them to solve this.

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Bed Bugs Turn a Womans Life Upside Down

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Search for bed bugs in a hotel room (expert tips …

This FAQ gives tips on how to avoid bed bugs when you travel and how to search for bed bugs and their signs in a hotel room. (The same techniques work for searching other rooms too.)

First, learn specific steps for checking a room for bed bugs. Search for bed bugs in every room you sleep in.

This FAQ on searching a hotel room (from New York State Integrated Pest Managements bed bug FAQs) is brief and excellent. NYSIPM also provides a printable Travel Card on this topic (click for a PDF) which you can carry with you.

Heres a video of David Cains (of Bed Bugs Ltd. in London) very careful search for bed bugs in a hotel room:

To check a room, you have to know what youre looking for. See our photos of bed bugs signs of bed bugs, and photos of fecal stains on a hotel headboard and hotel mattress for examples.

Before you search for bed bugs, put your luggage in the bathtub or shower (assuming its dry) as the bathroom is less likely to be infested than other parts of the room. Check the mattress, headboard, frame and pictures (as much as possible), following these instructions. Check the backs and undersides of chairs and under/inside the desk. Carefully check to see the luggage rack is free of pests (look at it from top to bottom, and under the straps), then you can keep your luggage on the luggage rack (avoiding the bed or floor).

Many of us search the room with much less detail than David does in the video above. It may not be possible or feasible for you to take apart a hotel room in this manner. You may, for example, choose not to disassemble the entire bed, or remove the headboard. However, by doing a 5-10 minute search of the furniture (bed, table and chairs), baseboards, etc., you should be able to reassure yourself that there are no obvious visible signs of bed bugs. You should always still assume there may still be bed bugs present which you did not see, and take steps accordingly.

For more helpful travel tips, read this comprehensive article by entomologists Steven Kells and Jeff Hahn of the University of Minnesota, which describes the steps you should take if youve been exposed to bedbugs (but is also helpful on how to search for and avoid them in the first place).

Before you book a room, Google your hotels name and bedbugs and bed bugs; if you havent chosen one yet, look them up on There, customers review hotels. If they had bad service, a small, outdated room, or (gasp!) bedbugs, youll hear about it. If you see one nasty report, of course, take it with a grain of salt. But multiple bad reviews, or reviews which repeat a particular critique, can be bad news. I have used tripadvisor many times and find the reviews useful not just to reassure me there are no bed bug reports at a hotel, but also to find good, moderately priced hotels, and a real insight into what rooms and service and location are like. Their highest ranked hotels are not always expensive and I have been very pleased when I have chosen them.

Canadian, US and UK hotels may also have complaints listed on, but keep in mind, as with, not everyone reports bed bugs (or even notices them).

Some sufferers suggest purchasing a bottle of a contact kill spray and using it in your hotel (spray mattress, etc.) I personally would not do this; a contact kill spray will kill bed bugs you can seeif theyre sprayed directly. But it does nothing for bedbugs that are hiding, as they tend to do.

If you can see bed bugs, you should not be in the room! Leave! Insist on a bed bug free room, and take precautions when you get home to make sure you did not bring any hitchhikers home.

Remember: the idea behind searching a hotel room is not that you will necessarily see bed bugs if present. If there is a small infestation, you may not see them. You may still be bitten. However, your chances of having a bad hotel experience (read: lots of bed bug bites in the room) or of taking bed bugs home with you will be smaller if there are few bed bugs present. For this reason, its worth taking time to search.

Because you can never be 100% sure you were not exposed, consider taking some steps below to lessen your chance of infesting your home if you do happen to pick up a few hitchhikers.

A Packtite can be used once you get home to heat treat your luggage and many items you take with you on a trip. Read about Packtites and Packtite Closets. It is an investment, but can help you avoid an infestation if you heat items which may have been exposed to bed bugs. And if you ever get bed bugs, as we hope you wont, it is a useful tool during treatment. The Packtite should not be used on electronics or other heat-sensitive items.

Luggage can go in the Packtite, and so can your belongings. The manufacturer recommends unpacking the luggage and treating it separately from the other items. (Keep items sealed in an airtight bag until theyre treated.)

While in the hotel room, you may want to seal smaller items in Ziploc Big Bags (Large, XL, XXL) inside the suitcase; in the hotel, keep the Ziplocs sealed.

Another option is to seal your entire suitcase, garment bag or other luggage item in a Ziplocs or in a BugZip luggage encasement while youre in the hotel. BugZip encasements are specially-designed for the purpose of sealing in luggage during your hotel stay. There are also drawer liners which you can use if you want to pack items into a hotel or cruiseship drawer.

On, David Cain recommends using a BugZip and treating items in a Packtite when you get home. I use a Packtite Closet when coming home to treat the empty luggage and then the clothing, and other contents which can be heated.

If you dont have access to a Packtite, consider washing your clothing and drying on hot before returning it to your home. For luggage, consider a cheap duffel bag or other soft luggage which might be run through a dryer. Alternatively, bags can be kept sealed in a plastic case while in the room, in a BugZip, XL Ziploc or even a garbage bag closed in an airtight seal. Non-dryable items should be carefully inspected.

When you get home, visually inspect your suitcase and contents. Do not unpack your suitcase on the bed. Choose a light colored table or even the tub, so you can see what youve got. Do it quickly, in case there are any bed bugs inside. Remove all clothes into XL ziplocs and seal them until they can be put through a Packtite or washed and dried on hot or dry cleaned. You should do this when you come home from a trip whether youve encountered bed bugs or not.

If you havent seen signs of bugs, you can unpack directly into a washing machine (wash and dry on hot; dry items can simply be dried on hot for 20 minutes or so unless you are dealing with extremely thick items). Deal with the case, too: you may not see young bed bugs hiding in seams.

Most of all, dont stay home. The world is a beautiful place. You can get bedbugs without leaving your home if someone elses home is attached. So get out there and enjoy the world. But be careful out there.

See these FAQs for more tips onHow to get rid of bed bugs in your stuff, what to do if you are exposed to bed bugs, and how to kill bed bugs using washers and dryers. You can also see this discussion on Metafilter.

If you have tips for avoiding bedbugs while traveling, or a story you want to share, please fill out the contact form!

Note: Please read the sites disclosure policy. Purchasing through the links or banners above to US Bed Bugs, BugZip, etc. helps support the running of this site, at no additional cost to you.

Last updated 1/2016

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Bed Bug Exterminators in Salt Lake City Utah | Extermiman …

If you are looking for a bed bug exterminator in Utah, you have arrived! Let Carl Wilson with Extermiman take you through the journey of dealing with a bed bug problem. We pull back the curtain on this mysterious and frustrating pest problem. This video gives you some insight into the treatment techniques used by professional exterminators as they deal with removing bed bugs from a home. Extermiman presents and explains some of the equipment and procedures that are involved to treat bed bugs.

Bed bug control can present some unique challenges when trying to eliminate them from a home. One area that is very problematic to treat is electrical sockets. Liquid and aerosol products cannot be applied to these locations because it can start an electrical fire. Extermiman uses dry residual dusts with specialized disbursement tools to treat these locations. Bed bugs can hide deep inside wall voids and subfloors making it difficult to eradicate them from these spots. Attention to detail is crucial for total control.

Bed bug infestations should be dealt with on a case by case basis addressing such things as level of infestation,how organized or cluttered the environment is, and the types of materials infected (such as furniture, walls, carpet, etc.).

Contemporary industry information supports what is known as limited preparation (limited prep) which consists of preparing the areas that are infested and the areas which are in close proximity to these areas. This differs from historical strategies where companies would have people prepare the environment to such a degree that many people were moving everything out of their home as if they were literally moving.

If you are looking for the best bed bug exterminator in Utah, Extermiman will provide you a free estimate and send you the preparation tips you need for treatment. Call us today for your free consultation 801-296-5960.

Tags: bed bug extermination, bed bug exterminators, bed bug pest control, bed bugs exterminators in utah, bed bugs salt lake city, bud bugs in salt lake city, utah bed bug exterminators, utah exterminators

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Bed Bug Exterminators in Salt Lake City Utah | Extermiman ...

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Have I found a Bed Bug? – Let’s Beat the Bed Bug!


Have I Found a Bed Bug (.pdf)

Bed bugs can be difficult to identify as they are similar to many other small insects. Also, their appearance will change depending on their age and if they have recently eaten.

Adult bed bugs are reddish brown in color and approximately to 3/8 inch long; they are nearly as wide as they are long. They are about the size of an apple seed. Juvenile bed bugs can be very small and very hard to see.

Bed bugs do not have wings, and cannot fly. Bed Bugs can move very quickly on both horizontal and vertical surfaces

If a bed bug has not recently eaten it is flat and oval shaped. Once a bed bug has bitten someone it swells in size, becoming longer and redder in color; frequently compared to the shape of a cigar.

If you have a bed bug infestation you may also notice cast skins. The cast skin of a bed bug is an empty shell that is left behind when a bed bug grows. This skin will be in the shape of a bed bug but it will be transparent.

Bed bugs are active mainly at night, so it is unlikely that you will see one during the day. They can become accustomed to feeding during the day if they become aware that people are resting or sleeping during the day. Bed bugs may be seen during the day if there is a big infestation, or if the insect you have found is actually a bat bug. Bat Bugs are very similar to bed bugs and are often found in places with bats or birds. Bugs should be sent to a professional for identification.

If you think you have found a bed bug, try to catch it on a piece of tape or put it in a plastic bag, you can then have this bug identified by a pest management professional (exterminator).

If an exterminator cannot verify it is a bed bug, send a sample on sticky tape to:

If you find bed bugs, make a note of when and where you saw them. This will help the pest management professional in the inspection of your home and will increase the likeliness that treatment will be effective.

Have I Found a Bed Bug (.pdf)

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Have I found a Bed Bug? - Let's Beat the Bed Bug!

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