Monthly Archives: February 2017

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Letting bedbugs bite — because science –

Anne Schindler, WTLV 11:22 PM. EST February 15, 2017

Closeup macro of a bedbug, 1950. (Photo by Andreas Feininger/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images) (Photo: Andreas Feininger)

When the very mention of your work causes people to recoil in horror, you develop coping mechanisms.

Sometimes I lie, concedes Brittany Campbell, a doctoral student of entomology at the University of Florida. Depending on the day, whether I feel like talking about it, I might be a manager at Target.

In reality, her job is bedbug research, a topic some cant discuss without freaking out.

People dont even want to talk to me, she says. I scare them.

Campbells work is an essential part of fighting the countrys decade-long bedbug resurgence. Once nearly eradicated in the U.S., the bloodsucking insects returned in force in the late 1990s. The wave of frenzied media coverage that followed has subsided, but not the bedbug problem. If anything, says Dr. Philip Koehler, who built the universitys urban entomology lab, its worse.

Were seeing a lot more infestations that what we did a few years ago.

Then, in November, the lab revealed a new species the tropical bedbug. Discovered in a home in South Florida, the insect hadnt been seen in the U.S. in more than 70 years.

Campbell was personally delighted. I was certainly excited, she says of the discovery. As a scientist I was jumping up and down ready to tell the world.

But in the battle of against bedbugs, she acknowledges, its not necessarily good news. You dont know what impact its going to have, you dont know how quickly its going to reproduce, says Campbell of the new species. You dont know if its going to respond as well [to pesticides].

With a single female capable of laying 500 eggs, the bedbug is a prolific breeder. Its also uniquely difficult to get rid of, since its preferred nest is a place most people like to spend a peaceful 8 hours not one they want doused with pesticides.

But getting rid of the intractable bug can push people to do irrational things, says Koehler. They dont want to go home sleep in their bed and have bugs crawling on them, and sucking their blood. Some people have died after spraying their mattresses with insecticide, accidentally torched their homes using heat treatments, even had air foggers explode.

Usually the bugs are still crawling after the place is blown apart, he says.

The only reliable way to get rid of bedbugs is to hire a professional exterminator, Koehler says. But the great irony is that -- in the lab, bedbugs are kind of feeble.

They are hard to kill in peoples homes, says Campbell. But for whatever reason, we have a hard time keeping alive in the lab.

Caring for the bugs means cleaning out colonies when their Petri dish gets crowded, keeping them in a climate-controlled room, feeding them artificially on warm rabbit blood, or live chickens.

And, when a colony is in trouble, it might mean giving of yourself. Literally.

Research scientist Roberto Pereira helped nurture the labs fledgling tropical bedbug colony by allowing them to suck his own blood.

Because we have very few insects, and we were trying to get this colony started, I took the liberty of feeding these bedbugs on myself, he says.

He it that sounds weird. Its not the type of conversation to bring up on the first date or anything. Most of us dont like to admit we have done that, because most people think of [entomologists] as crazy anyway.

Pereira says its not all that uncommon. Harold Harlan, a retired military medical entomologist, raised thousands of bedbugs in his basement, feeding them on his own blood. And, as a recent Here Be Monsters podcast noted, pest control companies that use dogs to find bedbugs have to maintain a home colony for training purposes and sometimes find it easier to feed the bugs off of themselves.

Pereira says its not as bad as it sounds. The bugs are kept in Petri dishes covered with a penetrable plastic, so the bugs cant escape. And for many people, the bite is imperceptible -- less annoying than a mosquito.

UF Graduate assistant Heather Erskine demonstrates, placing a single bug on her hand and allowing it to feed. I honestly dont feel it, she notes. If you blindfolded me and said you put a bedbug on me, I wouldnt be able to tell you where.

For Campbell, bedbug bites are more painful, creating visible welts. Its almost like getting pricked by a needle, or getting a shot or something, she says. I can really feel their mouth parts.

For people battling infestations, discomfort is just part of it. Treatment can be expensive about $1,000 or more. And the bugs can take a mental toll, causing anxiety, depression, even Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

I get phone calls from people telling me about their anxieties, says Campbell. I am unfortunately an entomologist; I dont deal with psychology. So I just try to calm them down, so they dont do anything irrational. I tell them to seek professional help.

Such problems are part of the reason Koehler says pest control revenues in Florida now dwarf the citrus industry. Theyre also the reason a harmless bedtime wish has resurfaced as a more sinister warning.

Theyre back. They should be saying that: Dont let the bedbugs bite.

For help getting rid of bedbugs, check out these sites:

EPA - Getting rid of bed bugs

University of Florida - Bed bugs

University of Florida - Bed bug resources

( 2017 WTLV)

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Letting bedbugs bite -- because science -

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Know the Law in Light of Bed Bug Issues – Clay County Free (subscription)

Following an increase in consumer complaints regarding bed bugs in rental housing units, West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey urges tenants to know state law when faced with a pest control problem

A letter from the attorney generals office to county health department officials outlined tenants specific complaints, including infestations of bed bugs and being charged extermination fees whether or not the bed bugs originated in their unit.

Dealing with bed bugs is never a pleasant experience, Morrisey said. However, its important to understand what is lawfully permitted in the landlord-tenant relationship so that everyone is treated fairly and justly.

The landlord is responsible for maintaining habitable housing and cannot pass that responsibility onto the tenant under West Virginia law. Also, requiring tenants to pay extermination fees without proof the tenant caused the infestation violates the states Consumer Credit and Protection Act.

Those with questions can contact the attorney generals Consumer Protection Division at 800-368-8808 or visit the office online at

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Know the Law in Light of Bed Bug Issues - Clay County Free (subscription)

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Bed bugs force cancellation of Hartshorne City Council meeting – Mcalester News Capital

Bed bugs in City Hall forced the cancellation of a regularly scheduled Hartshorne City Council meeting Monday.

The pests were discovered in a portion of City Hall, but Hartshorne Mayor Leon Mace said no chances would be taken and the meeting would be rescheduled another time.

"We have discovered that some of our furniture has bed bugs in it," Mace said. "We will reschedule. We will try and get it for next Monday night, if not sooner. I have to get with the council and determine when we can (meet)."

In the meantime, City Hall will be closed all day Tuesday to the public as city officials work with exterminators to assess the extent of the situation and provide treatment.

"(Exterminators) want to look throughout the whole building," Mace said. "It is what it is, we're taking precautions to take care of the public."

One challenge is figuring out how to handle emergency dispatch services, Mace said. The dispatch office is incapable of being moved and the city may rely on the Pittsburg County Sheriff's Department.

"We will switch it over to the Pittsburg County Sheriff's Office and let them dispatch for us," Mace said.

Hartshorne City Hall shouldn't be closed more than one day, Mace added.

"We should be up and running again on Wednesday morning," Mace said.

The News-Capital will publish the time of the rescheduled meeting when it is available.

Contact David Dishman at

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Bed bugs force cancellation of Hartshorne City Council meeting - Mcalester News Capital

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Hartshorne City Hall closed after discovery of bedbugs – Lexington Herald Leader

Hartshorne City Hall closed after discovery of bedbugs
Lexington Herald Leader
A city council meeting in Hartshorne was called off after workers discovered bedbugs inside City Hall. Mayor Leon Mace says the bugs were found inside some of the furniture in the building in Hartshorne, about 120 miles southeast of Oklahoma City.

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Hartshorne City Hall closed after discovery of bedbugs - Lexington Herald Leader

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Advice to my favourite SME: Listen to the bed bug (1) – BusinessDay

To say that the times are hard in Nigeria today is to put it mildly. We live in the kind of times that made Thomas Paine write his famous quote: These are the times that try mens souls. This is the famous part but Paine continued: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Indeed.

The first part of the quote describes the times and shows the impact they will have on people, including the gallant soldiers and trusted patriots. The second part shows the reward for patience and perseverance. It indicates that the hard times dont last forever and those who persevere get rewarded. I think it is a constructive way to present a challenge, and that is to me, the main attraction of that famous statement and why I believe my candid advice to my favourite SME should be clothed with ideas embedded in Paines quote. Now listen, my favourite SME.

The present times will try your soul. I know your soul is already in the dock undergoing trial. You should be aware of that. But more important, the trial is not about to end. It is going to be with you for a while. Recessions do not end on a given date. Actually nobody knows when they end until people see the plants begin to give out fresh leaves. Some people may have told you it will soon come to an end. Some very daring ones predicted it will last 18 months. By that calculation we are almost coming ashore. Dont be fooled. It is not only one crisis. It is a chain of crises. If you are a Christian, you may have heard the story of Legion that horde of demons that lived in a certain man. Put simply, the light you see at the end of the tunnel may be the headlamp of an oncoming railway engine. Dont sit and wait for recession to end. The end of this crisis will mark the beginning of another. This is not pessimism. Have survival and expansion plans. What would you be doing in the next three years?

Stop talking about your potentials. Use them. I know you have been through lots of training in the past Owner Manager, Senior Management, Finance for Non-finance Managers, and such. Take the skills out of your bag of potentials. Potentials have made many men, women, children and indeed nations, lose their lives by literally walking into the enemy camp. Read the history of your country and see how it failed to become a giant because it has too much potentials it does not know how to use. Remember the story of a man who attended a fund raising in his community and said he gave his moral support to a project for which funds were being raised. Some people mistook his moral support for the name of a foreign currency and asked him its equivalence in Naira. Nigeria has been showcasing her potentials since independence and has never exploited it. Dont be like her. All your learning in Lagos Business School, Wharton and Harvard will come to naught if you continue to parade unexploited potentials.

Please learn from the ants and use this period, which they call recession, to wean yourself of the rampant economic rent seeking behaviour, to which you have become accustomed. There is a new wind of change blowing across the country. But dont ask me the speed of the wind. The Nigerian Meteorological Services measure wind speed and can tell you if this wind will eventually turn to a hurricane or fizzle out as you probably think it will.

The deafening sound of billions of dollars being recovered from disused pit latrines and bedrooms of maternal cousins of public officials and the fact that nobody goes to jail in Nigeria for big crimes, may be killing you. However, from what I hear, things are about to change but dont hold me to this prospect. At least they did not give us names of those who refunded money to government because it will damage investigation but now they are giving us full names like Yakubu, etc. My point is that the recession is not exactly as terrible you make it look. In many climes, people use the period to rethink and retool their business strategies.

Besides, there are still big time business opportunities out there. My research has actually uncovered one. It is called Whistle Blowing. The time has passed when loots were relooted and common people like you watched in awe. Not anymore. You are now in the loop, not to loot or reloot but to facilitate loot recovery as a business. Once you find aloot and tell us; you get 5 per cent of the loot. With NNPC still in operation and the Yakubus still working free, you could say there are great potentials one last time I let you use the word potential.

I know you are concerned that civil servants may loot your 5 percent of loot and you may end up blackmailed with the threat of being revealed to the Yakubus by those who want to expropriate you. Dont worry. Blow the whistle first. After all, something must kill a man. So a recession is not really the draught we are told it is. It comes with new business opportunities for those that think hard.

Use this low time to exercise your brain more constructively. Am sure you will find that there are cheaper and better ways of doing what you do currently. It is called innovation. Try to make, create or invent something of your own. And for your information, you dont have to reinvent the wheel. You can improve on what has already been done by others. In the legal world of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, your invention is still patentable even if it is an improvement on existing ones. The problem is that you are too focused on trading and have no time to think. I know you stopped thinking because you discovered that your friends who spent their time pursuing public officials ended up wealthy by serving as conduits for all kinds of evil against your country. Please dont be discouraged. President Buhari has come after them. Why do you think they unleashed marabouts, necromancers and poisonous prayers against him?

Let me warn you that Nigeria is not about to change. And this has nothing to do with the zeal of the present proponents of change. Someone may lead change but change will not happen because someone has declared it, no matter how sincere he is. Change only comes when a critical mass of change champions are empanelled and committed. I may concede to Buharis commitment to change but am yet to see yours. Until the 103m people in Nigerias labour force, according to the National Bureau of Statistics, including ministers, directors, managers, clerks and even security men, who are alleged to work more for oil thieves and smugglers than their country, commit to change, it wont happen. Commit.

To close this first instalment of advice to you, let me remind you that the way you dress is the way you are addressed. Try to fix your looks before going to your bank for that financial support. It is time you began to see yourself as a proper company and behave like one. Do you have a bank account? Have you ever met your account officer? Does he understand what you do? Do you have a specific line of business or you wake up every morning, walk through the street looking for what you call business? That is a recipe for conmanship.

Igbo mythology has a story of the bed bug and hot water. What hot water does to bed bug is what recession is doing to business. The bed bugs secrete of survival is in taking advice. Listen to the bed bug.

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Advice to my favourite SME: Listen to the bed bug (1) - BusinessDay

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