Monthly Archives: March 2017

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  Saturday 21st of September 2024 21:37 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Canada Canine Detection – Bed Bugs Inspection Company Toronto

Do you suspect that you may have bed bugs? WE ARE YOUR SOLUTION!

Think you might have bed bugs? There are some telltale signs of bed bugs. Call us to know for sure!

Do you suspect that you may have bed bugs? Are you waking up with unexplained bites? Do your children show signs of an unexplained itchy rash? Are you finding blood spots on your sheets in the morning? If so, you need a bed bug inspection!

There are some telltale signs that bed bugs may have infested your home. In the old days a bed bug inspection was carried out by a technician using a simple flashlight...

I would like to thank you for doing such a wonderful job and although you did find bed bugs in my box spring our exterminator was able to fix the problem quickly because we caught it early thanks to you. Im very glad I...

Linda M.

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Canada Canine Detection - Bed Bugs Inspection Company Toronto

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DCPS Rodents, Bedbug Crisis May Mean City Infestation Issue – Afro American

Following a week that identified bed bugs at Miner Elementary in Northeast, and citations by the D.C. Health department that shuttered luxury food depot Dean & Deluca and a Whole Foods both in Georgetown concerns have grown among city officials and residents that the District may soon be overrun with pests.

The District of Columbia has long been a hub for rodents with tunnels, waterways, and occasional lapses in abatement; however, the D.C. Department of Health said there has been a drastic increase in calls to report rats, following four years of steady rodent decline. The city logged more than 3,000 rat complaints in fiscal year 2015-2016, causing Mayor Muriel Bowser to launch a rat-riddance program. The program, linking the Department of Health with the National Park Service, began inspecting and treating national parks in the city, including DuPont Circle, where frequent visitors spot an average of 12 to 20 rats each visit.

The National Park Service is committed to ensuring safe, positive experiences for visitors in all of our parks, and this agreement with the D.C. Department of Health provides us better tools to control the rodent population, said Robert Vogel, director of the National Capital Region for the National Park Service, in a statement. By simplifying the reporting process and decreasing the response time for treatment of affected areas, we are working together toward a rat-free D.C.

But for parents of Savoy Elementary School, in Southeast, scheduled to reopen Feb. 27 following a temporary closure to treat both rats and bedbugs, fears have not been so easily assuaged. Despite the efforts by DCPS to proactively work to prevent and treat potential threats from pests, a recent Orkin Pest Control report noted the District has seen a 57 percent increase in its rat population stressing the increase was among rats, not mice.

Similar to large cities like Philadelphia and New York, D.C. has extended its abatement programs with increased patrols and treatments. Still, with increased property development and infrastructure improvements, including breaking open ground to modernize pipes, results are minimal.

Deputy Mayor for Education Jennifer Niles told the AFROthat abating rodents across the city, but especially in schools, required improved habits of those inside as well as structural improvements to keep vermin from entering buildings. With the rodents, it isnt always easy because with all of the construction we have in the city the displacement of one population of rats means that they go somewhere [else in the city], Niles said. We need to make sure that we have school buildings with no entry in for rodents, and when we have buildings where rodents have entered that we dont allow them to thrive. Different sites have different challenges, but these are best practices.

Ward 6 resident Donna Haskins told the AFROthat Niles assessment should be a city-wide mandate for schools, residences, and businesses. It is easy to point a finger at DCPS or the individual restaurants and businesses, like Whole Foods, but the truth [is] whether you are downtown near the Archives, east of the river, or in ritzy Georgetown, the rats are everywhere, Haskins said. Yet and still, people are still throwing garbage down, allowing their trash to overflow, and basically inviting the rats to hang out.

The DOH asks residents to: eliminate all clutter around the outside of homes and under porches; store any garbage in metal or heavy plastic containers with tight-fitting lids and place trash at point of collection shortly before pickup not days in advance; remove weeds and debris near your property/yards where rats can hide easily. Plants such as English Ivy, Periwinkle, Pachysandra, and Hosta are known to be cover for rats; remove uneaten pet food, and store pet food in secure containers; and add metal weather stripping and trim to doors to prevent rodents from gnawing and entering underneath.

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DCPS Rodents, Bedbug Crisis May Mean City Infestation Issue - Afro American

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Bed Bug Infestation: Story of bedbugs attacking baby

Hi, Im heather and Im showing you my bed bug infestation so that should you end up in the same situation, you may be able to avoid the run-around I received and get to the root of the problem.

At first we thought I was getting bitten by a spider over and over, but after the first visit to the doctors (and ruling out spider) I started taking pictures. The first picture of my shoulder is how I attempted to rule out bedbugs. Because I thought they could not bite through clothes or would not travel that far to bite me.

The back shots below are bites that progressed in intensity over an 8 day period. The 2nd day of the back (what I thought was a ) rash I went back to the doctor who ordered a whole bloodwork up which included testing for thyroid issues, white blood count, food allergies and a few other things. When it came back normal she sent me to an allergist. I told him each day I get up and it hurts so bad I cry. But as the day goes on it feels a little better but then at night its awful (turns out they were just chomping on me again and again every night). Anyways, the allergist gave me a steroid cream that did nothing.

2 days later Im back at the allergist with a few choice words. Im diagnosed with contact dermatotis. I get an antihistamine and a different cream. And that i need to take an allergy test for materials and metals that will cost about $800. My husband decides Im allergic to the new mattress cover and he tossed it. Within days its better. And in a week its gone.

Unfortunately, the welts on my arms, the ones I originally thought were spider bites are back. Im annoyed thinking there must be a nest somewhere. Well today I put my son down for a nap, I come to check on him and bedbugs are crawling all over my poor baby!! Now there is no question we have a bed bug infestation.

At first I thought they were ticks and I strip him down and toss him in the bath and search his whole body and hair for the devils. But after further research of his bed I captured some and yep, bedbugs!

Im hiring an exterminator and its gonna cost $1,400 to get rid of them and a whole month of treatment!

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Bed Bug Infestation: Story of bedbugs attacking baby

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Northern Plaza residents report infestation of bed bugs, mice – Valley Breeze


Northern Plaza resident Irving Ortiz shows a pile of bed bugs from the laundry room at the housing complex. Ortiz is pleading for help addressing continued problems with bugs and mice in the building. (Breeze photo by Ethan Shorey)

PAWTUCKET Keeping bugs and rodents out of Apartment 510 at the Northern Plaza is about as futile as bailing water from a sinking boat, says resident Irving Ortiz.

The single father of three children says hes been frustrated in his ongoing efforts to get the facilities management to do something about the never-ending parade of mice and bed bugs that invade his familys living space.

Ortizs kids all said theyve been bitten repeatedly by bed bugs and they often chase and kill mice.

Its disgusting, Ortiz told The Valley Breeze. Its not right.

Ortiz recounts recently using his sandal to bat a mouse down his fifth-floor hallway. No one in a modern American housing facility, including this Section 8 housing complex, should have to live in these conditions, he says.

A tour of Ortizs apartment and building revealed many dead bed bugs and extensive evidence of mice. Another resident and a city employee both confirmed the problems.

Ortiz produced pictures from the buildings laundry room showing piles of dead bed bugs. He said the bugs get into laundry and are then left behind when the load is finished.

City officials this week said they have a reactionary role when it comes to inspecting the Northern Plaza at 301 Main St. When someone calls with a complaint, building officials go to inspect their particular apartment to look for evidence, said Lauren Greene, communications and constituent affairs officer for Mayor Donald Grebien.

Greene said that Pawtucket code inspectors responded to complaints of mice and cockroaches at the Northern Plaza as recently as Nov. 1 of last year. But, inspectors found no evidence to back up the complaint.

The city also responded to mice complaints in November of 2015. At that time, inspectors did find rodent evidence and issued a second notice after a return visit found problems persisting, said Greene. The next visit after the second notice found that the problems had been addressed, she said.

Ortiz and another resident, who declined to give his name, said that spraying for bugs was once a common practice in the Northern Plaza, but both said they were told by a building manager that it no longer happens because its too expensive.

The owner of the building is listed as Northern Plaza Associates, care of Rhode Island Housing. Building management could not be reached.

A representative from Rhode Island Housing said after being informed of the issue this week that action would be taken. Dotty Valentini said no one from Northern Plaza has called her office about bugs or mice. She said the building manager is responsible to do so if residents complain. Routine examinations are regularly done and several exterminations are carried out if a problem is discovered, she said.

We check for everything, she said.

Emily Martineau, spokeswoman for Rhode Island Housing, said that the agency has an oversight role at the Northern Plaza as a lender and distributor of vouchers through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, but does not own the property.

Martineau said inspections have been done at the facility, including several last year, and no evidence of mice or bed bugs was found. The same was true during routine on-site monitoring in December, she said.

The Northern Plaza, an affordable housing high-rise, has about 100 apartments. Ortiz said his total rent is $1,300, but because hes disabled with a bad back, he pays $362 a month.

Despite making numerous calls to management over the past few months, he said the problems have persisted.

Ortiz, who is looking for another home that works for his family, said he does his best to maintain an immaculate apartment and stay on top of the mice and bug problems. He says he worries about diseases caused by bugs and rodents.

Im a clean freak, he said.

Ortiz showed the The Breeze at least 20 holes created by mice to get in through the walls. He said a woman in another apartment mentioned having mice but told him, they dont really bother me.

How dirty is that? he said.

Any residents who see an issue with rodents or bugs at the Northern Plaza Apartments is invited to call Pawtucket building inspectors at 401-728-0500 ext. 249.

One of the mice Ortiz killed in his hallway.

A bed bug on Ortizs wall.

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Northern Plaza residents report infestation of bed bugs, mice - Valley Breeze

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Students return to DC elementary school after bed bugs, rat infestation cleaned up – WJLA


It was back to class at their home school for hundreds of students at Savoy Elementary in Southeast Washington on Monday morning.

The school was closed for three weeks to get rid of rats and bed bugs that were plaguing the facility.

The problem started in the fall and persisted into the winter. Earlier this month the school was shut down and students were transferred to Ferebee Hope Elementary School for class. During that time the school was cleaned from top to bottom, a new front lobby floor was put in and all soft materials such as blankets and carpets were replaced. They also located and repaired vulnerable spots in the school where rats could get in.

One of the challenges that we face right now is that we want to make sure that our families, teachers and students feel comfortable, said Deputy Chief of School Eugene Pinkard.

Pinkard was on hand to welcome back students and parents and to give the media a tour of the cleaned up facility. Some parents were anxious to have their students return.

Mother Pauline Richardson told ABC7, I hope they got the bed bug situation under control. Hopefully this is a fresh start.

Both the Department of Health and Department of General Services inspected the facility and say it is safe for students and teachers to return.

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Students return to DC elementary school after bed bugs, rat infestation cleaned up - WJLA

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