Monthly Archives: June 2017

  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Thursday 12th of September 2024 17:33 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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BedBug Central Announces April Survey Results – PCT Magazine

Findings include a busy April for the Southeast and eastern Midwest (Ohio, Michigan and Illinois) and a busier West Coast.

Bed Bug Central released results from its ongoing bed bug surveys. Results show that in April bed bug activity compared to March demonstrated a significant slow-down in bed bug business in the Northeast, a busy April for the Southeast and Eastern Midwest (Ohio, Michigan and Illinois) and a busier West Coast.

In the Northeast in March, only 5% of the companies that completed the bed bug survey reported bed bug business being "down" but this number increased significantly in April (close to 28%). Close to 90% of companies in Regions 2 and 3 (the Southeast and Eastern Mid-West) reported business either being "up or flat." Lastly in April, about 45% of companies on the West Coast reported business being "up" compared to March where only about 25% reported being "up."

CLICK HERE to download the survey results.

Bed Bug Central's Jeff White thanked everyone for their participation in these surveys. For additional questions email him at

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BedBug Central Announces April Survey Results - PCT Magazine

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Family of 4 Loses Everything to Bed Bugs, But Learns What Life Is Really All About – Babble (blog)

It was Friday, May 26 when Ariel Esposito-Bernard was vacuuming her sons bedroom carpet and spotted the first bug.

Horrified, I scooped it into a baggie and stared at it, praying fervently that God turn it into a grasshopper, a spider, a centipede really anything except what it was; a bed bug, the Queens, New York momlater shared on Facebook.

What would follow in the next few days wasas frustrating as it was heartbreaking. Esposito-Bernard says she spent hours at the laundry mat, costing herhundreds of dollars. Night after night, the family was forced to throw awayevery single thing that could not be boiled or washed and dried on high heat. (Their curtains even melted in the process.)

But all their work was useless, and through somber words she shared, its all gone.

Just days after finding the first bug, Esposito-Bernard, her husband Chris, and their sons, 4-year-old Hunter and 19-month-old Sawyer, had lost everything.

I would like to say I was unaffected as I tossed my records, books, kids toys, furniture, shoes, cards, the kids library, rugs, beds, cribs, bookshelves etc in the trash, because in the end, it is just stuff, Esposito-Bernard admits, but I was. I sobbed over my sons trains as I tried to boil them and melted the entire pot. Chuggingtons mixed with Thomas all melted together, salted with my tears. I sobbed as I tossed the books I spent hours reading the boys.

In an interview with Babble, Esposito-Bernard explains that she called an exterminator right away, but that suddenly the week turned into a whirlwind of hell.

The most disturbing part, she says, isthat bed bugs arent just hardto find; theyre nearly impossible to get rid of.

You dont know where the bugs and eggs are, she continues. They are smaller than a grain of rice. They were in between the pages of books, and everything else that we began to inspect. They hide in all the cracks and crevices of the house, and since they dont just come out to chill, they are nearly impossible to clean, or kill.

Between the bed bugs themselves and the pesticides that destroyed everything else during the extermination process, the Esposito-Bernard family had said goodbye tonearly everything they owned.

Eventually we realized we could save nothing We were tossing memories.

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Eventually we realized we could save nothing, she says quietly. We spent hours trying to save my sons books, because they were important to us. The memories of reading the books to him; my husband reading to my son before he was born.

We were tossing memories, she relents.

The photo books, my husband made a huge one for our anniversary, all of the furniture, the kids toys, everything, Esposito-Bernard continues.One of the only things I saved was a handwritten book from my brother, which I sealed into a plastic bag with a note that says dont open until 2019, she says chuckling. I want to make sure that all the eggs are dead.

Its clear that themom-of-two has kept her humor through it all. While she may have lost nearly all of her possessions, she didjokingly point outthat there are still some things that remain a humongous stock pile of melted trains, for example.

In some ways its cathartic, to hear someone in the middle of what many people would consider to be devastating, finding something to smile about.

It was hard, she confesses, My brain kept saying that this is all our stuff; this is everything that we have accumulated. Living in New York, there isnt room for extra [things], so everything that we have, is very important to us. But, it has also been a cleansing time, she says, reflecting on what she has learned through the process.

I have oscillated between losing it and reminding myself its just stuff, Esposito-Bernardshared on Facebook. My family is healthy and intact. It is a season. It. Is. A. Season. It wasnt the books or those specific toys we played with that made [them] feel loved. It wasnt the exact crib we laid the boys in that made them feel safe. It was us. It was our time, our attention and our love that made our home. We will start over. We will build a new home.

And as she quipsto Babble, at least we wont have to hire movers when we move into it!

But jokes aside, the experience has been life-changing for the Esposito-Bernard family, in more ways than one.

I wrote, what I wrote, she says of her Facebook post, because I was trying to make the point that sometimes you have a lot, sometimes you have a little, but none of that is wrapped up in material goods.Right now, we have nothing, but our family is safe and healthy, and everyone that we have ever touched has come around, all at the same time, to stand together with us. And its reminding me that we have a lot. It has been breathtaking and incredible, and is a good example of what I want to teach my boys, that life is really about.

I know a little something about what thats like myself. After my husband left me and our kids five years ago, I lost nearly everything too, and was even thrust into poverty for a period of time.But inthe process, I learned more about myself and of life than I ever could have imagined.

Right now, the Esposito-Bernard family has almost nothing left from the life they used to lead; nothing, that is, except for everything that is truly important.

My son misses his books, Esposito-Bernard says, but what he is learning, is that he still has us.

If you wish to help the Esposito Bernard family build their new future, you can support them through a GoFundMe accountthat was started by their friends.

Little Girl's Airport Tantrum Turns into an Epic 'Moana' Sing-Along

Article Posted 18 hours Ago

Excerpt from:
Family of 4 Loses Everything to Bed Bugs, But Learns What Life Is Really All About - Babble (blog)

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Bed Bugs Information | doh

Bed bugs were extinct in the United States decades ago. Two things, however, have changed since those times: Social conscience and healthy-living initiatives have caused us to discontinue use of caustic insecticides, and an increase in global travel has allowed bed bugs to travel to the United States via human travelers and their belongings. Now, our nation is much more habitable for the bed bugs. The common bed bug (Cimex lectularius Linnaeus) is a parasite which lives on the outside of the body of the host. Bed bugs feed only on the blood of warm-blooded hosts. They can conceal themselves in any tight crack or crevice, and are often found in padding, such as mattresses and box springs. They can also hide behind electrical faceplates, baseboards, folded areas of beds, bedding, adjacent furniture, picture frames, wallpaper and nearly anywhere inside a shelter, apartment, or structure. Bed bugs do not discriminate and have been known to thrive in the fanciest hotels and homes, to the most modest dwellings.

Unlike cockroaches, bed bugs travel by hitchhiking, and commonly take a ride on a human host, or a persons garments or travel bags. Bed bugs usually feed at night but can take a blood meal during the day, especially in heavily-infested areas. They usually require 5-10 minutes to engorge with the hosts blood. After feeding, they move to a secluded place and hide for 5-10 days. During this time, they do not feed, but instead digest their meal, mate, and lay eggs. Here are some quick facts:

Bed Bugs Information | doh

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Bed Bugs Colorado

CALL OR TEXT: (970) 376-4659

We've got a number of un-harmful and natural options to help you with all of your extermination needs.

We've got years of experience to help you and our service has one year of Coverage at no extra charge.

Bed Bugs 101

Bed Bugs 101 is your premier online resource for bed bug information. Bed Bugs 101 was created by Richard Cooper, who is regarded as one of the industry's top experts on bed bugs.

Sanitation: The thought that bed bugs are the result of poor sanitation and/or poverty is a big misconception. Bed bugs do not discriminate based on ones social status or the cleanliness of their home.

Avoiding Infestations:Early detection of bed bug activity is among the most important ways that you can protect yourself from having an introduction of bed bugs turn into a nightmare that is difficult and costly to eliminate. Protect Yourself When You Travel: There are many steps that can be taken when traveling to reduce the likelihood of staying in a bed bug infested environment and infesting your home when you return from your travels.


The fastest, safest, and most effective method available. TheEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)has acknowledged that using any single method isnt very effective at getting rid of bed bugs. But when it comes to removing and disposingbed bugs, Denver based Bed Bugs Colorado can exterminate bed bugs.

In a single day we combine the best of all bedbug removal techniques. We start with vacuuming, steaming, andphysically removing bugs and eggs. After that we heat the room to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. This is what gets most of them; bed bugs cant live when temperatures get that high for an extended period. Heat is not only the most efficient way to kill bed bugs, its also the safest. Finally, we leave a lightnon - hazard chemical treatment on baseboards to eliminate the weakened stragglers and to catch any that might try to move beyond the infested area.

This combination of methods kills every stage of bedbugs; egg, nymph, and adult. And it can all be done in one day. You dont need to move out for weeks to avoid heavy pesticides, and you dont have to get rid of your mattresses. You can return that night free from anxiety and sleeplessness; your problem is taken care of. Thats how you get rid of bed bugs, through

If you suspect bed bugs in your home, give Bed bugs Colorado a call and well go to offer a free evaluation of the situation.

If you live in adams county, are veteran and or have a sick loved one at your home there is discounts!

Go here to see the original:
Bed Bugs Colorado

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Pests and Bed Bugs | Vermont Department of Health

Pests in and around our homes can be a nuisance. Pests include insects (e.g. cockroaches, bed bugs, wasps, and garden bugs), rodents (e.g. mice and rats), and weeds. The pesticides, or chemicals, we use to treat pests can cause serious health problems. Pesticides can contaminate our indoor environment, cause and trigger allergies and asthma, and be especially dangerous to children, pregnant women, and pets.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a safer, effective, and environmentally friendly method used to control pests that is based on common-sense principles and science. This method focuses on minimizing the use of hazardous pesticides by first using knowledge of the life cycles of pests and how they interact with their environment to figure out the best ways to control the problem. If chemicals must be used, safer pesticides are chosen.

Be very cautious about using pesticides yourself. Pesticides can be hazardous to people and pets. If you choose to use a pesticide, or a licensed pest control professional suggests you use one, follow these precautions:

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has more information on IPM and Safe Pest Control.

Bed bugs are small insects that feed on human blood. They are usually active at night when people are sleeping. Adult bed bugs have flat, rusty-red-colored oval bodies. About the size of an apple seed, they are big enough to be easily seen, but often hide in cracks in furniture, floors, or walls. When bed bugs feed, their bodies swell and become brighter red. They can live for several months without food or water.

Bed bugs bite, but they do not transmit disease. Bed bugs painlessly feed on their host, injecting a tiny amount of saliva in the process, which can result in mild to severe allergic reactions. Many people do not react to bed bug bites, although the bite may leave a small welt. These welts do not have a red spot in the center like flea bites. Excessive scratching of these bites is highly discouraged as it can lead to secondary infections.

Pests and Bed Bugs | Vermont Department of Health

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