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  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Saturday 14th of September 2024 16:47 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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If you find evidence of bed bugs, inform your landlord in writing right away, and request that they treat the problem. Remember to keep a copy of the signed and dated letter that you send them. It is also a good idea to take pictures and take other steps to gather evidence of the problem, such as having a friend come over to witness it. If you find a bug, try to trap it and keep it in a sealed plastic bag. This will be helpful to show to both your landlord and the pest control company.

You can use our template letter Bedbugs, Rodents or Pests.

Your landlord should hire a professional pest control company to inspect your unit, and if bed bugs are confirmed, treat it. Neither you nor your landlord should attempt to treat the bed bugs on your own.

If your landlord has not hired a pest control company within a reasonable period of time, you can apply for dispute resolution at the Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB) and request an order for your landlord to treat the unit. See our page on Applying for Dispute Resolutionfor more information.

You can also contact the city that you live in. Some cities have Standards of Maintenance bylaws, which often require landlords to treat infestations. A city may send a bylaw, health, or building inspector to inspect your unit and order the landlord to treat the infestation.

Do not throw away your belongings without getting instructions on how to dispose of items properly. It is also not a good idea to start sleeping on the couch, as this will just spread the infestation to the living room.

Discovering bed bugs is usually not an accepted reason for ending a tenancy early.Nor is it a valid reason to withhold rent, even if your landlord is ignoring the problem. Again, you will need to apply for dispute resolution through the RTB.

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Bed Bug Attorneys Settle Claim Against South Carolina …

Our client, Mrs. M. sustained numerous painful bed bug bites after staying at a Fairfield Inn and Suites located in South Carolina. When Mrs. M contacted our office she informed our bed bug attorneys she was angry with how the hotel management reacted to her complaint of a bed bug infestation at the hotel. Mrs. M told us she did not want the hotel to not brush her situation under a rug and wanted them to take precautions to ensure others did not end up suffering similar injuries while staying at the hotel.

Mrs. M stayed at the hotel one night in August of 2014. Mrs. M woke up in the morning with numerous bed bug bites on her body. Mrs. M. immediately contacted the front desk and spoke with the manager about her injuries. The manager told Mrs. M. he was aware of the bed bug infestation in Mrs. Ms room but did not apologize.

It is not uncommon for hotel management or employees to respond to a guests complaint of a bed bug infestation with indifference. It is important you document every communication you have with hotel employees or representatives. We strongly recommend that you write down the date of the conversation or correspondent, the name of each individual you spoke with and what they said in response.

Mrs. M required medical treatment as a result of the bed bug infestation and also had to discard of several personal belongings out of fear of spreading the infestation to her home. Although Mrs. M sought medical treatment with one provider and discarded several of her belongings, she was not looking to recover a huge sum of money from Fairfield Inn and Suites. Rather, Mrs. M only wanted Fairfield Inn and Suites to take notice of the harm a poorly maintained hotel room can cause guests.

After Mrs. M retained our firm, our bed bug lawyers immediately started working on Mrs. Ms claim. Within a few months, we were able to successfully settle Mrs. Ms claim for $9,000.00. This settlement far exceeded what Mrs. M believed her claim would settle for and as a result, she was ecstatic. Mrs. M graciously thanked our attorneys for not only reaching a favorable settlement but for also making the hotel aware that maintaining an unsafe room will not go unnoticed.

Contact our office today to schedule your absolutely free consultation.

We respond the same day. We represent claimants bitten by bed bugs all over the United States.

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Bed Bug Attorneys Settle Claim Against South Carolina ...

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Bed Bug Basics | Ohio Healthy Homes Network

According to a 2015 survey by the National Pest Management Association, bed bugs have been found in all 50 states. One in five Americans has had a bed bug infestation in their home or a hotel or knows someone who has had an infestation. Bed bugs are not a sign of unsanitary conditions and are found in the homes of people of all income levels. They are most frequently found in areas of high turnover such as apartments, single family homes and hotels/motels (National Pest Management Association).

Ohio is experiencing a major resurgence of bed bugs. According to Orkins 2014 survey, four large cities in Ohio are among the top 10 cities in the US for bed bugs: Columbus (3rd), Cleveland (5th), Cincinnati (7th) and Dayton (10th). Bedbugs have been found in a wide range of properties in Ohio, including apartments and single-family homes, hotels/motels, hospitals, schools, firehouses, office buildings, courthouses, homeless shelters and college dormitories.

The Centers for Disease Control has identified bed bugs as a pest of significant public health importance; the EPA calls them a public health pest. Though the Ohio Landlord Tenant law is silent on bed bug and other insect infestations, landlords must ensure the premises are in a fit and habitable condition, implying no infestations of pests of any kind. The lack of a clear definition of landlord and tenant responsibilities in Ohio landlord tenant law has caused problems for tenants and landlords.

Ohios only bed bug law was passed in 1992 to address infestations in hotels, motels and Single Room Occupancies (SROs) (see ORC 3741.13). The state fire marshals office is responsible for enforcement of the law. Recent legislative efforts to define bed bugs as a type of vermin have not been successful. In 2010, the Ohio Department of Health convened a work group on bed bugs that issued a 2011 report making several recommendations. Little progress has been made to date.

Bed bugs are small, parasitic insects that feed solely on the blood of people and animals while they sleep. Bed bugs feed at night and hide during the day in mattresses, box springs, bed frames, headboards, behind wallpaper and in cracks and crevices. They can survive several months without a meal, are comfortable in a wide range of temperatures and their eggs are extremely durable. They cling to shoes, clothing, furniture, suitcases and other belongings and easily travel to wherever humans are located. (For more information, see the OSU Extensions Bed Bug website.)

While they are not known at this time to transmit disease, seven in 10 people who are bitten by bed bugs experience itchy, red welts; the more severe of these reactions may require medical attention. Bed bugs can also cause great anxiety and distress. Sometimes the bites lead to a secondary skin infection. The stress of an infestation can also exacerbate health issues such as asthma and depression. (See EPAs bedbug website).

Bed bug pesticide use and misuse in attacking the infestation has become a related health problem. Increases in bedbug resistance to commonly used pesticides have led people to overuse and misuse pesticides. In 2011, the CDC issued an advisory, Health Concerns about Misuse of Pesticides for Bed Bug Control, and published a report, Acute Illnesses Associated With Insecticides Used to Control Bed Bugs Seven States, 20032010. See also The Health Risks of Bedbugs, Beyond Bumps in the Night.

Concerns have been raised about pyrethroids, common in over-the-counter pesticides, and their potential negative effect on childrens behavior (see Common insecticides may be linked to kids behavior problems.) See also Urinary Metabolites of Organophosphate and Pyrethroid Pesticides and Behavioral Problems in Canadian Children.

Ohio is a home rule state where local governments can decide what is a public health nuisance. Many health departments consider bed bugs annoying but not a health risk since they are not known to transmit disease. Many do not offer to investigate complaints since they have no authority to issue orders. Others provide inspections and speak with the landlord and tenants about the infestation.

Franklin County, Cleveland and Cincinnati are among local governments in Ohio that have enacted ordinances or reinterpreted existing statutes to define bed bugs as a public health nuisance.

In cities and counties where bed bugs are considered a public health nuisance, or the local government has interpreted language in an existing code to cover bed bugs, the health department or code enforcement have the authority to investigate infested buildings and order the landlord to treat.

Tenants can give a notice, in writing, to the landlord, to correct the condition. If the landlord doesnt address the complaint in a reasonable amount of time but not more than in 30 days, a tenant may deposit his/her rent with the Clerk of Courts, or may apply to the Court for an order to compel treatment of the bed bugs, or may terminate the rental agreement. In all cases, tenants should seek legal advice before taking any action (see Where to Find Assistance).

The lack of clarity over who pays for treatment is a gray area in Landlord Tenant law. The state has not passed legislation that defines bed bugs as a public health nuisance. Some landlords in cities where the pest has not been declared a public health nuisance may use this as a justification for not treating for bed bug infestations. However, the question of habitability of the building arises. Landlords are required in the Landlord Tenant Law to . . . make all repairs and do whatever reasonably necessary to put and keep the premises in a fit and habitable condition . . . keep all common areas of the premises in a safe and sanitary condition. It can be argued that a building infested with bed bugs is not fit and habitable.

Landlords are sometimes charging tenant(s) for the cost of bed bug treatment. While this can be a contentious issue, some local health departments are telling tenants that landlords are within their rights to charge for bed bug treatment. Some landlords write addendums to lease agreements declaring the unit is free of infestation and the tenant is responsible for treatment if bed bugs are later found in the unit.

HUD has issued specific bed bug guidance for HUD subsidized and insured properties (Guidelines on Addressing Infestations in HUD-insured and Assisted Multifamily Housing) and Public Housing Authorities (Guidelines on Bedbug Control and Prevention in Public Housing).

Tenants play a key role in the prevention and treatment of bed bugs. The Landlord Tenant Law requires tenants to keep the part of the premises the tenant occupies and uses safe and sanitary While bed bugs are not related to sanitation, tenants have a responsibility to keep the premises safe from bed bugs. This extends to tenants preparing the unit for treatment.

Given the complexity of bed bug infestations, it makes sense for landlords and tenants to communicate when infestations occur, consult their local health department and/or code enforcement for guidance and, if necessary, seek legal counsel.

Disabled tenants unable to handle preparations for treatment can request reasonable accommodation through state and federal fair housing law. According to a statement by HUD and the Department of Justice (DOJ):

A reasonable accommodation is a change, exception, or adjustment to a rule, policy, practice, or service that may be necessary for a person with a disability to have an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling, including public and common use spaces. Since rules, policies, practices, and services may have a different effect on persons with disabilities than on other persons, treating persons with disabilities exactly the same as others will sometimes deny them an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. The Act makes it unlawful to refuse to make reasonable accommodations to rules, policies, practices, or services when such accommodations may be necessary to afford persons with disabilities an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling.

The HUD/DOJ statement further addresses the issue of the cost of accommodations and what happens if the landlord and tenant cannot agree:

Courts have ruled that the Act may require a housing provider to grant a reasonable accommodation that involves costs, so long as the reasonable accommodation does not pose an undue financial and administrative burden and the requested accommodation does not constitute a fundamental alteration of the providers operations. The financial resources of the provider, the cost of the reasonable accommodation, the benefits to the requester of the requested accommodation, and the availability of other, less expensive alternative accommodations that would effectively meet the applicant or residents disability-related needs must be considered in determining whether a requested accommodation poses an undue financial and administrative burden.

For additional guidance, see Fair Housing Overview and Reasonable Accommodations and Modifications, from the Ohio Housing Conference on November 3, 2014.

The information provided on this website is not intended as a substitute for legal counsel. Contact Ohio Legal Services or another legal resource for assistance.

Bed Bug Basics | Ohio Healthy Homes Network

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Angry man dumps nearly 100 bed bugs at Maine City Office forcing building to close – WILX-TV

AUGUSTA, ME (AP)-- A municipal office building in Maine has reopened after officials say a disgruntled man slammed a cup full of bedbugs on the counter, releasing about 100 of the pests.

Augusta officials told that Kennebec Journal that exterminators are confident all the bedbugs were killed before the City Center building opened Monday.

City development director Matt Nazar said a man came into the citys General Assistance office on Friday seeking help with bedbugs at his apartment. Nazar said the apartment was already being sprayed and the man didnt qualify for assistance finding other housing. The man became angry and returned with more than 100 dead and live bed bugs that he threw on the counter.

Nazar said the man told police he wanted the government workers to experience what he was experiencing. Nazar called it an extraordinary bit of misdirected anger.

Police have not said if the man will be charged.

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Angry man dumps nearly 100 bed bugs at Maine City Office forcing building to close - WILX-TV

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Disgruntled man releases around 100 bedbugs in Maine city office – York Daily Record/Sunday News

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The city manager in Augusta, Maine, says the municipal office building had to be sprayed for bedbugs after a man threw a cup of the pests onto an office counter and about 100 of them scattered off.

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Associated Press Published 1:49 p.m. ET June 5, 2017 | Updated 4:43 p.m. ET June 5, 2017

New research from the University of Sydney shows that bed bugs are harder to kill because they may have developed a thicker skin, resistant to common insecticides. Sean Dowling (@seandowlingtv) has more. Buzz60

Photograph of bedbugs in various stages of development.(Photo: Submitted photo)

AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) The city manager in Augusta, Maine, says the municipal office building had to be sprayed for bedbugs after a man threw a cup of the pests onto an office counter and about 100 of them scattered off.

City Manager William Bridgeo tells the Kennebec Journalthe man apparently complained Friday to the code enforcement office about bedbugs at his former apartment then left, but returned after he showed the cup of bugs to a manager at his new apartment and was told he couldn't live there.

Bridgeo says the man let the bugs loose in the General Assistance Office where he asked for a form to request assistance and apparently was told he didn't qualify.

Police didn't immediately release the man's name or say if any charges would be filed.

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Disgruntled man releases around 100 bedbugs in Maine city office - York Daily Record/Sunday News

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