Monthly Archives: June 2017

  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Saturday 21st of September 2024 12:31 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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NASTY PEOPLE: Buzzfeed HQ Infested With Bed Bugs | Heat Street – Heat Street

Theres another reason to avoid BuzzFeed employees, besides the fact theyre the type of people to scold you for manspreading.

BuzzFeeds New York headquarters is infested with bed bugs and employees were asked to stay home from work today while the building was fumigated.

It was already pretty obvious that BuzzFeed employees (or BuzzFeeders as they call themselves) are nasty people, but this finally proves it. People that gluttonously write listicles about food all day are sure to attract bugs eventually.

Did I mention that BuzzFeed employees are disgusting people, who perhaps do not deserve bed bugs, but should expect these types of afflictions as people who work for BuzzFeed? Well now you know.

Just a week ago the insufferable liberals at Vox were swarmed with 20,000 bees at their workplace.Media is a dirty busy, ay?

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FAQ: Can Baking Soda Kill Bed Bugs? – Bed Bug Products …

A couple of weeks ago, we discussed how salt can be used to kill bed bugs. The conclusion we ended up with was pretty simple: it cant. Despite being recommended fairly often as a natural alternative to conventional bed bug treatments, there is no scientific evidence that salt can kill bed bugs.

Salt is just one of many household items that are suggested online as a cheap and easy way to treat bed bugs. We get calls all the time from people asking about essential oils, borax, vinegar, and other items that they suspect might be useful in a bed bug treatment. One of the items that comes up fairly often is baking soda. With that in mind, lets explore the idea: can baking soda kill bed bugs?

There are a couple of reasons that people suggest baking soda as a way to kill bed bugs. Sodium bicarbonate, commonly known as baking soda or baking powder, is a fine white powder that is commonly usedthroughout the home. Baking soda is used in cooking, disinfecting, cleaning, personal hygiene, and even some practical medicine.

Probably the most common argument for baking soda as a bed bug killer is its natural absorbing ability, which is what allows baking soda to suck up musty smells from refrigerators and old books. Since bed bugs rely on the waxy layer of their shell to stay hydrated, the theory is that baking soda can absorb those surface fluids and cause the bugs to dehydrate. This is similar to how diatomaceous earth is used against bed bugs.

Another theory is that baking soda is simply so abrasive that it can cut open bed bug shells, primarily on their relatively softer underbellies. Once open wounds are created, any bed bug would be highly susceptible to internal bleeding, infection, or dehydration.

Finally, some believe thatbaking soda will work on bed bugs in a similar way to how it is believed to work on roaches. There is a lot of discussion online that when cockroaches consume baking powder, a chemical reaction causes rapid gas buildup, causing their internal organs to burst.

(Since I mentionedthree distinct theories, Ill have to address each one separately.)

The first theory we discussed was that baking soda would absorb the fluid from a bed bugs waxy shell when it comes in contact with the bug. The problem with this idea is that baking soda doesnt absorb fluids much, if at all. Baking soda actually breaks down in bodies of water very easily, so its ability to absorb thick, viscous fluids like the wax on a bed bugs shell is questionable. The absorption properties of baking soda are limited to odors and certain acidic chemicals.

The second theory mentioned above is that baking soda will cut into bed bug shells and cause damage beneath the skin, like piercing or slicing them with a blade. Comparisons are often made with diatomaceous earth, which is similarly abrasive and is capable of cutting into a bed bugs shell as well. The discussion of abrasive powder cutting into a bed bug is a bit exaggerated diatomaceous earth cuts into a bed bugs shell, yes, but not by very much. It mostly just sticks itself in far enough to stay on the bed bug while it moves around. No fine powder will pierce a bed bug enough to cause it any real injury.

The final theory well discuss, and possibly the most absurd,is that bed bugs would ingest baking soda and suffer organ failure the same way that roaches are supposed to. However, there are two big issues with this theory. First, bed bugs dont eat dry items in their environment like roaches do. They dont even have mouths capable of opening enough to ingest solid crystals like baking soda. Second, I cant seem to find any scientific studies or other evidence that baking soda causes a chemical reaction in roaches to begin with. This may just be a myth compounded from oneinaccurate target to the next.

The outcome for this hypothesis is looking pretty grim. There are no professional tests or other scientific evidence to indicate that baking soda can kill bed bugs. None of the theories we discussed pan out in any positive way. Its pretty safe to assume that you shouldnt be using baking soda in your bed bug treatments.

Weve said this before, and well say it again: there is no silver bullet for bed bugs. Even if baking soda had some effect on bed bugs, it still wouldnt be an effective treatment solution all by itself. Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to treat they can hide almost anywhere in your room, they reproduce quickly, and its tough to tell where they came from or how many of them are nearby. This makes it necessary to use a combination of products and treatment methods in a holistic process, like our proven 4-step solution.

This whole desire to use household items to treat bed bugs is a pain point for us at Bed Bug Supply. Its not that we dont want you to save money by using low-cost items, or by using stuff you already have around the house. The problem is that we never hear about these treatments working. People spend valuable time and money trying to cut corners, and they end up calling us with their tails between their legs. If they had skipped the baking soda or eucalyptus oil treatment, they could have called us weeks earlier and started a proper treatment that much sooner.

When you have bed bugs, time is a huge factor in dealing with the problem. The longer you wait to start an effective treatment process, the more time the bugs have to feed, reproduce, spread, and drive you crazy. A small infestation can turn into a big one in just a couple of weeks. This means that wasting time with inefficient treatments like baking soda, salt, or whatever else is recommended without proof is a lot more harmful than you might think. If you want to get rid of bed bugs, do yourself a favor: leave the baking soda in the cupboard and give us a call instead.

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Bed Bugs | Louisiana Bed Bug Inspection

They live everywhere, not just in your mattress. Bedbugs can hide in furniture and behind wall coveringsand you are on the menu. Getting rid of bed bugs is not an easy process. Bed bug infestation will require treatment by a pest control experts. We at J&J Exterminating are extremely concerned with the latest news reports concerning the spread of bed bugs. The insects are spreading quickly through luggage, hand bags, and purses. Bed bugs have feasted on sleeping humans for thousands of years. Perhaps spurred by increases of international travel, bed bugs are becoming a problem once again. The risk of encountering bed bugs increases if you spend time in places with high turnovers of night-time guests such as hotels, hospitals or homeless shelters. Bed bugs are reddish brown, oval-shaped, flat, and about the size of an apple seed. During the day, they hide in the cracks and crevices of beds, box springs, headboards and bed frames. Its a daunting task to eliminate bed bugs from your home. Professional help is recommended. A female bed bug can lay more than 200 eggs in her lifetime, which typically lasts for about 10 months. Newly hatched bed bugs are nearly colorless, so they are hard to spot. They shed their skin five times as they grow, and need a blood meal for each molt.

We are equipped with the latest technology to exterminate bed bugs and to assist in minimizing the outbreak. We are offering FREE INSPECTIONS of your home or business.

MedicineNet Articles

Take the MedicineNet Bedbug Quiz

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Bed Bugs Are Back: What You Need To Know – WCNC

WFMY 2:50 PM. EDT June 22, 2017

Experts say bed bugs can actually sneak in to your phone or your laptop when you're asleep! (Photo: Stephen Dalton, NHPA, Custom)

They're small, blood-sucking parasites perhaps living in the corners and crevices of our beds, feeding off us while we sleep.

Bed bugs, for decades, existed as myths,part of a rhyme our parents told us beforebed. Nowthey've made anunwelcomereturn and thosewho know the buggers best say it's high time we starttaking them seriously.

After all, getting a bed bug infestation "is a bit of a crap shoot," concededUniversity of Kentucky entomologist Michael Potter, meaning all of us are at risk.

Bed bugs used to be "incredibly common" in the early 20th century, Potter said. Back then, peopleroutinely checked for them and carried insecticide while traveling.

But the introduction ofpotent insecticides killed most of our bed bugs, banishing them from our homes and consciousnesses. The bugs,Potter said, disappeared from about the mid-1950s to the late 1990s. They became so rare people could no longer identify them and a new generation of pest control professionals weren't equipped to fight them, noted University of Florida research scientistRoberto Pereira.

But then they came "roaring back in the last five to seven years," Potter said, creeping into our couches, our apartments and eveninto the hotel rooms of our NBA stars. The reason why is a mystery, although Pereira and Potter suggest it's because the once potent insecticide is now banned, people travel more and the bugshave grown resistantto modern insecticides.

Now we're left avoiding them. But there are ways. Here's what you need to know:

If you've never seen one, bed bugs are small, flat, reddish-brown bugs about the size of Abraham Lincoln's head on a penny.

They have an oblong shell and a tiny head. They typically live in areas where people sleep because at night they feed on our blood.

Unlike ticks or fleas, bed bugs don't latch on when they feed. They bite then scurry away to digest. "It's a creepy parasite," described Potter. "It's a little bit like Dracula."

Bed bugs have to feed on human blood about once a week, Potter said. However, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claims they can live several months without a "blood meal."

Potter said bed bugs will adapt to your schedule. For instance, if you work the overnight shift, they'll learn to feed on you during the day.

Bed bugs don't form colonies or nest, but they do aggregate, usually within about eight feet of where a person sleeps.

It's popular to find clusters of them on beds and recliners. Very skittish, bed bugs don't like movement, which is why they feed on us while we sleep.

Popular places for them to congregate are in the seams of mattresses, in bed frames, headboards, dressers andbehind wallpaper or clutter. A bed bug, notes the CDC, can travel more than 100 feet in a single night.

Bed bug bites look like raised welts and can cause serious allergic reactions in some people.

But a third of people don't experience any reaction. This only helps the infestation spread because people don't know they have the bugs.

The stigma that a filthy home is more at risk of getting bed bugs just isn't true, Potter claims.

Unlike cockroaches, rats or flies, who feed on filth, bed bugs feed on blood. They only need a body. Bed bugs, the CDC said, have been found in five-star hotels and resorts.

Bed bugs are mostoften foundin major metropolitan areas. However, over time, the pests have found their way to rural areas.

Anywhere there are close quarters, Potter said, the odds are better. It's a numbers game, he said, because the more people coming and going from a building increases the odds the bugs will find their way there.

Low-income housing also is a target because many people use old bedding and building staff may not take the steps to address the problem.

They don't carry disease

Bed bugs do not carry disease. At most, they're annoyances which cause itching and a lack of sleep.

Experts say people bring an infestation into a home after they've gone to a place with bed bugs and somehow brought them back to their house.

This can happen just about anywhere: At hotels, while ridingbusses and trains, vacationing on cruise ships and bunking in dorm rooms. They attach to stuff, Potter said, not people. He's seen them on the bottoms of shoes, baseball caps and even Beanie Babies.

But it's unlikely you'll get them from places where people don't sleep. The places where peopleget some shut-eye are most at risk.

Potter advises people check aroundhotel beds whenfirst checking in. Pull back the sheets, check the seam and corners of the mattress near the pillows and the headboard. Look for black spots, the bugs themselves or yellowish skins that bed bugs shed.

Try not to spread out in your hotel room. Don't place your open suitcaseagainst a wall. Try to keep it closed and set it on a hard surface. Don't spread clothes across the hotel room.

Potter said each of us needs to strike a balance as to how paranoid we'll be in avoiding bed bugs.

"You got to be careful because you take all the joy out life," he said. "People just have to decide how apprehensive do they want to be."


Check Your Hotel Room For Bed Bugs

Are There Bed Bugs In Your Smartphone?


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Bed Bugs Are Back: What You Need To Know - WCNC

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Spiders, Snakes, Bedbugs and No Bathroom Privacy Oh My! – ChicagoNow (blog)

"Cranks Creek Survival Center" read the sign. And I thought, Will I really survive this week?

This was the introduction to my first-ever mission trip. Toto, we were not in the Chicago suburbs anymore.

On our job site, we got to see dead poisonous snakes, a living brown recluse spider, experienced a bedbug "scare" in the dormer and witnessed two hospital visits from volunteers who got hurt on their job sites. We got rained on almost every afternoon as we worked, but kept going.

And, it turned out to be one of the best times of our lives, and both my daughter and I would do it again. Really.

You have to understand how impactful this statement is. My daughter is a girly-girl who desiresto have lovely hair, perfect makeup and manicured nails. When the heavy-duty house projects happen at home, she is nowhere to be found.

That latter statement may change.

Last week, my daughter filled and carried buckets of gravel, moved heavy debris, used a power drill to help assemble a porch, drained buckets of dirty water and helped create a water filtration drain using PVC pipe, porch screens, and other materials found on site.

About 40 teens and young adults plus10 chaperones landed in a tiny southeast Kentucky town called "Cranks Creek" to help residents there through Catholic Mission Trips (CMT).

We stayed at the survival center, which featured no air conditioning, a dormer with old, basic bunk beds, cracked linoleum floors, a broken mirror and a fickle electric system.

For facilities, two shower stalls and two toilets for each gender.

It wouldn't take a AAA award for cleanliness, although we all did try to do our part to keep things as neat and clean as possible.

The truth was, the place was lovingly constructed and served its purpose well. It was just shall I say "seasoned" a bit.

Meal times consisted of teams of young people/chaperones on a rotating schedule preparing breakfast, setting out the assembly line of food to pack lunches or cooking and cleaning up dinner.

It was as close to living in a commune as you can imagine. And you know what? It all worked.

Each morning, the nearby rooster crowing at 4:30 AM would either awaken the teens, or, if that didn't work, one of our chaperones used his wonderful, mighty singing voice to wake them up at 6:30.

They would eat breakfast, make their sack lunches and depart to their job sites. Afterwards, they'd come back, wait in long lines for showers and then eat dinner. Cell and internet service was spotty, so kids spent their free time playing spike ball, basketball, chatting with the local children who came by to talk with them, singing songs, playing cards, or simply talking.

Arranged evening activities included games planned by the CMT young adult ministers, which were hilarious, challenging and fun, listening to CMT-lead witness talks and enjoying the inspiring guitar music and soothing yet powerful voice of the musician arranged to join us.

Everyone knows that you don't need money and "things" to be happy. But my family and I live in an area where a certain way of life is expected, and so money and "things" becomes important to impressionable teens.

Not this week though.

Clearly, I was taken aback by the conditions of the survival center where we were staying when we first arrived. It's called "survival center" because it was built after a flash flood ravaged the area in the 1970s. The people who endured that were true survivors. Although at times I felt like I was on a "survivor" TV show, I was just managing to get by in different housing conditions than I'm used to for one week.

I found this link that featured the Survival Center on under a section called "Chasing The Dream: Poverty and Opportunity in America" that showcases rural concerns in and what people are doing about it. If you're looking for a little more information on the center, I invite you to visit the site.

The folks living here know about hard times. According to the PBS web site, 30 percent of the county lives below the poverty line. A coalmine that provided many jobs for generations has resulted in dwindling employment for decades.

And yet, the people our group met were among the most pleasant and welcoming I've ever encountered.

We met a most colorful, enjoyable young man who joined us as we worked on his parents' home, and our team loved him.

Another group was invited to attend a family wedding after working on their home.

One of our teens said he was touched when a woman, knowing he got injured and was taken to the hospital while working on another job site, saw him the next day and said, before he even had a chance to introduce himself, "I've heard all about you and I've been praying for you ever since I heard you got hurt."

The folks we helped had various needs. One woman was having knee surgery and needed a ramp built for her home. A man had cancer and a multitude of other health issues and required a ramp to be built so that a gurney could enter his home to transport him. Another family had a home that needed significant repairs all over the house.

Ours started as a porch replacement, but due to water pooling under the porch from an underground spring, the porch supports had rotted from the humidity. So we worked on creating a pipe filtration system, a well and a ditch to divert the water from the porch. Then we stripped out the rotted support materials so that we could replace the porch boards.

Whatever project each of us worked on and it was hard labor for our group the teens (and adults) truly rose to the occasion.

I loved hearing the teens talk about how beautiful they thought the area was, and it truly was. There was lovely scenery with the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in view of our work site and all around as we drove back and forth from the center to the home we were working on.

The kids even said that the Survival Center really started to feel homey after a day or two. So many made great memories. They deepened their existing friendships, got to know other teens on the trip better and chatted with our young adult leaders from CMT.

The adults from our parish had a history of attending these trips and were veterans. One of them had attended mission trips for over 20 years, and I thought it was awesome for the younger people to see the vitality and energy he exuded in addition to another retired gentleman from our parish. They were funny and creative, and brought a lot of experience with them (as well as power tools and know-how!).

Most of the women had attended mission trips in previous years and were very prepared with everything you could think of to make the trip go well.

It was great for the teens to see older teens and twentysomethings from our church lead by example, and our youth minister is sort of a pied piper for getting teens involved. Barely over 30 and married with a young son, he's just young enough to relate to teens and young adults but mature enough to relate to all the other adults. His carpentry skills and choice of music kept us very productive on our work site!

I came upon a blog called "WordSlingers," and I think it did a great job of summarizing in seven steps why mission trips are good for anybody. Although the author's reasons are religious ones, most of her points could apply to anyone religious or not.

Click here to see the blog author's take on it. I couldn't agree more.

I will admit, I was glad to come home. But I do miss being among all of those great people.

My heart will forever be connected to Harlan, KY. A place I hadn't even heard of a couple of months ago. Amazing how there's always room for more in the human heart.

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