Daily Archives: July 20, 2017

  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Thursday 5th of September 2024 18:41 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 30000 Miles

We cannot vouch for the truthfulness of any report on this site. If you feel a location has been reported in error, or want to dispute a report, please contact us.

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Bed bugs in apartments at 3134 Hagman Crescent – Houston Today

Houston tenants of an apartment building located on 3134 Hagman Crescent are concerned about a bed bug infestation and the use of the chemicals to battle the infestation.

Arvind Patel, owner of the apartment building, said the bed bugs were brought in to the buidling by a new tenant in February 2017.

I was on holidays in mid-February and the tenant tried to get a mattress in the building, which was infected, he said.

Patel said that it was not until mid-April that it was brought to his attention about a live bed bug in the building.

At the end of April the tenant vacated the property and then we treated it, said Patel. The first of May it was treated by a licensed exterminator.

When it did happen in February we immediately sent out traps to all the tenants, and said that in case there is something I want to know about it, said Patel.

Patel said that in mid-May, another tenant complained that there were bed bugs in their unit.

We gave them the off shelf treatment found at Home Hardware, said Patel. Because it was not an infestation. An infestation is when you have thousands or hundreds of them that you can see.

Green Earth Homecare Bed Bug & Crawling Insect Killer Dust was the treatment the tenant were given.

A tenant says that after using the product, he and his cats started to develop symptoms.

I was given a can of environmentally friendly powder that Arvind, the owner, gave one of the managers [that lives] across from me, and was told what Arvind said to do: Spray along the cracks and base boards, a tenant said.

The tenant added, I gave the cans out to neighbours and utilized the powder in my place as it says it is pet friendly. My cats developed scales on their noses since then and a very strong odour. My cats vomit frequently and so has my dog. My own lungs have also been succumbed by the fumes at times and my respiratory is cause for alarm.

According to Health Canada, since 2012 to 2017 there have been 38 incident reports documented listing this specific product. Of the 38 reports, 27 were recorded as humans as the incident type and domestic animals making up the other 11 reports, including symptoms such as throat soreness and irritation, coughing, and difficulty breathing for humans and vomiting and diarrhea for animals.

A second tenant said, Beginning of March we started having burning eyes, numbness in lips.

Green Earth Homecare Bed Bug & Crawling Insect Killer Dust is made of silicon dioxide present as 100 per cent Diatomaceous Earth (DE).

In an interview with Houston Today on July 12, 2017, Patel presented a document which lists one of the benefits of DE as, It is safe to apply near food, pets, and children.

Patel also provided a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of JT Eaton Kills BedBugs and Crawling Insects Powder which is the product that is going to be used to seal around the perimeters.

I understand that they will try to flee [while the units are being heat treated] so the perimeters will be sealed with natural killer Diatomaceous Earth from both sides of the units.

The MSDS of JT Eaton Kills BedBugs and Crawling Insects Powder states Natural Diatomaceous Earth as a hazardous component.

Prolonged and repeated exposure to excessive concentrations of this products dust, or any nuisance dust, can cause chronic pulmonary disease. Dust contact with eyes may cause temporary scratchiness or redness, reads the MSDS.

A third tenant stated that Patel did not treat the original outbreak properly.

He used temporary spray that only caused the bed bugs to move to other units and apartments nearby. He resisted getting a certified exterminator until the problem had spread all over Houston. He also used uncertified employees/tenants to spray instead of going to an exterminator. People moved out taking bed bugs with them. Those moving in got their belongings infested.

The concerned tenants called Northern Health and lodged a complaint. Northern Health came to Housto and inspected the building on July 12, 2017.

At press time the inspector from Northern Health was unable to give a comment.

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Bed bugs in apartments at 3134 Hagman Crescent - Houston Today

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Tahlequah DHS office dealing with bedbugs – Theadanews

TAHLEQUAH Adding to the litany of conquests in their nationwide comeback, bed bugs have found their way into the local office of a state agency.

The pests were detected July 7 in the Cherokee County office of the Department of Human Services.

Steven Edwards, office director, said exterminators fumigated the building the night of July 11, and that supplies are being kept in plastic bags during the treatments.

We had professionally licensed exterminators come in, Edwards said. They were confined to one area, but we sprayed the whole building. And we will do it again after about 10-14 days to make sure we get everything.

The Daily Press has received some employee complaints about working around the pesticide. Some are being allowed to work from home or elsewhere. If workers elect to take time off, they are using personal days.

Some people have complained that it irritates the eyes, nose or throat, Edwards said. However, if I didnt believe it was safe, I wouldnt be going to work in there. We have offered alternative places to work. Some of our people work from home much of the time, anyway, or they may be working at one of our other county offices.

Edwards said he does not know the number of employees taking time off working elsewhere, saying that supervisors made arrangements within their respective departments.

Because many office documents are stored in bags, the pace of labor is affected.

There is still work being done, Edwards said. We still see people every day, but stuff is all backed up. We have to keep it all bagged up until the treatments are done, but we are still doing the best we can.

Once they have found their way into a structure, bedbugs can be exasperatingly difficult to dislodge. With the pests now spreading around the country after a long dormancy, Edwards said he understood that some people might be apprehensive about visiting the DHS building.

They can apply for benefits at okdhslive.org, he said. With the technological advances of the past several years, we dont need to have all that foot traffic anymore.

Bed bugs are flightless, so dwelling infestations are almost always due to unwitting facilitation by residents. A workplace can be infected by employees or customers.

Those bed bugs are everywhere, Edwards said. People need to be aware that this is becoming a common issue.

It is a good idea to check any piece of clothing, furniture, mattress, suitcase, or even books or a cardboard box for bed bugs or signs of infestation, especially if the item is used. A home should be kept clear of clutter, particularly around the beds. Cracks and baseboard crevices can be caulked.

The causes of the bed bug bounceback are probably many, but travel is thought to be a big culprit. Hotels and motels are an ideal transmission point for bed bugs. Because travel lodgings are sprayed regularly, the pests may build resistances more quickly.

When on the road, check the room - particularly the bed - and keep suitcases and clothing off the bed and floor until the room is inspected. Check and vacuum luggage upon return, and do laundry using hot temperatures.

Bed bugs might not be so irritating if their bites didnt irritate. The most common reaction is the typical red bump associated with many insect bites. Bed bugs are notorious for their breakfast, lunch, dinner pattern of three bite marks in linear proximity. Some people have allergic reactions that result in hives. About 20 percent of the population has no reaction to bed bug bites.

Bed bugs are known to carry up to 32 human pathogens, but studies have found no indication that they are transmitted through feeding.

Less than a week after the bed bugs were detected, there was more bad news when the DHS announced $30 million in reductions to state funding. The cuts are expected to affect funds for foster family reimbursement and senior nutrition programs, reduce patient access to the Medicaid ADvantage program to help elderly and disabled residents continue living at home, and force a six-month hiatus on new applications for subsidized child care.

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Tahlequah DHS office dealing with bedbugs - Theadanews

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Bed bugs dumped in Ohio man’s apartment by vandals – FOX 10 News Phoenix

FOX NEWS - An Ohio man woke up last week to find an unwelcome number of creepy crawly guests in his apartment.

Police say someone smashed the mans window and released a large cluster of bed bugs inside.

The man told police in Middletown Ohio, located roughly 40 miles north of Cincinnati, that the vandal also lit a fire under his car, FOX 19 reported.

Officers responding to the home found the front window pan covered in bed bugs.

According to the police report obtained by FOX 19, the man saw a woman run from his apartment and drive off in a white car after the incident.

The man declined an interview with the television station, but a woman who lives in the same apartment complex said someone recently threw two bricks through her window.

Continue reading this story at FOXNews.com

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Bed bugs dumped in Ohio man's apartment by vandals - FOX 10 News Phoenix

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"Help! I have bedbugs in my apartment!" – MassLegalHelp

If you think you have bedbugs:

Next, call the Board of Health for your town and get an inspection. The Board of Health may need to inspect neighboring apartments and stop the bedbugs from spreading further. The Board of Health will write a report documenting the bed bugs. They will cite the landlord and order fumigation.

You may want to research signs of bedbug infestation and point them out to the inspector if he doesn't see anything on his own.

If the landlord is not fixing the bedbug infestation, you have the right to stop paying your rent until the problem is fixed. You should save the rent in the bank. See Getting Repairs made and the section on withholding rent in the article Options If Your Landlord Refuses to Make Repairs formore information on keeping your rent until the bedbug problem is fixed.

If there are dirty or cluttered conditions in your home which are contributing to the infestation, the Board of Health may also cite you. This does not happen often, however.

It is very important to call the Board of Health as soon as you see bedbugs. Later on, if you have to go to court, a judge might not believe you about the date you first saw bedbugs, especially if the landlord disagrees with you and tells the judge a different story. But a judge will always believe the inspector if the dated inspection report said you had bedbugs.

"Help! I have bedbugs in my apartment!" - MassLegalHelp

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Bed bug infestation sweeping metro Denver – FOX31 Denver

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DENVER -- Tourists are coming to Colorado in droves this summer, and it's not just visitors of the two-legged kind.

Our state is seeing an infestation of bed bugs.

Christina Thomas experienced it first hand. Thomas was visiting an Extended Stay America in Colorado Springs and says she woke up to find bed bugs all over her pillow.

"I woke up and three inches from my face I see a spot, and I look at it and say 'no way, is that a bed bug?'" she said.

Christina isn't the only person dealing with bed bugs in Colorado.

Jacob Marsh is one of several Denver exterminators absolutely overwhelmed with bed bug calls.

"It's infestation levels over the whole city pretty much," he said. "Right now we're working 6 or 7 days a week," said Marsh.

He says this is the worst time of year for bed bugs. However, Colorado's infestation actually began several years ago. He estimates more than 3,500 homes are treated for bed bugs in the Denver area every year.

It's a problem Marsh attributes to both the state's growing population and Colorado's popularity as a tourist destination.

"Denver is usually ranked 4th to 6th worst in the nation. We get a lot of good things when things are booming like it is, but unfortunately when people are coming in and traveling you also get a lot of unwanted visitors," he said.

If you're staying at a hotel there are things you can do to try and keep the bugs away.

First, store your luggage away from the bed on luggage racks or even in the bathroom.

Also, check the sheets, mattress, and bed frame for signs of the bugs.

One of the biggest misconceptions about bed bugs is that they're too small to see. Most are actually about the size of an apple seed, and similar in appearance.

As for Christine Thomas, she isn't taking any chances. She checked out of the hotel and left.

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