Daily Archives: September 20, 2017

  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Friday 6th of September 2024 21:05 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 30000 Miles

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Where Bed Bugs Hide In Your Home | Bed Bugs In Maine

Did you ever play hide-and-go-seek when you were a kid? If you did, you probably remember what it was like to find the perfect hiding place. What was the best place you ever hid? Was it under the bed? Was it under, or behind, the couch? Was it some secret place that only you could get into? Well, you have something in common with bed bugs. Here is a list of some of the places bed bugs hide, and a little insight into why they choose these places.Beds

This one seems obvious. Of course bed bugs hide in beds. That's why they have the word bed in their name. Yes, but there are two very important things you should know. First, we get the name bed bug from the scientific name Cimex lectularius. Cimex means bug, and lectularius mean bed or couch--no just bed. This is an important point that we'll get deeper into later on in this article. The second thing you should know is that bed infestations aren't always easy to find. There are many places in a bed that bed bugs can hide.

If you have a bed stand, night stand, or some other piece of furniture near your bed, it could be the location of your infestation. Search for any gaps, cracks, or pockets where bed bugs could hide themselves in, as they wait between feedings.

Any electronic item in your room that has hollow compartments inside can be an ideal space for bed bugs to hide. The closer these objects are to the bed, the greater the chance that they will have bugs in them. Examine your alarm clock, computer, and other electronics for black streaks, black droppings, white eggs, or shed insect skins.

As we mentioned above, lectularius doesn't mean bed. It refers to a bed or couch. This name was chosen because bed bugs don't just feed on sleeping people. They can feed on us when we're fully awake. It's okay. You can go ahead and gasp. This is a safe place. No one is going to judge you.

If bed bugs have gotten into your home, it is quite possible that they may take up residence in your upholstered furniture. That means that, while you're relaxing with a nice movie and eating popcorn, something could be eating you. Here are some of the places they hide in upholstered furniture.

These are just some of the many places bed bugs can hide in a home. They can be found behind baseboards, in carpets, inside outlets, underneath crown molding, deep in wall voids, and more. It is important to search all of these places for these tiny six-legged bugs, their shed skins, brown stains, tiny white eggs, black droppings, black streaks, and patches of black residue.

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Where Bed Bugs Hide In Your Home | Bed Bugs In Maine

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Identifying Bed Bugs – Orkin Canada

Ants and mice are moving inside and wildlife may be looking for potential harbourage areas. Spiders are constructing egg sacs and mosquito activity is increasing. House fly activity can be expected. Commercial accounts will need to be aware of increased small fly activity. Nuisance wildlife, such as squirrels and chipmunks, will be much more noticeable.

Home Bed Bugs Identifying Bed Bugs

Since bed bugs are nocturnal and so small, detecting them can be very difficult. Signs & symptoms of a bed bug infestation can be found in bedding and on mattresses. People will sometimes roll onto bedbugs while sleeping, resulting in blood stains on the sheets. Live bed bugs will leave dark brown or black spots of dried excrement on infested surfaces after feeding and also exude a very subtle sweet, musty odour.

Bedbugs are small, flat and have oval-shaped bodies. They have six legs and two antennae. Bed bugs cannot fly and have short, golden coloured body hair that can make their bodies appear to be striped.

Adult bed bugs are reddish-brown in colour and approximately 5-6mm in length. After feeding, bed bugs can swell to upwards of 10mm and get fatter and darker in colour.

Bed bug nymphs are approximately 1-4mm in length (the size of the head of a pin) and are white or a golden colour until they feed. This light coloration acts as a camouflage and helps them hide in mattresses and carpets.

Learn more about bed bug life stages.

Our well-equipped laboratory helps Orkin Canada Technicians and our clients identify the exact species of pest in an infestation.

The Orkin Canada QA lab is well equipped with the latest in diagnostic and identification technology.

Equipment used for analytical entomology in the QA lab includes a compound microscope with digital camera. It is capable of magnifying objects up to 1000x times and capturing images at a high resolution to assist our technicians with high defined analysis (examination) of extremely small specimens.

Here are some of the thousands of photos we have in our reference library:

Top-down view of an adult bed bug

Close up photo of a bed bugs head

A single bed bug egg

A bed bug nymph

Bottom-side view of a bed bug on its back.

A bed bug after it has had a blood meal.

Images on this page have been taken with a compound microscope/digital camera in the Orkin Canada Quality Assurance laboratory. Images are property of Orkin Canada.

Schedule a Bed Bug Inspection

Want to learn more about bed bugs? Click one of the links below:

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Identifying Bed Bugs - Orkin Canada

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