Monthly Archives: October 2017

  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Tuesday 10th of September 2024 14:22 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 30000 Miles

We cannot vouch for the truthfulness of any report on this site. If you feel a location has been reported in error, or want to dispute a report, please contact us.

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Philadelphians Against Bed Bugs

What are the best resources for learning about bed bugs?

What are bed bugs, besides scary?

Bed bugs (Cimex Lectularius) are small, wingless parasites that feed mostly on the blood of humans.

When didbed bugs become a thing?

The bed bug used to be a common pest in the US, affecting one third of the population. After World War II the use of pesticides essentially eliminated them from the United States. However, small populations persisted, and bed bugs continued to thrive in areas around the world. Over time bed bugs developed a resistance to every pesticide used against them. The older formulas, now banned, no longer kill the bugs. Beginning around the year2000, new bed bug populations were introduced into the US by travelers. By 2008, bed bug infestations had become a major issue in the United States capturing media attention.

How commonare bed bugs in Philly?

In Philadelphia, calls to the Vector Control program of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health increased monthly, reaching over 69% annual increase between 2008 and 2010. Similar reports from around the country confirm these trends. In another Philadelphia study, 11% of a sample of South Philadelphia residents had contact with bed bugs in the previous 5 years.

What happens when they bite?

Bed bugs are most active at night. They often bite people who are asleep or sitting still for an extended period of time. Bites are usually the first sign that people notice when they have bed bugs. Reactions to bites can vary widely, rangingfrom blisters and pustules to no reaction at all. Physical reactions to bed bug bites can include skin irritation, swelling, and rashes. Reactions to bites may take as little as a few minutes to as many as 14 days to appear. It is very hard to look at a bug bite and know if the bite came from a bed bug or another insect. A proper inspection is needed to confirm if your home has bed bugs.

Can bed bugs drive you crazy?

Living with bed bugs can also result in psychological and emotional distress including loss of sleep, anxiety, and depression. Bed bugs frequently prevent or delay critical home health care and access to other public services for elderly, mentally ill, and disabled individuals creating additional challenges for vulnerable members of the population. The stigma associated with bed bugs interferes with reporting and treatment, and can result in social distancing, isolation and deprecatory treatment by others.

How long do they live?

Early detection is critical in stopping a bed bug introduction from becoming an infestation. Adult female bed bugs lay white, pearshapedeggs in clusters of 10 to 50 in cracks and crevices of bed frames, floors, walls and other similar sites. The bugs go through various stages before becoming a mature, oval, brown or red-brown adult. Adults may survive as long as one year without feeding. Under perfect conditions, the time from egg to adult can be 46 weeks, with eggs hatching in 1014 days.

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Philadelphians Against Bed Bugs

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Bed Bugs Bites all over the Body, Recognize and Treat!

Bed bug bites can happen in as little as 5 minutes for full feeding allowing one to multiply into thousands in a months time. If only a portion of that colony were to feed on you while youre sleeping, you could wake up to a body covered in bites!

Attacked by bed bugsThese blood suckers lock on to the carbon dioxide (CO2) release when sleeping. Once they have you, they head toward a warm part of your body and begin to bite. Two tubes are inserted into your body; one is used to inject a mixture of anticoagulant and anesthetic while the other is used to suck up your blood. You never notice the bites until you wake up and realize you were the main course!

Unfortunately, some victims dont realize they have been bitten for up to two weeks while others may react right away. Two weeks is a long time, and if you slept in multiple locations, it might be impossible to figure out which place had the infestation.

Below is an excellent example of how most bites turn out a clear pattern.

Notice the pattern on the hand? These bites are another great example of how bed bugs move on your skin when feeding.

These seven bites are all line up on the back of the arm(3) and also fed on the back of the leg near the vein. Visitor Concerned 80 said that the bites became swollen from scratching while half asleep.bed bugs bites on arm showing pattern of feeding

Just because you where bit seven times does not mean you have seven bedbugs these bugs will move in a pattern looking for the perfect feeding spot, so its possible that only one could have caused all that irritation!

These bloodsuckers love exposed areas of flesh such as closest to their nest such as the face, forehead, arms and known to attack babies.. Those repeatedly bitten over time are more likely to become sensitive. You may even find the person sleeping next to you does not show any signs of bed bug bites while you do. In fact, the person next to you may not have been bitten at all a good sign that the infestation is closest to you.

Julio didnt react well not to these bites, and they took a long time to heal!Julios arm was badly bitten and he didnt react well not to mention how long it took him to heal!

If you are unlucky, you may have a severe reaction like that shown below, which is unusual but may happen when attacked repeatedly.

Vanessa took her young son to the doctor and had confirmed these bites were from bed bugs. Look at the damage they did to his face! Its important not to scratch the area or scabbing may leave a scar. Vanessa explains what happened:

Vanessa: I am so glad I found your website. My family and I just returned from vacation two days ago, and my youngest children are covered with bed bug bites. At first, we did not know what they were. The bites started after the first night of staying there. They got increased in number and became worse over the week. We had no clue. Bed bugs never crossed our minds. I took them to the doctor as soon as we got home and we got the news. BED BUGS!

I was totally disgusted and freaking out! I still am! I cant sleep at night. I worry that we brought them home and feel my childrens pain, they are pitiful! The bites do not seem to be clearing up and itch like crazy. My husband and I only have a few each. I will never go on vacation again!

Another visitor, Ava, had her neck badly bitten by bed bugs. For many months, her baby boy had bite marks which doctors initially suggested might be scabies or fleas.

A few months later when Avas older son complained of his skin crawling in the middle of the night, she checked on the baby and found his bed frame and mattress covered with bed bugs with many in the process of feeding!

This poor child was helpless to do anything while being fed upon by bed bugs. If you ever see something like this, its an indication of an infestation close by, and it should be easy to locate the nest.

This is what can happen to you when you stay at an infested hotel. Here, Richard crashed out in his hotel room and was viciously attacked while sleeping can you imagine yourself waking up to this?

Below is Richards arm covered with more than 50 bites!

His thigh with multiple bites:

His calf was bitten as well!

Both his legs were covered with bites!

50 bites per arm! (ouch!) Many on his back including both the front and back of his legs. The itching was so bad that Richard ended up at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Urgent Care. The doctors prescribed Antibiotic and Anti-Itching medicine. He ended up missing two days of work on top of it all.

With that many bites, Id say that this was a massive infestation and would guess the room improperly treated or not treated at all. If this ever happens to you, document everything and if possible, capture the bugs and confront the hotel there are multi-million dollar lawsuits over bites from bed bugs, and your attorney will love you for it!

The number of bites on Adams stomach helps emphasize how fast an infestation can grow in as little as 30 days! He is from Canoga Park California, and its clear just how red and swollen these bites can become.

The grouping of bites are circled in black.

After a lot of searching and almost giving up, Adam found, and collected the bed bugs and placed them in a plastic baggie. Needless to say, they were full of his blood.

The new problem is that he cant sleep now because hes afraid of being bitten again. He has used multiple bug bombs (which typically dont work and not the ideal solution) and also sprays which drove them into the walls.

Ross says this happened in a cabin while staying at Yellowstone National Park and his head wasnt the only part of his body they fed on; unfortunately, bed bugs bites covered his entire body!

Most disturbing is that Ross never felt a thing! These little blood suckers waited until he fell into a deep sleep, injected a form of anesthetic into his skin, and feed until they were full! Ross was clearly the main course!

Easily swipe through our many pictures of bed bug bites but be warned Some may cause you to have nightmares!

Afraid, a name used by one of the mothers visiting our website, shares the bites on her arm and what happens when you scratch them.

These appear all over her body, but this is the top part of the arm near the elbow.

Scratching will cause bleeding and can lead to infection.

Her whole body is covered in bites and gives you an idea of how much damage these bugs can really do.

WARNING! Do NOT scratch your bites, it can leave permanent scars!

HOME REMEDY: Baking Soda paste is the #1 home treatment for bites. Mix water with baking soda to make a paste that you then place on the area and let dry. Here are more details:

Other natural remedies for treating bed bug bites include:



In Richards case, his doctor prescribed Calamine Topical Suspension USP, Cephalexin and Hydroxyzine HCL for the bed bugs bites.

The dermatologist did a biopsy: Below is Robs story of being repeatedly bitten by bugs and after a lot of research found out that indeed he had bed bugs thanks for sharing Rob!

I just discovered the cause of my skin reaction this morning. Been spending a lot of time at a friends place and started to get red spots that were intense and itch. It just got worse and worse. The dermatologist did a biopsy and found no bacteria or virus. Skin scrapping found no fungus. It was a matter of finding out what was causing my skin to become so swollen I couldnt see some of the bite marks. It only affected my legs, feet, arms, upper back, chest, neck, and shoulders. No midsection bites.

On Tuesday my arm became worse after spending the night at my friends place. At home, when I got out of the shower a bug near my jeans and killed it. I called my doctor to treat my arm and mentioned the bug. He saw me that day and put me on prednisone. Last night I took the antihistamine he prescribed, and it knocked me right out. I fell asleep on my friends shaggy carpet for about an hour and a half. As I awoke, I saw another bug run across my shorts.

I have a phobia about bugs, and so my friend helped me capture it so that I could show the doctor as he requested; the doctor put it under the microscope and pointed out the telltale signs.

In short, I was bitten by bed bugs from visiting my friends apartment. Ive sent in some pictures of the symptoms on my arms. Its such a relief to know what is causing my skin problems rather than thinking I had some disease.

Ive found that the locoid lipocream he gave me to be the most effective. He also gave a sample of foaming medication in a small can which didnt seem to work. The swollen areas were much worse that you would imagine, I experienced flat out pain by nighttime. I treated my arm 3x that day with the lipocream and by morning it was 100x better with significantly reduced redness and swelling.

Good luck to those dealing with similar issues, I feel your pain!

Rachel had a doctor prescribe her betamethasone valerate to relieve the itching. She says it works but doesnt get rid of the bites.

Bridgets Dr. prescribed a topical cortisone cream to stop the itching and told that diphenhydramine (Benadryl) would halt the itching too.

Julies Doctor suggested using teatree oil as a repellent and fucidin H on the spots. He suggested that I should spray everything with the green baygon even the mattresses.

More Photos? This is what bed bug bites look like on people eaten alive!

There are 10 pages of discussions about Bed Bug Bites, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10

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Bed Bugs Bites all over the Body, Recognize and Treat!

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University of Alberta treating Rutherford Library for bed bugs

The first floor of University of Albertas largest library has been temporarily closed to treat for bed bugs, the university said Friday.

Sharon Murphy, associate university librarian, said a student reported seeing a bed bug Monday on a backpack near a bank of public computers on the first floor of the north side of Rutherford Library.

Murphy said staff immediately contacted facility and operations who in turn contacted pest control management company who brought in a canine detection unit.

They confirmed the presence of bed bugs in a cluster of about a dozen mesh chairs in a small localized area.

Those chairs were bagged and immediately removed, Murphy said.

From that moment on, the company has following their regular procedures for dealing with bed bugs, Murphy said.

On Saturday computers and tables in the area will be removed and processed in a heat chamber, she said.

A total of 50 chairs are being removed and heat-treated off site.

Murphy said there is nothing to suggest bed bugs had infested the library books but as a precaution, staff have asked the company to check the rest of the library.

That way we can feel really comfortable and confident when we open on Sunday morning, she said.

This is not the first time bed bugs have been reported in the library. Last winter, the fifth floor was treated after reports of bed bugs surfaced.

The Rutherford Library, which opened in 1951 and is the largest library on campus and the second largest research library in Canada, is expected to re-open at 11 a.m. Sunday.

We want to reassure our community of users it is highly localized, its being treated and we are, as a precaution, checking to make sure everything else is fine, she said.

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University of Alberta treating Rutherford Library for bed bugs

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New California Law Regarding Bed Bugs – American Heritage …

Recently California passed AB551 which addresses several issues about bed bugs. Here is a brief summary of the new legal requirements:

Bed bugs have become a challenging issue over the past few years. Many people believe that they are the result of poor housekeeping by a tenant but that is not typically the base. Bed bugs travel easily and are usually brought in from the outside, or travel from one unit to another attached unit.

Regardless of the source, the landlord is still responsible for eradicating the pests, which can take time and be a lot more costly than other pests. If the landlord can prove that the tenant was the cause then the landlord can bill the tenant, but proving the source is a difficult task. One of the most important things to remember with bed bugs is to act promptly if they are discovered to prevent further infestation.

Posted by: americanheritageproperties on November 15, 2016

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New California Law Regarding Bed Bugs - American Heritage ...

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Parsippany NJ Bed bug Hotel and Apartment Reports

Checked in mid-July for family gathering. Room seemed fine. Nothing special. There were bugs flying around in the room when we arrived. Even with the window shut, the bugs managed to find their way in...

The nightmare is real... I work for Lexus. Our Eastern Area headquarters is in Parsippany, so I, and other employees from Maryland frequently stay in the Holiday Inn since we have a business account w...

Stayed here in mid-December and left covered in bed bug bites; they did have a 3rd party exterminator come in and validate in addition to the bed bug I killed in my hunt to determine if the bites were...

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Recommended tips after hotel check-in:1. Pick up the mattresses in the rooms and look under it. Check around the edges of the box springs.2. Check under the box spring.3. Lift up each headboard an lie it on the bed. Carefully inspect the hole where the headboard was lifted out of. Also, inspect all niches and corners of the headboard. 4. If you decide to stay in the hotel, do not put any clothes in dressers. Keep them in your luggage and your dirty clothes in plastic bags.

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Parsippany NJ Bed bug Hotel and Apartment Reports

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