Daily Archives: October 29, 2017

  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Wednesday 11th of September 2024 18:27 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 30000 Miles

We cannot vouch for the truthfulness of any report on this site. If you feel a location has been reported in error, or want to dispute a report, please contact us.

News Links:

Philadelphians Against Bed Bugs

What are the best resources for learning about bed bugs?

What are bed bugs, besides scary?

Bed bugs (Cimex Lectularius) are small, wingless parasites that feed mostly on the blood of humans.

When didbed bugs become a thing?

The bed bug used to be a common pest in the US, affecting one third of the population. After World War II the use of pesticides essentially eliminated them from the United States. However, small populations persisted, and bed bugs continued to thrive in areas around the world. Over time bed bugs developed a resistance to every pesticide used against them. The older formulas, now banned, no longer kill the bugs. Beginning around the year2000, new bed bug populations were introduced into the US by travelers. By 2008, bed bug infestations had become a major issue in the United States capturing media attention.

How commonare bed bugs in Philly?

In Philadelphia, calls to the Vector Control program of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health increased monthly, reaching over 69% annual increase between 2008 and 2010. Similar reports from around the country confirm these trends. In another Philadelphia study, 11% of a sample of South Philadelphia residents had contact with bed bugs in the previous 5 years.

What happens when they bite?

Bed bugs are most active at night. They often bite people who are asleep or sitting still for an extended period of time. Bites are usually the first sign that people notice when they have bed bugs. Reactions to bites can vary widely, rangingfrom blisters and pustules to no reaction at all. Physical reactions to bed bug bites can include skin irritation, swelling, and rashes. Reactions to bites may take as little as a few minutes to as many as 14 days to appear. It is very hard to look at a bug bite and know if the bite came from a bed bug or another insect. A proper inspection is needed to confirm if your home has bed bugs.

Can bed bugs drive you crazy?

Living with bed bugs can also result in psychological and emotional distress including loss of sleep, anxiety, and depression. Bed bugs frequently prevent or delay critical home health care and access to other public services for elderly, mentally ill, and disabled individuals creating additional challenges for vulnerable members of the population. The stigma associated with bed bugs interferes with reporting and treatment, and can result in social distancing, isolation and deprecatory treatment by others.

How long do they live?

Early detection is critical in stopping a bed bug introduction from becoming an infestation. Adult female bed bugs lay white, pearshapedeggs in clusters of 10 to 50 in cracks and crevices of bed frames, floors, walls and other similar sites. The bugs go through various stages before becoming a mature, oval, brown or red-brown adult. Adults may survive as long as one year without feeding. Under perfect conditions, the time from egg to adult can be 46 weeks, with eggs hatching in 1014 days.

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Philadelphians Against Bed Bugs

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