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  Monday 16th of September 2024 22:44 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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What if Another Tenant in My Building Has Bed Bugs?

Depending on factors like the city where you live and type of buildingyou live in,your landlord may be legally requiredto keepyour apartmentfree of bed bugs and other insect infestations. But what happens if the infestation isnt in your apartment? If your neighbor has bed bugs, is your landlord responsible? Is the affected tenant required to take any action? Most importantly, is there anything you can do before the bugs spread to your unit? Our apartment bed bug infestation attorneys explain some of the legal considerations tenants of multi-unit buildings should be aware of.

Bed bugs are notorious for their ability to spread rapidly. Thanks to the combination of short breeding cycles, large broods of eggs, and ever-increasing resistance against some of the most common types of insecticides and pest control products, it takes only a few months (and sometimes only a few weeks) for small populations to explode into full-blown infestations. While bed bugs are cause for concern in any living environment, these factors make them a particularly serious problemin crowded quarters for example, urban apartment buildings.

But how will you know if your neighbor has bed bugs in the first place? After all, you certainly cant confirm your suspicions by sneaking into his or her unit. However, bed bugs in high concentrations are known to emit a peculiar odor typically described as being sweet, musty, or similar to coriander, which you may be able to detect in the buildings hallways. The sudden appearance of bed bugs on your laundry, in your bed, or on your indoor pet is another clear indication that a population already exists somewhere inside the building.

Keep in mind that bed bugs are speedy travelers capable of coveringdistances of up to three feet per minute, soif theyve infested your neighbors apartment, its only a matter of time before they spread to your unit as well. Walls, ceilings, light switches and pipes are all pathways that bed bugs use to travel to seek out human blood.

But what, if anything, can you get the buildings landlord to do about it? Do renters have any legal recourse when it comes to apartment units they dont actually pay for? Or are you simply out of luck until the affected tenant him- or herself complains?

The answer depends partially on the building code in the communitywhere you live. However, while each town and cityis governed in part by its ownmunicipal code, these local codes are sometimessuperseded by the IPMC, or International Property Maintenance Code. The IPMC belongs to a family of national codes, such as the International Plumbing Code and the International Private Sewage Disposal Code, which are administered by the International Code Council (ICC). These codes are collectively referred to as I-Codes.

As we discussed in our previous blog post about landlord responsibilityfor bed bugs, some of the key IPMC factors which impact pest control liability are the total number of units in the building,and the type of dwelling it is. For example, oneportion of the codespecifies that renters in multi-unit buildings are responsible for bed bug extermination in cases where only the renters unit has bed bugs.

So what does this mean for you as a tenant? In some jurisdictions, any infestation in a rental unit is the property owner and/or operators responsibility. In other jurisdictions, as long asyour neighbors unit is the only one being affected, he or she assumesfinancial responsibility for addressing the infestation. However, if the infestation spreads to other units in the building yours, for example thenresponsibility for extermination measures can potentially shift to the landlord. Of course,each situation is different, and there are other factors that can become important when determining responsibility for treating an infestation.

If your landlord is considered responsible for handling extermination, he or sheshould always hire a licensed pest control company. In most jurisdictions, only licensed professional exterminators can safely (and legally)apply pesticides and other pest controltreatments, including heat treatment. Unfortunately, landlords often try to cut corners by relying on cheap and ineffective DIY treatments typically foggers or consumer-grade bug spray. Some landlords even attempt to perform heat treatment themselves, all to the extreme detriment of their tenants. If you sustain bite-related injuries because your landlord refuses to pay for professional extermination measures, you may be able to recover financial compensation by filing a personal injury claim.

In addition to the property code requirements supplied by the IPMC, many states have adopted their own bed bug lawswhich can alsoaffect landlords and/or tenants.

Arkansas, for example, prohibits tenants from knowingly mov[ing] materials into a dwelling unit that are infested with bedbugs. Thismeans your neighbor cannot intentionallybring his or her infested mattress, clothing, etc. into the building.

To provide another example, New Hampshires laws provide the following: Notenant shall willfully refuse the landlord access to the premises to evaluate whether bedbugs are present after the landlord has received notice that bed bugs are present in a dwelling unit adjacent to the premises or a dwelling unit that is directly above or below the premises. In other words, your neighbor cannotprevent the landlord from conducting an inspection, provided appropriate notice has been given.

If youre concerned that your landlord or other tenants in your building are violating state lawsor municipal health code,the bed bug litigation attorneys of Whitney, LLP may be able to help. Recovery can include fees you have wrongfully paid, and attorneys fees. To start learningsome of your options in a free and private legal consultation, call our law offices today at (410) 583-8000.

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What if Another Tenant in My Building Has Bed Bugs?

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Health cares reaction to bed-bug epidemic likened to …

When one hospital discovered a cancer patient lived in a home with bed bugs, it took stern action, refusing to provide a diagnostic scan and radiation treatment to the infested person. Another facility canceled a procedure for a kidney-disease sufferer under similar circumstances.

Both institutions eventually relented when public-health nurses got involved and eased their fears, but the incidents were not unique, suggests a new report.

Many Canadians afflicted by bed bugs are facing extra delays in getting medical treatment or outright denial of service from health-care workers reluctant to expose themselves to the nocturnal pest, the report suggests.

I have seen many situations where [infested] patients were not treated as fairly as other patients they were discharged faster, they were staying longer on the waiting lists, said Maude Lalibert, a physiotherapist and University of Montreal professor behind the article in the journal HEC Forum. Its a real problem

Ms. Lalibert likens health cares reaction to the bed-bug epidemic to the early days of AIDS, when patients with the disease were often treated as pariahs.

The reports authors argue that nurses, doctors, home-care workers and others have an ethical duty to help patients with bed-bug problems, and urge health organizations to develop protocols on dealing with buggy environments and individuals.

Meanwhile, some health workers are negotiating contract provisions to ensure they are compensated if they bring an infestation home with them, while authorities in Ontario and Manitoba have specifically ruled employees cannot refuse such work.

This is the new normal, said Diane Dyson, public-policy director with Torontos Woodgreen Community Services. Our workers need to know this is the new normal.

Bed bugs had been all but eliminated in North America by the middle of the last century, only to reemerge with a vengeance over the last decade.

Though they suck their human preys blood, the insects are not known to transmit disease. They do sometimes trigger allergic reactions, though, while severe infestations can cause chronic sleeplessness, social isolation and even mental-health problems. The elderly, poor and disabled, often unable to afford the costly extermination, tend to be hit hardest, experts say.

Yet Ms. Lalibert, who provides physiotherapy services to patients in their Montreal homes, is not alone in seeing such people struggle to get equal health services.

In Toronto, a client was denied a diagnostic test and treatment for cancer because of an infestation, said Allie Lehmann, head of the public health departments vulnerable adult and seniors team.

I was around when AIDS started and people had similar concerns

There is a lot of misplaced, misguided, uneducated fear around bed bugs, so sometimes people have been turned away, said Ms. Lehman. I was around when AIDS started and people had similar concerns. Sometimes I think Im back there.

She said health-care staff do tend to see the light when they are taught about the true nature of the bugs and how to avoid transporting them to their workplace or homes.

Experts say the insects can be staved off with relatively simple precautions, such as not putting bags on the floor of infested apartments and wearing light-coloured clothing that makes the bugs easy to spot and kill. In more extreme cases, workers can wear plastic bed-bug suits and booties.

Tracy Leach, head of the Toronto public health bed-bug team, said she was called in recently to help a kidney-dialysis patient whose procedure at a local hospital had been postponed because the individual had bed bugs. Other clients have had agencies refuse to provide services in their homes until their infestation was cleared up, she said.

Kelly OSullivan, a local president with the Canadian Union of Public Employees, said health-care providers who visit clients in infested homes should ideally be able to decline the work, with the bugs immediately exterminated so the workers can quickly return. But her members, paid in the range of $18,000 a year, never refuse a job because it would mean an automatic loss of income, she said.

When one Toronto home-care worker did decline an assignment in an infested residence, Ontarios Labour Ministry actually ruled that the insects were not grounds for work refusal, said Ms. Dyson.

A 2012 Winnipeg Regional Health Authority document also states that visiting infested patients so long as the employee is properly trained and equipped does not constitute dangerous work.

Woodgreen, considered a leader in tackling the bedbug problem, has agreed to compensate its personal-support workers up to $500 to eliminate infestations related to their jobs. It happens to staff about twice a year, Ms. Dyson said.


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Health cares reaction to bed-bug epidemic likened to ...

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Bed Bugs | Multnomah County

Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) are nuisance insects that feed on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded animals (including birds, rodents, bats and pets). Bed bugs are not exclusively nocturnal but are primarily active at night. Adult bed bugs are oval-shaped, smaller than an apple seed, wingless and reddish-brown in color. They are not known to transmit disease.

Bed bugs hide during the day in dark, protected areas such as cracks and crevices, windows, door frames, mattresses, picture frames, loose wallpaper, baseboards. Bed bugs can not travel far but are transported by humans by latching on to luggage, clothing, bedding and furniture.

Likelihood of a bed bug infestation increases where there is a high rate of occupant turnover, such as in hotels, shelters, airplanes, trains, and apartments. Typically infestations are not a reflection of poor hygiene or housekeeping.

Evidence of bed bugs can be identified in several ways:

What does this look like?

Call the Multnomah County Bed Bug Hotline at 503-988-BUGS (2847) if you think you may have an infestation.

Bed bug infestations can be controlled by following an integrated pest management approach. Integrated pest management uses multiple treatment methods and emphasizes minimal use of potentially harmful chemicals.


Virginia Tech University has a helpful guide for preventing bed bugs



For group quarters

Immediately respond to potential bed bug complaints; keep an itemized list of actions that were taken to resolve the situation.

EPA Bed Bug Pesticide Information

University of Minnesota Bed Bug Information:

Multnomah County Bed Bug Hotline 503.988.BUGS (2847)

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Bed Bugs | Multnomah County

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