Daily Archives: November 10, 2017

  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Tuesday 10th of September 2024 14:23 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Know Where Bed Bugs Hide

As most of you know bed bugs were once on the down low but have now returned with vengeance or as some may say a bed bug epidemic is on the rise. With this ever growing problem it is key to learn what a bed bug is, where they hide and how to get ride of them and keep them gone for good.

To start with, Ive listed all the places on my bed bug checklist and if you find them, then read my page on how to use bed bug dust to exterminate them yourself.

Susan Smith-Durisek wrote a great and informative article for Kentucky Living. In her article she highlights many ways to minimize your contact with unwanted critters bed bugs. The main points that she covers include inspecting your mattress in a hotel room before settling in.

What should you look for? Rusty spots or actual bugs along the mattress seams and headboard. Also, one of the most important things to remember is never, ever pick up discarded furniture on the side of the road. You never know if there are bed bugs lurking in that free recliner chair and its wise to know this is one of the most common ways to pick up bed bugs and cause an infestation in your own home.

On BadBedBugs.com youll also find a FAQ section as well a checklist to use when traveling. Be sure to check out these sections if you have further questions on bed bugs. Youll also be able to share your own bed bug experiences while reading about other visitors experiences as well. If you have any tips not mentioned in this article, please feel free to share them with us below!

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Know Where Bed Bugs Hide

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Pictures of what Bed Bugs look like

Bed Bug shown next to a finger for size comparison

In the photos below and attached slides, well show you exactly what bed bugs look like on human skin, a close up of an infested mattress showing the entire life cycle, in a cup (gross), next to a ruler for size comparison, crawling on the floor, hiding in a headboard, and even one caught crawling out of a stocking!

Because many of the pictures Im showing you are close ups, you might not realize how small they really are; an adult bed bug is the size of an apple seed except that it has legs and skin-piercing mouthparts to bite you with! And get this, when they are born, they are only a millimeter in size and because they are almost transparent, they blend in with the background (like your body).

Attacked! These people are covered with horrible bed bug bites!

Dont let their tiny size fool you into thinking theyre harmless! These little bugs know exactly where to hide, when and who (yes, they can be selective) to bite and have driven many of their victims insane.

We also have an incredible collection of photos showing people BITTEN and ATTACKED by these bugs as well warning, it may give you nightmares 😉

As you can see from the image below, this bug could easily be missed; the baby (1st instar) is extremely hard to find and is almost transparent until its first feeding! Notice how their body elongates and turn a reddish-brow color as they fill themselves with blood?

Credit: Louis N. Sorkin

Here is a close up photo of a blood filled bed bug that burst open into the hand of a person searching for an infestation. You can clearly see the eggs, whats left of the bug, and the blood coming in contact with skin and who knows where that blood came from!

Before viewing the following slides, let me first give you an idea of what youll be looking at by showing you bed bugs caught in their natural habitat! Lets start with a close up picture of an entire life-cycle, from eggs, to shell casings, and finally to maturity. Keep in mind that this infestation went hidden for a very long time before being discovered!

What a cute picture of these two bed bugs living the life! The big one shed his shell while the other looks toward the eggs.

Another cure picture of bugs but the little little one appears to be shy and trying to hide. Notice the different sized shells, tells an entire story and helps give an idea of how long they have been hiding out there.

This image is a great example of what youll look for when trying to spot an infestation. Simply lift up the mattress out of the frame and if you see something that looks like this, then you need to act, and fast! Send us a photo if you do!

This was slide 1, there are more pictures of bed bugs, such as this one next to a ruler to give you an idea of how small these little blood suckers really are!

Also, check out these horrible pictures of bed bug bites when these bugs attack, they really do a number as they did on these people, and you never know it happened until the next morning!

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Pictures of what Bed Bugs look like

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Bedbugs – Tenant Resource Center

I confess, bedbugs give me the heebie-jeebies. When folks come in, talking about how they have an infestation, I feel like I need to do a superstitious cleansing, a dance, a prayer, to make sure they don't end up hanging out around here. (And so far they haven't. Knock on wood. Feel free to come visit.)

When 2013 Wisconsin Act 76 was passed, it had some language in the law to do with repairs, which has led many people to confusion, especially on the subject of bedbugs. Today, I'm hoping to explain what bedbugs are, best practices in elimination, and whose responsibility it is to take that step.

What are bedbugs?

Bed bugs are small brown insects that look a little like wood ticks and are about the size of an apple seed. Theytypically spend the day in small cracks and crevices in the bedroomoften in the bed itself. At night they biteand feed on the blood of the person sleeping in the bed, then return to their hiding place.Bed bugs are notknown to transmit any disease, but of course they can still make someone's life miserable.

Bed bugs live for ten or eleven months under normal conditions. An adult female can lay several eggs a dayand hundreds over her lifetime. The eggs are tiny and hard to detect. Immature bed bugs have the same basicshape as the adults but are smaller and lighter in color. A bed bug molts (sheds its skin) five times beforebecoming an adult capable of reproducing. It has to have at least one meal of fresh blood before each molt.Under ideal conditions a bed bug can go from hatchling to adult in as little as a month.

The shape of the bug changes after it has fed. Before feeding, it's quite flat (in order to hide in cracks) androundish. After feeding, the bug is longer, no longer flat, and is more of a purplish color. Under the rightconditions adults can survive up to one year without feeding, which is one reason it can be so hard to get bedbugs out of a home.

Why are bedbugs so hard to get rid of?

Best Practices for Bedbug Removal:

Wisconsin Laws: Who Pays?

Wisconsin law is pretty clear that the responsibility for repairs is on the landlord, and bedbugs are considered a repair issue. If the tenant caused it, though their "acts or inaction," then the tenant can be made to pay for the cost of getting rid of the infestation, but the landlord really would need to show that the tenant caused it. Here are the laws that make us think this:

If the premises are damaged, including by an infestation of insects or other pests, due to the acts or inaction of the tenant, the landlord may elect to allow the tenant to remediate or repair the damage and restore the appearance of the premises by redecorating. However, the landlord may elect to undertake the remediation, repair, or redecoration, and in such case the tenant must reimburse the landlord for the reasonable cost thereof.

This law seems to say that a tenant can be held responsible for the cost of pest infestations, but it's also pretty clear that that responsibility is only when the pests are "due to" something the tenant did or failed to do. When we're talking bedbugs, it doesn't seem like very much could be pointed to the "acts or inaction" of the tenant. How can a landlord prove where bedbugs came from? It might be possible, maybe if the tenant has lived in a single family home for over a year, where neither the landlord nor the landlord's employees entered during that time. It might also be possible to hold then tenant responsible when they didn't cooperate with pest removal services, but beyond that, it's a stretch.

Therefore, this law seems pretty clear that if there was a problem that was caused by someone who was not the tenant or the tenant's guest, then it would not be the tenant's responsibility to pay for that property damage. If, for instance, bedbugs were brought in on the shoes of a maintenance person, or through the ducts from a neighbors unit, it wouldn't be the tenant who ends up on the hook for those costs.

ATCP 134 language is now consistent with Wis. Stat. 704.



Hi! Did you know that we are not attorneys here at the TRC? And this isn't legal advice, either. If what we've written here doesn't sound right to you, talk about it with someone you trust. For help finding an attorney, check out ourattorney referral list.

Bedbugs - Tenant Resource Center

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United States, Bed Bug Registry Map Bed Bug Infestation …

Did You Know Research done at Kansas State University showed that Vikane used at a 1.9x dosage rate can eliminate all life stages of bedbugs, including eggs. As bedbug populations have developed resistance to insecticides used by professionals, they have increasingly become a public scourge Continue reading

Bed bugs are small, flat, reddish-brown pests that feed on human and animal blood. They often lurk in bed linens and bed frames. Mostly dormant during the day, at night, bed bugs come out of their hiding spots to feast on sleeping humans Continue reading

Posted: Wednesday, November 8 2017 11:38 PM EST2017-11-09 04:38:15 GMT Updated: Wednesday, November 8 2017 11:38 PM EST2017-11-09 04:38:15 GMT The California chapter of the NAACP chapter is pushing to get rid of the Star-Spangled Banner as the countrys national anthem. The California chapter of the NAACP chapter is pushing to get rid of the Star-Spangled Banner as the countrys national anthem. Posted: Thursday, November 9 2017 8:38 AM EST2017-11-09 13:38:15 GMT Updated: Thursday, November 9 2017 8:49 AM EST2017-11-09 13:49:18 GMT Target and the U.S Continue reading

The saying sleep tight and dont let the bed bugs bite might seem like a bedtime joke, but for millions of Americans who travel each year its become no laughing matter. A serious national and even global health problem is the infestation of bed bugs. Estimates even reveal that about one out of every five Americans has had a bed bug infestation in their home or knows someone who has Continue reading

ZappBug Oven 2 $349.95Free Shipping! The ZappBug Oven 2 helps prevent and eliminate bed bugs effectively. Great for both checked and carry on baggage Continue reading

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United States, Bed Bug Registry Map Bed Bug Infestation ...

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