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  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Bed Bug Exterminator Indianapolis – The Bed Bug Co.

Bed bugs are one of those irritating creatures that cause many sleepless nights. They procreate at a rapid rate, and even a single bug or egg can produce an infestation. These bed bugs move smoothly between clothing andfurniture, and you can experience a massive outbreak in a very short amount of time.They usually inhabit on mattresses, bedding and couches. It can be very difficult toget rid of bed bugs, but it is not an impossible task. Call the Indianapolis Bed Bug Exterminator!317-620-3416 or Request a Quote!

Go for a Bed Bug exterminator like us who has the right knowledge and experience in dealing with theseinsects. As an Indianapolisbed bug exterminator companyweperform a thorough inspection of your home, focusing on problem areas like bedding, cracks, holes, furniture, and walls. When we have identified the problem, we will give the most suitablerecommendation regarding treatment method.317-620-3416 orRequest a Quote!

Withbed bug extermination, it is significant to thinkabout the methods that are available. We use organic pesticides to address the infestation along with heat or steam to get rid of the bugs that have infested bedding and upholstery. In assistance to eradicatingbed bugs from infested blankets, bed sheets, and clothing, try washing and drying them to helpprevent them from getting worse and increasing in infestation. Our cost is customer friendly and doest not deviate from afirst-class services. 317-620-3416 or Request a Quote!

The best alternative that people opt for nowadays is to hire a bed bug extermination company. Looking forbed bug companies in Indianapoliscan be a very costly method in order to get rid of the many infestations in a house. But going the professional treatment route is a very trusted and full proof method.

When hiring us, in preparations to our treatment you will have to clear all your textile belongings and allow the professionals to treat it thoroughly. Our organic chemicals areable to kill the any infestation of any size. We also use bed bug heat treatment or steam technique.

Once again in preparation you will need to remove all your clothing, bed sheets and curtains. Once this is done, it wise to vacuum the room thoroughly.Once you are done with this, you are ready our bed bug treatments. Usually, heat treating will be used first. Being the experts in the field, we have the skill to perform the procedure and utilize the heaters. The bed bugs will undoubtedly try to make their way out when the temperature is high. We as professionals know about the places where the treatment needs to be carried out and spread steam. This method is non-toxic and hence will also not cause any health hazards too.

If you want first-class treatment, contact the Indianapolis Bed Bug Exterminator, and you will never regret. 317-620-3416 or Request a Quote!

Bed Bug Removal Indianapolis

Bed Bug Heat Treatment Indianapolis

Best Bed Bug Treatment Indianapolis


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Bed Bug Exterminator Indianapolis - The Bed Bug Co.

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What You Need to know BEFORE you Sign a Bed Bug … – IBBRA

This is a long one but worth reading. I hope that it will inspire more people to ask more questions and know more BEFORE you move into a dwelling.

I receive calls all the time from people who have just signed a lease and moved into a unit that is infested with bed bugs. It is then that the landlord points the finger back at them and tells them they must have brought them in and refuses to do anything about it. I hope that this will help people ask as many questions and get it in writing before they sign a lease!

When my kids grew up and moved out, I moved from a house into an apartment. I hadnt lived in an apartment for 38 years. Placed in front of me with a pen for signing was a stack of papers consisting of 30 pages deep! I felt more as if I was purchasing a home and signing escrow papers and not just leasing an apartment.

Like most people, the moving van was waiting outside which put a bit of pressure on me to get the papers signed quickly. I asked many questions as I initialed and signed every page. When the next page said Bed Bug Addendum I hesitated for quite some time, rose up my eyebrows and started to read every word before making any decision to sign it. I read over the addendum and saw many flaws in it that made me start to ask many questions. I thought about the people that sign this blindly knowing absolutely nothing about bed bugs and their nature.

No identification or pictures showing what they looked like, signs of them or where they hide or what not to do. There was no bed bug notice form to give my management if I should encounter them. Included was a single page with basic bed bug information.


The first thing out of my mouth was youre kidding me whats a bed bug?

The staff member which sat in front of me was flabbergasted and could not answer any of my concerns or questions. She looked at me with a blank stare and said Its a little brown bug the size of an apple seed, if you find any, let us know.

Now that was comforting I thought to myself (sarcastically).

While I am not an attorney, and this is not meant to be a legal representation or documentation, the attorney that I do work with has givenan extremely powerful and meaningful observation to this sticky issue. Being a consumer I too fall victim to many of the same things others do and write for the purpose of public awareness.

Disclaimer: Always have your attorney review any paperwork you sign and consult with your own attorney to explain further anything you dont understand in any Bed Bug Addendum.

The biggest problem I personally see with this type of written bed bug addendum is that holding the tenant responsible in this way and them knowing it, causes them to hide the fact that they have bed bug and they then try to self-treat which causes yet more problems. I have spoken to many tenants which refuse to tell their landlords because they dont have the monies to pay for remediation better yet the neighbors unit.


When a tenant moves into a multi-unit property, they are often presented with a Bed Bug Addendum along with their standard lease. This addendum serves several purposes. It is my intention to help explain this addendum to you in the best way I can so that you understand what you are signing if you are a renter. In the first four paragraphs of this particular addendum, it is the intent of these addendums to serve as an acknowledgement of the possible problem of bed bugs.

Paragraph 1

An addendum, in general, is an addition required to be made to a document by its reader subsequent to its printing or publication. Your lease is a legal document and most importantly in legal contracts, an addendum is an additional document not included in the main part of the contract which may contain additional terms, specifications, provisions, standard forms or other information. The main lease contract has already been printed and the cost of destroying the batch and reprinting is deemed too high so an addendum is added.

Next Paragraph

PURPOSE This portion modifies the original lease and assumes their we take no responsibility clauses by adding that THEY RELIED ON YOUR REPRESENTATIONS TO THEM.


Next Two Paragraphs

INSPECTION there are two paragraphs in which you have to agree with one or the other. In this addendum it was already filled out for me and I was not given a chance to choose which one I decided to do. They automatically checked the second one for me.

You agree that you: (Check one)

Have inspected the dwelling prior to move-in or signing this addendum and that you did not observe any evidence of bed bugs or bed bug infestation;


Will inspect the dwelling within 48 hours after move-in or signing this addendum and will notify us of any bed bugs or bed bug infestation.

Most people sit at the desk of the agent, dont read it completely and sign away. They dont stop and go and look or ask pertinent questions.

Many times management will send in a cleaning staff BEFORE BED BUG INSPECTIONS ARE COMPLETED. The cleaning crews are not normally trained to notice signs of bed bugs and in many cases they clean any evidence of bed bugs up. (Paint over or clean fecal stains vacuum remaining cast skins, etc.)

Then maintenance does a final inspection before a new tenant moves in to deem it ready. If any bed bugs are residing in the unit, they are now well hidden in cracks and crevices and cannot be visually found. This leaves a false sense of security where the management thinks there are no bed bugs in the unit. As stated in the addendum far as the management knows. I dont know about you but I would like to see a written report from a professional.

When bed bugs are disturbed, they tend to seek out harborage where they are safe and go into hiding. Then when a new tenant moves into the unit and is settled, after a few days and in some cases up to 14 days they start being bitten.

Remember now that you signed an addendum assuming and trusting there were no bed bugs (after the 48 hour period) and all of a sudden you are getting bit and are now are responsible for treatment costs if there are any bed bugs.

Always request documentation and a copy of the last pest control report that shows the investigation of the unit and surrounding units was completed by a professional bed bug expert pest control company just prior to your move-in. This way you can hopefully (if they used professionals) feel better that you are moving into a bed bug free dwelling. Do not sign unless you have that in hand.

INFESTATIONS We are not aware of any current evidence of bed bugs or bed bug infestation in the dwelling.

You agree that you have read the information on the back side of this addendum about bed bugs and: (Check one).

Again, this box was already checked for me! Its like they read my mind!

You are not aware of any infestation or presence of bed bugs in your current or previous apartments, home or dwelling. You agree that you are not aware of any bed bug infestation or presence in any of your furniture, clothing, personal property or possessions. You agree that you have not been subjected to conditions in which there was any bed bug infestation or presence.


You agree that if you previously lived anywhere that had a bed bug infestation that all your personal property (including furniture, clothing, and other belongings) has been treated by a licensed pest control professional. You agree that such items are free of further infestation. If you disclose a previous experience of bed bug infestation, we can review documentation of the treatment and inspect your personal property and possessions to confirm the absence of bed bugs. You agree that any previous bed bug infestation which you have experienced is disclosed here: ____

(It is the intention of these addendums to inform the new tenant that the unit(s) in which they are leasing have been investigated thoroughly by bed bug management staff and are free and clear of bed bugs as far as the management knows and gives you ample time (48 hours) to investigate the unit yourself for any possible signs of bed bugs. They state this by saying that they ARE NOT AWARE of any current evidence of bed bugs or bed bug infestations in the dwelling).

Again, remember management is relying on you to tell the truth about previous bed bug infestations in your personal belongings you are about to move into their units. They ask to see your documentation did you ask for theirs?

Are you willing to move into a residence relying on someones assuming?

Next Paragraph


(You must allow us and our pest control agents access to the dwelling at reasonable times to inspect for or treat bed bugs. You and your family members, occupants, guests, and invitees must cooperate and will not interfere with inspections or treatments. We have the right to select any licensed pest control professional to treat the dwelling and building. We can select the method of treating the dwelling, building and common areas for bed bugs. We can also inspect and treat adjacent or neighboring dwellings to the infestation even if those dwellings are not the source or cause of the known infestation.

You are responsible for and must, AT YOUR OWN EXPENSE, have your own personal property, furniture, clothing and possessions treated according to accepted treatment methods established by a licensed pest control firm WE approve. You must do so as close to the time we treat the dwelling. If you fail to do so, you will be in default, and we will have the right to terminate your right of occupancy and exercise all rights and remedies under the Lease Contract. You agree not to treat the dwelling for a bed bug infestation on your own.)

This says if your neighbor gets bed bugs and reports to management, they can require you to have your possessions treated at your own expense. By no fault of yours this kind of makes you responsible if your neighbor gets bed bugs, dont it?

Its obvious that in order for the management to provide remediation for bed bugs that you need to allow access to the dwelling without interference.

The more we work together the better but are the pest control people that the management hire experienced in bed bug remediation?

It states that they chose the type of method used to treat the problem. There are many different methods in treating bed bugs from standard IPM products and methodologies, to heat, and fumigation.

There are many variables and these need to be addressed before any decisions are made not just accept whatever treatment option that the management choses. But you signed an addendum that requires you to do whatever they choose.

Next Paragraph

NOTIFICATION This paragraph is obvious. If in the event you feel that there is any problem with any type of pest you must notify management immediately.

It is our suggestion that you notify them in writing. Our philosophy is the most critical component of bed bugs awareness is the time between introduction and acknowledgement or first sighting so that the infestation is kept to a minimum compared to months later.

Always notify the management in writing. Include visuals, bites signs, pictures or anything else you may see that makes you think there may be bed bugs.

Next Paragraph

COOPERATION Lets move on to the Cooperation part of the addendum. It is stated that if they confirm the presence or infestation of bed bugs, you must cooperate and coordinate with them and their pest control company.

This is all fine and dandy because it takes concerted effort to get rid of bed bugs but it also states that they have the right to ask you to remove all your personal items and ask to temporarily vacate in order to perform the remediation. In other words they are saying move ALL personal items MOVE OUT ON A TEMPORARY BASIS. If you do not cooperate they have the right to consider you in default and have the right to terminate your lease and exercise all rights under the Lease Contract.

Because there are many different methodologies and techniques in bed bug remediation, hopefully the management takes the path of least resistance when it comes to changing the life style of the individual living in the dwelling.

Today there are so many ways that are being used in the professional pest control industry that can safely treat the dwelling with all personal possessions intact without having to move anything. Matter of a fact, moving things around can spread them further throughout the premises.

These are things that have to be addresses with management before you enter into a contract. It is stated that if you do not cooperate they have the right to terminate your right to occupancy and exercise all rights and remedies under the lease contract.

Next Paragraph

RESPONSIBILITIES here is where it gets down to the brass tacks. The first sentence states You may be required to pay all reasonable costs.

The word may is placed into the addendum for specific reasons. They cannot state you must or have to because of the implied warranty of habitability of landlord law as required in most states of the union. When a person or company owns and operates a rental property they MUST provide an inhabitable dwelling.

In an explanation of this in almost every state, tenant is entitled to a safe and livable home, regardless of how much rent you pay or whether your landlord tries to get you to accept a hovel. Were talking about basic, important items such as a roof that keeps out rain and snow, hot water, heat, and sturdy floors and walls that arent in danger of imminent collapse or occupied by rodents and pests.

This list of necessary features includes the absence of significant danger from lead, asbestos, and, most recently, mold, plus reasonable protection from criminal intrusion. If the landlord refuses to provide or repair these aspects of your home, you may, depending on where you live, be able to:

Your right to livable housing has a lofty-sounding legal name: Youre entitled to the benefit of the landlords implied warranty of habitability. This means that, whether she knows it or not, your landlord has promised you a livable place simply by renting it to you. This basic right originated in court decisions in the early 1970s. By now, all but one state (Arkansas) has embraced this notion, either by decision from their highest court or by statute, and even in Arkansas, some cities and counties have enacted ordinances that come close to establishing the same standards.

Before anyone should attempt to withhold rent or do anything on the list above you must consult with an attorney. A lease is a legal document and you will be held accountable.

The Implied Warranty of Habitability

So what does it mean to say that your landlord is expected to fulfill an implied warranty of habitability? It means that the property owner must:

Exterminate infestations of rodents and other vermin in virtually every state, these rights are yours, no matter what the landlord has asked you to sign or agree to. (In narrow situations, landlords and tenants in Texas and Maine can agree that certain habitability requirements will be the responsibility of the tenant.) In other words, the landlord cannot shrug off these responsibilities in a disclaimer when the tenancy begins. And he cant effectively ask you to waive your right to them. (Any so-called waiver will not be upheld by a court.)

Here we go again if after you move and they feel that you were the responsible party for the bed bugs and they have to move or remediate other adjacent units of yours you may be held responsible for the costs incurred to do so including loss rental income and other expenses incurred by them to relocate residents, clean and perform pest control duties. This can be thousands of dollars.

Example/Scenario: You lease apartment 203 on Saturday the 29th and move in on the 1st. By reading this addendum you now know you have to check for bed bugs. You have no clue what bed bugs are only the information written on the back of the addendum. You look around the empty apartment and see no living bugs anywhere. You are now given the option to sign off on two different scenarios; either you have inspected and found no bed bugs OR you will inspect within 48 hours. You now have to legally sign off stating you are advising them you checked for bed bugs and found none.

What people do not know is that even the most trained bed bug professionals is only good for 30% accuracy and have a hard time finding bed bugs without the use of certain tools and knowing exactly where to look.

You now sign.

Problem: The apartment may have been sitting vacant for three weeks or more since the last tenant moved out. The dwelling was cleaned and checked off as ready to rent by the untrained supervisor of the maintenance staff as bed bug clear and free.

Remember, you just signed a legal agreement that states you investigated and know there are no bed bugs and take full responsibility and two weeks later you and your children wake up with red welts all over your body.

The nature of the bed bug is to hide away in a safe- undisturbed place until which time they require a blood meal. (Bed bugs are known to go long periods of time without a blood meal). This means that there may be bed bugs hidden within the walls, baseboards, electrical conduit or tack strips of the carpet.


The unit upstairs, next door or below has bed bugs and they just made their way through the structure of the building and found you.

None of which was obvious when you moved in.

Now what?

According to the remainder of the addendum you signed you need to promptly notify management if you find any signs of bed bugs.

You call management and state you think you have found bed bugs.

Now according to the addendum you signed, you must allow the pest control company that your management choses and approves to enter your dwelling for remediation.

Here is where it gets sticky. If the pest control company that your property manager chooses is experienced with bed bug remediation thats a good thing BUT if (and in many cases) they use their own maintenance staff to spray the baseboards with insecticides and place DE in the outlets you may have a problem. Always ask about these things.

When you moved in you provided the bed bugs many new places to take up housing in your furniture. And they would rather find a warm and cozy place within your bed or 5 10 feet of your bed to take shelter in-between meals instead of making it back to the confines of the walls. In other words, they dont want to be too far from their next blood meal.

The purpose of me writing this is so that we can all come together and stop pointing fingers at one another. Cant we all come to an agreement as to how we are going to combat this bed bug problem?

We have just completed a new style of a Bed Bug Addendum that works for all involved. Management has certain guidelines and protocols they must have in place prior to leasing any unit. Tenants have responsibilities prior to signing any addendum and must follow protocol as well. Being fair on both parts keeps everyone on their toes.

Call 888-966-2332 for more information

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What You Need to know BEFORE you Sign a Bed Bug ... - IBBRA

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Michigan, United States Bed Bug Registry Map Bed Bug …

Your comment was successfully added Monday, November 30, 2009 Critters irritating bite makes sleeping tight tough Detroit It started in February when Debra Miller, who works as a caregiver, noticed dozens of red welts on the body of a man she cares for in the Griswold Senior Apartments complex. We didnt understand what was going on, Miller said. At first we thought it was the soap. Continue reading

Posted: Jul. 4, 2017 7:00 am Updated: Jul. 4, 2017 12:16 pm EAST CHICAGO, Ind. Continue reading

Experts offer tips to avoid bedbugs during spring break travel KALAMAZOO, Mich. (NEWSCHANNEL 3) Its spring break for most West Michigan schools, which means many people will be traveling and staying in hotels. It also means its prime bedbugs season Continue reading

Once just a catchy bedtime phrase, Dont let the bed bugs bite is taking on a new urgency as this pesky blood-sucking nighttime bug is making a comeback in the U.S. According to reports from, pest control company Orkin says more people are now being affected by bed bugs in the U.S. Continue reading

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Michigan, United States Bed Bug Registry Map Bed Bug ...

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The Best Bed Bug Sprays to Kill Bed Bugs Fast

Most people use a combination of bed bug sprays and bed bug powders to kill off bed bugs fast. Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to get rid of and finding the right spray to eliminate bed bugs is not always easy. Many natural residual bed bug sprays contain natural ingredients that have a proven repellent and insecticidal action against these infesting bugs. Some feel that they have to resort to commercial bed bug sprays to completely get rid of an infestation of bed bugs.

Contrary to popular belief, having bed bugs in your home is not a sign of a dirty home. Bed bugs are commonly found in clean hotel rooms, on public transportation, and movie theaters. They can easily be brought into the home in luggage, backpacks, or by purchasing used furniture. They can also travel between apartments in large complexes.

Although there are many ways to eliminate these tiny crawling bugs from your home, this article focuses on the best bed bug sprays to exterminate bed bugs effectively. You will also learn if natural bed bug insecticide sprays really work and what the precautions when using chemical bug sprays are.

The scientific name for bed bugs is Cimex lectularius. They are small creatures that grow up to 5 mm in size, or about the size of an apple seed. They have a flat oval-shaped body and will become significantly larger if they have fed. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, bed bugs start life as a tiny egg, then grow into a nymph before becoming an adult.1

According to the Department of Entomology at the University of Kentucky, bed bugs are more active at night when they come out to feed. They feed on the blood of humans and pets, however, in cooler temperatures, can go up to 6 months without feeding.2

The best places to use bed bug sprays are in the tiny crevices around bed frames, in seams of mattresses, box springs, and headboards where bed bugs like to hide. The University of Kentucky says that unless the first signs of a bed bug infestation arent dealt with quickly, bed bugs can migrate to other rooms and infest those.

To use sprays effectively to eliminate all traces of bed bugs, you need to know the signs of a bed bug infestation. The first sign that you may have bedbugs are some itchy bite marks on your skin when you wake up in the morning. Dr. Carol DerSarkissian on WebMD says that the bites from bed bugs cause red itchy bumps on the skin.3 You can learn about their other signs and symptoms in my articles on what do bed bug bites look like.

To check for signs of a bedbug infestation, Dr. DerSarkissian says that you may notice rusty-colored spots on bed linen and mattresses. These spots could be either blood stains or bedbug excrement. You may also find shed skins around bed frames, mattresses, and other hiding places. Also, a musty smell is usually present where a large number of bed bugs are living.4

Other common places where you will have to use a bedbug insecticide spray are behind headboards, in furniture joints, inside books, the edges of carpets where they join with the baseboards, in closets, and behind torn wallpaper.

Bed bug sprays usually act as an insecticide and repellent. The best kind of bed bug sprays should kill bed bugs on contact and need to be used repeatedly to help eliminate your bug problem. According to the Texas A&M University, bed bug sprays are best used in combination with other bug control methods like natural bed bug powders. This is because bed bugs dont build up resistance to natural bug powders and products like diatomaceous earth which kills bed bugs as long as the powder is dry.5

Apart from spraying insecticidal liquid on bed bugs, other ways of getting rid of bed bugs for good include freezing items, using heat treatment, hot steam, and vacuuming. For more detailed information, read my article about the top 10 ways to get rid of bed bugs.

There are many commercially produced natural and chemical bed bug sprays. It is important to be careful when using chemicals around the home in case they come into contact with children or pets.

According to the Texas A&M University, there are no magic insecticide sprays for bed bugs. However, both natural and chemical sprays have a measure of effectiveness against bed bugs. One of the benefits of chemical sprays is that they are stronger and will kill off bed bugs quicker. However, the drawback is that many populations of bedbugs have become resistant to pyrethrins and pyrethroids the 2 main chemicals in many chemical bed bug sprays. Therefore, they may not be effective in reducing many bed bug populations.5

One of the reasons that many people choose natural bug sprays instead of chemical ones is that they are less toxic to use around the home. Also, bed bugs dont build up resistance to natural oils and other ingredients in natural bed bug sprays.

As with all sprays chemical sprays and natural sprays you need to spray the liquid directly on the bed bugs to kill them and repeat the application frequently. However, many of the best bed bug sprays have a residual effect and will continue to be toxic to the bed bugs for a certain time after spraying.

Lets look first at some effective bed bug sprays that you can make at home. There is also scientific research to back up the insecticidal effect of these sprays to use as part of your battle against bed bugs.

One of the many uses of tea tree oil around the house is to use it as a DIY natural bed bug spray. Tea tree oil contains compounds that have an insecticidal effect against insects as well as their larvae and eggs. Although no direct studies have been published on the effect of tea tree oil on bed bugs, research has shown that it has a lethal effect on many bugs and insects.

A study in the journal Veterinary Parasitology reported that diluted tea tree oil effectively kills off fly eggs and also helped to repel larvae.6 Another study published in the journal BMC Dermatology found that tea tree oil was more effective as an insecticide than pyrethrins-based products in getting rid of mites.7

How to use:

To easily make your own natural tea tree oil insecticidal spray for bed bugs, this is what you should do:

If you dont see any improvement, you could try to increase the concentration of tea tree oil. Remember to always shake the bottle well before use.

You can also make your own homemade bed bug spray by mixing other essential oils that are proven to kill off bed bugs. The mixture of essential oils will not only help rid your home of bed bugs, but the pleasant smell will help mask any musty odors from the bugs.

The journal Insects published a study on products containing essential oils for bed bug control. It was found that essential oils like cedar oil, cinnamon oil, clove oil, peppermint oil, rosemary oil, and lemongrass oil all have insecticidal properties against bed bug populations. The study concluded that using these essential oils in a bug spray can be an effective way to reduce bed bug populations without putting humans at risk of exposure to chemicals.8

How to use:

To kill off bed bugs from your bed frame, box springs, or mattresses, you can make and use your own essential oil bed bug spray this way:

You can also experiment with different essential oils to get the type of bug spray that is effective for you.

For many people, it is easier to buy a natural bug spray to kill off bed bugs fast and prevent a new infestation. There are some popular bed bug sprays on the market that have been scientifically proven to eliminate bed bug populations and also get great reviews from customers.

Here are the 3 best bed bug sprays that will help to kill off bed bugs fast and naturally.

EcoRaider contains natural active ingredients geraniol and cedar oil to create a commercial natural bed bug spray.

The journal Insects studied the effectiveness of EcoRaider on controlling bed bugs and found that it helped to kill up to 90% of all bed bugs. It effectively killed off bed bugs from sofas, curtains, furniture, and wall decorations. Also, the residual spray was effective for up to 2 weeks after application.8

To use EcoRaider, the manufacturers recommend spraying all edges and seams of mattresses, as well as box springs, and bed frames. You can also use the spray to kill bed bugs from cushions, behind baseboards, edges of carpets, and moldings. It is safe for the whole household and wont harm pets. You can get more information about EcoRaider and purchase it in Amazon here.

Another natural bed bug spray that has a proven insecticidal effect against pesky bed bugs is Bed Bug Patrol. This natural spray for getting rid of bed bugs contains clove oil and peppermint oil as its active ingredients.

The Journal of Economic Entomology reported on a study showing that Bed Bug Patrol eliminated around up to 90% of all bed bug nymphs. The study concluded that Bed Bug Patrol is a useful pesticide for controlling bed bug infestations.9

Bed Pug Patrol doesnt contain any harsh pesticides and can be sprayed anywhere you see signs of bed bugs. It can also be used safely on fabrics because it wont stain them. Bed Pug Patrol also comes in various sizes and can be used as a cost-effective method for controlling large bed bug infestations. You can get more information about Bed Bug Patrol and purchase it in Amazon here.

BBT-2000 is another natural pesticide for exterminating bed bugs. BBT-2000 contains cedar and soybean oil to help get rid of bed bugs and prevent them returning. It also has a residual effect on the bugs and will help destroy bed bugs for up to 1 week after spraying.

According to another study in the journal Insects, BBT-2000 showed substantial bed bug control and was also effective against resistant strains of bed bug populations. In some cases, it outperformed chemical bed bug sprays.10

Although some chemical bed bug sprays are effective at dealing with a bed bug infestation, their toxicity to humans and pets are an issue for many people. Great care has to be taken to avoid exposure that could be dangerous to humans, and some bug sprays manufacturers dont recommend using the product if children are around.

Also, the journal Insects in 2016 published a report on the growing problem of bed bug becoming resistant to pyrethroids (chemical compounds used to control bed bugs). This means that many commercially available chemical-based bed bug sprays may not be as effective as they once were.

Here are the most effective chemical sprays for bed bugs that are on the market.

Temprid SC is a popular chemical-based bed bug spray because it can also be used to get rid of other bugs and insects from the home.

According to research done on Temprid SC, it contains a combination of chemical pesticides that can be used against pyrethroid-resistant bugs. It has become a popular choice as a chemical bed bug spray to control bed bug populations resistant to pyrethroids.11

The solution can be sprayed to all cracks and crevices where bed bugs lurk and its residual effect helps to continue eliminating bugs after application. However, it may cause skin irritation if used on mattresses and cushioned furniture. You can get more information about Temprid SC and purchase it in Amazon here.

Harris bed bug killer is another popular chemical spray to eliminate bed bugs from your home. The manufacturers say that Harris Bed Bug Killer can be used on all soft fabrics to get rid of bed bugs as it wont stain. You can also spray the solution in all nooks and crannies in your bed frame, furniture, and corners of your room to exterminate the bugs. It is also odorless. You can get more information about Harris bed bug killer and purchase it in Amazon here.

Because of its fast-acting effect on killing bed bugs, Ortho Home Defense aerosol spray gets good online reviews. Ortho Home Defense bed bug spray is also effective against populations of pyrethroid-resistant bugs and can be used for ticks, fleas, and lice.

According to a study carried out on Ortho Home Defense, it contains a chemical bifenthrin that is considered relatively safe and kills off bugs that pyrethroid-based insecticides cant. It is also effective against bed bug eggs and larvae.12 It should be sprayed as a spot treatment in any crevice where bed bugs can reside. You can get more information about Ortho Home Defense bed bug spray and purchase it in Amazon here.

In order for bed bug sprays to be effective in your battle against these tiny pests, you should know something about the habits of bed bugs.

According to the National Pesticide Information Center, there are a few facts that are important to know to completely eliminate the very last bed bug from your home.13

For example, females can lay eggs anywhere and it can take up to 10 days for them to hatch. Therefore, its important to continue using bed bug sprays and powders even after you think the bed bugs have gone for good.

At room temperature, bed bugs can survive for up to 3 months without feeding. So, even if no one is living in the room, bed bugs can still survive, especially if there is enough moisture in the air. However, to get rid of bed bugs effectively, you should not just rely on bed bug sprays for exterminating the pests, you should have an integrated pest control management program. This includes using various methods for bed bug removal.

While you are fighting your bed bug infestation with sprays, bed bug powders, and other techniques, you may have to treat bed bug bites.

According to Dr. William Shiel on MedicineNet, bed bugs will bite any exposed area of the body and the most common places are the face, neck, and arms. The bed bug bite can leave you with an itchy welt that looks like a small raised red bump.14

You can treat bed bug bites by using a tea tree oil spray. The journal Clinical Microbiology Reviews published studies showing that tea tree oil can help to reduce skin inflammation and has antimicrobial action.15

You can make a natural bed bug bite treatment by putting 1 cup distilled water in a spray bottle and adding 10-15 drops tea tree oil. Shake well and spray on areas of skin that have clusters of bed bug bites. Or, you could spray the remedy on a cotton pad and apply to the itchy bumps on your skin. You can also dilutes tea tree oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil or sweet almond oil (a few drops of tea tree per one tablespoon of carrier oil).

Alternatively, if you only have one or two bites, you could put a drop of tea tree oil directly on the bite as a spot treatment to help relieve itching, inflammation, and prevent any infection developing.

For more ways to stop skin irritation caused by bed bug bites, please see my article on the top ways to get rid of bed bug bites naturally.

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The Best Bed Bug Sprays to Kill Bed Bugs Fast

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Woman says she was bitten by bed bugs at a Valley movie …

GLENDALE, AZ - A Valley woman says bed bugs were feasting on her and a friend's arm shortly after they sat down to enjoy the Sci-Fi drama "Flatliners at the AMC at Westgate in Glendale.

Minutes into the movie, Crystal Mitchell said her arm started to itch. She ignored it for a while, but when the itching became unbearable, she turned on her flashlight to see what it was and saw several bugs just scattering into the crevices under the armrest, which was raised. She said two bugs were on her arm.

The horrified woman says she ran out and instantly informed a manager. She also posted the pictures she took and her experience on her social media page.

"I don't want anyone going and taking them home. I feel like I could have brought some home with me on my purse. I still haven't taken my purse inside," said Mitchell.

ABC15 sent the pictures Mitchell took to a Public Health entomologist and bed bug expert, Professor Dawn Gouge. Gouge instantly identified the insects as bed bugs, and said there appeared to be an active infestation, based on the size of the different bugs, and the eggs that appeared to have hatched.

Gouge said bed bugs liketo feast on human bloodand can be found in most places frequented by the public.

"Unfortunately cinemas are the ideal location for bed bugs to hide out. In the cracks and the crevices of the chair, its dark in there. They usually like to prey on human blood while people are in a state of rest," said Gouge.

She said that bed bugs typically hitchhikeon humans via clothing and backpacks, or purses, and are difficult to get rid of.

RELATED: Expert tells how to look for and prevent bed bugs

"In most bed bug infestations you need a lot of thorough monitoring and aggressive treating by the experts," said Gouge.

Mitchell said she hoped the AMC movie theater would shut down the place for a couple days to clean up the problem.

A spokesman from the corporate office of AMC sent us this statement:

"AMC is vigilant and aggressive about the inspection and treatment of this issue. Every seat at AMC Westgate 20 is proactively inspected monthly and treated immediately if any evidence is found. An inspection also takes place anytime there is a guest report of bed bugs. In this case, the auditorium in question has been closed for an immediate inspection, and treatment if activity is found."

Mitchell said she believes there was no way her seat was the only one infested.

She has also filed a complaint with the Maricopa County Environmental Services division. A spokesman tells us they are looking into it, and planned to send an investigator to the theater to look into it. ABC15 will keep you posted on the results.

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Woman says she was bitten by bed bugs at a Valley movie ...

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