Daily Archives: March 12, 2018

  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Thursday 5th of September 2024 03:58 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 30000 Miles

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Bed Bugs and Your Apartment, Texas A&M – Insects in the City

Bed bug problems are becoming more common in apartment communities. More than ever, its important for tenants and landlords to understand these insects and what it takes to eliminate them from apartments.

Bed bugs are tiny insects that live by feeding on human blood, usually at night. They are secretive, hiding in cracks and crevices during the day, and coming out at night to feed. The bite of the bed bug is painless and may or may not leave a red mark or itchiness.

Bed bugs are small, and come out mostly at night.

Because of their small size and painless bite, bed bugs may initially go unnoticed. If you notice that you are waking up with itchy welts, see tiny red spots on bedding, or think you have seen the bugs, you may have a problem. Bed bugs do not have nests, but will congregate in choice hiding places. These areas may be marked by tiny dark spots and stains, and may have a sweetish odor.

Fortunately bed bugs are not known to carry any diseases to humans, although some people may experience irritation or allergic reactions to bed bug bites. Mostly bed bugs are considered disgusting and can be a source of stress and concern for people living in infested apartments.

Bed bug in textured ceiling with droppings (upper right, lower right and lower left) around harborage between popcorn texture.

Bed bugs are no longer an unusual pestin apartments. Since approximately 2000, bed bugs have reemerged as an important pest in the United States. Bed bugs are occasionally introduced into an apartment via luggage that has become infested from a hotel or hostel. In apartment complexes, it is probably more common for bed bugs to enter a home from a nearby infested apartment, during moving, or through picking up used or recycled furniture or mattresses. Once introduced into an apartment building, bed bugs can readily spread from one infested unit to another.

If you think you see a bed bug, capture it if possible. Place in a leak-proof container, preferably with a little rubbing alcohol, and show it to your apartment manager to confirm its identity. Even if you cannot capture one of the insects, you should inform your building manager if you suspect you have a bed bug problem.

When beg bugs are found in one apartment unit, it is considered standard practice in the pest control industry to inspect all apartments surrounding the infested apartment. If no bed bugs are found, surrounding apartments do not necessarily need to be treated. But if an adjacent apartment is found infested, it should be treated and all adjacent apartments should also be inspected (see next question).

If you live in an apartment or condominium, its best to alert the property manager right away (preferably by phone and in writing). In multi-family housing a manager-coordinated bed bug control effort using a pest control company is generally needed. Bed bugs readily move from apartment to apartment, with many people unaware that they have a problem, so chances are that you will not eliminate a bed bug problem by yourself. If one apartment is infested, adjoining units (left side, right side, above and below) should be assumed to be infested unless shown otherwise through inspection or monitoring. Simply asking tenants whether they have bed bugs is not enough. In one study only half of residents in a large apartment with bed bugs knew (or admitted) they had a bed bug problem.

Bed bug treatment consists of a thorough inspection followed by vacuuming and treatment of all detected bug hiding spots. Treatment is labor intensive and may take several hours per apartment. It will also probably require several visits and treatments to permanently get rid of a bed bug problem.

In Texas, multifamily housing, hotels, orany business providing lodging must be treated for pests by a licensed pesticide applicator. So unless the apartment employee who entersyour home to control bed bugsislicensed by the Texas Pest Control Service, this would be illegal. Illegal activity by an unlicensed person includes theuse of over-the-counter pesticides, heat treatment or any other non-chemical control methodsanything intended to control pests like bed bugs, cockroaches, mice, etc.

Apartment with clothing and personal items bagged and ready for pest control.

As a tenant, your first responsibility is to report any suspected bed bug problem immediately. Once an appointment is made for your treatment, it will be your duty to prepare your apartment. The following tips will help your pest control service and YOU to get rid of bed bugs quickly.

Its essential to cooperate with management and with your pest control professionals to get complete bed bug control. Once established, bed bugs can be difficult to control, especially without the help of tenants like you.

For more information about bed bugs, including their biology and how to recognize them, see publication L-1742 Bed Bugs as well as the EPA website on bed bugs. If you live in a situation where professional pest control is not available or not being provided by management, see our publication on Do-it-yourself bed bug control (ENT-3012) for tips on controlling bed bugs. The fact sheet on How to Select a Bed Bug Control Provider (ENT-033) has special information to assist apartment managers in working with pest control contractors.

Michael Merchant, Ph.D., Professor and Extension Urban Entomologist, Texas AgriLife Extension Service. Dallas.

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Bed Bugs and Your Apartment, Texas A&M - Insects in the City

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How to inspect your hotel room for bed bugs Bug Gwen

I thought I would make use of my travel time to put together a new Ask An Entomologist post: a little primer on how to check your hotel room to see if there are bedbugs.

It may just be because I go to entomology conferences where there are lots of presentations about bedbugs in hotels, but Ive developed bit of a paranoid routine that so far has worked to let me sleep happily, and not bring any uninvited guests home.

For facts about basic bedbug biology, Ill refer you to this excellent publication from the University of Kentucky. Soon to the searching.

Step 1: Look online and see if bedbugs have been reported where you are going. Do this when youre considering where to stay and before you book a room. The Bedbug Registry is a handy place to start, but many other online reviews will have a mention of bed bugs if they are present.

Step 2: Leave your luggage by the door when you arrive. If it turns out that the room is infested, why go all the way in? Luggage is one of the known ways that bed bugs are moved from place to place. So try to avoid picking up any hitchhikers. Another option is to put your luggage in the bathtub, if you cant leave it out in the hall.

Step 3: Case the Joint. Pay special attention to the bed, bed frame, and any headboard. These are the prime spots youll see signs of an infestation. Bedbugs hang out near their food sourceyou.

Bedbugs dont live on people permanently like lice. They are active at night, and need a place to hide during the day. Headboards fastened to the wall next to the bed (common in many hotels) are a great place for a flat little insect to stay.

After feeding, they poop, creating tell-tale brown stains of your clotted blood. You typically wont see the bugsthey are fairly tiny and can scurry quicklybut you will see these stains.

This second photo shows a severe example of what you are looking for.

Step 4: Take things apart. Start by pulling the bed away from the wall, if possible. A flashlight is handy for shining behind headboards and under beds.

Inspect the headboard and wall behind the bed. Any spots there?

Strip the bed, right down to the mattress and bed springs. You have to see whats underneath the clean sheets and mattress pad to know whats been there. Lift the mattress and box springs up and look underneath. If its a platform bed, inspect carefully under the springs and around the base.

Pay special attention to the seams of mattresses and the boxsprings. These are spots the bugs like to hide in.

Step 5: Check everything else that could potentially harbor bedbugs. What the hey, youre already paranoid, why not?

Start with bedstands near the bed, and then check couches, drawers and furniture, and other items that are near the bed. Bed bugs can live in amazingly tiny cracks and crevices.

I also check the closet if it has a luggage rack like this one.

Step 6: Check the next morning. The last check is to look on your sheets when you get up the next morning. If you see little blood stains on your sheets, or tiny rusty spots.beware.

Reactions to bed bug bites vary widely, from no reaction at all to lots of swelling and redness. You may be one of the people that doesnt react with itching to the bed bug bites, so the presence of bites isnt always a reliable check. Typically bed bugs leave bites in groups of threebut so do fleas, so that isnt always definitive.

So there you go. This isnt a foolproof method, but it does let me sleep in peace. And so far, Ive not seen anything that would keep me up.

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How to inspect your hotel room for bed bugs Bug Gwen

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