Daily Archives: March 23, 2018

  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Friday 20th of September 2024 07:43 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Double strength cleaning vinegar to kill bed bugs? Got …

Dear vbbb,

Actually, this is kinda-sorta like project work. You're assigned to a task, in this case getting rid of bed bugs, and I don't much care, within reason, how YOU accomplich this as long as no one or their property gets hurt.

We don't want to see you on tonights tv news being interviewed on how you were getting rid of bed bugs in your apartment whilst a bollowing cloud of dark smoke continues to rise from what used to be the building in the background.

Now, what YOU do is fine for you however, where we an issue is advising the world, ok just this forum, that singel strength, double strength, triple strength or a zillion strength vinegar is going to kill their bed bugs and be the miracle cure nervanna that the world's bed bug victims have been seeking since bfore recorded history, yet you found it in vinegar.

As per your anectodotal information above you've applied yet another "contact killer". This is NOT the miracle cure for bed bug problems. We already have a long list of items that will result in the mortality of bed bugs when directly applied (i.e. contact killers).

Now, when your magic vinegar, or any other super duper bed bug product, can be:

> applied to a pourous potential bed bug harborage surface> allowed to dry leaving just a residual of the item applied> continue to kill bed bugs that are exposed to the dried residual treated surface> and do so in a similar manner and deliver the effective results as ddt, dursban, diazinon, bendiocarb and other such insecticide products did back in their "hey day"

Then, and only then, should you be shouting from the bed bug world mountain top that you have the next bed bug "silver bullet".

The simple truth is you don't and it's not.

What you have is an interesting story about killing bed bugs before your very eyes with vinegar, ok double strength vinegar but vinegar nonetheless.

We appreciate you enthusiasm and willingness to share your success story however, we have concerns that extend beyond the boudries of your apartment. What of the person(s) who reads this and mistakenly think that all they need do is apply vinegar to solve or prevent their bed bug problem?

Vinegar is a contact only killer. So is alcohol, so is certain dishwashing liquid. And, guess what, some of these other contact killers won't have your entire house smelling fresh as a summer's eve or as if we just walked into a huge d-bag either.

Additionally, as DC also pointed out above, there is more to resolving bed bug infestations than simply killing those that are there "right now". We also need to find the source of the infestation and continued exposure thereof such that we can attain a long term sustainable cure to our bed bug situation.

Note that you were correct in implementing the tape thing as this could serve to block bed bugs from emerging or traveling through from another infested location. In some situations where the LL is a dexter and won't adopt a building wide viable program the only thing a resident can do is protect his/her own home.

And, this brings up another issue you mentioned above; how the Ll deals with the residents during a bed bug situation or crisis. We need to realize that the bed bugs are now property of the LL. This is so because at times after a period of failed efforts to eliminate the bed bugs we have seen where the resiodents simply leave the building. Guess who's left with the bed bugs then; yup, the LL the bed bugs are now his.

If vinegar works well for you and you really like that smell and possible staining/discoloration that may result then, good for you.

However, I think it's fair to say that the bed bug situation and eventual resolution is larger than the contents of what may be found within your double strength vinegar bottle.

As for me, I'll take a salad with balsamic with my steak tonight thank you.

Hope this helps ! paul b.

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Double strength cleaning vinegar to kill bed bugs? Got ...

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Can I Sue My Landlord or a Hotel for Bed Bugs in Utah?

Bed bug infestations have been rising dramatically over the past decade, with bites on humans becoming a major problem in Utah. Bed bug bites can lead to physical injuries, psychological problems, medical bills, lost wages, extermination bills, and loss of personal property.

If you have been bitten by bed bugs in an apartment, hotel, or motel in Utah, you may be wondering if you can sue for your injuries.

Determining Responsibility for Bed Bug Attacks in Utah Apartments

Under Utah law, residential property owners owe their tenants a duty to provide an environment that is suitable for human habitation. Although state law does not specifically address bed bugs, some county ordinances do specifically impose a duty on the landlord to keep the environment free from vermin.

If your landlord has breached the duty to keep the environment free from bed bugs, you may be entitled to recover all damages that you have suffered as a result of the infestation and attack. Your recovery may include:

It is important to note that Utah law does not hold a landlord liable if the tenant caused the conditions in the apartment. This means that you must be able to show that you did not introduce the bed bugs into the apartment. An experienced personal injury lawyer with an eye for detail can help you establish who is responsible for the infestation in your Utah apartment.

Determining Responsibility for Bed Bug Attacks in Utah Hotels and Motels

If you have been bitten by bed bugs in a hotel or motel in Utah, you will want to take the following steps as soon as possible:

Like residents of apartments, victims of bed bug attacks in Utah hotels or motels may be entitled to recovery for health care and emergency room costs, recovery for property damage, lost income, and pain and suffering.

Should You Hire an Attorney for your Bed Bug Attack in a Utah Hotel or Apartment?

If you have been the victim of a bed bug attack due to an infestation in an apartment, hotel, or motel in Utah, you should consult with an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

At Hepworth, Murray & Associates, our experienced personal injury attorneys will investigate the circumstances of the bed bug infestation and determine if the landlord, hotel, or motel are responsible for your bed bug attack. If you or a loved one has been involved in a bed bug attack, please call Hepworth, Murray & Associates at 801-872-2222, to schedule a free consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney regarding your case.

This article was written by Attorney Jennifer K. Zeleny at Hepworth & Associates and Associates. Ms. Zeleny is a Utah Personal Injury Attorney.

Managing Attorney at Hepworth & Associates

Michael is the Managing Attorney of Hepworth & Associates, LLC.

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Can I Sue My Landlord or a Hotel for Bed Bugs in Utah?

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Kansas, United States Bed Bug Registry Map Bed Bug …

Here is a great example of why you should not bring used furniture into your home without first making sure it isnt infested. Bed bugs in used furniture can lead to a complete infestation of the home as Leah123 explains. I have listed Leah123s story below and would like to thank her for taking the time to submit her story and pictures! By the way, you can click on the thumbnail to see the full picture. Continue reading

Please click here for ourBed Bug Prep Sheet. Bed bugs have made a return with a vengeance, especially in the Seattle area Continue reading

Bed Bug shown next to a finger for size comparison In the photos below and attached slides, well show you exactly what bed bugs look like on human skin, a close up of an infested mattress showing the entire life cycle, in a cup (gross), next to a ruler for size comparison, crawling on the floor, hiding in a headboard, and even one caught crawling out of a stocking! Because many of the pictures Im showing you are close ups, you might not realize how small they really are; an adult bed bug is the size of an apple seed except that it has legs and skin-piercing mouthparts to bite you with! And get this, when they are born, they are only a millimeter in size and because they are almost transparent, they blend in with the background (like your body). Attacked! These people are covered with horrible bed bug bites! Dont let their tiny size fool you into thinking theyre harmless! These little bugs know exactly where to hide, when and who (yes, they can be selective) to bite and have driven many of their victims insane. We also have an incredible collection of photos showing people BITTEN and ATTACKED by these bugs as well warning, it may give you nightmares As you can see from the image below, this bug could easily be missed; the baby (1st instar) is extremely hard to find and is almost transparent until its first feeding! Notice how their body elongates and turn a reddish-brow color as they fill themselves with blood? Continue reading

As most of you know bed bugs were once on the down low but have now returned with vengeance or as some may say a bed bug epidemic is on the rise. With this ever growing problem it is key to learn what a bed bug is, where they hide and how to get ride of them and keep them gone for good. Continue reading

Bed bug bites can happen in as little as 5 minutes for full feeding allowing one to multiply into thousands in a months time. If only a portion of that colony were to feed on you while youre sleeping, you could wake up to a body covered in bites! Attacked by bed bugsThese blood suckers lock on to the carbon dioxide (CO2) release when sleeping. Once they have you, they head toward a warm part of your body and begin to bite Continue reading

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Kansas, United States Bed Bug Registry Map Bed Bug ...

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Verona Resort bedding had filth, urine, flies, bed bugs …

The report says the bedding, mattresses, and sheets were not kept clean or free from filth, urine, flies, bed bugs, or other insects.

Guam The Verona Resort and Spa has been partially shut down due to a full-blown rodent and cockroach infestation.

Public Health conducted an inspection yesterday and cited an overwhelming 72 demerits. Chief Environmental Public Health Officer Thomas Nadeau says signs of rodent feces and rub marks throughout the kitchen indicated an active infestation.

On the report, the Environmental Public Health Officer notes: Rodent infestation is considered an imminent health hazard and shall result in the suspension of the sanitary permit.

The inspection began at Veronas food facility the Hills Lounge. But the assessment quickly led Public Health Officers beyond the kitchen. It turns out, Veronas infestation had spread all the way up to the eighth floor of the resort.

And it wasnt just signs rodents or roaches either.

The report says the bedding, mattresses, and sheets were not kept clean or free from filth, urine, flies, bed bugs, or other insects. Additionally, Public Health cites sanitation issues, food handling practices, and other errors in the nine page report.

The inspection stemmed from an anonymous tip to Public Health. The report states: A regular inspection was conducted today in response to a complaint regarding hotel rooms being filthy and air condition units found with mold.

However, the simple examination ultimately unearthed a multitude of sanitation issues. With over 70 citations, Verona subsequently received a D rating. Further, only floors nine through 11 are available for use.

Meanwhile, David Su, the owner of Verona Resort and Spa did not return our calls for comment as of news time. You can read Public Healths report on the resort here.


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Verona Resort bedding had filth, urine, flies, bed bugs ...

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What Temperature Kills Bed Bugs? – Heat vs. Cold

Can Heat or Cold Kill Bed Bugs?

While bed bugs are sensitive to changes in temperature, there are plenty of myths about what temperature kills bed bugs.

The pests cannot be eliminated simply by turning off heaters in winter or sitting infested items outdoors on a sunny summer day. In fact, only extreme temperatures beyond what can be achieved naturally will get rid of them.

Using freezing cold temperatures to kill bed bugs is one option. Put an infested object, such as bedding or pillows, in a sealed plastic bag, then put it in a freezer at zero degrees Fahrenheit for about four days.

A similar process can be used with heat. Adult bed bugs die at 119 degrees Fahrenheit, and their heat-resistant eggs require temperatures upwards of 125 degrees. Some infested objects can be safely baked in the oven at these temperatures for three to five hours to get rid of the pests.

Safety should always be considered in deciding whether to treat in this manner.

Frozen carbon dioxide sprays and heat distribution systems exist but require special equipment and expert monitoring.

Homeowners can use extreme temperature to kill bed bugs in a limited sense, but DIY heat or cold treatments arent a practical solution for house-wide infestations. In addition to letting bed bugs in floorboard cracks and walls escape, this control method wont work for infested items that arent safe in extreme conditions or too big to fit in the freezer or oven.

The pest specialists at Orkin have a wide variety of tools and knowledge at their disposal and are able to assess the situation to find the best bed bug solution for your home.

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What Temperature Kills Bed Bugs? - Heat vs. Cold

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