Monthly Archives: March 2018

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  Thursday 5th of September 2024 02:46 AM

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Bed bug bill passes Judiciary Committee

By Mike Nemeth

A bill that spells out what landlords and tenants need to do when confronted with a bed bug infestation is closer to becoming California law.

Assemblyman Adin Nazarian

The Assembly Judiciary Committee on Tuesday voted 7-0 in favor of Assemblyman Adrin Nazarians AB 551.

The proposal from the Van Nuys Democrat comes as bed bug infestations continue to spike both in California and across the United States.

Despite the spread of these bloodsucking pests, California law hasnt adequately defined the role that apartment owners and renters must play in preventing and killing these bugs.

Nazarians bill addresses this by offering specifics. And it starts with education and candor.

Under AB 551, landlords must provide tenants with information about bed bug prevention. And tenants cant knowingly bring items into apartments if they suspect they have bed bugs.

Fighting bed bugs in rental housing takes the cooperation of both lanlords and tenants. AB 551 provides a framework of rights and responsibilities for both. Among other things, the bill would:

If tenants suspect their apartment is infested, they must tell the landlord, who then must hire a pest control company to check it out. If an infestation is confirmed, the landlord has to notify the tenants and have a pest control operator prepare and implement a bed bug treatment program.

Tenants then have to cooperate with pest control operators and make sure their property isnt in the way of treatment.

This bill ensures protection for both tenants and landlords who do what theyre supposed to do.

It protects landlords from liability for any delays in treatment that are beyond their control.

AB 551, which now heads to the Assembly floor, strikes a reasonable balance between the needs of landlords and renters. If enacted, it will help reduce the bed bug population throughout the state.

Listen to testimony about the bed bugs bill.

Learn more about the fight against bed bugs from the spring edition of Apartment Management Magazine.

Mike Nemeth is the director of communications for the California Apartment Association. Read more of his articles, or connect with him by sending an email.

Bed bug bill passes Judiciary Committee

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