Daily Archives: April 26, 2018

  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Saturday 7th of September 2024 14:52 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 30000 Miles

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Bed Bugs | Residence Life | Western Michigan University

What are bed bugs?

Bed bugs are thin, whitish to brown, wingless, oval-shaped insects slightly smaller than a lady bug. These pests tend to be most active at night. They cannot fly or jump but they crawl quickly. To live, bed bugs bite humans.

Bed bugs move from place to place by hitchhiking in items such as luggage, backpacks, furniture, even cars. They can survive and thrive in a variety of spots: houses, apartments, hotel rooms, college residence halls, etc.

It can be difficult to determine if you have a bed bug problem because these insects feed at night and hide during the day. While bed bugs can be found in any area of the home, they typically live in the bedroom. Look for bed bugs:

The first signs of bed bugs may be itchy, red bites on the skin and they tend to be in straight rows. You wont feel their bite because they inject a numbing agent into your body.

Infestations are not caused by poor sanitary conditions, but untidy, clustered environments. Failure to detect an infestation early can make the bed bug problem worse over time. Recognizing the signs of bed bugs and notifying housing staff immediately can reduce the risk of a severe infestation. Bed bugs can be transferred from one person to another. Bed bugs generally are inactive during the day so the possibility of transferring them from person to person is very low. Bed bugs move from place to place by hitchhiking. Therefore, you should always check your luggage and related items when you travel. Never bring discarded furniture into your home. How do I get rid of bed bugs? All student rooms and apartments are inspected prior to being occupied by a certified canine bed bug dog. If you think you may have bed bugs, contact housing staff immediately. A licensed exterminator will check your room. If bed bugs are confirmed, directions will be provided to facilitate treating the room. Students may incur the cost of the heat treatment and related expenses. Students are advised not to attempt self treating the room; this may result in additional charges.

If you think you have bed bugs, contact housing at (269) 387-4735.

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Bed Bugs | Residence Life | Western Michigan University

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11 Home Remedies To Kill Bed Bugs – Natural Treatments …

It can be a really scary experience when your house is infested with bed bugs. Complete eradication of the parasite is extremely difficult and in some cases the bugs infest the entire house and you need to seek a professional pest control service to get out of this situation.

Here are some wonderful home remedies that can be employed as soon as you see bed bugs in your house. This will help control the breeding and take care of the situation before things get out of hand.

Vacuum cleaning is one of the best ways by which most of the bugs can be removed in a swish. Vacuuming will trap all the bugs into the suction air and the bugs can be removed or destroyed after this procedure. Vacuuming must be done several times and for several days to be effective.

It is also important not to use the areas where you are doing the vacuum treatment during these days. This will help the bugs to starve and die. Avoid using the area for at least a month to ensure that they are destroyed completely.

Another safe and simple way to kill the bugs is to sprinkle talcum powder generously on the area so that the bugs will be suffocated to death.This too would require patience and you might have to do the treatment several times for taking care of all the bugs. At this time, you must also ensure that you avoid sleeping in these areas. Baby powder is the best for killing bugs.

This naturally occurring powder which is made from water plants that are fossilized, diatomaceous earth contains particles that have very sharp edges and help in killing the bugs and other insects when they come into contact with them. As this powder can be dangerous for your lungs, ensure that you wear a dust mask while you use it. This powder is very effective in controlling as well as treating many insects and pests.

The antimicrobial properties of neem will help in eradicating bed bugs effectively. Take a handful of neem leaves and crush them gently. Sprinkle these leaves in areas, which are infected with bed bugs. Spread fresh neem leaves once they turn dry.

Neem water can be prepared by adding neem leaves to water and boiling the water for ten minutes. This water can be used for taking bath and treating the infected area of the skin. Neem water is also good for taking bath before you are off to sleep as the smell will repel the bed bugs.

Bed bugs cannot thrive in hot environments. Thus,treating all the upholstery and affected areas with very hot water is beneficial in killing the bugs. Clothes that have been treated with hot water can be ironed as well in high temperature for killing the bugs. Upholstery and furniture can be left under the hot sun to kill the bed bugs and discourage them from further infestation.

Just like heat treatment, steam too can kill bed bugs as they cannot tolerate the hot moisture and intense steam. For this, a steam vacuum cleaner can be used. Steaming has to be done several times in order to kill all the bed bugs.

Steaming may not be very effective if the bed bug infestation is very intense and has gone deeper than half an inch under your mattress. In such cases, you may try a combination treatment like hot and steam treatment and leaving the affected clothes, upholstery, and furniture under the sun as well.

Another way to treat bed bug infestation is to use alcohol on the affected areas. Alcohol has a dehydrating reaction on the eggs of the bugs and destroys them. Sprinkling alcohol on the bugs will kill them instantly. However, the effect of alcohol will remain only when you spray them and not after that.

A solution of 70-90% isopropyl can however have a residual effect as well and is better preferred than others. Use a spray bottle for spraying the alcohol on the bed bugs and eggs. This can be a painstaking task, but a very effective one.

Bed bugs can also be killed by treating them with extreme cold. During winter season, this becomes an easy task as all the upholstery and furniture can be left outside under the harsh winter climate. Clothes and other smaller items can be left in the freezer for killing the bugs. You can also wash your clothes in very cold water or leave them in water along with ice cubes for killing the bugs.

Sprinkling boric acid on areas where there is bed bug infestation is another effective way to kill the bed bugs. However, after the treatment, care has to be taken to ensure that the boric acid powder is thoroughly cleaned from the areas where you reside. It is not recommended to sprinkle boric acid on your upholstery and bed as it will be difficult to remove them completely after the treatment.

Thyme oil and smoking thyme are known to repel insects and bed bugs effectively. Thyme sticks can be tied to cotton cloths and burnt near the infected areas of your house and surroundings to repel and expel these insects.

However, thyme is only a repellant and does not actually kill the bed bugs. So it has to be used in conjunction with other home remedies or to just bring the bed bugs out from their hiding places and kill them using alcohol or other methods mentioned above.

Black walnut too is known to be an effective repellant and insecticide against bed bugs. The dried tea can be used for sprinkling in areas that are infested with the bugs like the closet areas, interior areas and creases of beds etc. This will effectively kill and bring out the bed bugs from their hiding places. Once they are out in the open, it becomes easy to remove them from the areas.

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11 Home Remedies To Kill Bed Bugs - Natural Treatments ...

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Bed bugs in Vancouver, WA: what to look for – Ask Mr. Little

One of the common pests found in Vancouver, WA, throughout the state of Washington and Oregon is the bed bug. They are a major concern for homeowners, travelers, and businesses. Just one report of a bed bug infestation in a hotel, restaurant or on an airplane can ruin the reputation of a business.

The funny thing about bed bugs is people are terrified of finding out they have a bed bug infestation, but most people dont really know the signs of bed bugs. Any small insect people encounter often gets identified as a bed bug and people go running for help.

If you live in Vancouver, WA, Clark County or anywhere in the Northwestern United States and are afraid you have a bed bug infestation, stop and learn what the signs of bed bugs look like. Then, if you really feel you have bed bugs, contact your local Vancouver Western Exterminator office for help.

Identifying bed bugs without specialized training is difficult. Adult bed bugs are very small. Bed bug eggs and bed bug larvae are so small they look like dirt, or are nearly invisible. Plus, bed bugs are very good at finding hiding spaces for their eggs and young.

Bed bugs hide in the tiniest of cracks in wooden bed posts. They hide beneath the bed sheets and the tiny folds and cracks in a mattress. They can hide in the carpets, on the walls behind photos, electrical sockets or other areas, too.

Given how small the bed bugs are, and how well they hide, you may need to look for other bed bug signs and not the insects. Some of the first signs a bed bug infestation is starting include:

Bed bugs bites are also often the first signs of a bed bug problem that has become very serious around your Vancouver, WA, home or property. Since the bed bug skins, blood spots and fecal spots can be very small and are easy to miss, you may first notice the bed bug bites on your body.

Bed bugs sneak out from their hiding places at night and feed on sleeping people because they do not want to be disturbed when feeding. Someone who is awake is more likely to move, and they prefer peace and quiet to feed.

Bed bugs will bite arms, legs, and on the torso of people. They appear as red spots which may or may not become raised bumps. Bed bugs often feed together or multiple times during the night, so, there are often numerous bites and they appear in a line on the body.

Bed bug bites may not itch, as it depends on your bodys reaction to the chemicals they inject in order to keep the blood flowing so they can feed. Do not scratch them, but keep an eye on them and make sure they eventually fade. If you have any kind of allergic reaction to the bed bug bites, seek medical attention.

If your home in Vancouver, WA, has any signs or you are finding bites on your body, you should get rid of bed bugs. It can be very, very difficult to get rid of bed bugs on your home as the insects can breed very fast and missing just two of them around the house can lead to a re-infestation of the entire home.

Bed bugs can also spread throughout a house or even an apartment building, or office. Since they hide so well, it takes training to spot the signs of bed bugs and evaluate the seriousness of the infestation.

Keep a sharp eye out for bed bug signs. Get assistance from a professional as early as possible.

If you travel, try these tips:

Regardless of what signs you have seen, if you think you have bed bugs in Vancouver, WA, or Clark County, contact your local Western Exterminator today!

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Bed bugs in Vancouver, WA: what to look for - Ask Mr. Little

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