Daily Archives: May 20, 2018

  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Saturday 7th of September 2024 15:49 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Difference between Ticks and Bed bugs | Ticks vs Bed bugs

Key difference: Ticks are tiny, wingless, ectoparasites that belong to the Arachnida class, the same class that spiders belong to. In order to attach to a host, the ticks climb to the ends of leaves, plants and shrubs and wait for the host to pass by them. They then attach themselves to the host and find an appropriate place to feed, which include traveling all over the body. The bed bug, on the other hand, is a reddish brown, oval and flat insect, shaped like an apple seed. They usually live and hide in the cracks and crevices of beds, box springs, headboards and bed frames.

Ticks are tiny, wingless, ectoparasites that belong to the Arachnida class, the same class that spiders belong to. There are various different types of ticks such as the American deer tick, sheep tick, and cattle tick. Ticks can be classified into three families: Ixodidae (hard ticks), Argasidae (soft ticks) and Nuttalliellidae. The hard ticks often have a small hard shell on the back of their mouths. They are often found all over the world, commonly in warm, wooded and humid conditions. Ticks require a certain amount of moisture in the air for metamorphosis. Ticks do not spend their whole lives on one host and depend on a variety of hosts from a variety of species for nutrition.

Ticks are divided into two primary sections: the anterior capitulum and the posterior idiosoma. The anterior capitulum contains the head and mouth of the ticks, while the posterior idiosoma contains the legs, stomach and reproductive organs. Like all arachnids, ticks have eight legs. They have a two year life cycle, during which they can infect up to three hosts. In order to attach to a host, the ticks climb to the ends of leaves, plants and shrubs and wait for the host to pass by them. They then attach themselves to the host and find an appropriate place to feed, which include traveling all over the body. They also like shaded areas such as the ears, hair, the inside of the arms, etc. After the ticks are full, they drop from the human and hide until they require another feeding for metamorphosis.

The ticks feed by inserting their pincers into the host and excreting an anticoagulant to keep the blood from clogging. The anticoagulant is what often causes the bumps and the itchiness. The ticks cannot jump or fly and are usually crawl to get anywhere they want. Their legs also contain a unique sensory organ known as the Haller's organ, which can detect odors and chemical changes to the hosts skin. Ticks are considered dangerous because they are known to spread diseases and pathogens to the host. Also since they do not spend their whole lives attach to one host, they can often spread germs and diseases from one host to another.

The bed bug, on the other hand, is a reddish brown, oval and flat insect, shaped like an apple seed. The newly hatched bed bug nymphs are colorless and have a translucent exoskeleton. They usually live and hide in the cracks and crevices of beds, box springs, headboards and bed frames.

The bed bugs usually feed at night when the person in sleeping. The bite of a bed bug is usually red, and often has a darker red spot in the middle. The bites are mainly arranged in a cluster or a line pattern and they may or may not itch depending on the person. Bed bugs are known to bite on the face, neck, arms and hands of the person. Some people might have an allergic reaction to the bite that can include severe itching, blisters or hives.

While, both are parasitic infections, there are certain differences between the two. The main difference is that bed bugs are insects, while ticks are arachnids like spiders. However, both feed on the blood of humans and animals. Ticks usually attack individually and especially outside, whereas bed bugs will lead to an infestation within the house, mainly beds, other furniture, floorboards and crevices. Ticks will just attach themselves to the host and feed until it is full, then drop. While, bed bugs come out at night from their hiding places and attack their hosts while they are sleeping. Once the bed bugs are full, they will disappear back into their hiding places until the next night.

A detailed comparison between ticks and bed bugs:


Bed bugs






















Tick species are divided among three families: Ixodidae, Argasidae and Nuttalliellidae. Ixodidae has around 700 familes, while Argasidae has over 190 speices. Nuttalliellidae only has one speices.

Cimex lectularius is the most common bed bug that affects humans. Other species that may affect other animals include, bat bugs, C. pipistrelli (Europe), C. pilosellus (western US), and C. adjunctus (entire eastern US). Most species feed on humans only when other prey is unavailable.


Parasite small arachnid

Parasite insect


Ticks bodies are divided into two sections: the anterior capitulum and the posterior idiosoma. The former contains the head and mouth parts, while the latter holds the legs, stomach and reproductive organs. Ticks have eight legs like all arachnids. Ticks have four live stages: egg, six-legged larva, eight-legged nymph and adult.

Bedbugs are reddish brown, oval and flat, about the size of an apple seed. They have no hind wings. The front wings are vestigial and reduced to pad-like structures. Bed bugs have segmented abdomens with microscopic hairs that give them a banded appearance. Adults grow to 45 mm in length and 1.53 mm wide. Can survive a wide range of temperatures and atmospheric compositions. Can survive for at least five days at 10 C (14 F), but will die after 15 minutes of exposure to 32 C (26 F)


Ticks only attach them to hosts when they require feed and fall of after the feeding is complete. They often attach and feed on animals, birds and mammals.

Live in cracks and crevices of beds, box springs, headboards and bed frames. Are active only at night.


Ticks attach themselves to leaves, plants, shrubs etc. waiting for the arrival of a host. Once the host brushes past the tick, it firmly attaches itself to the host before finding a good place to feed. They are often found on arms, stomach, behind ears and hairs. They can also be spread from clothes to skin or from animals to humans.

Breed in cracks and crevices of beds, box springs, headboards and bed frames. Dwellings can become infested in a variety of ways, such as: bugs and eggs inadvertently brought in from other infested dwellings by visiting pets; or a visiting person's clothing or luggage; infested items (such as furniture, clothing, or backpacks) brought in; nearby dwellings are infected; wild animals may introduced bugs or eggs in the dwelling; people or pets visit an infested area (such as an apartment, subway, movie theatre, or hotel) and carry the bugs back.

Risk factors

The greatest risk of getting ticks in addition to loss of blood is that ticks can spread diseases fast. When they attach themselves to the host, they insert their mouth into the skin and can also leave behind pathogens. They may also secrete a substance that would keep the host from knowing that it is being fed on.

Bedbugs are usually active at night and early morning, when its prey is sleeping heavily. The bulk of the activity usually takes place between 5 am and 6 am. They feed for 3 to 10 minutes then leave to hide. During the day, they hide in cracks and crevices of beds, box springs, headboards and bed frames. They may even hide in floorboards, walls and neighboring rooms. They can travel very fast. Hence, it is often very difficult to pin point an infestation. Many even attribute bedbug bites to rashes and allergies, as they often do not find the bedbugs.


Their bites can cause irritation, serious discomfort and loss of blood.

Symptoms appear a while after Red bumps, often with a darker red spot in the middle, may or may not itch.


Ticks can leave behind pathogens inside the body, making the body vulnerable to diseases. They may also result in a huge loss of blood if the infestation increases.

Severe allergic reaction may include severe itching, blisters or hives.


Avoid going to tick-infested areas. Be fully clothed if you are required to go out. Wear light color clothing as ticks can be more visible on them. Preventive clothing also includes socks, sturdy shoes and head coverings.

Bed bugs enter a home through many possible ways, such as through traveling, visiting an infested area etc. To prevent beg bugs, one should check for bed bugs before unpacking during a trip, inspect luggage and other personal items for bed bugs after a trip, isolate infected items and treat for bedbugs, check used furniture and clothing before bringing them home, etc.


Apply insect repellent containing 10% to 30% DEET primarily to clothes. Thoroughly check clothing, skin and hair for ticks. If ticks are crawling on clothes, use tape to remove them, do not touch them with bare hands. If tick has started feeding, using tweezers grasp it as close to the head as possible and pull it up straight do not wiggle or move side to side. Wash and clean the bitten area and apply antiseptic.

Wear covering garments while sleeping, pesticide permethrin on mosquito netting may keep them as bay. Treatment includes oral antihistamine, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl), skin cream containing hydrocortisone.


Ticks have been known to cause certain diseases, such as Colorado tick fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, African tick bite fever, tularemia, tick-borne relapsing fever, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, Tick paralysis and tick-borne meningoencephalitis and bovine anaplasmosis.

Bed bugs can carry up to 24 different pathogens; however, they are not known to transmit any of these to humans. The greatest risk posed by bed bugs is the irritation of bites.

When to see a doctor

If the itching and redness persists or any other symptoms show up after tick bite. It is best to show a doctor incase pathogens have been released into the system.

If there is a severe allergic reaction, including severe itching, blisters or hives. If the bites do not go away and remain inflamed.

See the rest here:
Difference between Ticks and Bed bugs | Ticks vs Bed bugs

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Bed Bugs Info Pest Control

Running a pest control business in Canada sounds like a great idea, the main reason being demand. Additional benefits include low marketing costs and start-up costs and a pest-free environment for customers.


The main challenge that pest control businesses face is the fact that summer is the time when rodents, bugs, and other pests come out. Summer is a busy season but you will have less work in winter, spring, and autumn. Thus fluctuating cash flows and profits are the main problem due to the seasonal character of a pest control business.

Regulations, Licenses, and Permits

The main acts and regulations in Canada are the Pesticide Residue Compensation Act, Pest Control Products Act, and others. Depending on the province or territory and activity, businesses are required to obtain different licenses and permits such as pesticide permits, vendor license, operator license, etc. In Ontario, for example, businesses that apply and sell pesticides need a license while those that use high-risk pesticides need a permit. There are different types of exterminator licenses as well, including water, land, and structural exterminator licenses. The license is valid for a period of five years. Business owners are asked to submit an application, along with the application fee, proof of pesticide certification, and employment information.

Develop a Business Plan

A business plan helps obtain external financing at competitive interest rates, especially if you have very good or stellar credit. It is a good idea to include a list of services such as advisory and consultancy services, building maintenance and lawn care, insect and rodent control and extermination, bird proofing, and termite control. Other services include pest and mosquito control and eradication and fumigating. Make sure you include separate sections on your business structure, mission statement, potential customers, and target market. Customers that use pest control services include corporations, camp grounds, farms, local communities, kids playgrounds, boarding houses, parks, commercial farmers, and households, among others.


Funding can come from different sources, including credit unions and banks, finance companies, peer to peer lenders, credit card companies, government-backed loans, and more (https://www.lifeoncredit.ca/refresh-financial-secured-credit-card/). Many business owners apply for government funding under the Canada Small Business Financing Program (https://www.lifeoncredit.ca/the-small-business-tax-reform-in-canada/). Loans can be used for eligible assets such as equipment (tools, instruments, machinery, etc.), leasehold improvements, immovable or real property, and registration fees up to 2 percent. Funding cannot be used to cover things like inventory, working capital, or franchise fees. A government loan can be used to cover website and software development, decontamination costs, and equipment improvement, including installation, modernization, renovation, and construction. In addition to CSBF, unions and banks offer mortgage and loan financing to start-ups and companies operating in Canada (https://www.lifeoncredit.ca/). Religious entities and enterprises, farms, and non-for-profits usually do not qualify. Many financial institutions require personal guarantee as a guarantee of on-time loan repayment. There are other ways to secure additional financing, including business lines of credit and credit cards. A business line of credit, for example, is a good choice to access and withdraw funds at any time. Money can be used for inventory and supplies, to take advantage of trade discounts, or anything else. Lastly, business credit cards go with larger limits compared to personal cards and benefits such as complimentary welcome bonuses, concierge, airmiles, travel and flight discounts, and a lot more.

Bed bugs come in different varieties but are basically parasitic insects that are active at night time. Spread by crawling, they live in linen, clothing, and cracks in furniture.

What Are Bed Bugs

Part of the cimicid family, bed bugs are tiny bugs that feed on bats and other animals and human blood. There are different types and species, including barn swallow, Mexican chicken, and tropical bugs. The Mexican chicken bug, for example, feeds on fowl and birds and is usually found on farms. The tropical variety feeds on human blood and bats and is found in regions with temperate as well as tropical climate. A total of 92 different species have been identified.

Where Can Be Found

They can be found in sofas and other upholstered furniture, textiles, beds and bed frames, box springs, mattress covers, mattresses, etc. Other areas that can be infested include wallpaper cracks, dressers, carpet edges, and curtains. Buildings that are at risk of infestation include buses, trains, and other transportation vehicles, shelters, laundries, office buildings, theaters, and other high-traffic areas. About 2/3 of bed bugs, however, are concentrated in the bed area.

Bites and Signs

Common signs of bug bites include itching, swelling, and redness. They can be mistaken for skin problems, rash, and mosquito and flea bites. Treatment is usually not required. Some patients develop bacterial infections and are prescribed antibiotics. If allergic reaction occurs, doctors usually prescribe antihistamines or topical steroids. Some people use natural and home remedies such as water and soda paste, oatmeal baths, tea tree essential oil, patchouli oil, and cold compresses.

How to Eliminate Them

There are different ways and products to kill insects, including diatomaceous earth, neem oil, and thyme oil. Diatomaceous earth, for example, contains fossils of diatoms, which are miniature aquatic species. There are numerous applications in farming, skin care, food manufacturing, water filtering, etc. Diatomaceous earth is also used to kill parasites, insects, and viruses and to reduce the harmful effect of free radicals. Neem oil is also used to get rid of bed bugs in commercial settings and homes. Azadirachtin, the main ingredient of neem oil, repels more than 200 insect species and is low in toxicity. Washing, fabrics, upholstery, and other surfaces also help eliminate bed bugs. You may add essential oils for better results. Lemon oil, for example, is known to repel insects, including bed bugs. It is best to contact a professional service company, however. They have experience in treating infested areas and use professional products and solutions. Some companies use professional insecticides while others use natural or organic products. Professional insecticides are more effective in treating infested areas. If you choose this option, ask whether the products they use are safe to apply on upholstery, fabrics, and mattresses, especially if you have small children, pets, or known allergies.

It is a good idea to inspect framed pictures, bed frames, fabrics, and soft furnishings on a regular basis. Check for eggs, dead bedbugs, blood stains, and insects to avoid infestation. If you are a frequent traveler, you may want to keep your suitcases away from furniture and your bed area. Put your clothes in the drier for 20 30 minutes when returning from a trip or holiday.

Bed Bugs in Canada, Cases and Infested Areas

The most heavily infested areas in Canada include Ottawa, Vancouver, Winnipeg, and Toronto. Other cities that have bed bug problems include Calgary, Scarborough, Sudbury, Halifax, Edmonton, and St. Johns. The majority of cities with bug problems are located in Ontario (14 in total).

In fact, there is a bed bug registry that allows users to browse for sites with reported cases. Sites include both residential homes and commercial properties. Renters and travelers are welcome to report areas with cases and bug infestations, including libraries, movie theatres, hospitals, dormitories, hotels, apartments, and houses. Users, on the other hand, are free to browse by city and state, street address, and hotel name. Information is available for different cities in Canada, including Toronto, Vancouver, Saskatoon, Regina, and others. The registry also features resources, city maps, alerts, and other useful information.

Bed Bugs Info Pest Control

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