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Wilmington seniors live with bedbug infestation

Richard Atkinson has an been fighting a never ending battle with bed bugs at Luther Towers I. Jerry Habraken / The News Journal

Richard Atkinson pets his cat, Pebbles, in his apartment at Luther Towers in Wilmington. Atkinson is dealing with his fourth case of bedbugs in his apartment and doesn't feel he's getting the help he needs from building management. "I've been homeless before. I'm living out of bags just like I did then," Atkinson says.(Photo: Jerry Habraken, The News Journal)Buy Photo

Shannon Miles once was reduced to tears after visiting a man she called hergrandfather at Luther Towers in Wilmington, where bedbugs crawled on his skin.

When you see them in the carpet and on the walls thats an infestation, said Miles, 40.

While she waited in line to tell the manager, she said, she heard three other residents complain about bedbugs. Miles said she was shocked to hear employees say they take personal precautions, while the unit in Luther Towers I that belonged to her friend Dave Heitwas continually infested.

Richard Atkinson, 68, said he wakes up every nightinhis Luther Towers Iapartment, his sheets bloody from bedbug bites. In the past five months, Atkinson said, his unit has beenfumigatedthree times.

During the past four months, exterminators have sprayed for bedbugs in Luther Towers I180times, city records show.

Atkinson isamong the hundreds of low-income residents who can't escape bedbugs in Wilmington public housing:Luther Towers I and II, Terry Apartments and Ingleside Retirement Apartments have all struggled to contain infestations.

These apartment complexes cater to seniors, with units in Luther Towers starting at $495 a month.

A glass vial holds live bedbugs in 2010 in New York.(Photo: STAN HONDA, AFP/Getty Images)

All have been sprayed hundreds of times in recentmonths. Luther Towers I and Luther Towers II, combined, have been fumigated361times in the past four months, according to city records.

Building administrators andcity inspectors insist these high-rise apartment complexes are fully complying with the lawto resolve the continued infestation.

One of the biggest problems, they insist, isthat not allthe residents properly prep their units for extermination; many refuse to throw outfurniture such as mattresses and upholstered pieces where the bugs can live, breed and hide fromthe spray.

The reason is that most are on fixed income and don't have the money to replace pieces potentially infested.

Dried blood is seen on Richard Atkinson's bedsheets after he was bitten by bedbugs while sleeping. "I see three or four of them every morning, and I immediately kill them," Atkinson says of the bedbugs.(Photo: Jerry Habraken, The News Journal)

I cant afford new furniture," said Atkinson, sitting in a blue upholstered recliner."This chair is brand new. If they want me to get rid of it, they need to pay for a new one.

And even afterbuying new furniture, there is no guarantee the pests wont return, Atkinson said.

Atkinson was a friend of Heit's before he died in his sleep in August. Atkinson said his friend's apartment was still infested with bedbugs when he died.

City records obtained by The News Journal show thatLuther Towers'361treatments since Sept. 1 include full, follow-up and preventative services. Some of the units didn't have bugs, but were sprayed in an effort to prevent the pests from entering, the documents said.Luther Towers I has 226units, and Luther Towers II has 136.

Source: WilmingtonDepartment of Licenses and Inspections

Terry Apartments, a complex with 160 units, was treated for bedbugs 175 times in October, NovemberandDecember. Some units received multiple treatments during that 90-day period, and some were treated as a precaution.

Tenants in the public housing buildings have filedcomplaints about bedbugssince 2015, records show.

Ingleside Retirement Apartments residents complained to the city six times in 2017.The News Journal received Ingleside treatment records only from Nov. 20-Dec.13. Those documents showed a total of 37 treatments, and explained that only vacated units were treated.Ingleside management did not return calls for comment.

Delaware does not have a state law regarding bedbugs. So it's up to counties and cities to pass ordinances related to enforcement violations. In Wilmington, for example, the ordinance says residents have a right to a clean and safe apartment. Enforcement of that ordinance falls to the city's 12 building code inspectors, among their many other obligations.

Richard Atkinson lives out of boxes and bags while waiting for the management at Luther Towers to spray his apartment for bedbugs.(Photo: Jerry Habraken, The News Journal)

In the case of Terry Apartments, they are doing what I require them to do," city inspector Yvonne Davis said. "I have compliance.

Jamie Mack of the state Department of Health and Social Services said the state doesn't have the authority to issue violations or reprimand landlords for bedbug complaints. But the department does get 10 calls a week about bedbugs.

"I can say that we have workedwith residents inLuther Towers and in Ingleside, but there were no inspection reports or violations issued,"he said.

Richard Atkinson has dealt with a bedbug infestation in his apartment at Luther Towers on numerous occasions. Atkinson says multiple residents deal with bedbug problems and don't get the help they need.(Photo: Jerry Habraken, The News Journal)

Some cases are landing in court.Don Gouge, a Wilmington lawyer who has worked on both sides of bedbug cases, said he has seen a big uptick in the number of bedbug-related lawsuits.The cases are usually landlords and tenants determining which party foots the bill for treatments that can cost up to a $1,000 each.

It is difficult to prove where and when the bedbugs became an issue, Gouge said. They dont travel from unit to unit. They latch onto people and things."

Bedbugs are about the size of an apple seed, balloonlike-shaped and brown, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The agency said the pests spend most of their lives hidden in cracks and crevices like wallpaper and inside bedding, box springs and furniture. Bedbugs feed on human flesh while people sleep deeply. The pests can travel up to 100 feet in a nightand survive for up to 300 days. Researchers have found bedbugs in fossils dated 11,000 years ago. The CDC says bedbugs are not known to transmit or spread disease. Bites can look like rashes, hives or an insect bites.

Terry Apartments,Ingleside Retirement Apartments and both of the Luther Towers are paying for the treatments. Terry Apartments has a one-year contract with an exterminator for weekly treatments.

Laura Zaner, a spokeswoman for Terry Apartments, saidthe complex this January implemented a new strategy to try to breakthe cycle. Exterminators will spray each unit four times a year, using new chemicals and heat treatments.

"It requires continual vigilance," Zaner said. "They are just looking for every possible manner to address this situation."

Management asks residents to refrain from having visitors until the unit has been fully treated.

Some think there should be more and stronger country rules and laws.

Jeff Starkey, commissioner of the Wilmington Department of Inspections and Licences, said bedbug infestations need to be considered a public health issue.

We dont interact with public health officials, but I think it needs to be brought to that level if its increasing," Starkey said. "It needs to become a public health issue.

Dried blood is seen on Richard Atkinson's bedsheets. "I see three or four of them every morning, and I immediately kill them," Atkinson says of bedbugs.(Photo: Jerry Habraken, The News Journal)

One Ingleside former resident, Tish Welsh, said in a brief phone interview that bedbug problems were a major factor in her decision to moveout of that center. She did not respond to requests for more details.

Said Atkinson: "I kill four or five of them every day. It is so frustrating.

Luther Towers said that if a resident reports a case, it is addressedwithin 24 hours. City records show the building is sprayed only on Fridays.

Those who are complaining about an infestation are the ones not complying properly, said John Teoli, the executive director of the complex.

Bedbugs requiremultiple treatments to exterminate, and apartment complexes are breeding grounds for the hitchhiking pests because of the close proximity between tenants.

Starkey said there are so many moving parts to the issue that its nearly impossible to solve, especially in high-rise complexes like Terry Apartments and Luther Towers.

The complexes, which all include Section 8 public housing for seniors, ask residents to bagup their belongings, getrid of food, movefurniture and sometimes throw outmattresses and upholstered pieces. Zaner, of Terry Apartments, said workers help move furniturebecause they realize senior citizens might not be able to do it alone.

Richard Atkinson's bed in his apartment at Luther Towers. (Photo: Jerry Habraken, The News Journal)

Davis, the city inspector who works with Terry Apartments,and Van Blue, the city inspector working with Luther Towers, said failure to correctly prep units for treatments is a major setbackin extermination, as is the perceived stigma of admitting you have bedbugs.

They also believe that people need more education about bedbugs, including how they spread and why it's important to follow prepping instructions.

"They don't get the education that they should," Blue said. "It's incumbent on them to do their part."

Starkeyworries that older residents may not understand what they're being told, and may need to be handled in special ways if there are hearing, reading or memory problems. Thosecomments are confirmed by one Terry Apartments resident, who didn't knowbedbugs could travel from apartment to apartment.

Lucile McManus, the Resident Council president at Luther Towers, said she feels like the complex cant do anything more than it isabout the bugs.

Its like a plague now. They are everywhere, McManus said. They are dealing with it continually, but the stigma of having bedbugs is keeping people from reporting them.

Bluesaid he doesn't see a solution, even though the complexes are trying to solve the problem.

It's going to be an ongoingbattle for tenants and building managers because tenants may travel to other places, such as other contaminated apartments, buses or other public buildings, and bring the pests back to their homes without realizing it.

Luther Towers resident Atkinson agrees that he doesnt see the situationchanging soon.

If I stay here," he said, "I might have to live out the rest of my life in trash bags.

Contact Josephine Peterson at (302) 324-2856 or Follow her on Twitter at @jopeterson93.

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Wilmington seniors live with bedbug infestation

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Delaware Bed Bug Removal –

How To Identify A Bed Bug Infestation

Appearance - Bed bugs are small, usually only 4 - 5 millimeters in length. They have flat, oval shaped bodies. Bed bugs are usually light brown or reddish brown in color but will have a bright red abdomen immediately following a meal.

Behavior - Bed bugs leave straight rows of small itchy bumps on your body. Bed bug bites can cause itchy spots which can lead to infection if continuously scratched. Bed bugs can also bite pets in the home. Some people may not react to bed bugs bites, so while one person sleeping in an infested bed may show bites, another may not. Carefully check your bedding, take off all sheets, and inspect the mattress, paying close attention to the seams. If you see small rust colored, black or brown spots, these may be bed bug droppings. Bed bug droppings are made of digested blood, usually about the size of a felt tipped marker dot. You may also see bed bug skins that have previously been shed. Bed bugs can survive for up to a year without feeding.

There are many different ways you can get a bed bug infestation in your Delaware home. Contrary to popular belief, bed bug cases do not just affect people in unclean living conditions. Purchasing pre-owned furniture, travel, and unknowingly visiting an affected home are common origins of a bed bug problem. In apartments, often one apartment with a Delaware bed bug problem can spread the bugs to neighbors.

Do not feel embarrassed about a bed bug infestation. Many times it is beyond your control. We are here to help make sure your home will be bed bug-free by the end of our Delaware bed bug treatment.

Bed Bugs begin to multiply in your Delaware home if you do not treat quickly. More bed bugs mean more bites, greater chance of spreading bugs to your family and friends, and a more difficult time getting rid of a bigger infestation. Our bed bug treatment addresses both live bed bugs and any hidden bed bug eggs. By calling our trusted company, you are taking the first step to reclaiming your Delaware and sanity from a bed bug problem.

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Bed Bugs in New Hampshire & The Law | New Hampshire Legal Aid

This is a summary of bed bug law in NH.

If you need legal assistance regarding bedbugs,apply online. You can also call LARC, 1-800-639-5290.

Bed Bug Law HB 482, effective January 1, 2014.Summary:HB 482 will be effective Jan. 1, 2014. It clarifies landlord and tenant responsibilities during a bed bug infestation in rental property.

After report in tenants unit: Once a landlord becomes aware of a bed bug complaint in a tenants unit, he/she is allowed emergency entry into that unit for the next 72 hours .After report in adjacent unit: If there is a bed bug complaint from an adjacent unit, a landlord is allowed emergency entry into tenants unit. The landlord must give the tenant 48 hours notice.It is a violation for a tenant to willfully refuse emergency entry (contempt and contempt damages).

A landlord must provide the tenant with reasonable written instructions for preparing the unit for remediation. These instructions must be given to an adult 72 hours in advance of remediation.It is a violation for tenants to willfully refuse to comply with these instructions.Landlords can evict for failure of tenant to prepare the unit with advance reasonable written notice.However, landlords must allow for reasonable accommodation requests related to preparing the unit.

Landlords are required to pay up-front for all bed bug remediation costs.Landlords may recover costs for remediation in the tenants unit only, and only if tenant is considered responsible for the infestation.The tenant is presumed to be responsible if only his/her unit has bed bugs and there have no other bed bug reports in the unit or adjacent units in previous six (6) months.Landlords can evict responsible tenants for nonpayment, provided the landlord shows that he/she offered tenant a reasonable repayment agreement.

Read this Bed Bugs Guide to learn everything you would want to know about the insect and how to get rid of them.

Read this article to learn how best to choose a professional company to remove bed bugs.

HUD Notice 2012-5 & EPA/CDC Joint Statement on Bed Bug Control:

Apply for free help:Online or call 603-224-3333 or 1-800-639-5290

None of these 540-A violations directly result in statutory money damages, but contempt and contempt damages still a possibility.

If tenant is responsible and doesnt pay for cost in his/her unit, landlord can evict for nonpayment, but landlord must first show a reasonable repayment agreement was offered.Assumption tenant is responsible if the only tenant with bed bugs, and no other reports in last six (6) months.Other non-exhaustive factors for a court to consider to determine whether tenant is responsible: other locations of bed bugs; where first discovered; landlord efforts; and if tenant had bed bugs prior to moving in.

Landlord can evict for failure of tenant to prepare the unit with advance reasonable written notice.Compliance with prep: such instructions are given to an adult member of the tenant household such that the tenant household has a reasonable opportunity to comply, and in all cases at least 72 hours prior to remediation. RSA 540-A:3, V-c (emphasis added).Reasonable accommodation requests related to preparing your unit.Mental or physical disabilities apply.Reasonable accommodation requests can be made verbally.

Definition of remediation is substantial reduction of bed bugs for at least 60 days.Municipality housing codes on bed bugs must be no less protective than other housing codes dealing with other insects.

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Bed Bugs in New Hampshire & The Law | New Hampshire Legal Aid

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Essential Oils for Bed Bug Bites –

Bed bugs have become common in households in the past few decades. Naturally, it is no fun waking up night after night with bites and scratches. As much as the situation is difficult, you do not have to suffer as there are many chemical and natural approaches for keeping bed bugs away. I have discussed many such resources on this site and I hope you check them out. Today though, I wanted to talk about essential oils for bed bug bites. Essential oils are great for relieving the itch, pain and swelling that accompany all kinds of bug bites. So let us discuss the natural oils to stock up your medicine cabinet with. Before we talk about oils for bed bug bite prevention, let us talk about Coconut oil.

Coconut oil is a soothing and healing remedy for all kinds of bug bites. It heals and protects and also prevents infections. Coconut oil also has antibacterial and antifungal properties. When you apply a thick layer of coconut oil on the body, you can prevent not only bed bug bites but mosquito bites as well. So the question whether coconut oil will help bug bites, the answer is yes. It will and it is also a wonderful base oil (carrier oil) for mixing essential oils with. I will shortly discuss some homemade bed bug repellent recipes with coconut oil and essential oils.

The best essential oils for bed bugs come in two categories-ones that repel bugs and others that soothe their bites. Let us discuss both these types.

Lavender oil is a healing, soothing oil. It is sold by perfume stores but the authentic oil is best obtained from top suppliers and distributors. DoTerra and Young Essentials are some good brands to buy pure oils. Authentic essential oil of lavender can soothe sunburns, cuts, wounds and all kinds of bug bites. Apply the oil undiluted on the bite site and you will soon get much needed relief from pain. Lavender oil also soothes swelling and prevents itching. The antibacterial properties of the oil help prevent infections and blisters. A single drop of oil is all that you need for relieving itch. So it is a worthwhile investment in case you are balking at the high price of pure Lavender essential oil.

Just a single drop of Frankincense essential oil is enough to soothe itch caused by bed bug bites. Apply it on the affected area and let it work its magic. The best part about this oil is its aroma; it is very uplifting. So if you are feeling a bit foggy or down, frankincense oil will instill a sense of clarity. That is why Frankincense essential oil is a great oil to stock up at home as it plays dual role of soothing bug bites and uplifting mind and spirit.

The fresh aroma of peppermint oil is irritating to roaches, ants and bed bugs. People are known to keep cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil all around the kitchens to keep them bug free. A mixture of peppermint oil and sweet almond oil applied all over the skin before camping and hiking trips can help prevent mosquito and bed bug bites. Spraying or diffusing peppermint oil in bedrooms can, to an extent, keep bed bugs away. However, this is not a fool proof method to prevent bed bug bites, and I definitely recommend an integrated pest management approach for the purpose.

Almost all bugs hate citronella and it is no wonder that many commercial bug repellents contain this important essential oil. The smell of citronella is lovely and fresh but mosquitoes, flies and other household bugs hate it. Citronella essential oil is a great alternative to DEET. In fact; so potent it is, that EPA has banned formulations of with concentrations over 10% citronella. Spray citronella all around your mattress to keep bed bugs away. As always, use an integrated pest management approach as this is not the only method of repelling bed bugs. (Do not use citronella oil on the skin for soothing bed bug bites; it is only for repelling bugs).

Another oil that is almost as powerful as citronella oil for bed bug prevention is eucalyptus. However, the EPA has not yet tested this oil much. That said; you can spray and diffuse eucalyptus oil in your bedroom and all around the mattress to keep your home bug free. Do not use eucalyptus oil on the skin for bed bug bites.

If you are wondering what to put on your skin to repel bed bugs, calendula oil is the answer. The oil is anti-inflammatory and heals, soothes and protects. If you are suffering from red, angry weals on the skin owing to bed bugs, just apply calendula oil and you will get instant relief.

Now that you know the best essential oils for bed bug bites, let us discuss some easy homemade bed bug repellent recipes.

Mix the oils and soak cotton balls in them. Place all over the bedroom.

Here is another recipe:

Mix the oils and place cotton-wool dipped in it all around the bed. The strong smell will confuse the bugs and also repel them.

Mix the oils and apply on bitten skin to get instant relief from itch.

Try these remedies and let me know which one worked for you.

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7 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Bed Bugs at Home in One Day

Bed bug problems should be dealt with as soon as they are spotted. Here are seven natural remedies you can use to get rid of bed bugs quickly.

1. Use Non-Toxic Bed Bug SprayGet a non-toxic bed bug spray, such as the Harris Natural Bed Bug Killer. These sprays are made from plant-based active ingredients and can be applied directly onto your mattress and other bed-bug infested areas.

2. Use Food-Grade Diatomaceous EarthDiatomaceous Earth works wonders on bed bug infestations. Buy food-grade diatomaceous earth and sprinkle a thin layer of it on areas where bed bugs are likely to hide. Diatomaceous earth can kill bed bugs by piercing their exoskeleton.

3. Vacuum with a HEPA cleanerGive your home a nice, clean sweep with a HEPA vacuum cleaner. Be sure to also use vacuum attachments to clean hard-to-reach areas. You could also use a steamer to kill the bed bug eggs.

4. Install Bed Bug InterceptorsPrevent bed bugs from climbing up the bed by installing bed bug interceptors on each leg of the bed. These interceptors can also be used for other household furniture.

5. Seal with a Mattress CoverSeal your mattress with a mattress cover. The bed bugs living in the mattress will eventually die. Treat your mattress first before it is encased.

6. Wash & Dry Fabric on High HeatBed bugs and their eggs will die from high heat. Wash all your clothes and bedding items. You could also put infested items in the dryer for half an hour to kill the bed bugs.

7. Get a Bed Bug OvenThese devices are expensive but can be worthy investments if you deal with bed bug infestations on a regular basis. Place the infested items in the treatment chamber then let the oven work its magic. The temperature inside the oven will range from 120 F and 155 F, which is enough to kill the bed bugs.

Note on Tea Tree OilSome people suggest using tea tree oil to eradicate bed bugs. Unfortunately, this home remedy is somewhat of a myth because its only effective when the bed bugs come into contact with undiluted tea tree oil. Using undiluted essential oil can be a safety hazard for both yourself and your pets. If you want to use essential oil for any form of pest control then be sure to dilute it first with plenty of water.

Last Modified on June 2, 2018 - Sam Choan

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7 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Bed Bugs at Home in One Day

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