Daily Archives: September 22, 2018

  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Friday 13th of September 2024 06:15 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

Incident Radius: 30000 Miles

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Bed bugs – Toronto Dermatology Centre

TheToronto Dermatology Centreis one of the premiere places in Canada to manage your skin. Our staff of outstanding dermatologists can offer both a comprehensive assessment and diagnosis of your skin, and also discuss all the treatment options for getting rid of these pesky critters.

Bed bugs are insects that, as adults, have oval-shaped bodies with no wings. Prior to feeding, they are about 1/4 inch long and flat as paper. After feeding, they turn dark red and become bloated. Eggs of bed bugs are whitish, pear-shaped and about the size of a pinhead. Clusters of 10-50 eggs can be found in cracks and crevices. Bed bugs have a one-year life span during which time a female can lay 200-400 eggs depending on food supply and temperature. Eggs hatch in about 10 days.

Bed bugs prefer to feed on human blood, but will also bite mammals and birds. Bed bugs bite at night, and will bite all over a human body, especially around the face, neck, upper torso, arms and hands. Bed bugs can survive up to six months without feeding. Both male and female bed bugs bite.

There are no known cases of infectious disease transmitted by bed bug bites. Most people are not aware that they have been bitten but some people are more sensitive to the bite and may have a localized reaction. Scratching the bitten areas is one of the bed bug symptoms; it can lead to infection.

Bed bugs are often carried into a home on objects such as furniture and clothing. If you think you have a bed bug problem, check for live bed bugs or shells in the following areas:

Bed bugs can also travel from apartment to apartment along pipes, electrical wiring and other openings. If the infestation of bed bugs is heavy, a sweet smell may be noticed in the room.

The best method to get rid of bed bugs is Integrated Pest Management (IPM), which combines a variety of techniques and products that pose the least risk to human health and the environment.

If you choose to treat the infestation with an insecticide, call a Professional Pest Control Service for more information. Use the least toxic product available and follow all manufacturers instructions.

Whether you choose Integrated Pest Management or insecticides, you may continue to see some living bed bugs for up to ten days. This is normal. If you continue to see a large number of bed bugs after two weeks, contact a professional pest control service.

When bed bugs bite people, they inject their saliva into the biting area, causing the skin to become irritated and inflamed. Individual responses to bed bug bites will vary. The skin lesion from bed bug bites may go unnoticed, or be mistaken for flea or mosquito bites or other skin conditions.

The most common rash is made up of localized red and itchy flat lesions. The classical bed bug bites could be presented in a linear fashion in a group of three, which is called breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Bed bug bites most commonly occur on exposed areas of the body, including face, neck, hands, arms, lower legs or all over the body.

Most bed bug bites go away by themselves and dont need treatment. Keep the skin clean and try not to scratch. If the bites are very itchy, your doctor will often prescribe a steroid cream or antihistamines to relieve the itchiness. Oral antibiotics may be prescribed for any secondary skin infection from excessive scratching.

For more information in the Toronto area: http://www.toronto.ca/health/bedbugs/index.htm

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Bed bugs - Toronto Dermatology Centre

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Bed Bug Bites and Pictures: How Can You Tell A Bed Bug Has …

It seems that that bed bug bites have become even more common in recent months than news reports last year predicted. Theres no doubt that these little menaces are taking over entire regions, especially in large cities but the question is why. Bed bug bites have been unheard of at most doctors offices and clinics since the 1950s for the most part unless you live in a developing country. Why the sudden boom?

Bed Bug Bites

The basic reason is simply the fact that weve overlooked them and they became a cute little thing we said to our children at night. Dont let the bed bugs bite. Weve all heard this and for the most part it was harmless. Today, its actually something to worry about andits time to startgetting rid of bed bugseverywhere.

A large factor in their return is actually a combination between overlooking them for years, a decline in the economy and booming tourism in many cities. People may come visit from places that do have bedbugs and all it takes is a couple stowaways in a piece of luggage and one room in a hotel becomes infested. From there, they creep around the whole building, and then new visitors take them to other areas and so on.

Identifying Bed Bugs

Whats that little bite on your arm? Flea? Mosquito? It could very well be a bed bug bite and you might not even know it, especially if youve done a bit of traveling lately. Unless you specifically look for signs of these little creatures, youll probably just write that bump off. Bed bugs are basically oval shaped and can be a shade of yellow, red, brown or a mix of them. They almost look like baby cockroaches. They are mostly active at night so its easy to miss them.

A good way to find out whether or not you have them isnt to look for live ones but instead focus CSI style on evidence. Run a flashlight over your sheet when your ready to change your bedding and look for tiny brown specks (feces), translucent exoskeletons from growing, tiny blood spots, and maybe youll see a little critter or two tucked in a fold. Getting down to eye level with your bed can help spot anything uneven as well. Once you know you have them, you can start to take action.

Identifying Bed Bug Bites

Extreme Example Of Bed Bug Bites

This is actually extremely hard to do so using the technique above to search your bed (or couch, futon, etc..) is the best way to confirm its bed bugs. The bites will look very similar to a random spider or mosquito bite. It will be a small raised red bump, a red blotchy area or small rash in most cases. This is why its often overlooked. Many of us wake up with a tiny unknown bug bite here and there and think nothing of it. Bed bugs often bite in a line pattern. Here are some pictures of various bites to help you out.

Treating Bed Bug Bites

Like any bite, these can vary greatly depending on how many bites you have and your bodys reaction to them. In severe cases, this can be life-threatening and you will have to go to the ER. For most of us, it will be an irritating bump or rash. To help ease the pain and itchiness, you can use anything from aloe vera to Campo-Phenique to a Benadryl type cream. Whatever you prefer for other itchy bites should work well here. Some Tylenol or anti-inflammatory tablet or cream can also help if you feel you need it. Everyone has a particular remedy so use what youre familiar with and comfortable with. Some people swear by tooth pain creams in addition to an allergy cream. Treating bites shouldnt be something you need to do all the time so get rid of these pests quickly.

Getting Rid of Bed Bugs

As with any little critter that moves into your home, there are some steps you need to take to get rid of them successfully and permanently. Bed bugs are a little challenging as they are resistant to many types of bug spray you can buy on the shelf. That can of super powered roach killer smells and looks like it should wipe out anything with six legs but this isnt always the case. Those sprays are formulated to work specifically on the insect on the can usually. Spider spray might just make cockroaches angry for instance. To truly tackle this problem your best options are:

Identification Make sure this is actually the problem and you dont have a spider nest hiding in your wall or floorboards. The bites can be similar and the method to get rid of them is very different. Triple check to make sure or call in a professional.

Cleaning Insects dont like clean areas much. Use a mild bleach mixture to clean your linoleum and tile and vacuum your entire house multiple times using a bug repellant carpet powder if available. Multiple times per day for a week or so is a great idea. Wash all your bedding, drapes, couch cushions and clothes near your floor in hot water. Dry them for an extended time on HOT settings.

Elimination This is the most important step of course. Get rid of them for good. You might be able to combine this with cleaning if you only have a few but keep in mind, where a couple are, more may be hiding. Large infestations will absolutely need the help of a professional exterminator.

Repellants Consider an all-natural repellant device or two. These are often very cheap and double as air fresheners. You slide them under your mattress or couch or in areas you think critters may hide. These work for multiple insect types making them very versatile.

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Bed Bug Bites and Pictures: How Can You Tell A Bed Bug Has ...

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