Monthly Archives: September 2018

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Bed Bugs In Maryland Schools | What Parents Need To Know

Every time we turn around, there seems to be another news story about bed bugs. These blood-eating pests are being found in libraries, movie theaters, retirement homes, daycares, retail stores, apartment complexes, and the list goes on and on. In this article, we're going to focus on schools--specifically kindergarten through twelfth grade. If you're a parent of a student, here's what you need to know.

These are hitchhiking pests. Understanding how they spread is key in preventing them from spreading to your home.

There is a belief that bed bugs only infest dirty homes. This is not true. They have been found infesting the cleanest of environments. This is because bed bugs are not drawn to filth. They are attracted to areas where humans sleep or lounge. Therefore, they can be brought into a school on any child, which makes controlling the spread of these bugs difficult. It isn't a simple matter of checking students for proper hygiene.

It is also important to point out that bed bugs can come in on teachers and staff. This pest is not limited to traveling only on children. An immature bed bug nymph is as small as the tip on a pen and mostly transparent. This is not a bug you're going to easily notice.

Why do teachers, staff, or students bring bed bugs in from their home? Don't they know that bed bugs spread this way? Yes. And, while some may go to school knowing that they have a bed bug infestation, most don't realize they have one. Bed bug infestations often go unnoticed for months. During this time, everyone living in the home has the potential to spread bugs to another location.

How can an infestation go on for months? Don't bed bugs leave painful welts when they bite? They can. But they don't always leave welts. As much as 30% of people who are bitten have no reaction to these bites, even when bitten repeatedly. A slightly higher percentage have no reaction at first but develop a more pronounced reaction over time.

There are two primary ways bed bugs spread to schools, and subsequently, to other homes. Immature bed bugs get into objects that are carried to and from school or they lay eggs on these items. The spread of a bed bug infestation by immature nymphs requires these bugs to crawl from an infested item to another item. The spread of an infestation by eggs usually occurs when an object is transferred from one student to another. This may be an item of clothing, a book, a bag, a piece of furniture, or even an electronic device.

DIY methods for preventing an infestation of bed bugs are a lot of work and are not 100% effective. Since these are hitchhiking bugs, a focus must be placed on inspecting items that come and go from your home.

Wash clothing on the hottest temperature to kill bed bugs in all stages of development.

Check all objects coming and going for tiny white eggs, black streaks, blood stains, insect casings, or these tiny bugs.

Keep active communication with you children about what bed bugs look like and what signs to be aware of.

Keep clutter in your home to a minimum so it is easier to see signs of these bugs.

Check mattresses, box springs, and upholstered furniture periodically for black streaks, black patches, tiny black droppings, shed insect casings, brown blood staining, tiny white eggs, or the bugs themselves.

The best and easiest way to get rid of bed bugs is to have a pest controller do routine K9 Bed Bug Inspections. Dogs have a powerful sense of smell that allows them to locate these pests. This is a method used by resorts and hotels to maintain a bed-bug free environment for their guests. Without routine inspections, it is impossible to safeguard against a bed bug infestation. These insects don't come in from your yard. They come in on you, your spouse, your kids, your extended family, your friends, and the friends your kids invite over.

Make K9 Detection Services a part of your ongoing pest plan. Reach out to us today to schedule service and get your defenses in place before these bugs take root.

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Bed Bugs In Maryland Schools | What Parents Need To Know

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Top 10 Myths about Bedbugs [Slide Show] – Scientific American

The insects, making a comeback around the globe, cannot fly and are really not interested in hanging out on your body--but they do occasionally bite during the day

HUNGRY HITCHHIKERS: Bedbugs typically avoid hiding in human clothes because it of the proximity to bodily heat. Instead they will travel on backpacks, luggage, even shoes. Louis N. Sorkin, B.C.E., Entsult Associates, Inc.

SCREWED: Contrary to popular belief, bedbugs can climb and cling to slick surfaces such as metal and glass. In homes they can sometimes be found hidden around recessed screws or along metal railings. Louis N. Sorkin, B.C.E., Entsult Associates, Inc.

ITCH AND MOAN: Humans have a range of reactions to bedbug bites. About 50 percent of people don't react at all, estimates Coby Schal, an entomologist at North Carolina State University in Raleigh. In some cases, when two people are sleeping in an infested bed, one may wake up covered in itchy welts whereas the other shows no symptoms. Above, a bright, swollen area where a bedbug colony has fed on a susceptible person. Louis N. Sorkin, B.C.E., Entsult Associates, Inc.

IN EVERY CORNER: Bedbugs do not live exclusively in mattresses, as their name would imply. Instead, they can be found on any surface in a home, even in electrical sockets or tucked behind plastic molding along a wall (pictured). Louis N. Sorkin, B.C.E., Entsult Associates, Inc.

UNDER THE SHEETS: Bedbugs are primarily active at night, and sense humans by the heat and carbon dioxide we emit. The insects therefore like to hide close to their meals, climbing into the sheets with them. Jung Kim and Rick Santangelo

TELLTALE LUNCH: The most obvious sign of a bedbug infestation is itchy bites on the skin, often at the extremities, but you can also look for bedbug excrement on light-colored sheets. Living on a liquid diet, bedbugs defecate continually, leaving dark smears on mattress seams, headboards and bed frames (pictured). Alvaro Romero

BIG LUNCH: Bedbugs, pictured here swollen with blood after a meal, consume only blood. They prefer human blood, but will also bite dogs, cats, rodents and other warm-blooded animals. Benoit Guenard

LITTLE SUCKERS: Adult bedbugs are about the size of an apple seed, visible to the naked eye. The adults are reddish-brown, whereas juvenile bedbugs are smaller and lighter in color. Eggs, however, are hard to see, being only about the size of a speck of dust.

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Top 10 Myths about Bedbugs [Slide Show] - Scientific American

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Bed Bugs | Pennsylvania Pest Control | What’s In Your Home?

Bed Bugs, are parasitic insects of the cimicid family that feed exclusively on blood. Cimex lectularius, the common bed bug, is the best known, as it prefers to feed on human blood.

The name bed bug derives from the preferred habitat of Cimex lectularius: warm houses and especially nearby or inside of beds and bedding or other sleep areas. Bed bugs are mainly active at night, but are not exclusively nocturnal. They usually feed on theirhosts without being noticed.

A number of adverse health effects may result from bed bug bites, including skin rashes, psychological effects, and allergic symptoms. They are not known to transmit any pathogens as disease vectors. Certain signs and symptoms suggest the presence of bed bugs; finding the insects confirms the diagnosis.

Bed bugs have been known as human parasites for thousands of years. At a point in the early 1940s, they were mostly eradicated in the developed world, but have increased in prevalence since 1995, likely due to pesticide resistance. Because infestation of human habitats has been on the increase, bed bug bites and related conditions have been on the rise as well.

Termites are known as silent destroyers because of their ability to chew through wood, flooring and even wallpaper undetected. Each year, termites cause more than $5 billion in property damage. In this area there are 12 termite colonies per acre.

Subterranean Termites live in underground colonies or in moist secluded areas aboveground that can contain up to 2 million members. They build distinctive mud tubes to gain access to food sources and to protect themselves from open air. Termite colonies are organized into castes depending on tasks workers, soldiers and reproductive. The characteristics of a subterranean termite are dependent on the termites role in the colony. Cream-colored Worker subterranean termites are 1/8 to 3/8s of an inch in length. Soldier subterranean termites are of a similar body length, but are distinguished by their powerful mandibles. Solider termites have cream-colored bodies and brown heads. Reproductive subterranean termites are approximately one inch long.

Carpenter Bees look like typical bumblebees but often lack yellow stripes. They are solitary bees.

HabitsUnlike bumble bees, carpenter bees are solitary insects. Female carpenter bees will chew a tunnel into a piece of wood to build a nest gallery. The bits of wood she chews and deposits outside the nest are called frass. The male carpenter bee guards the outside of the nest. He does not have a stinger, but his constant buzzing causes concern for some.

HabitatCarpenter bees bore through soft woods to lay eggs and protect their larvae as they develop.

ThreatsCarpenter bees do not pose a public health threat, but they can damage wood through their nest building.

The American Cockroach is the largest of the house-infesting cockroaches.

HabitsAmerican cockroaches are found in food processing areas and food storage areas, as well as other types of buildings. They are active when the temperature is 70 degrees or higher, but they can survive lower temperatures with the right conditions.

HabitatAmerican cockroaches are often found in sewers and basements, particularly around pipes and drains.

ThreatsAmerican roaches have been reported to spread at least 33 kinds of bacteria, six kinds of parasitic worms, and at least seven other kinds of human pathogens. They can pick up germs on the spines of their legs and bodies as they crawl through decaying matter or sewage and then carry these into food or onto food surfaces. Germs that cockroaches eat from decaying matter or sewage are protected while in their bodies and may remain infective for several weeks longer than if they had been exposed to cleaning agents, rinse water, or just sunlight and air. Recent medical studies have shown that cockroach allergens cause lots of allergic reactions in inner city children. American roaches were even shown to cause asthma in children. These allergens build up in deposits of droppings, secretions, cast skins, and dead bodies of roaches.

House Flies get their name from being the most common fly found around homes. Adult house flies can grow to one-quarter of an inch long and usually live between 15 and 25 days.

HabitsThey are only able to feed on liquids but have the ability to turn many solid foods into a liquid for them to eat. House flies taste with their feet, which are 10 million times more sensitive to sugar than the human tongue.

HabitatHouse flies tend to stay within 1-2 miles of where they were born; however, they have been known to migrate up to 20 miles to find food.

ThreatsThese insects have been known to carry over 100 different kinds of disease-causing germs, which makes them very bad house guests.

The House Mouse is the most common rodent pest in most parts of the world-probably because a female house mouse can give birth to a dozen babies every three weeks. Thats approximately 150 baby mice in a year.

HabitsHouse mice can breed throughout the year and can share nests.

HabitatHouse mice live in structures, but they can live outdoors.

ThreatsMicro droplets of mouse urine can cause allergies in children. Even the smallest amount of mouse urine is capable of triggering allergies in humans. This is particularly true of children whose immune systems are still developing. Mice can also bring fleas, mites, ticks and lice into your home. One of the least recognized ways in which mice can be pests: they gnaw on wiring creating a fire hazard.

The Common House Spider is usually the spider most often encountered indoors. It is a nuisance pest, probably more because of its webs than the spider itself. This spider is found worldwide and is common throughout the United States and Canada.

HabitsThe house spider randomly selects its web sites and creates a tangled web. If a web does not yield prey it is abandoned, another site is selected, and a new web is built. Survival is low in modern homes with low humidity and few insects, higher in garages, sheds, barns, warehouses, etc. because of more prey and generally higher humidity, and highest outdoors in protected places.

HabitatInside structures, house spiders are most likely to be found in upper corners, under furniture, in closets, angles of window frames, basements, garages, and crawl spaces. Outside they are often around windows and under eaves especially near light sources which attract prey.

ThreatsHouse spiders are nuisance pests but pose no threats to humans.

Most common during the summer, especially when homes are reoccupied after vacation. Most common hosts are cats, dogs, man and wide variety of animals. Identifying Characteristics, Fleas are extremely small, averaging 2 to 4 mm in length. The body is flattened vertically and is covered with spines which protect backward. They are wingless but have long powerful legs for jumping great distances. These are among the largest of ants and are vicious biters. Workers very greatly in size from to 3/8 in length. Usually they are black, but may have some brown coloration. Theyre long-legged and move swiftly.

Fleas depend on a blood meal from a host to survive, so most fleas are introduced into the home via pets or other mammal hosts. On some occasions, fleas may become an inside problem when the host they previously fed on is no longer around. Then fleas focus their feeding activity on other hosts that reside inside the home. An example of such a situation is when a mouse inside the home is trapped and removed, the fleas that previously fed on the mouse are then forced to feed on pets or people.

Among the most common insects in the home. They eat paper, fabrics and get into cereals. Identifying characteristics, bodies are long, slender and flattened, broad at the front and tapering to the rear. Antennae are long and slender. Three long, slender appendages protrude from the rear. Theyre wingless and the body is about 12 long.

BehaviorDiet & Habits, capable of thriving in most climates, silverfish prefer to dwell in dark, damp areas such as basements, attics, kitchens and bathrooms. They are especially attracted to paper and damp clothing. Commonly found in stored boxes in garages and sheds.

Silverfish feed on carbohydrates, particularly sugars and starches. Cellulose, shampoos, glue in books, linen, silk and dead insects may be food sources. Have been found in unopened food packages.

ReproductionSilverfish undergo love dances prior to mating. Males lay spermatophores, which are taken into the ovipositor of female specimens. Females egg numbers and habits vary, depending on species. One species lays a few eggs a day where as another species lays clusters of 2 to 20 eggs.

The names wood wasp and horntail describe several kinds of wood-boring insects. Of greatest concern are the large, nonstinging wasps that normally are attracted to the complete their life cycles in newly dead or dying conifer trees. Timber salvaged from these trees can be processed into infested lumber. This can lead to adult wasps emerging in recently completed buildings or structures. Although these insects are extremely annoying , they arent harmful to humans or structures. They attack only trees and wont bore into wood in buildings or furniture. Identifying characteristics, they are large insects, generally 1 inch or longer, and wasplike in appearance but have an elongated, cylindrical body without a noticeable constriction or waist. They often are black or metallic dark blue or combinations of black, red, and yellow. They make a noisy buzz when flying.

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Bed Bugs | Pennsylvania Pest Control | What's In Your Home?

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Bed Bugs | Berlin, Conway, New Hampshire: Presidential …

Each female bed bug can lay about 200 eggs under favorable conditions of 70 degrees F and with regular feeding on blood. Three or four eggs are laid per day over two months and are coated with a sticky substance. Often eggs and eggshells are seen singly or in clusters in crevices where bed bugs hide. Eggs hatch in 6 to 17 days or 28 days under lower temperatures. Newly hatched bed bugs feed, when possible, and molt five times before maturity. In one year, there may be three or more generations.

When bed bugs bite, they inject a fluid into the skin that assists in obtaining blood. This fluid (salivary secretion) causes the skin to become irritated and inflamed, with welts developing. No evidence indicates they spread disease. Usually a full-grown bed bug becomes engorged with blood in three to five minutes and then crawls away to a hiding place to digest the meal. It returns to seek more blood when hungry. Adult bugs may go two to eight weeks without food, or even up to a year.

Bed bugs sometimes are serious pests in animal and poultry houses or in laboratories where rabbits, rats, guinea pigs or birds are kept. Initially bed bugs can be found about tufts, seams and folds of mattresses and day bed covers, later spreading to window and door casings, pictures, posters, loosened wallpaper, cracks in plaster, baseboards and partitions. They are spread in clothing and baggage, secondhand beds or furniture, bedding, laundry and furniture. They are found in old buildings, hotels, boarding houses, theaters and other dwellings.

Bat bugs are found in attics and unused chimneys infested with bats, and swallow bugs and chimney swift bugs in homes inhabited by wild birds. In Ohio, well over 95 percent of the specimens found are bat bugs rather than bed bugs. They feed on bat blood and are common where bats roost such as in unused chimneys, attics or other uninhabited portions of the house. Bat bugs wander away from the bat's roosting area when bats are controlled or when they leave the area. People and other animals are then bitten. Although bites are painless, some individuals are very sensitive, experiencing intense itching while others suffer little or no reaction. Bat bugs feed on all the common bats in Ohio, namely the big brown bat, little brown bat and silver haired bat. Bed bugs and their relatives apparently do not transmit human disease, but can cause nervous and digestive disorders in some individuals.

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Bed Bug Treatment

Just when you thought you had rid your home of common pests such as cockroaches, rats or mosquitoes, there is a smaller, yet more annoying, kind of insect that may have also infested your household.

This insect is known as a bedbug, and it breeds mostly within the confines of the bedroom. However, they can also be found in other parts of the home such as living rooms and closets.

They terrorize all types of homes and apartment complexes regardless of how clean the areas may be. They also infest motels, hotels, college dorm rooms, and other dwellings.

They have caused problems for humans for thousands of years. As time passed by, humans could not bear the annoyance they encountered with these small insects and they tried many ways to control and exterminate the pests. Different methodologies were suggested such as the use of alcohol, oil, plants with microscopic hooks, woven baskets, pesticides and dust.

But no matter how hard you tried to contain the problem, they would always come back, even more so as the weather became warmer. This has been a dilemma until recent years, when more methods to get rid of them have emerged onto the market.

A lot of people are wondering why they are suddenly making the news again and becoming a common problem for many households. It is unclear how exactly they appear in your homes; however, it is believed that frequent traveling, obtaining second-hand furniture from a different home, and a resistance to pesticides contribute to the resurgence of these species.

There are several reasons why they are once again growing in numbers. One reason is that they were not totally exterminated in the first place. In fact, the people with infestations had performed treatments in the past that never worked. Their method in the past to treat infestations was by throwing away any furniture that was infested with bugs or eggs.

The mistake here is that people just throw the furniture away, without killing any eggs that might hatch in the furniture and crawl back into the house.

Throwing out bug-infested furniture also results in community infestations, because people searching for free furniture on the side of the road may see a perfectly good couch and want to take it home with them. Because they are not aware of a pest problem that is lurking silently in the furniture, they will probably end up with bugs in their house too as soon as the eggs hatch.

Another reason why they are becoming a recurrent problem is that quite a few people who have them in the past have only treated certain parts of their house that they thought were infested.

The mistake here is that people underestimate their wits. These bugs hide in safe places where the extermination methods cannot reach them, and they move fast that they can easily scatter to a different part of the house where treatment is not being applied, therefore surviving the extermination process.

Though it seems like a never-ending battle to get rid of them, there is hope! This article will help you learn how to identify them, how to treat the bites, and how to battle and prevent the spread inside your home and outside of your home with modern methods that have been proven to be successful.

They are small, oval-shaped, wingless, six-legged parasitic insects related to aphids. Their body is crinkled and it looks like an accordion.

The common bedbug that has been identified as the bug that bites humans is the Cimex lectularius. Sometimes they can be mistaken to be fleas or tiny cockroaches, but unlike fleas, they do not jump and they are fast walkers.

They are bloodsuckers and they feed on both animals and humans alike, thriving off the hosts blood and they prefer to stay in places where their prey sleeps or rests. Unlike body lice, they do not want to be disturbed and they dont cling to their host for a long time.

Mature bugs are mahogany in color and they have a distinct unpleasant odor that is caused by the oil they carry in their body. Their body sizes may vary. Some can be as small as a poppy seed, while others may be as big as apple seeds when they mature. Males can be distinguished by a sharp ended abdomen, while the female bug can be identified with a round ended abdomen.

The adult grow up to 5mm long. They start out with a flat oval shape, but after dining on a bloody meal, their bodies become red due to consumption of blood and their shape looks more like small footballs.

Warm and humid conditions support their breeding and survival. The life cycle from egg to adult can take four to five weeks. Cooler conditions haven been known to shorten the life cycle, but then again, some of these insects may adapt to the cold temperature to survive even longer.

Breeding is a harsh process for the female. The male slashes or pierces the abdomen of the female to inject his sperm. Fertilization occurs at the ovaries of the female and after the introduction of the sperm, the female leaves the scene to avoid further injuries. This process is called traumatic insemination.

Males will also attempt to mate with other male and slash the abdomen to inject its sperm. They cannot distinguish males from females because they only base attraction on body size. Males ward off other males that are trying to pierce their abdomen by producing alarm pheromones.

There are three stages of development: eggs, nymphs, and adults. The female lays three to five speck-like eggs a day, reaching an astonishing two hundred eggs during its lifetime. Without magnification, these tiny eggs are very difficult to identify.

A sticky residue enables the egg to adhere to surfaces, and the eggs will mature there undisturbed. The eggs are commonly cemented by this sticky residue on wood, paper, cardboard or fabric, and they sometimes look like a yellow white bean with a lid.

Eggs are laid in clusters and the females will stop laying the eggs after 11 days, or possibly more if they decide to rest and feed.

It takes six to ten days for the eggs to develop and when they hatch they produce one-millimeter nymphs. These nymphs resemble the adult, but they have lighter color. Nymphs, upon reaching maturity, molt or shed their skin around five times before becoming an adult. It begins to look for a victim to feed on as soon as it gets out of its egg.

The nymphs can survive up to 3 months without a meal and the adults can live from six to eleven months without feeding on blood. They are most active during the night and they prefer to hide close to their hosts during the day.

Furniture that is made of fabric and wood are most likely to be the breeding grounds for these bugs. This is why mattresses are the most common source. These parasitic organisms are so small that you can hardly see them with your naked eye.

They are also very good at hiding because they have adapted to squeezing themselves into crevices and spaces so that they will not be easily disturbed. Small dark spots are usual hiding places.

Because of their ability to get into cracks and crevices to hide from the pesticides or treatments, many problems are not completely eradicated during an extermination process. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly check in any cracks, holes, and crevices and apply treatments in other places as needed.

It seems to be the trend nowadays to buy secondhand furniture due to the rising costs of buying new furniture. However tempting buying used furniture may be, and even if you think they can still be repaired, you have to make sure that you inspect it very closely. Secondhand furniture may have hundreds of eggs and bugs that are waiting to find their next victim.

You could decide to choose to buy secondhand metal or plastic furniture, but if you really want that wooden or cushioned furniture, you should have it steamed thoroughly or sprayed with chemicals before moving the furniture into your house.

You can get them from just about anywhere. These small bugs are opportunists, and they patiently wait as long as they need to until a victim comes along that they can hitch a ride to their next destination where they can breed and feed. They can survive over a year while waiting for their next meal.

Students coming home from college may bring these insects with them. Airplanes, buses, and other public transportation methods are also not exempt from these insects. Even five-star hotels are not spared from infestations. If a person stays in a hotel, they may be unknowingly carried to the next destination on the person or their belongings.

They can be transported on many different items such as furniture, clothing, shoes, hats, and other belongings. Pets can also carry them on their fur and into your home. Animals such as bats, rodents, raccoons, or birds roosting on the roof of the house may also contribute to an infestation.

If you are in the real estate market and looking to buy a home, it is important to know that houses that have been unoccupied for more than a year have a lower risk for the presence because they can only last about 18 months without feeding.

If the house that youre thinking of buying has recently had people living in it that most likely did not properly take care of the home, you should consider fumigating the house just in case.

Although there are no massive nests, you will know when you have them. These insects have aggregation pheromones and kairomones to help them communicate, congregate, breed, and stay in a small group. Sometimes you can see a large number of them during the middle of the night if you turn on the lights. They are kind of like cockroaches in the sense that once the lights turn on, they scatter.

If you have mysterious bites on your body after sleeping in your bed, or on a couch, this is probably due to bed bugs. Exposed areas of the skin are vulnerable to attacks.

The arms, legs, hands, face and neck are the most commonly observed parts of the body that are the favorite feeding spots of these pests. As soon as they hit the accessible capillary that they are looking for, they will bite you in groups of threes, and sometimes even more throughout their meal.

Itching, blisters, lesions, or pustule will be evident on the skin. A secondary infection to the skin due to the bites may be inevitable for the victim. In severe cases when the infestation in a household is too overwhelming, it may even cause the host to have anemia if he or she has been repeatedly attacked.

Most bites come in threes. They are referred to as breakfast, lunch, and dinner. These are bites that were made by a bug who has been disturbed while drinking your blood.

As your body shifts, they get disturbed and move around one inch away from the first area that they were feeding on. If the body shifts again, they go through the same process, and that is why we can see bite marks in groups of threes.

Aside from having painful attacks and lesions, the victim may feel a lot of anxiety and fatigue, and may also experience financial and mental stress. People do not want to sleep on their bed through the night because they have a feeling that they are constantly being bitten.

The fear and anxiety may cause the person to have imaginary itches, and the anticipation of being bitten may be overwhelming for a host even if they have rid themselves of them. The only way for them to confirm that they have resolved their dilemma is when they are not bitten at all throughout the night.

They feed by piercing the skin of their hosts with their elongated beaks. They inject anti-coagulants and analgesic into the area where they suck the blood out, making it painless and unnoticeable when they take their meal.

It takes around five to ten minutes for mature bugs to drink their victims blood, and the nymphs take a shorter period of time around 3 minutes.

The saliva produces an inflammatory reaction to the skin similar to mosquito bites, but the reactions to the bites may vary and the time that the bite stays on the body may last for several days. They can drink blood that weighs up to six times their own weight. They will look like walking blood drops when they are fully fed.

You will definitely see huge red spots on your body when you are bitten by bedbugs. Bites can cause itching, mild allergic reactions, rashes, and inflammations that are more irritable than mosquito bites and therefore, most people seek out ways to treat their bites so that they heal quickly.

To provide immediate relief to the area, you will need to combine baking soda and water to form into a thick paste to place it on the bite. Just allow it to dry in order to take away the pain and itching.

Before you do that, you will need to wash the affected area with soap and water first. Few victims let the baking soda paste stay for more than an hour, but it all depends on how severe the bites are.

After the application has done its job by providing you with relief, you will need to gently wash the area with water, and wipe it with a clean, dry cloth.

Taking antihistamines, applying steroid creams, calamine lotion, cortisone cream or using hydrocortisone cream can help calm allergic reactions and itching caused by bites.

You can also use over-the-counter medications such as any topical anesthetic containing pramoxine, or you can use Benadryl (dipehnhydramine) to block the antihistamines. For swelling, use naproxen or ibuprofen to reduce inflammation.

Another way to reduce swelling is to crush up an aspirin and mix it with water to form a paste to use on your inflamed area in order to bring the swelling down.

There is no need to be alarmed. They dont carry any kind of disease that we know of. Typically bites will heal on their own in just a few days.

Small bumps or stains on fabric or wood may indicate that you have them. When you remove your bedding, you need to check the seams of the mattress. If you see skin shedding, empty or full egg cases, dark stains, and live bugs, its time to start thinking of ways to exterminate them.

Dark stains are the fecal matter or digested blood that they have left behind. Try to get some rubbing alcohol and scrub the dark stains away. If it bleeds out and produces a brownish color, it is a good indicator of their presence.

To inspect your home, the best place to start is your bed and then you can work your way outwards from there. Since the insects need to stay close to the host, they choose to settle somewhere near their food supply which, in most cases, is the area that you sleep.

Inspect the linens, pillow cases, mattress seams, pillows, the bed frame, and the head board. They love wood because it has a lot of crevices and areas where they can hide, and they do not move around much.

The box spring for your bed is a likely congregation point. There are a lot of cracks and crevices that they can use to hide and breed. Even plastic covered box springs are vulnerable and it is wise to check the stapled areas where the fabric is connected to or in other places where holes exist in the plastic.

After inspecting your bed, check the cabinets or drawers beside it. Take the drawers out, turn them upside down, and check if there are bugs inside and under it. Table frames, bedroom furniture, the television, remote controls, clocks, paintings, any other possible hiding places you can think of must also be thoroughly inspected. If the room is carpeted, look along the edges and check the base moldings. They can literally be anywhere.

Living room furniture does not escape infestation. Look closely at the sofa, its coverings, and its pillows. Be sure to check every space, even under the couch. Some can even land on books, toys, and other types of things.

Simple & common inspection tools already located in most homes can help you determine if you have an infestation.

A flashlight will be needed to view dark areas that house lights cannot illuminate. Using a flashlight will make it easier to detect movement of these tiny creatures.

You will need a magnifying glass to view very small bugs that are hiding within the seams or crevices of your mattress, couch, or other area that is infested.

Tweezers are helpful to pick up bugs or eggs.

Having something to put the unwanted insects or eggs in is a good idea, so that they dont just climb out of your garbage and back into your bed.

Something thin like a knife will be handy to insert in crevices and check the possibility of a bug infestation.

Use a screwdriver to remove wall sockets to see if they are hiding in there.

This will be helpful to flush out the bugs if ever they are found in hard-to-reach places.

Having a paint brush will make it easier to sweep away the insects into a container that you can dispose of.

Bed bugs are named as such because they are primarily found on beds. To check your beds for evidence, remove all bedding and mattress encasements until the mattress is the only thing that is left. The mattress is the most common place where they will hide.

Usually, mattresses also have box springs and wooden frames. These can be also breeding grounds so it is imperative that you look at them closely.

You may need to ask someone for assistance so that you can lift up your mattress to expose the whole underlying part. The darkness that the mattress and box spring provide is a perfect breeding spot and it could be teeming with bugs.

Most mattresses have creviced designs that seem to be deeper than the rest of the bed, so it is important to check these crevices for any bugs.

Because these bugs are extremely small, you might want to grab your tools from the list above. When inspecting a mattress or box spring, having a flashlight and a magnifying glass are handy tools for identifying them. It is of the utmost importance that you check all the crevices, seams, and edges of the mattress thoroughly for any eggs or live bugs.

It is also essential to check all furniture in your house as well, especially those made of wood, fabrics, and foams. If you notice any sign, it is important to be able to plan a total extermination immediately before the problem gets any worse.

The growing instances of attacks are occurring more frequently around the world and the best way to stop this is to have the necessary knowledge of prevention. Education and public awareness must be supported by the community and the government.

Being involved in prevention and suppression starts at home and it must involve members of the community to assure a pest-free environment.

There are many methods and techniques used by people and pest control professionals to prevent an infestation. Cleanliness is not even a factor for preventing or getting rid of bugs. In fact, they dont care how dirty or how clean an environment is as long as there are people they can bite and suck their blood.

You might as well stop scrubbing your house from the walls to the floors. No matter how often you clean your house, they are able to survive.

The most practical ways to prevent infestations are not very hard to follow. Here are some simple tips:

In order to get rid of them, we must rely on the principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) that are founded on common-sense methods of treating pests. These principles are meant to prevent and eradicate pests without harming human health and the environment.

There are actually several methods on how to get rid of them. Some methods may be branded as very effective, but these critters are known to be extremely difficult to get rid of completely because they are very small and thin enough to hide in small cracks, crevices and holes. When they hide in tiny cracks, it is difficult to kill the entire infestation.

When you hire an exterminator, they may use chemical pesticides in your home in order to get rid of them. These pesticides can last three or more months before they disappear and lose their effectiveness.

Since they can live for a year or more without getting a blood meal, they have the capability to starve themselves and wait until the chemicals lose their effectiveness. It makes you sit back in amazement at how bugs know to stay away from the chemicals.

Scientists are also surprised at how smart they are at avoiding extermination by avoiding chemicals. They can easily detect chemical agents, so they can change their routes of access to your flesh. They want your blood and will travel as far as they have to in order to get a fresh drink of blood.

There is also news from entomologists that bugs are somewhat resistant to certain pesticides that they are exposed to and this is quite a discovery if these bugs are evolving right before our very own eyes to become resistant to pesticides.

Scientists are conducting research studies to determine if bugs are really mutating into a super pesticide-resistant bug. If this is true, that will mean that we will need to find different methods or eradicating them if the methods that we are using wont work on them anymore. So far, the studies are still being worked on and the results are quite limited at this time.

Some of the common-sense treatment methods include do-it-yourself (DIY) treatments and hired professional treatments.

Powder is an environmentally safe and natural substance that kills bedbugs. It is harmless to humans and pets, and it is similar to talcum powder. But to bedbugs, these are tiny razor blades. The powder is made of diatomaceous earth, or Kieselguhr. It is recommended to apply it around each bedpost, and in seams and crevices of the mattress.

The diatomaceous earth comes from tiny sea algae that have been fossilized for millions of years. These tony sea fossils are nearly as strong as a diamond, and each microscopic piece has been crushed into even tinier pieces.

When you look at this under a microscope, the diatomaceous earth looks like a type of cylindrical Chex cereal that is broken into sharp shards. These sharp microscopic pieces land on the insects and cause lesions on their exoskeletons, which will eventually cause them to die of dehydration within a day or two.

After a week, it is best to vacuum up all of the powder and then reapply with another round of powder. And just to be on the safe side, you should repeat this process again within a month just to be sure that youve gotten rid of the bugs that were hiding in their tiny cracks and finally decided to come out to look for a blood meal.

Powder is even a more effective remedy than common liquid sprays because it doesnt dry up after few hours of application like liquid does. Bedbug powder usually costs between $6 and $15 per 8-ounce bottle.

Special bed encasements such as mattress covers, box spring covers, and pillow covers are offered by companies that will prevent them from setting up camp in your bedding. They assure the consumer that once the mattress has been sealed, the bed is 100% safe.

Access to go in and out of the seams and crevices is put to a halt, and any insect caught within the encasement will die in time because they will not have food to keep themselves alive.

These mattress covers and pillow cases are similar to most other kinds of bedding. They are comfortable, soft, and washable. There is no special way to wash these bed protectors. In fact, you can just do your normal laundry and linen changing routines like you did before. You do not have to worry if the sheets were dipped into any chemicals that might harm your health.

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Bed Bug Treatment

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