Daily Archives: February 9, 2019

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  Friday 27th of September 2024 17:00 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Bed Bugs – Cabinet for Health and Family Services

In recent years bed bugs have made a resurgence throughout the U.S. In response, the Kentucky Department for Public Health (DPH) provides guidelines to help individuals and businesses with prevention, surveillance and control of bed bug infestations.

Based on reports from local health departments and pest control operators, bed bug infestations have been found in hotels, nursing homes, public housing, apartment complexes, moving vans, jails, furniture rental stores, dormitories and other multi-unit dwellings as well as in single-family homes.

Adult bed bug feeding on a person Image used with permission

Where are bed bugs found? They can be found almost anywhere in your house or other buildings. They tend to like fabric and wood as opposed to metal and plastic. Places to look include:

Furniture from a rental service should always be checked atthe seams and creases for bed bugs.

When traveling, check rooms thoroughly before setting your luggage on the floor or bed.

Bed bugs prefer to hide close to where they feed. However, if necessary, they will crawl several feet to obtain a blood meal. Initial infestations tend to be around beds, but the bugs eventually may become scattered throughout a room, occupying any crevice or protected location. They also can spread to adjacent rooms or apartments.

How do you get rid of bed bugs? Consult a certified pest control operator

If you live in an apartment building and think there are bed bugs, you need to call your landlord about the problem. Call the local health department for more information. All apartments in a building with bed bugs need to be checked and treated. You or your landlord needs to call a licensed pest control company to schedule an appointment for an inspection and treatment.

Pick up everything in the infested room, and put anything that you need to keep in a zippered plastic bag. Put it in a hot, sunny place (at least 120 degrees F.) or colder than freezing (colder than 32 degrees F.) for a couple weeks.

Bedding and clothing will need to be bagged and washed in hot water (at least 120 degrees .F) or thrown away.

When trying to clean bed bugs from carpets, vacuuming is not enough. You must steam clean this area at a temperature of at least 120 degrees F. The carpet may need to be replaced.

If mattresses and box springs are badly infested, spray paint a warning sign on them or cut them beyond repair or use and seal with plastic. Contact your county solid waste agency for special pick-up for these items.

For less severe cases, zippered covers (available at bedding and allergy supply stores) may be used to keep bed bugs off the mattress and box springs.

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Bed Bugs - Cabinet for Health and Family Services

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Bed Bug Biology and Behavior – UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY

Progress 10/01/08 to 09/30/14

OutputsTarget Audience: The audience for this research includes researchers at other institutions, the chemical industry, pest management professionals, and the public. Changes/Problems:Nothing ReportedWhat opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Three graduate students have participated in this project. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Peer reviewed publications, trade journal articles, presentations at meetings What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Nothing Reported

ImpactsWhat was accomplished under these goals? . Ten field populations of bed bugs varied in their senstivity toTemprid and Transport, both are products containing a neonicotinoid and a pyrethroid. Temprid selection on three populations of bed bugs resulted in significant decreases in susceptibility to this insecticide in the subsequent generation. This selection also resulted in an increase in resistance levels to Transport. Silica gel is an effective desiccant dust. Brief exposure of bed bugs to the label rate of this dust resulted in high mortality 24 h after exposure. A survey of the pest control industry indicated a continuing need for innovations in pest management options for bed bug control. Bed bugs are consistently rated as the most difficult urban insect pest to manage. Over the course of this project we made the following findings: 1. Pyrethroid resistance is widespread; 2. Pyrethroid resistance is mediated by diverse mechanisms in different populations; 3. Phantom is a slow, but effective insecticide; 4. Harborage-seeking and host-finding behaviors are not interrupted by the presence of deltamethrin or chlorfenapyr; 4. Nightly cycles of activity in bed bugs are mediated by a circadian rhythm; 5. The sensitivity of humans to bed bug bites varies considerably; 6. P450 enzymes are involved in pyrethroid resistance. 7. The growth regulator, Gentrol, is only effective in disrupting reproduction at exposure rates above the label rate; and 8. The hooked trichomes of kidney bean plants are a model for the development of traps that could be useful in monitoring;


Progress 01/01/13 to 09/30/13

OutputsTarget Audience: Scientists, Pest management professionals, the Public Changes/Problems:Nothing ReportedWhat opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Nothing ReportedHow have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Publications, presentations, seminars What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Nothing Reported

ImpactsWhat was accomplished under these goals? Pyrethroid resistance in bed bugs,Cimex lectularius, has prompted a change to combination products thatinclude a pyrethroid and a neonicotinoid. Ten populations of bed bugs were challenged with two combination products (Temprid SC®and Transport GHP®). Susceptibility of these populations varied, with the correlated response of the two products indicating cross resistance. We imposed selection on three populations using label rate Temprid, and then reared progeny from unselected and selected strains. All selected strains were significantly less susceptible to Temprid SC than unselected strains. Temprid selected strains were also less susceptible to Transport. The pyrethroid component of Temprid showed a significantly higher LD50in selected strains, but susceptibility to the neonicotinoid remained unchanged. Taken together these results indicate resistance to combination insecticides is present in field populations at levels that should be of concern, and that short-term selection affecting existing variance in susceptibility can quickly increase resistance.


Progress 01/01/12 to 12/31/12

OutputsOUTPUTS: Bed bugs have a severe impact on the quality of life that is exacerbated by the difficulty that is faced in eliminating their populations. Part of this difficulty is a result of their stealthy feeding habits, where they remain hidden from view except during brief excursions to get a blood meal. We have found that immature bed bugs are more efficient in finding food when their mothers are present. The communication mechanism for this maternal care is under investigation. This facilitation of host finding is likely to play an important role in enabling very small immature bed bugs to develop when to blood meal is located at a distance. It is difficult for pest control operators to deliver insecticides to hiding places. We have found widespread resistance to pyrethroid insecticides, which has prompted switches to insecticides with different modes of action. Pyrethroid and neonicitinoid combination products proved to have laboratory efficacy against pyrethroid resistant populations. However, selection for resistance to a dual action insecticide resulted in a change in susceptibility within one generation in two populations of bed bugs. This evolution involves multiple mechanisms of resistance, including up-regulation of cuticular proteins, P450 enzymes, carboxyl esterases, and transporter proteins. A growth regulating hormone analog (Gentrol) was found to be effective in curtailing bed bug reproduction only at very high application rates. Thus this environmentally benign insecticide is not a standalone product for bed bug control. PARTICIPANTS: Michael F. Potter, Scottt Bessin, Jennifer Gordon, Mark Goodman ,Kyle Loughlin, Shelby Stamper, Sydney Crawley TARGET AUDIENCES: Not relevant to this project. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

ImpactsBecause insecticide resistance to combination products (neonicitinoid with pyrethroid) occurs in the laboratory, it should be a concern for the future of bed bug pest management. Gentrol is not a standalone product at label rates.


Progress 01/01/11 to 12/31/11

OutputsOUTPUTS: We continued our investigation of the role of bacterial endosymbionts in bed bug biology. Near elimination of Wolbachia did not have a major impact on bed bug reproduction. We began a laboratory investigation of the potential for evolution of resistance to combination insecticides (including a pyrethroid and a neonicotinoid) for bed bug control. We observed a response to selection in one generation, indicating that there is heritable variation in our laboratory colonies with respect to the impact of these insecticides. We began a study of the impact of insect repellents on bed bug behavior. Some of the commercially available products showed promise in preventing bed bugs from seeking refuge on treated surfaces. We investigated the impact of one insect growth regulator on bed bug development and reproduction. Gentrol showed marked effects on reproduction, but only at high application rates (above the label rate). PARTICIPANTS: Michael F. Potter, Scottt Bessin,Jennifer Gordon, Mark Goodman,Kyle Loughlin, Shelby Stamper TARGET AUDIENCES: Not relevant to this project. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

ImpactsBecause pest management professionals have few insecticidal options, they must be cognizant of the potential for resistance to combination products that have thus far proven to be efficacious.


Progress 01/01/10 to 12/31/10

OutputsOUTPUTS: Infestations of the bed bug are increasing around the world at an alarming rate and have become a major public health concern. Because resistance to pyrethroid insecticides is widespread in the U.S. there is a great demand for novel approaches for pest control, and a renewed effort to learn characteristics of bed bug behavior. Bed bugs must avoid detection when finding hosts and returning to hidden harborages. Their stealthy habits include foraging when hosts are asleep. Characteristics of locomotor activity rhythm of bed bugs with different feeding history were studied. In the absence of host stimuli, adults and nymphs were much more active in the dark than in the light. The onset of activity in the scotophase commenced soon after lights-off. The free-running period for all stages was longer in continuous darkness (DD) than in continuous light (LL). The lengthening of the free-running period in DD is an exception for the circadian rule that predicts the opposite in nocturnal animals. Activity in adults and nymphs was entrained to reverse L:D regimes within four cycles. Short-term starved adults moved more frequently than recently fed adults. While bed bugs can survive for a year or more without a blood meal, we observed a reduction in activity in insects held for five-weeks without food. We suggest that bed bugs make a transition to host-stimulus dependent searching when host presence is not predictable. Such a strategy would enable bed bugs to maximize reproduction when resources are abundant and save energy when resources are scarce. The presence of bed bug populations resistant to pyrethroids demands the development of new control tactics, including the use of insecticides with new modes of action. Insecticides that disrupt oxidative phosphorylation in insects' mitochondria can be an option. We measured with laboratory assays the toxicity of chlorfenapyr to susceptible strains and two strains highly resistant to pyrethroids. We also compared the effectiveness of two chlorfenapyr-based formulations and evaluated the behavioral responses of bed bugs to dry residues of aerosol sprays. Chlorfenapyr was effective against all bed bug strains, killing them at a similar rate, regardless of their susceptibility status to pyrethroids. Dry residues aged for four months were as toxic as fresh dry residues. The aerosol formulation had contact activity and caused a faster mortality than a water-based formulation. Bed bugs did not avoid resting on surfaces treated with aerosol. Chlorfenapyr is an option for controlling pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs. While it does not cause quick knockdown, long residual activity and no avoidance behavior of bed bugs to dry residues appears to make this insecticide suitable for bed bug control. A faster insecticidal effect is obtained with the aerosol formulation, suggesting greater bioavailablity of the toxicant. PARTICIPANTS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

ImpactsChlorfenapyr has become an increasingly important option in bed bug control programs.


Progress 01/01/09 to 12/31/09

OutputsOUTPUTS: Infestations of the bed bug are increasing around the world at an alarming rate and have become a major public health concern. Because resistance to pyrethroid insecticides is widespread in the U.S. there is a great demand for novel approaches for pest control. An understanding of the mechanisms of insecticide resistance in the bed bug has the potential to lead to new approaches for the control of resistant populations. We used the P450 enzyme inhibitor piperonyl butoxide (PBO) to determine the role of detoxifying enzymes in deltamethrin resistance in three field-collected strains. We found that while PBO reduced the lethal dose required to kill 50% of each strain, residual resistance compared to a susceptible strain remained. The behavioral responses of bed bugs to deltamethrin (a pyrethroid), and chlorfenapyr (a pyrrole), two commonly used insecticides for bed bug control in the US were evaluated. In two-choice tests, grouped insects and individual insects avoided resting on filter paper treated with deltamethrin. Insects did not avoid surfaces treated with chlorfenapyr. Harborages, containing feces and eggs, and treated with a deltamethrin-based product, remained attractive to individuals from a strain resistant to pyrethroids. Insecticide barriers of chlorfenapyr or deltamethrin did not prevent bed bugs from reaching a warmed blood source and acquiring blood meals. We tested five different dusts representing two insecticide categories: two pyrethroid-based dusts, and three desiccant dusts. Both types were effective in killing bed bugs, even from a resistant strain. PARTICIPANTS: Michael Potter (Extension Faculty) and Alvaro Romero (graduate student) contributed to this research. TARGET AUDIENCES: Not relevant to this project. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

ImpactsSynergists such as piperonyl butoxide, insecticides with novel modes of action such as chlorfenapyr, and dusts have the potential to contribute to management of pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs.


Progress 01/01/08 to 12/31/08

OutputsOUTPUTS: The recent resurgence of bed bugs, Cimex lectularius L. (Heteroptera: Cimicidae), has increased the demand for information about effective control tactics. Several studies have focused on determining the susceptibility of bed bug populations to insecticides. However, behavioral responses of bed bugs to insecticide residues could influence their efficacy. The behavioral responses of bed bugs to deltamethrin, and chlorfenapyr, two commonly used insecticides for bed bug control in the US were evaluated. In two-choice tests, grouped insects and individual insects avoided resting on filter paper treated with deltamethrin. Insects did not avoid surfaces treated with chlorfenapyr. Harborages, containing feces and eggs, and treated with a deltamethrin-based product, remained attractive to individuals from a strain resistant to pyrethroids. Video recordings of bed bugs indicated that insects increased activity when they contacted sublethal doses of deltamethrin. Insecticide barriers of chlorfenapyr or deltamethrin did not prevent bed bugs from reaching a warmed blood source and acquiring blood meals. PARTICIPANTS: Michael Potter was a collaborator on this research. Alvaro Romero and Rebekah Hassell are conducting graduate studies that relate to this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

ImpactsSurvival of bed bugs after their contact with pyrethoid residues, with the subsequent increase in locomotor activity, represents a potential problem for the spread of bed bugs to adjoining areas. This concern may be alleviated by bed bug produced aggregation factors that overcome this irritancy/repellency.


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Bed Bug Biology and Behavior - UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY

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Are Bed Bugs In Maine? – bigbluebug.com

Date Posted: February 14, 2017 Category: Bed Bugs, Maine Pest Control

One of the questions that we get asked regularly is whether or not there are bed bugs right here in our own backyard. The short answer is, Yes. Here in South Portland the potential for finding bed bugs in your home, hotel room, or even your dorm room is just as likely as anywhere else in the United States.

Once upon a time, not so long ago, bed bugs seemed to be almost a thing of the past. For most of us, it was just part of a rhyme that our grandparents might have said to us before we headed off to sleep. In the past decade or so, the bed bug has enjoyed a comeback, and they have done so with a vengeance. The Bed bug can now be found in every single state in the country. Their rapid spread can be attributed to the amount of time that Americans spend traveling from one place to another for school, business, or vacation as well as the fact that the bed bug might just be the worlds sneakiest hitchhiker.

How do I know if I have bed bugs? That is another fairly common question. Quite frequently homeowners have no idea that they have brought these pests into their homes until the bugs have set up housekeeping and begun to feed. Though the host never actually feels the bite, they can certainly feel the itchy rash that shows up within a few days or so. The best way to keep a home or business pest free is to be proactive. Periodically inspect your home with a flashlight in key spots where bed bugs might be and know what you are looking for.

The bed bug is a tiny, oval-shaped bug that is generally reddish-brown. It likes to hang out near the bed, so check particularly around the headboard, in the seams of mattresses, and between the sheets in that area. Besides the bugs, you might actually find tiny little white specs which could be eggs, or you could even find brown staining from bed bug waste or droplets of blood from their human host.

Though bedrooms are the most common areas to find them, bed bugs will also invade other areas of your home. Any soft area such as sofas, chairs, and carpets are at risk. Perhaps you will find them in a favorite chair in front of the television or even in a pets bedding. Check these areas very thoroughly. Also, bed bugs are known to hide behind electrical outlets in the wall, leaving black streaks running from the outlets when they do. They can be found in the cracks of hardwood floors, in wall voids, and in bathrooms, kitchens, and closets as well. They have even been found hiding inside laptops, televisions, stereos, and home computers too.

If you find any sign of these pests in your home, do not try to remove them yourself. It might seem like there are a lot of DIY tips out there, but these tips rarely work as a permanent solution and might be a danger to your family. Give us a call here at Big Blue Bug Solutions instead. Our staff is highly trained and ready to help answer any questions that you may have and will schedule an inspection of your home to pinpoint exactly where bed bugs might be hiding. Once all of the hiding spots are located, we have several fast, effective, safe bed bug solutions to choose from to completely eradicate these pests from your South Portland home.

Tags: bed bug signs | bed bug control in me | where to find bed bugs |

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Are Bed Bugs In Maine? - bigbluebug.com

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6 Best Exterminators – Yukon OK | Bed Bug, Insect Control

Recent Requests for Insect Removal and Treatment Services in Yukon, Oklahoma

Project Location: Yukon, OK 73099

Date: 12/2018

What kind of location is this?: Home/Residence

Is this an emergency?: Yes

Request Stage: Ready to Hire

Desired Completion Date: Timing is flexible

Comment: Older house

Project Location: Yukon, OK 73099

Date: 11/2018

What kind of location is this?: Home/Residence

Type of Insects: Fleas

Is this an emergency?: No

Type of Control Service: One time extermination

Square footage of home:: 1,000 - 2,000

Request Stage: Planning & Budgeting

Desired Completion Date: Timing is flexible

Project Location: Yukon, OK 73099

Date: 11/2018

What kind of location is this?: Home/Residence

Is this an emergency?: No

Request Stage: Planning & Budgeting

Desired Completion Date: Timing is flexible

Project Location: Yukon, OK 73085

Date: 11/2018

What kind of location is this?: Home/Residence

Type of Insects: Cockroaches, Other

Is this an emergency?: No

Request Stage: Planning & Budgeting

Desired Completion Date: Within 1 week

Comment: Have a 2 bath 3 bedroom duplex we have bed bugs and roaches. Elderly ladies on a fixed income

Project Location: Yukon, OK 73099

Date: 11/2018

What kind of location is this?: Home/Residence

Type of Insects: Ants, Bees, Hornets or Wasps

Is this an emergency?: No

Type of Control Service: One time extermination

Square footage of home:: 1,000 - 2,000

Request Stage: Planning & Budgeting

Desired Completion Date: 1 - 2 weeks

Comment: I would like to get an estimate for

Project Location: YUKON, OK 73099

Date: 10/2018

What kind of location is this?: Home/Residence

Type of Insects: Fleas

Is this an emergency?: No

Type of Control Service: One time extermination

Square footage of home:: 1,000 - 2,000

Request Stage: Planning & Budgeting

Desired Completion Date: Within 1 week

Comment: pest control bugs and insects

Project Location: Yukon, OK 73099

Date: 10/2018

What kind of location is this?: Home/Residence

Is this an emergency?: No

Request Stage: Ready to Hire

Desired Completion Date: Timing is flexible

Comment: Flea pest control

Project Location: Yukon, OK 73099

Date: 10/2018

What kind of location is this?: Home/Residence

Is this an emergency?: No

Request Stage: Planning & Budgeting

Desired Completion Date: Timing is flexible

Comment: I need someone to come and get rid of the roaches we have in my moms house. We have done everything possible and cant get rid of them.

Project Location: Yukon, OK 73099

Date: 10/2018

What kind of location is this?: Home/Residence

Type of Insects: Mosquitos

Desired Project Start Date: Unsure about timing

Comment: mosquitos.

Project Location: Yukon, OK 73099

Date: 10/2018

What kind of location is this?: Home/Residence

Is this an emergency?: No

Type of Mosquito Control Service: Don't Know

Approximately how many square feet is the yard?: 500-1,000

Request Stage: Planning & Budgeting

Desired Completion Date: Timing is flexible

Comment: lots of mosquitos in back yard in front of a green belt

Project Location: Yukon, OK 73099

Date: 10/2018

What kind of location is this?: Home/Residence

Is this an emergency?: No

Request Stage: Planning & Budgeting

Desired Completion Date: 1 - 2 weeks

Comment: Just moved in and there are a lot of pests in this area. Spiders, beetles, and ants

Project Location: Yukon, OK 73099

Date: 09/2018

What kind of location is this?: Home/Residence

Desired Project Start Date: Tomorrow

Comment: We 3 large bee nest.

Project Location: Yukon, OK 73099

Date: 09/2018

What kind of location is this?: Home/Residence

Is this an emergency?: No

Type of Control Service: One time extermination

Square footage of home:: 1,000 - 2,000

Request Stage: Planning & Budgeting

Desired Completion Date: Within 1 week

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6 Best Exterminators - Yukon OK | Bed Bug, Insect Control

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