Bed Bugs by State: Bed Bug Law by State & in New York City …

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NPMA has compiled state specific bed bug laws and rules into one document.Click here to review the information.In a nutshell, twenty three states have passed or enacted bed bug specific legislation orrule making, including Alabama, Arizona, California,Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

Many of the bed bug laws or rules are "legacy" statutes or regulations, ranging from 30 to 90 plus years old. The laws and rules focus on bed bug infestations in a variety of specific settings such as multifamily housing (Arizona, Florida, Maine, New York) vacation homes (South Dakota), trains (Illinois), hotels (Kansas, Nevada, Minnesota, Ohio, West Virginia), schools (New York) and migrant labor camps (Iowa). Laws in Arizona and Texas deem bed bugs a public health nuisance.

Arizona, Illinois, Maine, and New York bed bug laws (particularly vital to NYC) were passed or enacted since bed bug populations rebounded 10 plus years ago. Legislation on bed bugs is pending by state, with California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and North Carolina considering additional legislation.

This compilation of bed bug laws in the 50 states only includes those states that specifically include bed bug in their statutory or regulatory scheme. Liability imposed on landlords and tenants concerning bed bugs continue to vary from state to state regardless of whether bed bug laws have been implemented, this is due to the implied warranty of habitability. Inn keepers may also have a heightened duty depending on state law. Therefore this list is a reference point but not an exhaustive nor definitive list of how each state may handle a bed bug incident.

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Bed Bugs by State: Bed Bug Law by State & in New York City ...

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