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Control Bed Bugs
Control of Bed bugs
Bed bugs are difficult to deal with and require the combined efforts of the property owner and/or tenant, as well as qualified pest control technicians.
- Launder clothes and linens on hot settings. Store in sealed plastic bags until chemical treatment is completed.
- Vacuum thoroughly, especially along carpet edges or replace carpet after completion of chemical treatment. Discard vacuum bag in a sealed plastic bag when vacuuming is completed.
- Remove and inspect all belongings from furniture, tables, wardrobes and closets. Dismantle bed and other furniture if possible.
- Discard mattresses and fabric furniture '“ especially if infestation is severe.
- Remove pictures and electrical outlet covers from walls and eliminate clutter.
Varna pest control will engage to ensure safe effective control of a bed bug infestation. Firstly, we do a thorough inspection of the area of infestation before proceeding with control procedures. We use specialized equipment with a variety of insecticide formulations depending upon the circumstances. The best solution is to avoid bringing bed bugs home in the first place. When you travel, carry a bed bug repellent sachet in your luggage. Simple fixes are reducing clutter by recycling or composting, reducing bed bug heaven by frequently vacuuming or by fortifying the castle by constructing a bed bug moat around the bed. See "Suggested Reading" for further info.
A professional pest controller should be engaged to ensure safe effective control of a bed bug infestation. Firstly, a thorough inspection of the area of infestation is carried out before proceeding with control procedures. All potential daytime harborage areas must be located and treated with an insecticide registered for this purpose. They can use specialized equipment with a variety of insecticide formulations depending upon the circumstances. We recommend the safer synthetic pyrethroid insecticide dust or spray be used in certain locations. In addition, the entire area may require treatment using a fogging machine in order to achieve a satisfactory result.
High standards of sanitation and hygiene, helps as an on-going preventive measure. The entire premises should be inspected regularly for signs of bed bug infestation. Prevention of a severe bed bug infestation throughout an entire building is more likely if regular attention is provided. Use a professional pest controller for periodic insecticide treatment in any commercial lodgings situation where bed bug infestations are likely to be a problem.
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DDT for Bed Bugs
DDT for Bed Bugs
This is an ancient insect whose roots are thought to go back to the times of cave dwellers. For many years, bed bugs were found in numerous communities around the US. As late as the 1950's, bed bugs were a considerable problem. After the discovery of DDT and its application here, the incidence of bed bug infestations declined.
If you read the bed bug blogs you will find lots of angry vilification of Rachel Carson, who wrote the book 'Silent Spring', which then led to the banning of DDT, for the theory is that because DDT was banned, now we have bed bugs, a theory which makes no sense whatsoever since DDT was banned half a century ago, and we are only experiencing a plague of bed bugs in the last couple of years. People are also unaware that bed bugs became resistant to DDT back in the 1940s, which is one of the reasons why the pest control industry turned away from DDT and began using alternative chemicals in the last part of the century. DDT is constantly being promoted as the bed bug panacea, but the truth of the matter is that bed bugs are amazing creatures showing an ability to adapt to any form of pesticide, and that includes DDT, which bed bugs long ago defeated in the 1940s, and which they will defeat again should DDT be brought back onto the market because now we have bed bugs.
Bed bugs probably continue to carry with them the genes for DDT resistance, since such resistant strains existed earlier in the previous century. Hotels, including four and five star hotels which target the market for international travelers, are one of the hot spots for bed bug infestations. This has led some to speculate upon what possible connection might exist between international travel and the bed bug epidemic. It is worth remembering here that DDT has not been banned in every country for the last half century, and so therefore we must assume that the DDT bed bug exists in the countries which have continued to use DDT throughout the last half century, and that bed bugs resistant to such strong pesticides have infested hotels and in the great mixing bowl bed bugs have been trading genes for resistance to a wide variety of pesticides, including resistance to DDT. So therefore we must assume that the DDT resistant bed bug already exists, both those strains which continue to carry the previous resistance to DDT built up in the 1940s and those strains which have imported such resistance and can now no doubt be found in four and five star hotels, New York lofts, penthouses, and Manhattan office towers.
We don't think DDT is a solution for bed bugs now.Sure '” despite being ecologically-minded and kind of nervous around pesticides in general '” like many of you, my first reaction to bed bugs was 'œBring back DDT!' However, learning more made me realize this was not practical, and not even an effective solution anymore. I don't want to entertain a discussion of this. The fact is, bed bugs started showing resistance to DDT as early as 1948 in Hawaii, and reports from the 1950s and 1960s, as well more recently, tell us that bed bugs were not killed when spraying with DDT was done for malarial mosquitos.
In 1969, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) cancelled the registration of certain uses of DDT (on shade trees, on tobacco, in the home, and in aquatic environments) after studying the persistence of DDT residues in the environment. Applications on crops, commercial plants, wood products, and for building purposes were cancelled by the USDA in 1970. Under the authority of the EPA, the registrations of the remaining DDT products and DDT-metabolites were cancelled on 4 January 1973,with the following exemptions: public health use for control of vector-borne diseases, USDA or military use for health quarantine, and use in prescription drugs for controlling body lice. All of these remaining uses were voluntarily cancelled (due to failure to pay maintenance fees) by October 1989.
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Get Rid of Bed Bugs
How To Get Rid of Bed bug
It is important that you act quickly when it comes to ridding your home of bed bugs. This can be a challenge because the bed bugs are very good at hiding and they can even live for months at a time without eating. The best bet that you have is likely to hire an exterminator who has plenty of experience with ridding homes of bed bugs. However, if you want to handle this situation on your own, you may wish to combine both non chemical and pesticide treatments to get the best possible results.
Once an infestation has occurred, patience and persistence is the key to ridding the area of bed bugs. If you are determined to get rid of bed bugs yourself, without hiring an exterminator, I highly recommend this ebook,Remove Bed bugs Guide. It goes into detailed explanation for how to kill bed bugs, and you can download it instantly. It isn't enough to clean the mattresses and launder the sheets. Furniture should be overturned and cleaned.Carpeting, wood molding, door jambs, picture frames, and closets should be inspected as well. Bed bugs can hide behind loose wallpaper, in the crevices betweencarpetsand walls, behind outlet covers, and inside light fixtures, smoke detectors, and evenclocks. Removable, washable items can be laundered in very hotwater. For those areas or items that cannot be laundered, smaller items can be wrapped in plastic and set in a hot place or in direct sunlight. The key is to raise the temperature to at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit for several hours to kill the eggs and the bugs. Vacuuming and steam cleaning may also be done, but any bags or canisters should be thrown away or emptied outside of the area immediately to prevent another infestation. Unfortunately, it's very hard to find all bed bugs and all bed bug eggs; that's why the best method of removing bed bugs, however, is through a professionally handled treatment.Dating Blogs
When choosing a professional bed bug exterminator, be careful! Many companies that only specialize in how to kill bed bugs aren't as qualified as full-service pest control companies. Your best bet is to find an established pest control service company that has been in service for at least five years - and you might also ask around and see if anybody you know or look at review sites (like to see if there are recommendations for any specific pest control services. Also, make sure the pest control company you choose is certified in your state. Exterminators can be pretty expensive; expect to pay between $250 to $1,000 per room. You'll also want to make sure you choose a pest control company that will make follow-up visits - these are usually necessary for bed bug elimination.
Once you sift through the bed bug exterminators and make a decision, make sure they are using effective pesticides and bed bug control methods. Usually, exterminators will use a combination of pesticides and steam heat - bed bugs only die from heat of the temperature is at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit that's sustained for several hours. Do not use a pest control company that uses bug foggers or bug bombs as their method for how to kill bed bugs; these methods do not work. The only effective bed bug extermination methods for pesticides include direct contact.
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How Bed Bug Bite
How bed bugs Bite
Most observed bites consist of a raised red bump or flat welt, and are often accompanied by very intense itching. The red mark is the result of an allergic reaction to the anesthetic contained in the bed bug's saliva, which is inserted into the blood of its victim. Reactions to bed bug bites may appear indistinguishable frommosquitobites although they tend to last for longer periods. Bites may not become immediately visible and can take up to nine days to appear. Bed bug bites tend not to have a red dot in the center such as is characteristic offleabites. A trait shared with flea bites is tendency towards the pattern of sequential bites often aligned in rows of three. This may be caused by the bed bug being disturbed while eating and relocating half an inch or so farther along the skin before resuming feeding. Alternatively, the arrangement of bites may be caused by the bed bug repeatedly searching for a blood vein.
People react differently to bed bugs, and individual responses vary with factors including skin type, environment, and the species of bug. This also means the presence of itchy welts cannot be used as the only indicator of a presence. It is possible for an initial infestation within a household to be asymptomatic and go undetected. In some rare cases, allergic reactions to the bites may cause nausea and illness. In a large number of cases, estimated to be fifty percent of all people, there is no visible sign of bites whatsoever, greatly increasing the difficulty of identifying and eradicating infestations. People commonly respond to bed bug infestations and their bites with anxiety, stress, andinsomnia. Development of refractorydelusional parasitosisis common, as victims develop an overwhelming obsession with bed bugs.Individuals may also develop skin infections and scars from scratching the bed bug bite locations.
Most patients who are placed on systemiccorticosteroidsto treat the itching and burning often associated with bed bug bites find that the lesions are poorly responsive to this method of treatment. Antihistamines have been found to reduce itching in some cases, but they do not affect the appearance and duration of the lesions. Topical corticosteroids, such ashydrocortisone, have been reported to resolve the lesions expediently and decrease the associated itching.
Victims may relieve itching and inflammation for several hours by using ablowdryeror hot washcloth to heat the area of the bite. Many patients experience temporary relief of itching and inflammation with the application of hot water.The water temperature should be about 50°C (120°F), or this procedure may aggravate the symptoms. To avoid scalding the skin, this treatment should only be self-administered.
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