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3 fl. oz. Bed Bug Killer Spray

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16 fl. oz. Bed Bug Killer Spray

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24 fl. oz. Bed Bug Killer Pro

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32 fl. oz. Bed Bug Killer Spray

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1 gal. Bed Bug Killer Formula

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1 gal. Bed Bug Killer Pro

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5 gal. Bed Bug Killer Formula

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Benefits of using Nature's Response bed bug spray:

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Bed bugs are on the rise. With Nature's Response bed bug spray, you can kill them if your home has been affected. Even better, it's organic pest control that wipes out bed bugs while keeping your family safe from harsh toxins.

Unlike other bug killers, Nature's Response Bed Bug Killer organic pest control is made from natural ingredients that have been proved to be highly effective in eradicating bed bugs. Yet you don't have to choose between keeping your family safe and stopping a bed bug infestation. Nature's Response Bed Bug Killer allows you to do both.

Our 100% natural and organic bed bug spray contains ingredients that have been used for years to kill bed bugs. Unlike chemical treatments, bed bugs cannot develop a resistance to it. Read More...

Nature's Response bed bug spray is 100% effective for killing adult bed bugs. More importantly, it even kills nymphs and eggs, too. it has been scientifically tested and proven effective by Iowa State University, Rutgers University and the Insect Control and Research (ICR) laboratory in Baltimore, Md.

When directly sprayed on bed bugs and their eggs, Nature's Response Bed Bug Killer organic pest control caused immediate immobilization and 100% mortality within one minute of topical application.

This bed bug spray is made with FDA-approved food-grade ingredients, so it's safe for use in your home. The EPA states that the active ingredients in Nature's Response cause "no risk to humans or the environment."

The EPA even believes "that no harm will result from aggregate exposure to the United States population, including infants and children" so repeated treatments, such as those that might be required in an apartment building, are safe for your family.

Don't you want the peace of mind of knowing that you can kill bed bugs using organic pest control? Then Nature's Response Bed Bug Killer is for you.

Protect your family on all levels by choosing organic pest control that is the most effective killer of bed bugs on the market. Nature's Response bed bug spray is the smart choice on all levels.

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Bed Bug Spray | Safe, Organic Pest Control For Your Home

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Canadian Bed Bug Site-Lots of disgusting images

Just spraying pesticides is not the solution

Control of bed bugs is best achieved by following an integrated pest management (IPM) approach that involves multiple tactics, such as preventive measures, sanitation, and chemicals, steam or heat applied to targeted sites.

Bed bugs are challenging pests to control. They hide in many tiny places, so inspections and treatments must be thorough. In most cases, it will be prudent to enlist the services of a professional pest control firm. (see professionals who specialize in bedbug control)

Experienced companies know where to look for bed bugs, and have an assortment of management tools at their disposal. Owners and occupants will need to assist the professional in important ways. Affording access for inspection and treatment is essential, and excess clutter should be removed. In some cases, infested mattresses and box springs will need to be discarded. Since bed bugs can disperse throughout a building, it may also be necessary to inspect adjoining rooms and apartments.

Bed bugs were treated years ago by wholesale spraying of pesticides. This practice is no longer permitted. Thoroughness is still important, but treatments today are generally more targeted and judicious. It often takes hours to properly inspect and treat a bed bug infestation, and follow-up visits are usually required.

Infested bedding and garments will need to be bagged and laundered (120F minimum), or discarded since these items cannot be treated with insecticides. Smaller items that cannot be laundered can sometimes be de-infested by heating. Individual items, for example, can be wrapped in black plastic bags and placed in a hot, sunny location for at least a few days (the 120F minimum target temperature should be monitored in the centermost location with a thermometer). Bedbugs also succumb to cold temperatures below freezing, but the chilling period must be maintained for at least two weeks. Attempts to rid an entire home or apartment of bed bugs by raising or lowering the thermostat will be entirely unsuccessful. Vacuuming can be very useful for removing bugs and eggs from mattresses, carpet, walls, and other surfaces. Pay particular attention to seams, tufts and edges of mattresses and box springs, and the perimeter edge of wall-to-wall carpets. Afterward, dispose of the vacuum contents in a sealed trash bag. Steam cleaning of carpets is also helpful for killing bugs and eggs that vacuuming may have missed. Repair cracks in plaster and glue down loosened wallpaper to eliminate bed bug harborage sites. Remove and destroy wild animal roosts and bird nests when possible.

While the former measures are helpful, insecticides are important for bed bug elimination. Pest control professionals treat using a variety of low-odor sprays, dusts, and aerosols. (Baits designed to control ants and cockroaches are ineffective). Application entails treating all cracks and crevices where the bugs are discovered, or tend to hide. Eliminating bed bugs from mattresses and box springs is challenging. If there are holes or tears in the fabric, the bugs and eggs may be inside, as well as outside. There also are restrictions on how beds can be treated with pesticides. For these reasons, pest control firms often recommend that infested beds be discarded. If disposal isnt an option, encasing the mattress and box spring will be helpful if bugs are still present. (Allergy supply companies sell zippered bed encasements for dust mite prevention). Some pest control firms treat seams, tufts, and crevices of bed components, but they will not spray the mattress surface, bed sheets, blankets, or clothing. Vacuuming and brushing will further help to remove bugs and eggs from mattresses and box springs that cannot be discarded. Some pest control firms also treat beds with portable steam machines. The technique is useful, but does not kill bugs or eggs that are hidden inside the box spring or mattress.

Just spraying pesticides is not the solution! Residual insecticides (usually pyrethroids) are applied as spot treatments to cracks and crevices where bed bugs are hiding. Increased penetration of the insecticide into cracks and crevices can be achieved if accumulated dirt and debris are first removed using a vacuum cleaner. Many readily available aerosol pesticide sprays will cause bed bugs to scatter making eradication more difficult. Dust formulations may be used to treat wall voids and attics. Repeat insecticide applications if bed bugs are present two weeks after the initial treatment since it is difficult to find all hiding places and hidden eggs may have hatched.

Insecticides should not be used on bedding or linens. These items should be dry cleaned or laundered in hot water and dried using the hot setting.

Starting from the top left, moving counter clockwise: eggs (1mm), 1st stage nymph (1.5 mm), 2nd stage nymph (2 mm), 3rd stage nymph (2.5 mm), 4th stage nymph (3 mm), 5th stage nymph (1.5 mm), unfed adult (5.5 mm), and fed adult.

COLUMBUS, Ohio Ohio State University entomologists have found that over-the-counter foggers or bug bombs commonly usedby consumers are not effective at killing bedbugs providing the first scientific evidence that such products should not berecommended for control of this increasingly worrisome, bloodsucking pest. The study appears in the June 2012 issue of theJournal of Economic Entomology, a peer-reviewed publication of the EntomologicalSociety of America. There has always been this perception and feedback from the pest-management industry that over-the-counter foggers are not effectiveagainst bedbugs and might make matters worse, said Susan Jones, an urban entomologist with the universitys Ohio AgriculturalResearch and Development Center (OARDC) and a household and structural pest specialist with Ohio State University Extension.But up until,now there has been no published data regarding the efficacy of foggers against bedbugs.

Because a majority of bedbugs spend most of the time hiding in protected sites (under sheets and mattresses, in cracks and crevices,deep inside carpets, etc.), Jones said it is very unlikely that they will be exposed to the insecticide mist from foggers. And even if theycome into contact with the mist, she added, many bedbug populations found in Ohio and throughout the U.S. have varying degrees ofresistance to pyrethroids and will most likely survive application.

Bug Bombs or total release aerosol insecticides never work for bed bugs and can be very dangerous when used.

The mobile nature of bed bugs limits their prevention. Avoidance is especially challenging in hotels, motels, and apartments because occupants and their belongings are constantly changing. This affords many opportunities for the bugs to be introduced. Householders should be wary of acquiring secondhand beds, bedding, and furniture. At a minimum, such items should be examined closely before being brought into the home. When traveling in countries where bed bugs are prevalent, it might be prudent to examine the bed and headboard area for signs of the bugs, and elevate luggage off the floor. Warehouses, storage facilities, trucks and railroad cars may be infested so common bed bugs can infest homes by stowing away on new furniture stored or shipped from these places. Familiarity may help to avoid infestation, or at least prompt earlier intervention by a professional.

Michael F. Potter, Extension Entomologist University of Kentucky College of Agriculture:

Bed bugs are challenging pests to control. They hide in many tiny places, so inspections and treatments must be v
ery thorough. In most cases, it will be prudent to enlist the services of a professional pest control firm. Experienced companies know where to look for bed bugs, and have an assortment of management tools at their disposal.


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Canadian Bed Bug Site-Lots of disgusting images

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Raid Max Bed Bug & Flea Killer | Products | Raid brand …

Tips & Tricks For Bed Bugs:

Early detection is critical to solving bed bug problems.


Signs of an infestation could include skin bites or welts, or small spots of blood on sheets, pillowcases, or mattresses.


Look for bed bugs in tufts and seams of mattresses, behind the headboard, and in cracks and crevices of the bed frame.


If you see signs of bed bugs, immediately wash linens, blankets, and bed covers in hot water. Dry using the high heat setting and put items in a plastic bag to keep them from becoming re-infested.


Vacuum carpet, cracks, and crevices around the bed and any furniture suspected to be infested. Remove as many bed bugs and eggs as possible.


After vacuuming, seal the bag securely in another plastic bag and throw it away outside your home.


When using a spray product, make sure to directly hit as many bugs as possible.


After treating thoroughly, continue to monitor areas for signs of more bed bugs.

Before room or pet treatment, wash pet bedding to remove existing fleas, eggs and larvae.


Shampoo pets regularly with a flea shampoo.


Vacuum carpets and upholstery to remove eggs and larvae. Pay particular attention to areas where pets rest or sleep.


After vacuuming, seal the bag securely in another plastic bag and throw it away outside your home.

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Bed Bug Killer: Steri-fab Spray Review

Read the reviews, msds, ingredients of Steri-fab bed bug spray and how to apply this bed bug killer for best results.

Steri-fab bed bug spray is a U.S EPA approved non-toxic bed bug killer labeled for use on mattresses and upholstered furniture for killing bed bugs. It is a multi-use product that works as an insecticide, an antibacterial, a deodorant and a disinfectant.

If you need to treat a bed bug infestation, you may be concerned about the pathogens they are known to carry, along with the bites they inflict while you sleep. You may also be worried about lingering odors after insecticides are used to remove the pests, particularly if you are chemically sensitive or have children and pets around. Steri-fab is unique in that it kills not only bed bugs, but also bacteria; plus it also provides a deodorant benefit. Conditions that require insecticides often provide a breeding ground for bacteria, mold and fungus; Steri-fab effectively eradicates these as well.

Steri-fab is product developed to easily kill bed bugs by the Smith Company, an organization that has provided the furniture and bedding industries with a variety of industrial products for the past 65 years. Steri-fab is one of the only EPA-approved bed bug control products labeled for use on mattress and upholstered furniture. In addition, it is approved for use in controlling infestations of dust mites and lice.

The insecticide is a fast-drying, biodegradable product that leaves no residue after application. It may be sprayed on any inanimate surface (except cooking utensils) and poses no threat to animals or humans once it dries. Applied the right way, it can thoroughly wipe out a bed bug infestation.

Steri-fab bed bug spray consists of isopropyl alcohol, a dual quat, and synthetic pyrethroid. A dual quat is a compound common to many disinfectants; pyrethroid is an organic compound used in many pesticides. It is the unique combination of these three ingredients that make Steri-fab such an effective, multi-use product.


Read about Steri-Fab product label PDF

Residual sprays remain active long after they are applied; non-residuals active ingredients become inert after they have thoroughly dried.

An insecticide/disinfectant that remains active after drying can have long-term benefits, but also poses hazards: their effects on pests linger, making them potential sources of toxins for animals and humans.

Steri-fab bed bug spray is the non-residual type, meaning that its ingredients are no longer active on surfaces after drying. This is an advantage when using the spray on bedding, mattresses, and upholstered furniture; they will be safe to sleep or sit on, but any pests like bed bugs, lice or dust mites will be completely eliminated.

Steri-fab spray comes pre-diluted; so there is no need to add water or mixing. Use a sprayer designed for water-thin liquids to apply the product to any surfaces you believe to be infested with bed bugs.

Steri-fab is avaialble in 16-ounce spray bottles, ready to be applied. You can also get the gallon jugs if you have a wide area to treat. One gallon can cover approximately 1500 square feet.

To apply and kill bed bugs, spray Steri-fab on your mattress, bedding, headboard, and box spring, taking care to treat all cracks and crevices thoroughly. Spray at close range and allow the surfaces to dry for twenty minutes. You may wish to make a second pass to be sure youve gotten all the pests taken care of.

Steri-fab is non-toxic and has been labeled safe for use around pets and children. This is one of the top benefits of Steri-fab over other brands of insecticides. While it kills the bugs effectively, it does not poses any danger to kids and animals. Your child can safely curl up with his puppy on a Steri-fab treated bed twenty minutes after application. Used as directed, Steri-fab has no harmful side effects.

Read about Steri-Fab MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)

Steri-fab bed bug spray is a safe, effective means of controlling and eliminating bed bug infestations. In addition to killing pests, it eliminates odors, bacteria, molds and fungi. It dries quickly, leaving no residue to clean up. It is a very valuable tool in your bed bed control and treatment arsenal.

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Bed Bug Killer: Steri-fab Spray Review

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Bed Bug Treatment| Natural Bed Bug Spray | EcoRaider

EcoRaider, Draws Rave Reviews at Public Housing Conference

The Public Housing Authorities Directors Association, held its annual convention in Las Vegas and EcoRaider was a central figure since it is widely used by public housing executives from around the country.

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For the fourth year, Chicago has been placed on top of the list of cities with the worst bed bug problems. For Rose Pest Solutions, its nothing new.What has been new is the use of EcoRaider bio-insecticide

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Entomological Society of America published journal article comparing bed bug products. EcoRaider is the only natural product that causes100% mortalityof bed bugsamong all tested.

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Interviewing Robert Landry, the Executive Director of the Glens Falls Housing Authority, situated on the eastern edge of New York, 60 minutes north of Albany and three hours north of Manhattan.

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Video: Demoof how to get rid of bed bugs with EcoRaider. Video: Presenting EcoRaider at PestWorld, Oct. 2015. Video: Science behind EcoRaider

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USDA IR4 Public Health Pesticide Program evaluatedmethodfor eliminating bed bugsinpublic housing. EcoRaider rivals the top professional synthetic pesticide in overall bed bug reduction amount.

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Bed Bug Treatment| Natural Bed Bug Spray | EcoRaider

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