Tenants complain treatment insufficient for bed bugs in Parnassus Manor

Published: Friday, May 9, 2014, 1:51a.m.

Tenants in Parnassus Manor in New Kensington are concerned that a bed bug infestation is not being properly treated, but officials with the Westmoreland County Housing Authority said they are following protocol.

I'd say it's been going on for about six weeks, said Beverly Hughley. They have been to my apartment three times so far, and the problem is still there.

Hughley, who has lived in the facility for seven years, said she feels the infestation isn't being properly treated.

Michael Washowich, executive director for the Westmoreland County Housing Authority, said they are treating two cases of bed bugs that they have been notified about in Parnassus Manor, 325 Main St.

The tenants have brought a couple cases to us, and we're following our protocol, Washowich said, and we're in those units on a weekly basis to see if those treatments are effective.

He said that as soon as the authority is notified, officials inspect the unit for bed bugs and implement an internal treatment plan. The housing authority follows up weekly until the infestation is treated.

If the problem persists, he said a professional exterminator would be called.

We ask all the tenants to come to us in a timely manner so that we can begin a treatment plan based on the infestation at that time, he said. We follow through with that 100 percent.

Hughley said some tenants are afraid to report that they have bed bugs for fear of being evicted.

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Tenants complain treatment insufficient for bed bugs in Parnassus Manor

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