Oshawa is the eighth-worst place in Canada for bed bugs, Whitby makes top 25: Orkin – durhamradionews.com

A new list by pest control company Orkin says Oshawa has one of the biggest bed bug problems in the country.

Their 2019 list of the top bed bug cities in Canada has put Oshawa at number eight one of six Ontario cities to make the top 10.

Toronto took the top spot, with other urban centres like Winnipeg, Vancouver and Ottawa not far behind.

Whitby also made the top 25, coming in at number 20.

Branch Manager for Orkin Durham Region, Kevin Shanahan says bed bugs are travellers, so theyre common in large cities and urban areas.

He says there are things renters can look for that could tip them off about possible bedbugs issues.

If theres a lot of turnover in the building, if its a high-density location The higher the volume of people, the bigger the potential for bed bug problems, he said. Theyre hitchhikers, so a lot of multi-dwelling places have more problems (the individual homes).

Shanahan says hotels and motels are common sources of bed bugs and if youre not careful, you can bring them into your home.

He adds that the best practice is to take a look around any hotel room before you get settled.

You can look around the seams of the bed and you might see blood stains, said Shanahan. There could be fecal matter around the bed, which are pepper-like droppings. You could even possibly see a live bed bug, which is about the size of an appleseed.

Shanahan says the most common place he finds bed bugs is behind or near the beds headboard.

If youre worried about bringing bed bugs back from vacation, Shanahan suggests immediately putting all your clothes and towels in the dryer at a high, hot temperature.

Its also not a bad idea to leave your empty luggage in a garage or shed for a few days after you return.

He says another common origin of bed bugs is second-hand furniture.

He says he sees many infestations that are sparked by bugs inside furniture that was bought at a yard sale or picked from the trash (something Shanahan strongly discourages).

Read Orkins full list below:

1) Toronto, Ont.2) Winnipeg, Man.3) Vancouver, B.C.4) St. Johns, Nfld.5) Ottawa, Ont.6) Scarborough, Ont.7) Halifax, N.S.8) Oshawa, Ont.9) Sudbury, Ont.10) Hamilton, Ont.11) Windsor, Ont.12) Edmonton, Alta.13) Montreal, Que.14) North York, Ont.15) Moncton, N.B.16) Calgary, Alta.17) Mississauga, Ont.18) Etobicoke, Ont.19) Burnaby, B.C.20) Whitby, Ont.21) London, Ont.22) Saskatoon, Sask.23) Peterborough, Ont.24) Nepean, Ont.25) Dartmouth, N.S.

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See the original post here:
Oshawa is the eighth-worst place in Canada for bed bugs, Whitby makes top 25: Orkin - durhamradionews.com

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