Police Reports: Bed Bugs, Bar Fights, and Stolen Bicycles – OnFocus

Marshfield Police Department Reports October 8-15

October 8:

A man called dispatch stating that a 70 year-old Marshfield man was possibly not breathing or having a pulse as he was non-responsive and the door was locked. Officers and Marshfield EMS were dispatched. Officer arrived and forced entry. The noise of the forced entry startled the man awake and he was checked over by EMS after they arrived. It was made aware by management and Pettigrew that the man had been informed he was to vacate the premise for not making any payments. It was also possible that he was deliberately avoiding contact with them to avoid eviction which made them concerned for his safety. Community Outreach services were contacted and the man was taken to St. Vincent DePaul to assist him further. No further action. Door damage was photographed. Management stated they did not wish reimbursement.

Welfare Check: A woman stated that she is having a hard time remembering things within the last few weeks and would like help. She stated she does have a social worker. Officer advised her that police could get in contact with Human Services to see if there are some further help options as it relates to daily living skills and help with scheduling doctor appointments. She stated she did not need any further help at this time. Officer attempted making phone contact with womans Social Worker, however a voicemail was left. A copy of the report will be sent to Human Services.

October 9:

A traffic stop was conducted and a 20 year-old Marshfield male was arrested for a valid warrant through Marquette County. He was later transported to Wood County Jail.

A man came to the police department to report that between several dates she had received no mail in her mailbox. She had contacted the local post office and the mail carrier confirmed that mail had been delivered. The woman believes her next door neighbor, whom she has been having an ongoing feud with, is responsible. She will be obtaining a Post Office box to ensure she receives her mail and possibly adding surveillance cameras. Contact was made with the suspect who denied taking any mail.

A man reported that two bicycle(s) were stolen from his residence. He stated his bicycle was taken from the front yard and indicated it was not locked up. He stated his wifes bicycle was taken from the garage which was also unsecure. The officer checked impound for the bicycle(s) which met with negative results. He also checked LEEDSONLINE which also met with negative results. The bicycle(s) were entered into NCIC as the man provided the officer with serial numbers. He gave no permission to any person(s) to remove the bicycle{s).

October 10:

A traffic stop was conducted after a violation was observed near the intersection of Wall St. and N. Central Ave. As a result of the stop K9 Steffi indicated a positive alert on the vehicle. As a result of the search, charges for possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia will be forwarded to the Marathon County District Attorneys Office on a 53 y/o Withee female.

Officers were requested to go to a reported address by WI DOC to take a 68 year old Marshfield male into custody. The male was arrested and transported to the Wood Co Jail.

October 11:

A bartender at The Swamp Bar, reported that a male was in The Swamp and ran up a bar tab in the amount of $21.50 and then left a debit card for the bartender to use to pay the bill; however, the name on the card was different from the given name. Later, when the bartender tried processing the card and it was declined, the man had already left the tavern. The case is under investigation.

A man reported a trespassing violation. A 75 year old male was present inside a residence in which he was previously evicted. The male will be issued a citation for trespassing.

A man reported damage to his vehicle while parked at his place of employment. He believes the damage was done by a group of individuals that he caught attempting to steal items from the store. The manager will attempt to get video footage on a future date.

October 12:

The complainant reported concerns related to bed bug infestation at her mothers apartment complex on South Adams. The complainant was told by health officials to contact local law enforcement. An officer spoke with the Wood County Health Department and learned they are aware of the concern, as well as the mitigation efforts being taken by the landlord. With mitigation efforts in place, there is not criminal or ordinance violation to investigate by the police department. The health department advised they would continually monitor the situation and the remediation of the problem.

October 13:

A woman reported that a 17 year-old Chicago man took her vehicle without permission. She stated her surveillance video shows the man leaving in the vehicle. She believes the man is possibly driving back to Chicago. The vehicle was entered into NCIC as stolen.

A reliable tipster indicated a Marshfield woman with felony warrants was at a specific location. Upon arrival, an officer made contact with a 31 year-old Marshfield male who had a warrant through Pierce County, Wisconsin. The warrant was confirmed; however the only requirement was that he sign an agreement to appear. The man was transported to the department, signed the paper, and was released. Investigation revealed the information on the woman was incomplete and, thus not actionable at this time.

Officers were called to do a welfare check on a 26 year-old male who was intoxicated. The male later became combative with family and officers. The male was arrested for resisting and booked at the Marshfield Police Department. Wood County Crisis agreed to a safety plan with the male going home with his mom along with follow-up phone calls from Crisis.

October 14:

Officers were dispatched to a disturbance coming from a West Laurel apartment. During investigation, an officer determined a 15 year-old male had kicked his 51 year-old mother, punched a hole in the wall and was being verbally disruptive. Officers counseled the 15 year-old and informed the mother to give police a call back if the behavior continues. A juvenile referral was completed.

A complainant notified police that a small pickup truck had struck a wooden fence on private property. Officers determined that the driver of the truck forgot to put the truck in park before shutting the vehicle off, exiting and going inside the apartment building. The truck slowly rolled forward into the ditch and struck the fence. There was no visible damage to the truck and the fence sustained minor damage. Contact was made with the driver and the property owner. The property owner did not want any reimbursement from the driver for damages caused at this time and stated he would fix the fence at a later date. Photos of the vehicle and the fence weretaken. No further involvement.

A woman reported a disturbance that had occurred at her residence. Officers arrived and interviewed several people. Officers were not able to substantiate any criminal activity occurred. This matter is being referred to Human Services for their review.

October 15:

A woman reported a male subject entered her home without permission. The male was intoxicated and refused to leave the residence when asked. The male lived in the upper apartment approx. 6 months ago however has never lived in the womans apartment. The male grabbed onto the woman and would not let her go. The woman was able to break free and call 911.

A complainant reported that an intoxicated 30 year-old Marshfield male created a physical disturbance inside Beys Bar. No one involved desired any law enforcement action taken and the bartender asked for the male to be told not to return. The male was transported by ambulance to MMC for a minor head injury resulting from falling on his own.

A woman stated that her girlfriend, a 21 year-old Marshfield female was out of control inside their residence. She stated a physical domestic did occur and she was injured. Officers arrived and separated all involved parties. Both women were taken to Wood County Jail for domestic related charges.

Two people reported a 30 year-old Marshfield man staggering on Central Ave and became concerned for his welfare. The victims reported the man physically challenged them and threatened to fight them. They were followed by the man in their car as they attempted to notify police. Charges of Disorderly Conduct are being requested through the Wood County DAs office.

A man contacted police to report that someone had entered into one of the rooms at his apartment complex and took items without permission of the owner. The man believes the suspect is a former tenant of the room and witness confirmed a female entered into the locked room through a window. Officers attempted contact with the suspect, but were unsuccessful. The matter is being sent to the detective bureau.

Complainant reported missing medication at Stoney River Assisted Living. A 46 year-old Athens female resigned 30 minutes after being questioned about the missing medication.

Complainant reported that her boyfriends vehicle, which she drives, was damaged in the early morning hours of October 15. She stated she heard a lot of noise coming from outside the house where the car was legally parked on the road (South Cedar), but could not see anything at the time as it was still dark outside. She later noticed the damage and called law enforcement. No suspects at this time. There is damage to the drivers side door panel, which appears to be caused by a passing vehicle.

A man reported that a 28 year-old Marshfield female was continually attempting to contact him at his place of employment and through online messaging services. The male had no relationship or contact with the female and it appeared she was contacting him at random. The male believe the female was suffering from mental illness. Contact was attempted by phone with the female who immediately hung up. Phone contact was made with the females parents who confirmed she was suffering mental illness and had similar behaviors with multiple other individuals when not taking her medications. The female had severed most contact with family and was assigned a social worker. Follow up to continue.

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Police Reports: Bed Bugs, Bar Fights, and Stolen Bicycles - OnFocus

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