Bed Bugs: How to Get Rid of Them Effectively? – Gilmore Health News

Well known before the Second World War, bed bugs stopped roaming around at night in the 1950s. With the improvement of hygienic conditions and the advent of powerful insecticides, it was possible to eradicate them in developed countries.

Bed Bug

It was too good to last Since the late 1990s, bed bugs have reappeared with a vengeance. Resistance to approved insecticides may explain this reemergence. The increasing flow of travelers has allowed these bugs to migrate to new places most of the time carried unknowingly in luggage. They are now found in many places around the world, such as hotels, hospitals, nursing homes, and schools. According to many specialists, if you have been bitten while sleeping during a risky stay, it is advisable to wash your clothes immediately after taking them out of your suitcase.

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Bed bugs are parasitic insects that crave human blood. They have a mouth designed to bite and suck blood from under the skin. Using a syringe, they pierce the skin and inject a small amount of saliva that contains an anesthetic and an anticoagulant that thins the blood. And off to the party The bed bug then leaves an unpleasant memory, small red pimples that itch. A dermatologist can prescribe a skin cream to relieve the itch.

Bed bugs can suck blood contaminated with infectious agents. To date, however, there is no evidence that bed bugs are capable of reproducing the pathogens and then reinjecting them into another person. In other words, bed bugs do not spread disease from one person to another.

Any home can be colonized, regardless of its level of hygiene. When this happens, you need to follow a five- or six-step process to eradicate them.

The first step is to determine the type of insect, Thats because bites dont always mean bed bugs. In fact, other insects feed on us: mosquitoes, fleas, lice, etc.

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Secondly, it is essential to know the extent of the invasion. The extermination process will vary depending on the number of bugs present. To do this, it is necessary to examine the risk areas (beds, mattresses, and curtains).

When it is confirmed that the house is infested with these terrible insects mechanical control, without the use of insecticides, is therefore highly recommended to reduce the number of bugs as much as possible. However, care must be taken not to scatter them by knocking over or moving furniture. There are several possible solutions: Vacuuming (then cleaning the vacuum cleaner), machine washing at more than 60 C, drying in a tumble dryer, steam cleaning, or freezing at -20 C or less.

For the few remaining bed bugs, pest control companies can provide chemical control. It is imperative that these specialists come at least twice with an interval between the visits of 15 days. This will help eliminate insecticide-resistant eggs that may have hatched between the two interventions.

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After the mechanical and chemical control has been carried out, it is advisable to check its effectiveness by watching for the appearance of new bites for a month.

Enfin, pour viter une future infestation, les hbergements collectifs peuvent tre restaurs en bouchant les fissures avec de la silicone par exemple.

As you must have understood, the fight against bed bugs must be waged ruthlessly, and regular monitoring of the places where they live must be established. Research teams are working on the development of new means of disinfection.

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Do-it-yourself Bed Bug Control

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Bed Bugs: How to Get Rid of Them Effectively? - Gilmore Health News

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