Bed Bug Bites Pictures, Symptoms and Treatment

Usually bed bugs feed during night when you sleep. They are sensitive to blood pushes in your vessels, which enables them to penetrate directly into your capillaries with their mouthparts. Each insect consumes approximately one microliter of blood per one bite. However, to become full bed bugs make 5-7 bites. Thus, in the morning you find several marks in one place. Multiple marks, redness and itching are the most distinct bites signs which help to tell bed bug bites from bites of other insects or parasites.

Mouthparts of a bed bug resemble a tube with two grooves: one is narrow and the second is a bit wider. Wide channel serves for blood sucking, while the narrow one serves for saliva injection during the bite. Saliva of a bed bug contains analgesics, so when an insect bites, it does not hurt or itches.

Where do bed bugs bite? Bedbugs prefer to bite people with thin skin. That is why very often women and children become their victims. Bed bugs like places with more delicate skin: inner surface of arms and legs. You can notice bed bug bites on face and your neck. Bed bugs rarely bite pets, as animals have thicker skin than humans. It explains why bed bugs parasite on humans.

For satiation a bed bug larva needs less blood than a mature bug, as it is smaller than an adult insect. Nevertheless, unlike an adult bed bug its larvae bite almost every day, because frequent feeding is necessary for their growth. In addition, a larva does not inject saliva with analgesic during a bite, which makes their bites more painful. Do bed bug bites itch? Yes, if you were bitten by a larva. And usually they do not itch, if you were bitten by an adult bug.

Usually bed bugs feed when it is dark at night, as they are less disturbed at this time. Their peak activity lasts from 3 to 7 AM. Daylight and human activity forces the parasites to hide. Nevertheless, even in daylight sometimes the insects can bite a person who moves rarely. Bites of bedbugs during daytime usually indicate that there is a large population of bed bugs in your house or apartment.

For full satiation an insect consumes the amount of blood that is twice its own weight. Insects need about 5-7 days to digest the sucked blood. However, bites on your body can appear every day, because the entire population has to be fed. Thus, you can judge by the number of bites about the total number of insects in your house. In heavily infested apartments you may get hundreds of new bites over night; and some insects may make attempts to bite you even during daytime.

As a rule bed bugs bite the open parts of your body. Nevertheless they are capable of biting through certain kinds of fabric. Going to bed heavily dressed is useless, as it is inconvenient and the bugs can get under your clothes. Also quite often they can hide in the seams still having access to your bare skin.

Bed bug bites symptoms may be different depending on a person. This happens for several reasons.

Firstly, the insects bite humans with rough and thick skin less often. Thick skin makes is difficult for an insect to determine where to bite.

Secondly, different people respond to analgesic contained in bugs saliva in various ways. That is why the reaction to bugs bite differs from person to person. Are bed bug bites itchy? Some people dont have bite marks or any unpleasant symptoms, including itching. However, this does not mean that the insects do not bite them. Others can have quite strong reaction that can make them think that they have an allergy.

Whatever your reaction is, you should immediately see a doctor who will make a correct diagnosis and prescribe corresponding bed bug bites treatment, as only a specialist knows how to treat bed bug bites.

How long do bed bug bites last? They usually disappear after 10 -12 hours. If you have an allergic reaction, the bites marks and itching may stay for 2-3 days.

For children bedbug bites can be a strong stressful factor because bedbugs bite mainly at night, which leads to severe deterioration of sleep quality.

Symptoms of bed bug bites include:

Bed bug bites can cause unforeseen complications. One of the most unpleasant consequences is allergy to bites of bedbugs. If you have this allergy you may have severe rashes, pain, irritation and itching. Also you may possibly have fever, weakness or dizziness.

Remember, if you have any unpleasant and disturbing symptoms you should immediately inform your doctor about them. Especially if you were bitten for the first time and you do not know your reaction to such an irritant.

Bed bug bite almost always causes itching wherever it was produced. When people discover this symptom, they mistakenly believe that it is an allergy to bedbugs. Identifying the exact diagnosis is a task of a dermatologist. The doctor can distinguish allergy from the signs of bed bug bites. In case you have an allergic reaction there are some additional symptoms apart from skin itching.

Both cases require prompt and proper treatment, because even if you are not allergic to the saliva of the insects, bed bug bites can cause unpleasant consequences, leaving permanent traces on skin. An infection can easily get into such wounds that can cause suppuration and other more serious consequences.

There is no special medicine for treating bed bug bites, but you can alleviate itching and pain by applying ice, soapy water or special ointment for skin. Some doctors recommend to cure bed bug bites with antihistamines.

But how to get rid of bed bug bites completely? The answer is simple. You need to exterminate all the bed bugs in your flat or house. Getting rid of these insects is quite a difficult task. It requires great cleaning efforts from you and involves inviting a disinsector to your house.

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Bed Bug Bites Pictures, Symptoms and Treatment

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