Bed Bug Detection – 3 Simple Facts To Guide You

Bed bugs are present everywhere, though they were nearly extinct 6 decades back, they are now getting back to existence, and they are coming down hard on the human race that tried to erase its clan.

You might regularly clean up your house and that there is no possibility for bed bugs to be present at your place. That is a wrong notion. Houses, clean or unclean, will tend to be the homes for bed bugs provided the conditions for them to survive is available.

Many people don't know if bed bugs are present in their house. They don't even have a clue as to what the bed bugs look like. The bed bugs are basically shy. They move out of their hideout only when their prey sleeps. They will crawl back to its place once you start waking up.

Before you start exterminating their race, try answering this basic question as to how you will know if the bed bug is present in your place or not. After that, you can go on a killing spree.

1. Detecting the Bed Bugs - Fact 1
Many people do not even realize that they are seeing bed bugs when they see them for the first time, as the exposure to it is very less. It is hard to see crawling insects off late. Even in the hotels, you will not realize that it is a bed bug till it crawls up to your shoulders. The bed bugs are pretty shy. They do not move when you are moving. It is only when you are too much into your dream that they will even come forward to attack you.

Description of bed bugs
Bed bugs are visible to the naked eye too. The reason that you don see them around frequently is that they are nocturnal and they do not parade around in the day time. They are small insects that resemble the apple seed in shape and size, but they are a little thinner. The bed bugs are rounded on top.

2. Detecting the Bed Bugs - Fact 2
The bed bugs are nocturnal. They are really active only during the night.

Bed bugs carry this musty scent with them, and the smell is offensive. The room with the maximum amount of bed bug infestation will carry this smell.

Bed bugs try to stay near their prey all the time. So, the best place to find them is where the humans stay, like the bedroom, or the living room. Sometimes, even the dining room turns out to their place of hiding.

3. Detecting the Bed Bugs - Fact 3
Once it is confirmed that they are hiding in a particular place, you need to check the mattresses, the beds, and crevices in sofas. These are the usual hiding spots for the bed bugs. The presence of the bed bugs is accompanied by a reddish brown stain in the place where they stay.

If the female bug lays eggs, there will be white nymphs located there. You will be able to see the excrements, and the shed skins in case bed bugs are present.

In case you want to know if they are present, try waking up in the dead of the night, and stay still, you might feel them crawling over you to your shoulders or any exposed part. If you move a bit, it will also back out, and if you again stay still, it will advance to the exposed part. In case you move again, it will get freaked and it will run away to its hideout.

Abhishek has got some great Bed Bugs Elimination Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 69 Pages Ebook, "How To Win Your War Against Bed Bugs!" from his website . Only limited Free Copies available.

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