Bed bugs: The three different warning smells indicating you may have an infestation – Express

Worrying about a possible bed bug infestation is unsettling for anyone. The human bloodsuckers leave marks on a persons body and just the mere thought of knowing they could be scuttling around your bed while asleep is enough to give anyone nightmares. Smell is a big indicator of an infestation and smelling either a coriander odour, mustiness or a sweet smell could show you may be in trouble.

A person can recognize a bed bug infestation due to the signs, such as faecal spotting, bloodstains, and shed shells. However, what many may not realize is that bed bugs have a distinct smell.

The odour of bed bugs is described as musty or sweet.

Its often compared to the smell of coriander.

Other people think they smell sweet like berries and many may disagree with what exactly the smell is similar to because the scent is subjective.

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Orkin Pest Control warned: When bed bugs attach themselves to people or clothing, often in infested public places, they can be inadvertently introduced into homes.

People can spot signs of an infestation in a number of ways, including by odour.

A musty, sweet smell, often likened to berries, is commonly attributed to these pests.

It often takes a large infestation to detect this bed bug smell.

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"When a group of bed bugs gets disturbed, you may get a whiff of that odour, which is similar to the odour stink bugs give off," said Scientific American

The site added: At higher concentrations the odour is unpleasant.

Some people say at low concentrations it's a pleasant smelllike coriander.

In fact, older literature refers to the bed bug as the coriander bug.

Bedbugs measure just 5 millimetres across which is smaller than a pencil eraser.

Bed bugs are known to be smart, tough, and reproduce quickly.

Bed bugs know where to hide to avoid detection, they can live for months between meals, and a healthy female can lay up to a staggering 500 eggs in her lifetime.

No surprise that these tiny bloodsuckers can wreak a lot of havoc in ones home.

One method to help get rid of bed bugs, as suggested by the NHS, is to put affected clothing and bedding in a plastic bag to put in a freezer (-16c) for four days.

While waiting for professional services to get rid of the infestation (the little rascals can become resistant to insecticides, so again, a professional really is needed), the health body has advice on how to treat bites.

To help relieve any itching and swelling, place a clean, damp cloth on the affected area.

Keep the bitten area clean and try to avoid scratching the bites to avoid an infection.

Read the original here:
Bed bugs: The three different warning smells indicating you may have an infestation - Express

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