Farewell To Bed Bugs – Exterminating Every Last One Of Them?

Bed bugs are the most persistent of parasites that have ever graced this planet. As they are very tiny, they creep into the smallest of crevices and cracks. It is useless to scrub surfaces or apply pesticides and try getting rid of them

Hence, you must not take any risks while treating bugs. Professionals, who actually know what they are into must be sought for, while treating or controlling infestations of bed bugs.

Bites of Bed bugs and diseases

Health organizations across the globe confirm that there are no diseases that are caused or spread by bed bugs. However, a little bit of the saliva of bed bugs are left under host's skin, but they don't cause or transfer diseases.

This is the difference between bed bugs and other insects like mosquitoes that suck blood and also transfer dengue, malaria and other diseases.

But, the bites of bed bugs because irritation in the skin and leaves itchy marks that are uncomfortable. The bites of bed bugs, most often, look like that of any other insect.

Though bed bugs don't cause health hazards, the irritation and itchiness caused by the bed bugs on your skin will make you seek a treatment for the bed bugs that have infested your house.

It may cause blemishes or itching wounds in the skin if the bugs keep biting continuously. Other people may develop allergies which can cause serious skin problems at a later date.

Planning an attack

If the bed bugs are to be removed from your home, you must plan it thoroughly. A strategy that is well thought upon must be formed.

Before pest control operators in your area are called for, you ought to be ready to throw or discard many things in your house, which may pose as a possible habitat for the bed bugs inside your house.

Mostly, bedbugs that infest beds cannot be treated as they are so very tiny that they creep into the beds through the tiniest of holes in the bed. Even pesticides are not completely effective when it is a bed bug infestation that is to be treated.

Still, things that are infested by bed bugs cannot be discarded easily too. Just because you wish to rid your house off those parasites does not meant that you need not consider the welfare of those around you that is your neighbors.

Hence, things infested by bed bugs must be disposed with utmost care. Mostly, the things are burned or even isolated from other things by enclosing in an air tight bag so that the bugs do not get transferred onto another thing or area that can play host for them.

As adult bugs can live without food for a year, the infested thing must be burned, or else they must be isolated from everything and mostly from other things that can be a host like the bodies of human beings or animals.

Also, the room that was once infested ought to be cleaned thoroughly so that the eggs that could have been laid by the adult bugs that were exterminated are removed.

Better be safe than sorry:

It is said that it is better to be safe than sorry. The best way to prevent accumulation of bed bugs is maintenance of hygiene and cleanliness.

If you travel a lot, make sure that there are no bed bugs in the hotel rooms you stay in. Else, they will stick to your bags and baggage and return with you to your house, which will not be a pleasant experience.

Regular check ups of rooms and visits from professionals is advisable as they know more about infestation of pests than you can possibly know, ever. Their help and advice must be sought if you wish to determine if bed bugs have infested your house or if you wish to get rid and banish them from your house.

If bed bugs have infested your room, transferring the infestation is not the proper solution, because the chances that the bed bugs go along with your furniture to your new house are very large.

Hence, finally, the bed bugs' infestation must be treated only by you. You must be hygienic and well informed about bed bugs. Keep researching about them and look for professional help if you feel that there is a bed bug infestation in your house.

Abhishek has got some great Bed Bugs Elimination Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 69 Pages Ebook, "How To Win Your War Against Bed Bugs!" from his website http://www.Wonder-Homes.com/113/index.htm . Only limited Free Copies available.

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