How Do You Get Bed Bugs | 6 Most Common Ways

Often are the times you find bites on your arms, hands, neck or face and start wondering what happened to you. It is hard to notice that your living space has been infested by bed bugs as theyre small tiny insects which hideaway during the day and only come out at night when feeding. Bed bugs are a common household problem in several places around the world. Bed bug infestation in your residences can cause a great deal of discomfort and you would be willing to do anything to get rid of them. See,How to get rid of Bed Bugs.

There is so many ways to get bed bugs infesting your home. As they are too small to see, you can barely notice them before suffering. So it is wise to know the common ways of bringing bed bugs in you home.There are various situations that tend to entertain the presence of bed bugs in households. This may include;

Disorganized Homes

Areas around your home which are often in a mess are prone to attract bed bugs. This is because they provide a favorable environment to reproduce and continue doing so until theyre all over the house. However, it is important to note that for a bed bug to reproduce, it needs a blood meal. So if they have access to all this factors, theyll definitely infest your living space. Bed bugs are attracted to warm conditions hence cluttered clothes provide them with the necessary warmth they need for breeding.

Transportation From One PlaceToAnother

This may just be the most common way that bed bugs come to dwell in your home. Bed bugs live among people and thus it is very difficult to leave them behind, at least not all of them. When moving furniture such as beds or clothing where the bed bugs initially lurked, then the chances of transporting them to your new residence is very high.

Traveling ToInfestedAreas

Well, you cannot transport bed bugs from one place to another if you havent been to an infested area. Bed bugs are small in size and thus tend to hide among luggage you have traveled with to a new place where they lurk. Due to their small size, it may be difficult to spot them earlier and by the time you do, it might be already late. This can be even months later after having going back home and settled in.


Places where people from different places tend to live once in a while such as hostels, motels and hotels. They can act as a source of bed bugs. Despite these common places. Its possible to collect bed bugs from a friends house that might also have collected from elsewhere. We can therefore conclude that spread of bed bugs is a continuous process that starts from nowhere and has no end.

Buying Second Hand Clothes

This is another common cause of bed bug infestation. Second hand clothes are often kept in clutters which bed bugs tend to love since theyre not often disturbed. It is therefore important when you buy used clothes or any other item you should clean them thoroughly before using.

Densely Populated Areas

Areas where people are always relocating to are very prone to bed bug infestation. This is especially in urban areas with people coming from different rural areas and other parts of a country. With this kind of migration, it puts urban areas at a high risk of most places inclusive of offices and theaters of being infested with bed bugs. The spread then continues into homes and other residential areas leaving almost a whole urban town suffering from bed bugs. Over population in small areas tend to attract bedbugs since theres adequate food and places where they can hide.

Identifying bed bugs can be a difficult and strenuous experience as you often dont know where they might be hiding. However, there are traces they live behind which can help you determine whether your home is infested or not. The mentioned instances above are just a few of the ways that bed bugs get into your home. There are several myths that are associated with being of bed bugs. It should be noted that bed bugs not only infest areas where poor people live. They can also be found in mansions where the rich live.

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Another myth is that bed bugs lurk in areas which are filthy and dirty. This is not the case. On the contrary, they can also infest areas which are clean. What defines their being isnt cleanliness or dirt but whether you have loads and loads of clustered clothes or your home is disorganized. Infestation may just be the beginning of your problems which intensify with time as you find solution to controlling and preventing their spread.

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How Do You Get Bed Bugs | 6 Most Common Ways

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