How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs – Point2

Image: Akos Nagy /

A bed bug infestation can be stressful and upsetting. Because they multiply so quickly, it can be difficult to eliminate bed bugs without the help of a professional. But there are a few things you can do to help stop the spread on your own. Here are the steps you should take to get rid of bed bugs if you find them in your home.

Before you can get rid of bed bugs, you first have to be able to identify them. Bed bugs are small, flat insects that are similar in appearance to an apple seed. Adult bed bugs grow to about 5 millimeters in size, but newly hatched nymphs are much smaller and more challenging to spot.

Even if you dont see bed bugs, you can see signs of an infestation. They leave small dark or reddish spots on mattresses and linens. They also leave behind small white eggs that are about a millimeter in size.

You might think bed bugs are a sign of a dirty home, but theyre just as likely to infest a clean house as a messy one. They usually make their way inside on belongings such as luggage, tote bags, purses and outerwear. You might pick them up in a hotel, a restaurant or on public transportation and not even know it. And since a single bed bug can lay 200-500 eggs, even one adult trespasser can cause a serious problem.

To help prevent bed bugs from coming back from vacation with you, carefully inspect all luggage when you come home from a trip. If you find any signs of bugs or eggs, leave your suitcases outside and wash all clothes in hot water before putting anything away.

If you live in a multi-unit dwelling, bed bugs can gain access to your home from other units. Cover electrical outlets and fill cracks under baseboards and around pipes with caulk to prevent them from entering through the walls. If you like to thrift or shop second-hand, always carefully inspect and clean any furniture or clothing you bring home.

If you do find bed bugs in your home, its critical to stop the spread as quickly as possible. That means containment. Start by sealing all soft items tightly in plastic bags until you can properly clean them. This includes all bedding, curtains, area rugs, throw pillows, pet beds, plush toys, clothing, purses, shoes and outerwear.

Although you may want to get things out of the way to make clean up easier, you should avoid moving anything to a different location. When you move infested items, you often spread the bed bugs and create an even bigger problem. If you are throwing out things that cant be cleaned, be sure to seal them tightly in plastic bags before disposal.

Heat is the best way to get rid of bed bugs, so its essential to wash and fully dry everything on the highest temperature setting. Put items that cant go in the wash in the dryer on high heat for at least 40 minutes. Once items are clean, store them in clean plastic bags or containers until youre sure the problem is gone.

You should also thoroughly vacuum all surfaces in your home. Bed bugs are very small and flat and can hide in tiny cracks and crevices. They are most often found in mattress seams and box spring frames. But they can also hide in dressers, electronics, vents and behind baseboards and door frames.

If all else fails, call in some help. Because bed bugs spread so quickly, it can be hard to stop them on your own. If an infestation does start, the best way to eradicate them completely is to call a professional as soon as possible.

A bit of prep work can make bed bug extermination more successful, so take the time to follow the steps above. You should also pick up all clutter and move furniture two feet away from the walls to allow the exterminators full access to everything.

Nobody wants to deal with an unpleasant infestation. But if you act quickly, you can get rid of bed bugs and move on with your life.

Continue reading here:
How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs - Point2

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