My working week: ‘A council tenant has bedbugs and is suicidal’ – The Guardian


I manage a team working to support the councils most vulnerable and often isolated tenants.

One of my team has been sent pictures of self-harm from a tenant who lives with multiple mental health issues. As a child they suffered neglect and abuse, being fostered multiple times before leaving the care system and having no professional support for years of their adult life.

Its difficult for staff to have these images sent to them while theyre at home. Its also frustrating listening to desperate calls for help when all they can offer is telephone support. My team member spends the best part of a day talking to the tenant about the difficult period theyre going through. The tenant agrees to a mental health referral and for treatment for the wounds that have become infected.

Much of our direct contact with people has reduced, but we still make visits to vulnerable tenants when necessary and if we can do so safely. Most of them are coping as best they can but many will struggle, with some turning to drugs or alcohol to cope.

One of my team has a case involving a severe bedbug infestation that was originally due to be treated before lockdown. The tenant was distraught when it was cancelled as they had hundreds of bites all over their body which were becoming infected. They said they were at the point where life wasnt worth living anymore.

The tenant has both mental health and mobility issues, with a history of being in abusive relationships and long-term effects from injuries they sustained in an attack from a previous partner. They also have alcohol dependency issues, memory issues relating to a medical diagnosis, and pain that stops them getting around easily. They have no family or friends who can offer support.

We arrange for an external agency to carry out the treatment. They say its one of the worst cases theyve ever seen.

It needs a chemical treatment and fumigation, which involves removing and disposing of all the tenants furniture and possessions; they also have to be out of the house for eight hours. With a significant number of phone calls, we remotely coordinate a response between a range of teams, and within 48 hours the property is treated and the tenant is safely at a local B&B, with new furniture, bedding and food delivered ready for their return.

Team meeting via Skype. I discuss everyones wellbeing and get a sense of growing frustration. My staff are used to being responsive and working intensively to support tenants daily. Theyve now had to find different ways of providing that service.

After the meeting I receive notes and updates about survivors of domestic abuse in the city. I check them carefully and distribute to the staff working those cases.

There has been an increase in the number of tenants seeking support due to domestic abuse.Referrals to the complex needs team doubled in March from an average of nine a month to 18, with a further increase above normal levels for April. My team is currently supporting around 80 households.

The past three days at home have been hectic while my wife has been going to work, but today I get a chance to catch up on emails, speak to people and then do some home schooling.

I take stock of the week. Isolation is difficult at the best of times, but for those who are already alone and vulnerable the pandemic has made things worse.People who have never had to rely on food banks or some form of community support are now having to turn to it. Those who were previously coping with their mental health are now struggling.

Some details have been changed

In the UK, Samaritans can be contacted on 116 123 or In the US, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is1-800-273-8255. In Australia, the crisis support service Lifeline is 13 11 14. Other international suicide helplines can be found

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The rest is here:
My working week: 'A council tenant has bedbugs and is suicidal' - The Guardian

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