SayByeBugs – Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

Its simply not TRUE you have to use harsh chemicals to get rid of resilient pest like bed bugs. Our research has shown our product is highly effective to bed bugs in all stages of development while also being a completely safe to your family.

We can talk about our product all night long but the real proof are our customers. We are constantly getting happy stories from people all over the US using our products and getting rid of bed bugs.

"My husband is a prominent travel agent, but much to my chagrin we picked up bed bugs while staying in some of the finest hotels. I learned of your product through a young man who was traveling with a tour group. After suffering with unsightly bites and an infestation at home, I was eventually able to rid myself and my household of this dastardly problem by using your product. Thank you!"

Sue K.

Valued SayByeBugs Customer

"It worked great. Would recommend this product over using exterminator."

Ronnie J.

Valued SayByeBugs Customer

"You may want to write some of this info down for future reference. ...... This stuff WORKS! .... It stopped the infestation almost within two days. ... Over a period of a couple months we did see a couple. After another spray, nothing for another month then only one. Nothing more since . ... With the other we tried we had to keep spraying every other day.

It also kills fleas and ticks. .... And we hardly ever see a cockroach anymore since I have sprayed the rugs and furniture just to cut down in fleas..."

A. C

Valued SayByeBugs Customer

"This stuff works like magic!!!"

Rhonda B.

Valued SayByeBugs Customer

"Was skeptical but desperate to find a way to get rid of the bed bugs. So far I have no new bites and I spray the bedding and surrounding area every few days. No smell or cleaning up after foggers so I have been very pleased."

Lisa J.

Valued SayByeBugs Customer

"It works! And when you have had dust mites or bedbugs you know that a product actually working is the highest praise one can get!"

Daniel E.

Valued SayByeBugs Customer

"HUGE thank you! Apparently I recently had bed bugs. No signs of them other than getting eaten alive between my shoulder blades. No live bugs, no fecal that I could see, no blood marks and even checked under the sheets just before dawn. Still no signs. But I knew I was getting bitten by something and it was happening during the night which was freaking me out to say the least. And oh my word do those bites itch like crazy!

Bought 2 bottles of your product. Stripped the bed and washed linen in hot water. I sprayed the mattress and box spring all over (I know you said a light spray but I was nervous and sprayed EVERYWHERE). I had read that, like lice, it wasn't about being clean or dirty because I'm a little OCD on cleanliness. But I also read that bed bugs like to hide in the cracks of furniture, especially those that are old like curbside or thrift store furniture.

Ding ding ding. That was the light. I have a renewed furniture shop and I am constantly bringing in old pieces. So that's where they came from. Now to rid of them.

So I'm spraying the mattress, box springs, carpet, curtains and surrounding furniture. I do this 2 days in a row. My "bite marks" are healing and I haven't had any more bites since.

So long story short, you have truly been my hero. Thank you for rescuing me without me having to empty my savings account and for your product to work so quickly and give me back my peace to go to sleep without worry of being a bug's buffet.

Thank you. I will continue to buy!!!!!!"

Tonya B.

Valued SayByeBugs Customer

"Hi, I love the spray products. I had fought some nasty bedbugs for several months until I found Saybyebugs. I have been bedbug free since March 19, 2016."

Kimberly R.

Valued SayByeBugs Customer

"We have had very good results with your product to date. We were not heavily overcome with the problem. Fortunate that it was very light. However, other product we have tried never stopped them completely. We have seen none after a second spraying with your product so far. We will be looking forward to the next shipment as we want to keep it on hand."

Allen C.

Valued SayByeBugs Customer

"Thank you. Your product did work. Killed on contact."

Bob G.

Valued SayByeBugs Customer

"I am very pleased with the effectiveness of the SayByeBugs product! I wish I had found you a long time ago!"

Daniel E.

Valued SayByeBugs Customer

"Your product worked wonderfully, thank you."

Gerald F.

Valued SayByeBugs Customer

"I ordered some bed bug exterminator spray, I ordered it like someone recommended to it, not knowing if this product was going to work or not, I prayed to let this product work and prayed that i didn't waste my money. The exterminator told me that I would be wasting my money ordering products when they claim that they are the only solution. I'm here to tell you that, that's not true I've used this product Say Bye Bugs and it works no waste of your money and no spending thousands of dollars."

Erica F.

Valued SayByeBugs Customer

See the original post:
SayByeBugs - Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

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