Travelers Beware: Bedbugs Become Major Concern This Time Of Year – CBS Philly

July 20, 2017 8:00 AM By Dr. BrianMcDonough

KYWs Medical Reports Sponsored By Independence Blue Cross By Dr. Brian McDonough, Medical Editor

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) If you are planning to travel during the mid to late summer, and this is a big time of the year to get away I have an uncomfortable problem to bring up, bedbugs.

Bedbugs have become a major problem in the past decade.

It is a problem that travelers heading to hotels worry about and parents of college students hope they arent dealing with.

The increase in bedbugs has been attributed to pesticide resistance, more frequent travel, and inadequate pest control programs.

Bedbugs feed just before dawn.

As for recognizing the signs of rash, bedbug bites can be confused with many skin conditions.

This is not a new problem.

Infestations of bedbugs date back to ancient Egypt, today the biggest means of spread are luggage, bedding and furniture.

Sorry to bring it up, but a topic worth discussing

Dr. Brian McDonough has been medical editor at KYW Newsradio for more than a quarter-century (since 1987)! Brian McDonough has been honored as Family Physician of the Year by the Delaware Academy of Family Physicians, and is a Sir William Osler...

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Travelers Beware: Bedbugs Become Major Concern This Time Of Year - CBS Philly

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