UC ANR Offers Tips to Have a Bed Bug-Free Holiday – Sierra Sun Times

DetailsLast Updated: Sunday, 15 December 2019 05:46Published: Sunday, 15 December 2019 05:41

December 15, 2019 - ByJeannette E. Warnert- 'Tisthe season for holiday travel. As you make reservations for rental accommodations to visit family and friends, we wanted to share a few suggestions to help you avoid bringing bed bugs home with you. Regardless of what type of lodging you choose-- hotel, motel, cabin, or other type of rental-- no place is immune to bed bug introductions or infestations.

We don't wish to alarm you, but we do want to point out that bed bug infestations are on the rise in the United States. Take precautions to save yourself from later issues and costs in case bed bugs do find their way into your home.

Follow these tips to enjoy your holiday travel, reduce your risk of getting bitten by bed bugs, and not bringing bed bugs home with you.

Holidays are a time for welcoming family and friends. But what if your loved ones accidentally bring along unwanted guestsbed bugs? These insects are excellent hitchhikers, hiding easily in luggage and sometimes on clothes. Bed bugs can be found in the finest hotels and accommodations such as dormitories, senior living facilities, and nursing homes, both in the United States and overseas.

Whether you are hosting a dinner party or overnight guests, below are a few tips to prepare your home for welcoming visitors and deter unwanted ones.

Bed Bug Mattress Encasement (Courtesy of Overstock.com)

Bed bug detector under furniture. (Credit: DH Choe)

These tips can reduce your risk of bed bug infestations when hosting visitors over the holidays. Traveling this holiday season? Check out thesetravel tipsto keep you and your home bed bug-free.

For more information on identification and management, see ourPest Notes: Bed Bugsand read ourBed Bugs Quick Tip.Source: UC ANR

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UC ANR Offers Tips to Have a Bed Bug-Free Holiday - Sierra Sun Times

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