Anatomy of bed bug
Posted on Jan 4,2011 | By admin
While all of this is great, what you want to know is what the bed bug will end up doing to
The good news is that bed bugs are not that dangerous to most people . While no one wants
to have them around, they are not likely to provide you with any real problems, although in
some people they can cause a higher level of reaction than others will have .
Bed bugs are often thought of in the minds of children as biting . In the sing song, "Don't let
the bed bugs bite," they may have described just what the human can expect from th
Posted on Jan 4,2011 | By admin
As someone that is looking to get rid of bed bugs, it is important to understand just what
these creatures li ke to do. The habits of bed bugs may amaze you even though you really
do not like them.
The bed bug is not a creature any of us really want to get to know, but understanding more
about them will help you to get rid of them.
The bed bug likes to eat at night . He is a nocturnal blood feeder. He likes to find his host
when it is sleeping and therefore lying still. This poses less of a risk for his we ll be ing, of
Posted on Jan 4,2011 | By admin
Like all animals, the life cycle of the bed bug is a very normal thing. They are born, grow
and live. But, as those that are trying to get rid of a bed beg will tell you, it is very
important for you to have an understanding of what this lifecycle is so that you can better
handle your infestation problem.
It is unlikely that you will actually learn when your first infestation happened . This is unless
you know exactly where they came from . But, if you assume the time frame from which the
first infestation came, you can get a bett
Posted on Jan 4,2011 | By admin
Now that you know what the bed bug looks like, you need to determine where it is that bed bugs can live.
Like all animals, bed bugs prefer certain things about the locations that they live in. While they may be able to live just about anywhere, these creatures do have preferences.
Bed Bug Species
There are two types of main bed bug species.
Cimex Lectularius: This is the common bed bug that you are most likely to find.
Cimex Hemipterus: This is known as the tropical bed bug because of the areas that it prefers to live in.
Posted on Jan 4,2011 | By admin
Bed bugs. You have heard the word but do you really know anything about this creature?
Most people do not. Many do not even realize that they actually exi st. But, they do and
they may be lurking in your home, in your bedding or even in your carpeting.
It is essential that you take the time necessary to learn more about these pests. By doing
this it will help you to succeed in treating them, and having a home that is free from an
infestation of the worst kind.
While some of the information you will read here is a bit graphic, you wi
Posted on Dec 31,2010 | By admin
BBCTV #24 CDC3000 Bed Bug Monitor April 28, 2009 10:12 am In this episode, Jeff will show you the CDC 3000 active bed bug monitor, explain how it works and where he thinks it fits into a bed bug management program. The CDC 3000 is an active bed bug monitor that uses heat, carbon dioxide and a chemical lure to attract bed bugs to it. You can take this unit and place it in a home that bed bugs are suspected to be in and theoretically bed bugs should be attracted to it. We have placed the monitor in units where a
Posted on Dec 1,2010 | By admin
In this episode, Jeff will explain the appropriate steps to take to try to travel bed bug free. Regardless of what is explained in this episode, if you visit you can download the Travel Lite or Travel Guide which are documents that explain how to travel bed bug free in greater detail. Everybodys level of concern in regards to bed bugs is different when they travel. Depending on that level of concern will depend on the extent with which you inspect the room you are staying in. Beyond that,
Posted on Nov 11,2010 | By admin - In this episode Jeff will discuss how to make a bed bug barrier and interception device for your bed or couches at home. Many don't have the money to afford commercially available interception devices and this will discuss some ways to create your own. A bed bug barrier attempts to prevent bed bugs from gaining access to the bed but making the bed legs unable to be climbed. These monitors will only work if the sheets are tucked in, the bed is pulled away from the wall and no other items
Posted on Nov 6,2010 | By admin If you are looking for bed bug information, you could be one of the less lucky folks to be faced with a bed bug infestation. They are a horrible pest to deal with and time is of the essences. They are not a pest you can deal with later. The require fat action or your part. remove The bed bug population has exploded. They have attacked our houses and penetrated our resting places. The rampart bed bug infestation can crop up in houses, residences and apartments and condos, but these ar
Posted on Nov 2,2010 | By admin - In this episode, Jeff will discuss what the typical recommendations are for bed bug treatment that most of the pest control industry is requiring and what Bed Bug Central's position is on preparing for bed bug treatment. Please remember that regardless of the information provided in this episode, you should also follow what the pest control company is asking you to do for bed bug treatment. Typical bed bug preparations include emptying dressers and closets and laundering all clothing con
Posted on Oct 31,2010 | By admin
After living bed bug free for almost 60 years, the United States citizens are now suffering from a bed bug wave. Bed Bug influxes have increased by more than 500% in the last few years; especially in New York, the current position is very critical.
Bed bugs are actually blood-thirsty insects which can be of size of a pin-head to size of the picture on the penny. They generally come out in night to consume blood from human body.
Bed bugs generally make many red colored bites on the body although; mostly people don’t face any major heal
Posted on Oct 31,2010 | By admin
Though bed bugs never existed in United States before, of late, there seems to be an epidemic growth of these pests in this country. There are many cities of United States that have been affected but New York is possibly under the worst situation, most likely because New York’s temperature suits the life cycle of these bed bugs most. There is a common assumption that getting rid of these small blood sucking insects is quite an easy job. Well, if you are under this impression too, think again! It is not a job that can be completed within an
Posted on Oct 31,2010 | By admin
Lately bed bug menace has hit all time high and following the recurrence, the public at large is searching for ways and means to eradicate them through treatment. The pest control market is flooded with self-recommending products and procedures but it perplexes the public and raises questions on their authenticity.
The treatment procedures to be used for effective bed bug removal for independent novice are quite a task. It’s a trial and error hit procedure for them at the personal level when different products of organic and pesticide in
Posted on Oct 30,2010 | By admin
A large segment of the population is unaware of the bud bug symptoms. Symptoms are the leading signals indicating bed bugs in the objects of use or the surroundings. As the bed bug menace has erupted after decades, the present generation is unaware of the etymology of the parasite. As a result when the itching, soreness, irritation and puncture spots appear on the body over night and Bed bug alert is not recognized; thus the warning signs are wavered as nothing unusual which would subside given some time. Persistent symptoms take them to a phy