Anatomy of bed bug
Posted on Jul 7,2017 | By admin
Bedbugs have returned to one Charleston Fire Department station just a month after officials announced they were rid of the pests that had uprooted firefighters from four stations. Firefighters from Station 11, on Savannah Highway near Markfield Drive, will move to Station 16, about 3 miles away on Ashley Hall Plantation Road, during pest treatment. The bugs were found on a covered mattress in the station's dormitory. This is the second time they have been found at Station 11. A pest-sniffing dog determined the i
Posted on Jul 7,2017 | By admin
Posted: Jul. 6, 2017 8:00 am Updated: Jul. 6, 2017 12:10 pm AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) Authorities say a man who threw a cup of bedbugs onto a counter at the municipal office building in Augusta, Maine, has been charged with two misdemeanors. The city manager said the building had to be sprayed for bedbugs. About 100 of them scattered on June 2, and the facility had to be closed for the day. The Kennebec Journal reports ( 74-year-old Charles Manning was charged with assault and obstruction of gov
Posted on Jul 6,2017 | By admin
Charleston firefighters are once again facing relocation as a new bedbug infestation has been discovered in a West Ashley fire station. Exactly one month after all Charleston fire stations were cleared of bedbugs, full pest treatment protocols are now being enforced at Station 11, located at 1517 Savannah Highway. According to an announcement from the city, bedbugs were spotted on top of a covered mattress in the stations dormitory area Tuesday night. That report was confirmed the following morning through the use of a
Posted on Jul 6,2017 | By admin
Pest control experts say they're getting more calls for bed bugs around the city. The owner of one local pest service says he's even seeing them in higher end homes and hotels and with kids out of school, slumber parties are one way that bed bugs can quickly spread. Bill Schroeder, owner of CorPest said "How do you avoid it? Be aware of your surroundings, be vigilant when you're traveling and when you do go to a hotel, inspect the bed." On average, treating a home or hotel room infested with
Posted on Jul 6,2017 | By admin
Even if you weren't born here, you arguably might be a New Yorker if you are adept at platforming, are on a first-name basis with your corner bodega staff and can survive the inevitable bedbug infestation. Few things are as invasive, disgusting and heebie-jeebie inducing as dealing with bedbugs. But thanks to companies like Bell Environmental and M&M Pest Control, theres at least a cute and effective silver bullet to fight the problem, as both employ bedbug-sniffing dogs. And no, its not a marketin
Posted on Jul 5,2017 | By admin
Please enable Javascript to watch this video NEW YORK Old apartment buildings unlike hotels are often not made for short term stays, particularly when it comes to bed bugs crawling from one wood framed apartment to the next. You can imagine this problem might intensify in buildings where tenants are illegally renting out their units for short term rentals. Getting to the bottom of this situation isnt easy. Many AirBnb hosts are rent stabilized tenants. They dont want to talk about bed bugs,
Posted on Jul 1,2017 | By admin
Redacted By Lee van der Voo, Managing Director | 11 hours ago Pietr Naskrecki / CDC/Harvard University Cimex lectularius The thing that sucks about bedbugs is that if they bite you, you might not know it for a few days. Or if theyre biting around Oregon, you might not know it at all. I had this experience once: bedbugs in a hotel. At the time I didnt realize that a bedbug bite has such a delayed reaction that it can take a few days to know youve been feasted upon. Which is why, fou
Posted on Jun 30,2017 | By admin
If workers want to get paid, they must show up to work. Christopher Hopper, WXIA 10:37 PM. EDT June 29, 2017 (Photo: Hopper, Christopher) CHAMBLEE, Ga. -- A memo obtained by 11Alive News has a tough message for employees affected by a bed bug infestation at a Chamblee business: If employees arent working, they are not getting paid. 11Alive has been reporting on the bed bugs situation atWipro in DeKalb County since last week, holding the powerful accountabl
Posted on Jun 29,2017 | By admin
What to Do When Bedbugs Bite at WorkSHRMBedbugsthose nasty parasites that feed off human bloodare typically a household problem. But every now and then, the critters find their way into the workplace, as they did last week at BuzzFeed's headquarters in New York City. The infestation ...
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What to Do When Bedbugs Bite at Work - SHRM
Posted on Jun 29,2017 | By admin
Less than a week after 11Alive reported on a local workplace with a bed bug problem, dozens of employees walked off the job. Adrianne Haney, WXIA 11:18 PM. EDT June 28, 2017 CHAMBLEE, Ga. -- Less than a week after 11Alive reported on a local workplace with a bed bug problem, dozens of employees walked off the job Wednesday. Wipro is a technology company that has about 600 employees at its call center in Chamblee. The facilities manager admitted to 11Alive bed
Posted on Jun 27,2017 | By admin
By Fernando Ramirez, / Houston Chronicle A Houston couple are claiming their house became infested with bed bugs after the pests allegedly hitched a ride with them from an AMC movie theater. Anthony VanDuyn said he and his wife attended a Friday showing of "All Eyez on Me" at the AMC Studio 30 on Dunvale when he began to feel itchy. "I'm sitting there scratching my arms,"VanDuyn said. "My wife thought it was an allergic reaction. I've been through bed bugs more than once. We got up, walke
Posted on Jun 26,2017 | By admin
A review of news and product information from industry suppliers. Editors note: Suppliers and PMPs, if you have a bed bug-related news item or product youd like to have highlighted in an upcoming issue, please send a press release and a high-resolution photo to The year: 2008. The place: Nassau County, New York the Village of Hempstead in particular. As Nassaus assistant district attorney (ADA) for community affairs, Ren Fiechter wanted to address issues that most affected quality of life in
Posted on Jun 26,2017 | By admin
The pests account for 21% of liability claims, according to insurance provider Allianz. Animal incidents, including biting bed bugs, are a leading driver of insurance claims and losses can be significant, says global insurance company Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty (AGCS) in a new report, Global Claims Review: Liability in Focus. AGCS analyzed more than 1,800 animal-related liability insurance claims that occurred between 2011 and 2016 on which it was a named insurer (either primary or excess). The top cau
Posted on Jun 26,2017 | By admin
WXIA-TV11Alive: Atlanta company infested by bed bugs - Atlanta Business ...Atlanta Business ChronicleWe're at work 8 hours a day and we're getting munched on all day, one employee told 11Alive.Lawyer's warning to owners of bed bug infested business: 'Act fast ...WXIA-TVall 2 news articles »
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11Alive: Atlanta company infested by bed bugs - Atlanta Business ... - Atlanta Business Chronicle