Bed Bugs New York – Bed

New York is one of the countrys most diverse states, housing its largest metropolitan area and also some of its most pristine natural attractions. While the states continental climate, temperate winters, and preserved parkland generally keep disease and unwanted pests at bay, there are some pests and inconveniences within the state for homeowners and apartment dwellers.

One of the most visible - and most annoying - is the bed bug. Infestations have been reported in the state on an on-off basis over the past five decades, with DDT spraying in the late 1950s going some way towards eliminating their presence in the state. However, with use of the chemical now tightly controlled and population density continually increasing, New Yorks bed bug problem still remains.

The most visible problem areas are the states cities, with New York City reporting the highest rates of bed bug infestation. As the bugs spread throughout homes, apartments, and contained buildings, a proactive response is required to remove them completely. With New York Citys density and the citys variable climate, bed bugs are able to spread fairly easily.

How are bed bugs spreading throughout New York?

There are several reasons for the spread of bed bugs throughout New York, the most frequent of which is the states warm summers and favorable environment for the bugs. Most strains of bed bugs are resilient to cool winters and fairly comfortable living in buildings, giving the states somewhat chilly seasonal temperatures little advantage in combating their spread and mating.

Its in the fairly warm temperatures seen throughout the summer that they thrive. Building owners in major centers such as New York City and Rochester report an increase in the number of infestations during the states summer months - a seasonal increase that has prompted routine spraying in many major buildings and housing complexes.

One of the reasons for the swift spread of the bugs is the states population density, particularly that seen in major centers. New York City has experienced continual bed bug infestations since the mid 1990s, with apartment owners in dense areas such as Midtown Manhattan reporting more cases than homeowners living in less dense areas. In short, density leads to the spread of bed bugs.

Another major reason, although one thats less significant than population density, is the age of many of the states buildings. As one of the United States oldest major population centers, New York has a large collection of older houses and historical apartment buildings. Without routine spraying efforts, these buildings can become major centers for bed bugs and other insects.

Which major centers are most at risk for bed bug infestation?

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Bed Bugs New York - Bed

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