You Should Always Check Your Hotel Room For Bed Bugs

With thousands of travelers passing through their doors, it's inevitable that hotel rooms are prone to bed bug infestations.Even luxury hotels, like New York City's Ritz-Carlton, are susceptible to these unwelcome guests.

To protect yourself from infestation, you should always check for bed bugs in hotel rooms. Here's how:

1. When you enter a room, don't unpack. Bring your luggage to a clean bathtub or a rack that will keep it off the floor until you have inspected the room.

YouTube/About.comKeep your luggage off the ground until you have inspected the room.

2. Grab some tools to inspect the bed: a flashlight (or even the flashlight app on your phone) and a credit card will do the trick.

3. Pull the blanket and linens off the bed. Start with the corners, where bed bugs like to hide. You're looking for bugs or dark brown blood spots.

YouTube/About.comCheck for bed bugs in the corners of the bed.

For your reference, here's what you're looking for: bed bugs (they're tinyabout 4 mm long) and dark blood spots:


4. Peel back all of the blankets and sheets from the corner, until you can see the mattress.

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You Should Always Check Your Hotel Room For Bed Bugs

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