Health Department – Bed Bugs – Mansfield/Ontario/Richland …

(Updated 8/22/2012)

The Mansfield/Ontario/Richland County Health Department often receives complaints about bites from bed bugs. While they are a nuisance, bed bugs have never been known to carry any diseases and therefore are not something that the Health Department has jurisdiction over.

However, because of the interest in the subject, this page offers several links for additional information.

UPDATEDDecember 3, 2012

Health Concerns about Misuse of Pesticides for Bed Bug ControlMansfield, OH The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are alerting the public to an emerging national concern regarding misuse of pesticides to treat infestations of bed bugs and other insects indoors. Some pesticides are being applied indoors even though they are approved only for outdoor use. Even pesticides that are approved for indoor use can cause harm if over applied or not used as instructed on the product label.

ATSDR warns that outdoor pesticides shouldnotbe used indoors under any circumstances.You should always carefully read the product label to make sure that:

You can read more about the CDCs Health Advisory by clicking on this link.

Downloadable Documents on Bed Bugs

This 11 page PDF from the University of Kentucky Extension Office is a very comprehensive look at bed bugs bugs and how to treat for an infestation (with pictures):

Here is a PDF for Guidance on bedbugs for Homeowners and Tenants: Bedbugs_Guidance_for_tenants_homeowners.pdf

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Health Department - Bed Bugs - Mansfield/Ontario/Richland ...

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