Category Archives: Bed Bugs Ontario

  Ontario, Canada Bed Bug Registry Map
  Monday 28th of October 2024 02:47 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Sudbury ninth on national bedbugs list – The Sudbury Star

A marco view of bed bugs.postmedia image

By Stephanie Ip

An annual ranking of top Canadian cities for bedbugs has been released and Sudbury has itched its way into ninth place.

Sudbury is the only Northern Ontario city listed in the top 25 list. On the 2019 list released by Orkin Canada, Vancouver is third, bested only by Toronto in first place and Winnipeg in second. St. Johns follows in fourth place and Ottawa in fifth.

As in previous years rankings, larger cities and travel hot spots populated the top of the list, with bed bugs reported in both clean and dirty homes, as well as office buildings. According to the pest control experts, bed bugs were a rarely experienced irritant just 20 years ago, but has since spread to become a common problem in urban centres.

Signs of a bed bug infestation include tiny, dark coloured spots or stains or cast skins. The critters are often spotted in and around mattress tags or in seams, under seat cushions, behind headboards, creases of furniture, buckling wallpaper and carpets.

The ranking is based on the number of commercial and residential bed bug treatments carried out by the company between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2019.

Top 25 Canadian cities for bed bugs

Tips on preventing bed bugs while travelling

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Sudbury ninth on national bedbugs list - The Sudbury Star

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Bed Bugs – Ottawa Public Health

Bed bugs are small, brownish insects about the size of an apple seed. They typically come out at night to bite. Anyone anywhere can get bed bugs.

Bed bugs can be brought into a home on used furniture and used clothing. They can also be brought home in your suitcase after travelling.

Bed bugs can be identified and controlled using a licensed pest control company. There are things you can do to control bed bugs such as thorough vacuuming, steam cleaning, drying clothes at high temperatures, reducing clutter and sealing cracks and crevices.

There are no known diseases spread by bed bugs.

If you have bed bugs you can stop bites by "making your bed an island".

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Public Health Inspectors and Public Health Nurses are available to provide information and to answer questions. Please Note: Public Health Inspectors/Nurses will not visit for the purpose of identifying bed bugs. For more information on bed bugs, call the Ottawa Public Health Information Line at 613-580-6744.

If a tenant has a problem with bed bugs, they should notify their landlord, superintendant or property manager so they can take action to try and control the bed bugs. It is the landlord's responsibility to maintain the rental unit so that it is fit for habitation. It is the tenant's responsibility to cooperate with the landlord to help manage the bed bug problem.

For additional assistance, the tenant/landlord should call 311 and ask for Bylaw Property Standards

Help may also be available for vulnerable clients dealing with bed bugs. If you are a low income tenant, or if you are receiving Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), please call 3-1-1, select your language, then '4' for Social Services.

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Bed Bugs - Ottawa Public Health

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Full Encasement Bed Bug Barriers by HealthGuard

It's important to protect your mattress from the time that it is unwrapped upon delivery to your home. Prevent bedbugs from entering your new mattress and box spring by sealing the mattress in a HealthGuard Mattress Encasement.

HealthGuard Mattress Encasement products provide relief from worry about infestations. When you encase your mattress and box spring, any pests inside are trapped and because they are deprived of their food source, they die off overtime. New pests are prevented from entering your mattress too.For best results, do not remove the encasement for 12 months to ensure that pests do not escape.

Bed bugs are small insects that feed on the blood of mammals and birds Adult bed bugs are oval, wingless and rusty red colored, and have flat bodies, antennae and small eyes. They are visible to the naked eye, but often hide in cracks and crevices. When bed bugs feed, their bodies swell and become a brighter red. In homes, bed bugs feed primarily on the blood of humans, usually at night when people are sleeping.

No mattress encasement or protector can rid your home of these pests once they are present. Despite their name, bedbugs make homes in carpeting, furniture, bed frames, drapes, picture frames, wallpaper, and other areas near their human hosts. Use of HealthGuard Mattress Encasements should be a central part of your bedbug control strategy.If bedbugs and other mattress pests are present in your home, be sure to consult pest controland other resources to understand how to cleanyour home thoroughly.

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Full Encasement Bed Bug Barriers by HealthGuard

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Bed Bugs Toronto Heat Treatment, Exterminator and …

A person dealing with bed bugs in Toronto should understand that the Federal Government of Canada has only approved a very limited number of pesticides that can be used by ANY company for bed bugs. It doesn't matter how large or small the company is - they can only use those limited products!

So, with that in mind - it would makes sense to hire a smaller, less overhead-burdened company to handle your bed bug problem. But, that's not the whole story.

Procedure is everything!...Read on...

With the mass media coverage of the bed bug problem in Toronto hitting record levels in the past six months, there have been numerous companies - one man start ups - that have hit the market. Be careful not to jump at the lowest price.

Here are some tips to help you choose what type of company you should be looking for - Ask them about the following:

To get rid of bed bugs in Toronto, the pricing structure should be based around what type of home it is. For example, a 5 bedroom house will surely cost more than a bachelor apartment... but how much more?

Bed bug extermination pricing in Toronto, if graphed over the last year, would look like a roller coaster. One year ago the average price for a 4 bedroom home was almost $2000. Today, the average price should be somewhere around $800. Now, as we discussed, not all bed bug treatments are alike!

Your exterminator should include at least two treatments for whatever price they quote to you. This has to do with 'breaking the life-cycle' of the infestation. It is rare indeed for a bed bug problem to be adequately dealt with in only one service!

Make absolutely sure that the company you go with will never leave you hanging. Meaning, make sure they offer a written service guarantee - no company can guarantee that you're bed bugs will be gone in a certain length of time - no company can do that! Bed bugs are simply too unpredictable an insect for that to be genuine. What you should look for isa companythat will guarantee that they will come back if you need them to and utilize different methods of extermination specific to your particular situation. This is referred to as IPM or Integrated Pest Management.

Beware of the guy that tells you that "one treatment should do it" or " don't need a written guarantee - I'll come back, trust me..." If you hear comments similar to this - move on!

At the very least, make sure the company you hire is BBB accredited! The Better Business Bureau hold companies to the highest ethical and moral business practices standards. The vetting process is intense and regular checks are done by the BBB on their accredited companies to ensure that those standards are constantly being met. Any bed bug exterminator you hire should be accredited by the BBB!

Pricing: Our latest research shows a sampling as follows:

4 Bedroom house, full treatment including steam as necessary:

Orkin $1,600 Toronto $799

To summarize, you should go with a company that specializes in bed bugs extermination. They should be willing to spend some time with you on the phone and in person discussing your bed bug problem when they arrive. They should utilize IPM or Integrated Pest Management (different methods) to solve your bed bug problem. Appropriate pesticide application, steaming, dusting and vacuuming should do the trick.

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Bed Bugs Toronto Heat Treatment, Exterminator and ...

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Bed Bugs Exterminators Toronto ON, Bed Bug Heat Treatment …

Request An AssessmentThere's no reason to wait, contact Green Heat now.

Our pre-treatment assessment process involves a free-of-charge inspection of your personal situation. Our assessment team is highly skilled at identifying bed bugs and will meet with you at your home to inspect your infested areas./>Once we determine that you do have bed bugs and analyze the extent of your bed bug infestation, we will prepare a written quote for the expected cost of the job.

Do you need a bed bug exterminator?

If you have bed bugs and you attempt to get rid of them yourself, it is possible that you just make matters worse. Store bought chemicals usually only force the bed bugs into deeper hiding. Our team of highly skilled bed bug exterminator professionals can help you identify bed bugs in your home or business.

Green Heat Exterminators are specialized bed bugs Toronto exterminators, including the Hamilton and Southern Ontario Regions. We do not perform general pest control, as we only treat bed bugs. Bed Bugs are a very difficult pest to exterminate, so we figured it's best for our customer if we just focus on bed bug pest control.

We want to help you figure out the best treatment method for your circumstances. We have expert staff ready to help you with any questions you may have./>Call or click 1-800-955-1890 to connect with our extermination team today and book an inspection.

Have you already determined you have bed bugs, and are now trying to figure out the next step? Our knowledgable heat extermination team are the premiere bed bugs exterminators in Toronto. Green Heat has treated entire apartment buildings, hotels, 1000s of homes and businesses with stunning success. Our heat treatment equipment and perfected procedures enables us to kill all bedbugs everytime on the first treatment.

If you have an early stage infestation, we can stop the spread of bed bugs on the spot. We respond quickly and can arrive at your home within 24 hours.

If you have discovered a major bed bug infestation, Green Heat is the right company for the job. We recommend all 4 stages of our bed bug exterminator treatment, however we also recommend an additional bed bug heat treatment. The first step is your preparation, which includes laundering all of your bedding and clothing. Next we treat your home by first thoroughly vacuuming all bed bug hiding places. We follow with a low pressure, high heat steam and finally apply a chemical spray to the area.

Call or tap 1-800-955-1890 to book a heat treatment today.

A bed bug infestation, in its early stages, can be very difficult to determine. Signs of a bed bug infestation, such as seeing live bugs in your bed, feces on your mattress or waking up with bite marks may be an indication you have bed bugs. We have some great resources to help you check for bed bugs signs and know the symptoms of an infestation.

Bed bugs not only invade your beds and lives, they can also invade your mind. If you think you have bed bugs, and aren't able to come to a conclusion, that's exactly what we're here for. We have two options to help you figure out if you have bed bugs or not:

We offer a free in-home bed bug inspection: One of our specially trained staff members come to your house. During our visit, we inspect your furniture, typical bed bug hiding places and any other areas you may suspect to have bed bugs.

If we cannot find a live bed bug, it may best to order a bed bug detection dog. Our bed bug dogs can detect bed bugs within 94% accuracy, and can find even a single live bug or egg.

Call us today: 1-800-955-1890

We believe the customer is always right, we treat you with respect and complete discretion. Our sole purpose is to rid your lives of bed bugs.

You can find 100s of bed bugs Toronto exterminators offering chemical and heat treatment all across Southern Ontario, but only very few truly care about your pesonal nightmare. We understand the psychological effects of bed bugs, we geniunly care about you and your family and have the best equipment in the industry.

The combination of our superior bed bug heat treatment equipment, our caring staff and our unbeatable prices, make us the right choice for you. Make sure you choose a bed bug company that always acts with integrity, your peace of mind is on the line.

We guarantee our work for 90 days, and have the lowest heat treatment cost in Toronto. If you are looking for bed bugs toronto, you've come to the right place.

Call Green Heat now: 1-800-955-1890

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Bed Bugs Exterminators Toronto ON, Bed Bug Heat Treatment ...

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